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Notes on equitation and horse training/Question 12

From Wikisource


Is it advantageous to prolong the first part of training?—There is a distinct advantage in prolonging the part of training that is done on the snaffle bit. So long as the young horse is unsteady and wabbly, so long as there is danger of encountering resistance, it would be better to leave him on the snaffle. With this bit struggles are less frequent, those that are unavoidable are less harmful, and on the days of bad humor on the part of horse or rider there is less chance of ruining the work accomplished in preceding lessons.

Moreover, the young horse nearly always needs to have his neck raised, strengthened, and set. If he has no breeding and the curb bit is used too soon, he has a tendency to bring the muzzle down against the chest or to bear heavily on the hand. If, on the contrary, he has class and energy, and is put on the curb bit before he thoroughly understands the leg aids, he will struggle against the hand, use his strength in fighting the bit, and subsequently much time will be required to quiet him and smooth out his gaits.

Bending lessons on the snaffle—When and how to be exacted.—It is better to take up bending lessons on the snaffle too late rather than too soon. As long as the horse is not well up in the reins, there is no opportunity to begin. When he bears properly on the bit, and not before, he should be taught to yield the jaw and to place the head to the right or left.

In preliminary bending lessons, to draw the head to the right the rider pulls gently and slowly upon the right rein and holds the left rein steady to regulate the amount of

displacement of the head as well as to prevent, as far as possible, any bending of the neck; the head alone should be turned to the right. The movement will be well executed if the head, held high rather than low, remains vertical; if the jaw is flexible, and if the displacement of the head to the right or left does not pass outside of the vertical planes parallel to the axis of the horse and passing through the points of the shoulders.

In these bending lessons, which are invariably practiced while the animal is moving, the legs must be used to keep up a steady gait and to prevent slowing up.

Easing the hand on the snaffle.—Bending lessons should always be followed by easing the hand, which is a rest for the horse after a somewhat fatiguing exercise, and a relief to the hind quarters; this exercise is also a means of extending and lowering the head of the horse and of accustoming him to keep in touch with his bit.

When the easing of the hand is well done, the horse, after yielding the jaw, should extend his neck little by little and answer to the bending lesson even after his head is down. These bendings at the end of the reins give most excellent results.

The easing of the hand should be most carefully distinguished from the movement when the horse bores savagely against the hand. This habit of boring or diving is easily acquired if the rider releases his hand suddenly instead of keeping a constant tension on the reins and gradually following the horse's head.