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Notes on equitation and horse training/Question 10

From Wikisource


Suppling the forehand.—The hind quarters having been drilled by the foregoing work, we must promptly train the forehand in order that both ends of the horse shall be in harmony as regards mobility and suppleness.

Shoulder in.—"Shoulder in" is the starting point in forehand suppling; this exercise furnishes the means of bending the forehand and spinal column and of training the forelegs to cross each other easily. La Guérinière says:

This lesson produces so many good results at once, that I consider it the first and the last to be given to the horse.

"Shoulder in" is obtained in the following manner:

Marching on the right hand, open the right rein as in changing direction to the right, and press the left rein upon the neck. Close the right leg to push the mass from right to left and slip the left leg behind the girth to restrict as much as possible the swinging of the haunches.

The support of the left rein is indispensable in order to keep the proper balance of the shoulders—that is, to prevent the weight of the right shoulder from plunging heavily upon the left shoulder.

The horse's head must be firmly held between the two reins, otherwise the exercise would become a lateral flexion of the neck and would do more harm than good.

The bending of the horse's body should not be overstrained. For example, it is perfect if, on the right hand, the left front foot and the right hind foot make tracks on a line obviously parallel to the wall of the riding hall.

The difference between shoulder in and two-track work is analogous to that between haunches in and two-track work. In the movement of shoulder in, if the trooper eases the hands slightly, the horse, being bent and not obliqued, will quit the track and start to make a circle. If, in haunches out on two tracks, the trooper eases the hands, the horse, being traversed and not bent, quits the track and moves off at an oblique.

About on the haunches.—The about on the haunches consists in causing the forehand to describe a half circle around the haunches. It is a difficult movement and, customary methods of instruction to the contrary notwithstanding, should not be taken up until after the completion of the exercises of haunches in and shoulder in.

The first part of the movement is easy enough, but the last part is difficult. Take for instance the right about. Begin the movement like a change of direction to the right, holding the haunches firmly with the left leg. In the remainder of the exercise the controlling aids are the left rein and the left leg. The left rein has first a bearing effect that, assisted by the right rein, swings the forehand on its path; thereafter, it has an effect of diagonal traction, pulling the mass back upon the right hock and thus holding the haunches stationary.

The about on the haunches is executed on the inside hind leg, the outside hind leg gaining ground around it.

Lateral effect and diagonal effect.—The movements that have been already executed with the rein and the leg: on the same side suffice to show the difference between the lateral effect and the diagonal effect.

It is easy to see that the former is the means and that the latter is the end in view. With young horses the right rein comes to the assistance of the right leg—lateral effect. With trained horses the rein places or controls the forehand while the leg controls the haunches—diagonal effect.