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French, German, Italian, Latin and Greek,




For Public Schools where Latin is taught.

Eugène (G.) The Student's Comparative Grammar of the French Language, with an Historical Sketch of the Formation of French. For the use of Public Schools. With Exercises. By G. Eugene-Fasnacht, French Master, Westminster School. 7th Improved Edition. Square crown 8vo, cloth. 5s.

Or Grammar, 3s. ; Exercises, 2s. 6d.

"The appearance of a Grammar like this is in itself a sign that great advance is being made in the teaching of modern as well as of ancient languages. . . . . The rules and observations are all scientifically classified and explained. . . . . Mr. Eugène's book is one that we can strongly recommend for use in the higher forms of large schools."—Educational Times.

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"To those who begin to study French, I may recommend, as the best book of the kind with which I am acquainted, 'Eugène's Elementary Lessons in French:'"—Dr. Breymann, Lecturer of the French Language and Literature, Owen's College, Manchester (Preface to Philological French Grammar).

Delbos. Student's Graduated French Reader, for the use of Public Schools. I. First Year. Anecdotes, Tales, Historical Pieces. Edited, with Notes and a complete Vocabulary, by Leon Delbos, M.A., of King's College, London. Crown 8vo, cloth. 2s.
——— The same. II. Historical Pieces and Tales. Crown 8vo, cloth. 2s.

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No. 1. Racine's Les Plaideurs.1s. 6d.

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No. 3. Corneille's Cinna. 1s. 6d.

No. 4. Molière's Bourgeois Gentilhomme. 1s. 6d.

No. 5. Corneille's Le Cid. In the Press.

[To be continued.]

Lemaistre (J.) French for Beginners. Lessons Systematic, Practical and Etymological. By J. Lemaistre. Crown 8vo, cloth. 2s. 6d.

Aim's French Familiar Dialogues, and French-English Vocabulary for English Schools. 1 2mo, cloth. 2s.

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Strouwelle (Prof. A.) Treatise on French Genders. 12mo, cloth. 1s. 6d.

Williams (T. S.) and J. Lafont. French and Commercial Correspondence. A Collection of Modern Mercantile Letters in French and English, with their translation on opposite pages. 2nd Edition. 12mo, cloth. 4s. 6d.

For a German Version of the same Letters, vide p. 4.

Fleury's Histoire de France, racontée à la Jeunesse, with Grammatical Notes, by Auguste Beljame, Bachelier-ès-lettres. 3rd Edition. 12mo, cloth boards. 3s. 6d.

Mandrou (A.) French Poetry for English Schools. Album Poétique de la Jeunesse. By A. Mandrou, M.A. de l'Académie de Paris. 2nd Edition. 12mo, cloth. 3s. 6d.


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———A Key to the same. Cloth.5s.

Möller (A.) A German Reading Book, A Companion to Schlutter's German Class Book. With a complete Vocabulary. 150 pp. 12mo, cloth. 2s.

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——— English into German. A Selection of Anecdotes, Stories, &c., with Notes for Translation. Cloth. (Key, 5s.) 4s. 6d.

German Reader, Prose and Poetry, with copious Notes for Beginners. 2nd Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. 3s.

Weisse's Complete Practical Grammar of the German Language, with Exercises in Conversations, Letters, Poems and Treatises, &c. 4th Edition, very much improved. 12mo, cloth.6s.

———New Conversational Exercises in German Composition, with complete Rules and Directions, with full References to his German Grammar. 2nd Edition. 12mo, cloth. (Key, 5s.)3s. 6d.

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———German for Beginners, New Edition. 12mo, cloth.5s.

———Key to ditto, 12mo, cloth.7s.

———German Grammar, 7th Edition. 12mo, cloth. 6s. 6d.

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———German Preparatory Course, 12mo, cloth. 2s. 6d.

———Method of Learning German, (A Sequel to the Preparatory Course.) 12mo, cloth. 3s. 6d.

———New System of German Controversial Questions, adapted to the Preparatory Course. 12mo, cloth. 1s. 6d.

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———German Method by Rose, &c. First Course. Cloth. 2s.

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Williams (T, S.) Modern German and English Conversations and Elementary Phrases, the German revised and corrected by A. Kokemueller. 21st enlarged and improved Edition. 12mo, cloth. 3s. 6d.

———and 0. Oruse. German and English Commercial Correspondence. A Collection of Modern Mercantile Letters in German and English, with their Translation on opposite pages. 2nd Edition. 12mo, cloth. 4s. 6d.

For a French Version of the same Letters, vide p. 2.

Apel (H.) German Prose Stories for Beginners (including Lessing's Prose Fables), with an interlinear Translation in the. natural order of Construction. 12mo, cloth. 2s. 6d.

———German Poetry. Nearly 300 Pieces selected from 70 different Authors. Crown 8vo, cloth.5s.

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Chamisso's Peter Schlemihl. The German Text, with copious Explanatory Notes and a Vocabulary, by M. Förster. Crown 8vo, cloth.2s.

Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm, the German Text, with Explanatory Notes and a Vocabulary, by J. A. F. Schmidt. 2nd Edition. 12mo, cloth. 2s. 6d.

Goethe's Hermann nnd Dorothea, "With Notes and Vocabulary, by M. Forster. 12mo, cloth. 2s. 6.d

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Schiller's Song of the Bell, German Text, with English Poetical Translation on the opposite pages, by J. Hermann Merivale, Esq. 12mo, cloth. 1s.

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Undine. 1s. 6c.; cloth, 2s. Aslauga. 1s. 6d.; cloth, 2s.
Sintram. 2s. 6d.; cloth,5s. Hauptleute. 1s. 6d.; cloth, 2s.

Latin and Greek

Bryos (Rev. Dr.) The Laws of Greek Accentuation Simplified. 3rd Edition, with the most essential Eules of Quantity. 12mo, sewed. 6d.

Euripides' Medea. The Greek Text, with Introduction and Explanatory Notes for Schools, by J. H. Hogan. 8vo, cloth. 3s. 6d.

———Ion, Greek Text, with Notes for Beginners, Introduction and Questions for Examination, by Dr. Charles Badham, D.D. 2nd Edition. 8vo. 3s. 6d.

Æschylus. Agamemnon, Eevised Greek Text, with literal line-for-line Translation on opposite pages, by John F. Davies, B.A. 8vo, cloth. 3s.

Platonis Philebus, "With Introduction and Notes by Dr. C. Badham. 2nd Edition, considerably augmented. 8vo, cloth. 4s.}}

———Euthydemus et Laches, With Critical Notes and an Epistola critica to the Senate of the Leyden University, by Dr. Ch. Badham, D.D. , 8vo, cloth. 4s.

———Symposium, and Letter to the Master of Trinity, "De Platonis Legibus,"—Platonis Convivium, cum Epistola ad Thompsonum edidit Carolus Badham. 8vo, cloth. 4s.

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———Philoctetes, Edited by the same. 8vo, cloth. 6s.

———Trachiniæ, Edited by the same. 8vo, cloth. 6s.

———Ajax, Edited by the same. 8vo, cloth. 6s.

Kiepert's New Atlas Antiquus, Maps of the Ancient "World, for Schools and Colleges. 6th Edition. "With a complete Geographical Index. Folio, boards. 7s. 6d.

Kampen. 15 Maps to illustrate Cæsar's De Belle Gallico. 15 coloured Maps. 4to, cloth. 3s. 6d.


Volpe (Cav. G.) Eton Italian Grammar, for the use of Eton College. Including Exercises and Examples. New Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. 4s. 6d.

———Key to the Exercises. 1s.

Rossetti. Exercises for securing Idiomatic Italian by means of Literal Translations from the English, by Maria F. Rossetti. 12mo, cloth. 3s. 6d.

———Aneddoti Italiani. One Hundred Italian Anecdotes, selected from "II Compagno del Passeggio." Being also a Key to Rossetti's Exercises. 12mo, cloth. 2s. 6d.

Venosta (F.) Raccolta di Poesie tratti dai piu celebri autori antichi e moderni. Crown 8vo, cloth. 5s.



Bojesen (Mad. Marie) The Danish Speaker. Pronunciation of the Danish Language, Vocabulary, Dialogues and Idioms for the use of Students and Travellers in Denmark and Norway. 12mo, cloth. 1s.

Rask (E.) Danish Grammar for Englishmen. With Extracts in Prose and Verse. 2nd Edition. Edited by Eepp. 8vo. 5s.

Williams and Ludolph. Dutch and English Dialogues, and Elementary Phrases. 12mo. 2s. 6d.


Wall Maps.

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1. The World. 12 Sheets. Mounted. 10s.
2. Europe. 9 Sheets. Mounted. 10s.
3. Asia. 9 Sheets. Mounted. 10s.
4. Africa. 6 Sheets. 10s.
5. America (North and South). 2 Maps, 10 Sheets. 10s.
6. Australia and Australasia. 6 Sheets. Mounted. 10s.
Handbook to the Series of Large Physical Maps for School Instruction, edited by J. Tilleard. 8vo.1s.


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Hebrew Texts. Large type. 16mo, cloth. each 1s.

Genesis. 1s. Psalms. 1s. Job. 1s. Isaiah. 1s.

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———The same Table, in 4to, with numerous Additions. Boards. 7s. 6d.

Williams and Simmonds. English Commercial Correspondence, A Collection of Modern Mercantile Letters. By T. S. Williams and P. L. Simmonds. 12mo, cloth. 4s.

Bayldon. Icelandic Grammar, An Elementary Grammar of the Old Norse or Icelandic Language. By Rev. George Bayldon. 8vo, cloth. 7s. 6d.

Spencer (Herbert) Education, Intellectual, Moral and Physical. Cheap Edition. Fourth Thousand. Cloth. 2s. 6d.