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Notes on the State of Virginia (1853)/Query 23

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Captain Smith, who, next to Sir Walter Raleigh, may be considered as the founder of our colony, has written its history from the first adventures to it till the year 1624. He was a member of the council, and afterwards President of the colony; and to his efforts principally may be ascribed its support against the opposition of the natives. He was honest, sensible, and well informed; but his style is barbarous and uncouth. His history, however, is almost the only source from which we derive any knowledge of the infancy of our State.

The Rev. William Stith, a native of Virginia, and president of its college, has also written the history of the same period, in a large octavo volume of small print. He was a man of classical learning, and very exact, but of no taste in style. He is inelegant, therefore, and his details often too minute to be tolerable, even to a native of the country whose history he writes.

Beverley, a native also, has run into the other extreme; he has comprised our history, from the first propositions of Sir Walter Raleigh to the year 1700, in the hundredth part of the space which Stith employs for the fourth part of the period.

Sir William Keith has taken it up at its earliest period, and continued it to the year 1725. He is agreeable enough in style, and passes over events of little importance. Of course he is short, and would be preferred by a foreigner.

During the regal government, some contest arose on the exaction of an illegal fee by Governor Dinwiddle, and doubtless there were others on other occasions not at present recollected. It is supposed that these are not sufficiently interesting to a foreigner to merit a detail.

The petition of the Council and Burgesses of Virginia to the King, their memorial to the Lords, and remonstrance to the Commons in the year 1764, began the present contest: and these having proved ineffectual to prevent the passage of the stamp act, the resolutions of the House of Burgesses of 1765 were passed, declaring the independence of the people of Virginia on the Parliament of Great Britain, in matters of taxation. From that time till the Declaration of Independence by Congress in 1776, their journals are filled with assertions of the public rights.

The pamphlets published in this State on the controverted question were:

1766. An Enquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies, by Richard Bland.

1769. The Monitor's Letters, by Dr. Arthur Lee.

1774. A summary View of the Rights of British America.[1]

—— Considerations, &c., by Robert Carter Nicholas.

Since the Declaration of Independence this State has had no controversy with any other, except with that of Pennsylvania, on their common boundary. Some papers on this subject passed between the Executive and Legislative bodies of the two States, the result of which was a happy accommodation of their rights.

To this account of our historians, memorials, and pamphlets, it may not be unuseful to add a chronological catalogue of American State-papers, as far as I have been able to collect their titles. It is far from being either complete or correct. Where the title alone, and not the paper itself, has come under my observation, I cannot answer for the exactness of the date. Sometimes I have not been able to find any date at all, and sometimes have not been satisfied that such a paper exists. An extensive collection of papers of this description has been for some time in a course of preparation by a gentleman[2] fully equal to the task, and from whom, therefore, we may hope ere long to receive it. In the mean time accept this as the result of my labors, and as closing the tedious detail which you have so undesignedly drawn upon yourself.

1496, Mar. 5.
 11. H. 7.
Pro Johanne Caboto et filiis suis super terra incognita investiganda. 12 Ry. 595. 3. Hakl. 4. 2. Mem. Am. 409.
1498, Feb. 3.
 13. H. 7.
Billa signata anno 13. Henrici septimi. 3. Hakluyt's voiages 5.
1502, Dec. 19. 
 18. H. 7.
De potestatibus ad terras incognitas investigandum. 13. Rymer. 37.
1540, Oct. 17.  Commission de François I. à Jacques Cartier pour l'establissement du Canada. L'Escarbot. 397. 2. Mem. Am. 416.
1548, 2. E. 6. An act against the exaction of money, or any other thing, by any officer for license to traffique into Iseland and Newfoundland, made in An. 2. Edwardi sexti. 3. Hakl. 131.
1578, June 11. 
 20 El.
The letters patent granted by her Majestic to Sir Humphrey Gilbert, knight, for the inhabiting and planting of our people in America. 3. Hakl. 135.
1583, Feb. 6. Letters patent of Queen Elizabeth to Adrian Gilbert and others, to discover the Northwest passage to China. 3. Hakl. 96.
1564. Mar. 25.
 26 El.
The letters patent granted by the Queen's Majestic to M. Walter Raleigh, now knight, for the discovering and planting of new lands and countries, to continue the space of 6 years and no more. 3. Hakl. 243.
Mar. 7. 31. El. An assignment by Sir Walter Raleigh for continuing the action of inhabiting and planting his people in Virginia. Hakl. 1st ed. publ. in 1589, p. 815.
1603, Nov. 8. Lettres de Lieutenant General de l'Acadie and pays circonvoisins pour le Sieur de Monts. L'Escarbot. 417.
1606, Apr. 10.
 4. Jac. 1.
Letters patent to Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers and others, for two several colonies to be made in Virginia and other parts of America. Stith, Append. No. 1.
1607, Mar. 9.
 4. Jac. 1.
An ordinance and constitution enlarging the council of the two colonies in Virginia and America, and augmenting their authority, M. S.
1609, May 23.
 7. Jac. 1.
The second charter to the treasurer and company for Virginia, erecting them into a body politick. Stith. Ap. 2.
1610, Apr. 10.
 Jac. 1.
Letters patent to the E. of Northampton, granting part of the island of Newfoundland. 1. Harris. 861.
1611, Mar. 12.
 9. Jac. 1.
A third charter to the treasurer and company for Virginia. Stith. App. 3.
1617, Jac. 1. A commission to Sir Walter Raleigh. Qu.?
1620, Apr. 7.
 18. Jac. 1.
Commissio specialis concernens le garbling herbæ Nicotianæ. 17. Rym. 190.
1620, June 29. 
 18. Jac. 1.
A proclamation for restraint of the disordered trading of tobacco. 17. Rym. 233.
1620, Nov. 3.
 Jac. 1.
A grant of New England to the council of Plymouth.
1621, July 24.
 Jac. 1.
An ordinance and constitution of the treasurer, council, and company in England, for a council of state and general assembly in Virginia. Stith. App. 4.
1621, Sep. 10.
 20. Jac. 1.
A grant of Nova Scotia to Sir William Alexander. 2. Mem. de l'Amerique. 193.
1622, Nov. 6.
 20. Jac. 1.
A proclamation prohibiting interloping and disorderly trading to New England in America. 17. Rym. 416.
1623, May 9.
 21. Jac. 1.
De Commissione speciali Willielmo Jones militi directa. 17. Rym. 490.
1623. A grant to Sir Edmund Ployden, of New Albion. Mentioned in Smith's examination. 82.
1624, July 15.
 22. Jac. 1.
De Commissione Henrico vicecomita Mandeville and aliis. 17. Rym. 609.
1624, Aug. 26.
 22. Jac. 1.
De commissione speciali concernenti gubernationem in Virginia. 17. Rym. 618.
1624, Sep. 29. 
 22. Jac. 1.
A proclamation concerning tobacco. 17 Rym. 621.
1624, Nov. 9.
 22. Jac. 1.
De concessione demiss. Edwardo Dichfield et aliis. 17. Rym. 633.
1625, Mar. 2.
 22. Jac. 1.
A proclamation for the utter prohibiting the importation and use of all tobacco which is not of the proper growth of the colony of Virginia and the Somer islands, or one of them. 17. Rym. 668.
1625, Mar. 4.
 1. Car. 1.
De commissione directa Georgio Yardeley militi et aliis. 18. Rym. 311.
1625, Apr. 9.
 1. Car. 1.
Proclamatio de herba Nicotianâ. 18. Rym. 19.
May 13. 1.
 Car. 1.
A proclamation for settlinge the plantation of Virginia. 18. Rym. 72.
1625, July 12. A grant of the soil, barony, and domains of Nova Scotia to Sir William Alexander of Minstrie. 2. Mem. Am. 226.
1626, Jan. 31.
 2. Car. 1.
Commissio directa Johanni Wolstenholme militi et aliis. 18. Ry. 831.
1626, Feb. 17.
 2. Car. 1.
A proclamation touching tobacco. Ry. 848.
1627, Mar. 19
 qu?2. Car. 1.
A grant of Massachuset's bay by the council of Plymouth to Sir Henry Roswell and others.
1627, Mar. 26.
 3. Car. 1.
De concessione commissionis specialis pro concilio in Virginia. 18. Ry. 980.
1627, Mar. 30.
 3. Car. 1.
De proclamatione de signatione de tobacco. 18. Ry. 886.
1627, Aug. 9.
 3. Car. 1.
De proclamatione pro ordinatione de tobacco. 18. Ry. 920.
1628, Mar. 4.
 3. Car. 1.
A confirmation of the grant of Massachuset's bay by the crown.
1629, Aug. 19. The capitulation of Quebec. Champlain part. 2. 216. 2. Mem. Am. 489.
1630, Jan. 6.
 5. Car. 1.
A proclamation concerning tobacco. 19. Ry. 235.
1630, Apr. 30. Conveyance of Nova Scotia (Port-royal excepted) by Sir William Alexander to Sir Claude St. Etienne Lord of la Tour and of Uarre and to his son Sir Charles de St. Etienne Lord of St. Denniscourt, on condition that they continue subjects to the king of Scotland under the great seal of Scotland.
1630-'31, Nov. 24. 
 6. Car. 1
A proclamation forbidding the disorderly trading with the savages in New England in America, especially the furnishing the natives in those and other parts of America by the English with weapons and habiliments of warre. 19. Ry. 210. 3. Rushw. 82.
1630, Dec. 5.
 6. Car. 1.
A proclamation prohibiting the selling arms, &c. to the savages in America. Mentioned 3. Rushw. 75.
1630, Car. 1. A grant of Connecticut by the council of Plymouth to the E. of Warwick.
1630, Car. 1. A confirmation by the crown of the grant of Connecticut, [said to be in the petty bag office in England.]
1631, Mar. 19.
 6. Car. 1.
A conveiance of Connecticut by the E. of Warwick to Lord Say and Seal and others. Smith's examination, App. No. 1.
1631, Ju'e 27.
 7. Car. 1.
A special commission to Edward Earle of Dorsett and others for the better plantation of the colony of Virginia. 19. Ry. 301.
1631, Ju'e 29.
 7. Car. 1.
Litere continentes promissionem regis ad tradendum castrum et habitationem de Kebec in Canada ad regem Francorum. 19. Ry. 303.
1632, Mar. 29.
 8. Car. 1.
Traité entre le roy Louis XIII. et Charles roi d'Angleterre pour la restitution de la nouvelle France, la Cadie et Canada et des navires et merchandises pris de part et d'autre. Fait a St. Germain. 19. Ry. 361. 2. Mem. Am. 5.
1632, Ju'e 20.
 8. Car. 1.
A grant of Maryland to Cæcilius Calvert, Baron of Baltimore in Ireland.
1633, July 3.
 9. Car. 1.
A petition of the planters of Virginia against the grant to Lord Baltimore.
1633, July 3. Order of Council upon the dispute between the Virginia planters and Lord Baltimore. Votes of repres. of Pennsylvania, v.
1633, Aug. 13.
 9. Car. 1.
A proclamation to prevent abuses growing by the unordered retailing of tobacco. Mentioned 3. Rushw. 191.
1633, Sep. 23. 
 9. Car. 1.
A special commission to Thomas Young to search, discover and find out what parts are not yet inhabited in Virginia and America and other parts thereunto adjoining. 19. By. 472.
1633, Oct. 13.
 9. Car. 1.
A proclamation for preventing of the abuses growing by the unordered retailing of tobacco. 19. Ry. 474.
1633, Mar. 13.
 Car. 1.
A proclamation restraining the abusive venting of tobacco. 19. Rym. 522.
1634, May 19.
 10. Car. 1.
A proclamation concerning the landing of tobacco, and also forbidding the planting thereof in the king's dominions. 19. Ry. 553.
1634, Car. 1. A Commission to the Archbishop of Canterbury and 11 others for governing the American colonies.
1634, Ju'e 19.
 10. Car. 1.
A commission concerning tobacco. M. S.
1635, July 18.
 11. Car. 1.
A commission from Lord Say and Seal, and others, to John Winthrop to be Governor of Connecticut. Smith's App.
1635, Car. 1. A grant to Duke Hamilton.
1636, Apr. 2.
 12. Car. 1.
De commissione speciali Johanni Harvey militi pro meliori regimine colonise in Virginia. 20. Ry. 3.
1637, Mar. 14.
 Car. 1.
A proclamation concerning tobacco. Title in 3. Rushw. 617.
1636-'7, Mar.
 16.12. Car. 1.
De commissione speciali Georgio domino Goring et aliis concessâ concernente venditionem de tobacco absque licentiâ regiâ. 20. Ry. 116.
1637, Apr. 30.
 13. Car. 1.
A proclamation against the disorderly transporting his Majesty's subjects to the plantations within the parts of America. 20. Ry. 143. 3. Rushw. 409.
1637, May 1.
 13. Car. 1.
An order of the privy council to stay 8 ships now in the Thames from going to New England.. 3. Rushw. 409.
1637, Car. 1. A warrant of the Lord Admiral to stop unconformable ministers from going beyond sea. 3. Rushw. 410.
1638, Apr. 4.
 Car. 1.
Order of council upon Claiborne's petition against Lord Baltimore. Votes of representatives of Pennsylvania, vi.
1638, Apr. 6.
 14. Car. 1.
An order of the king and council that the attorney general draw up a proclamation to prohibit transportation of passengers to New England without license. 3. Rushw. 718.
1638, May 1.
 14. Car. 1.
A proclamation to restrain the transporting of passengers and provisions to New England without license. 20. Ry. 223.
1639, Mar. 25.
 Car. 1.
A proclamation concerning tobacco. Title 4. Rushw. 1060.
1639, Aug. 19.
 15. Car. 1.
A proclamation declaring his Majesty's pleasure to continue his commission and letters patents for licensing retailers of tobacco. 20. Ry. 348.
1639, Dec. 16. 
 15. Car. 1.
De commissione speciali Henrico Ashton armigero et aliis ad amovendum Henricum Hawley gubernatorem de Barbadoes. 20. Ry. 357.
1639, Car. 1. A proclamation concerning retailers of tobacco. 4. Rush. 966.
1641, Aug. 9.
 17. Car. 1.
De constitutione gubernatoris et concilii pro Virginia. 20. Ry. 484.
1643, Car. 1. Articles of union and confederacy entered into by Massachusets, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven. 1. Neale. 223.
1644, Car. 1. Deed from George Fenwick to the old Connecticut jurisdiction.
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for exempting from custom and imposition all commodities exported for, or imported from New England, which has been very prosperous and without any public charge to this State, and is likely to prove very happy for the propagation of the gospel in those parts. Tit. in Amer. library 90. 5. No date. But seems by the neighboring articles to have been in 1644.
1644, Ju'e 20. 
 Car. 2.
An act for charging of tobacco brought from New England with custom and excise. Title in American library. 99. 8.
1644, Aug. 1.
 Car. 2.
An act for the advancing and regulating the trade of this commonwealth. Tit. Amer. libr. 99. 9.
Sept. 18. 1.
 Car. 2.
Grant of the Northern neck of Virginia to Lord Hopton, Lord Jermyn, Lord Culpeper, Sir John Berkeley, Sir William Moreton, Sir Dudly Wyatt, and Thomas Culpeper.
1650, Oct. 3.
 2. Car. 2.
An act prohibiting trade with the Barbadoes, Virginia, Bermudas, and Antego. Scoble's Acts. 1027.
1650, Car. 2. A declaration of Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes, and of his council, against an act of Parliament of 3d of October, 1650. 4. Polit. register. 2. cited from 4. Neale. hist. of the Puritans. App. No. 12. but not there.
1650, Car. 2. A final settlement of boundaries between the Dutch New Netherlands and Connecticut.
1651, Sep. 26.
 3. Car. 2.
Instructions for Captain Robert Dennis, Mr. Richard Bennet, Mr. Thomas Stagge, and Captain William Claibourne, appointed commissioners for the reducing of Virginia and the inhabitants thereof to their due obedience to the commonwealth of England. 1. Thurloe's State papers. 197.
1651, Oct. 9.
 3. Car. 2.
An act for increase of shipping and encouragement of the navigation of this nation. Scobell's acts. 1449.
1651-'2 Mar.
 12. 4. Car. 2. 
Articles agreed on & concluded at James Cittie in Virginia for the surrendering and settling of that plantation under e/y obedience & goverment of the common wealth of England, by the Commissioners of the Councill of state by authoritie of the parliamt. of England, & by the Grand assembly of the Governour, Councill & Burgesses of that countrey. M. S. [Ante. pa. 122.]
1651-'2, Mar.
 12. 4. Car. 2.
An act of indempnitie made att the surrender of the countrey [of Virginia.] [Ante. p. 124.]
1654, Aug. 16. Capitulation de Port Royal. Mem. Am. 507.
1655. Car. 2. A proclamation of the Protector relating to Jamaica. 3. Thurl. 75.
1655, Sep. 26.
 7. Car. 2.
The Protector to the commissioners of Maryland. A letter. 4. Thurl. 55.
1655, Oct. 8.
 7. Car. 2.
An instrument made at the council of Jamaica, October 8, 1655, for the better carrying on of affairs there. 4. Thurl. 71.
1655, Nov. 3. Treaty of Westminster between France and England. 6. Corps. Diplom. part 2. p. 121. 2. Mem. Am. 10.
1656, Mar. 27.
 8. Car. 2.
The assembly at Barbadoes to the Protector. 4. Thurl. 651.
1656, Aug. 9. A grant by Cromwell to Sir Charles de Saint Etienne, a baron of Scotland, Crowne and Temple. A French translation of it. 2. Mem. Am. 511.
1656, Car. 2. A paper concerning the advancement of trade. 5. Thurl. 80.
1656, Car. 2. A brief narration of the English rights to the Northern parts of America. 5. Thurl. 81.
1656, Oct. 10.
 8. Car. 2.
Mr. R. Bennett and Mr. S. Matthew to Secretary Thurloe. 5. Thurl. 482.
1656, Oct. 10.
 8. Car. 2.
Objections against the Lord Baltimore's patent, and reasons why the government of Maryland should not be put into his hands. 5. Thurl. 482.
1656, Oct. 10.
 8. Car. 2.
A paper relating to Maryland. 5. Thurl. 483.
1656, Oct. 10.
 8. Car. 2.
A breviet of the proceedings of the Lord Baltimore and his officers and compliers in Maryland against the authority of the Parliament of the commonwealth of England and against his Highness the Lord Protector's authority, laws and government. 5. Thurl. 486.
1656, Oct. 15.
 8. Car. 2.
The assembly of Virginia to secretary Thurlow. 5. Thurl. 497.
1657, Apr. 4.
 9. Car. 2.
The Governor of Barbadoes to the Protector. 6. Thurl. 169.
1661, Car. 2. Petition of the general court at Hartford upon Connecticut for a charter. Smith's Exam. App. 4.
1662, Apr. 23.
 14. Car. 2.
Charter of the colony of Connecticut. Smith's Exam. App. 6.
1662-'3. Mar.
 24. Apr. 4.
 15. Car. 2.
The first charter granted by Charles II. to the proprietaries of Carolina, to wit: to the Earl of Clarendon, Duke of Albemarle, Lord Craven, Lord Berkeley, Lord Ashley, Sir George Carteret, Sir William Berkeley, and Sir John Colleton. 4. Mem. Am. 554.
1664, Feb. 10.  The concessions and agreement of the lords proprietors of the province of New Cæsarea, or New Jersey, to and with all and every of the adventurers and all such as shall settle or plant there. Smith's New Jersey. App. 1.
1664, Mar. 12.
 20. Car. 2.
A grant of the colony of New York to the Duke of York.
1664, Apr. 26.
 16. Car. 2.
A commission to Colonel Nichols and others to settle disputes in New England. Hutch. Hist. Mass. Bay. App. 537.
1664, Apr. 26. The commission to Sir Robert Carre and others to put the Duke of York in possession of New York, New Jersey, and all other lands thereunto appertaining.
Sir Robert Carre and others proclamation to the inhabitants of New York, New Jersey, &c. Smith's N. J. 36.
1664, Ju'e 23.
 24. 16. C. 2.
Deeds of lease and release of New Jersey by the Duke of York to Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret.
A conveiance of the Delaware counties to William Penn.
1664, Aug.
 19-29, 20-30,
 24. A'g.
 25. Sep. 4.
Letters between Stuyvesant and Colonel Nichols on the English right. Smith's N. J. 37. 42.
1664, Aug. 27. Treaty between the English and Dutch for the surrender of the New Netherlands. Sm. N. Jer. 41.
September 3. Nicoll's commission to Sir Robert Carre to reduce the Dutch on Dalaware bay. Sm. N. J. 42.
Instructions to Sir Robert Carre for reducing of Delaware bay and settling the people there under his Majesty's obedience. Sm. N. J. 47.
1664, Oct'r 1. Articles of capitulation between Sir Robert Carre and the Dutch and Swedes on Delaware bay and Delaware river. Sm. N. J. 49.
1664, Dec. 1.
 16. Car. 2.
The determination of the commissioners of the boundary between the Duke of York and Connecticut. Sm. Ex. App. 9.
1664. The New Haven case. Smith's Ex. App. 20.
1665, Ju'e 13-24. 
 17. C. 2.
The second charter granted by Charles II. to the same proprietors of Carolina. 4. Mem. Am. 586.
1666, Jan. 26. Declaration de guerre par la France contre l'Angleterre. 3. Mem. Am. 123.
1666, Feb. 9.
 17. Car. 2.
Declaration of war by the King of England against the King of France.
1667, July 31. The treaty of peace between France and England made at Brada. 7. Corps. Dipl. part 1. p. 41. 2. Mem. Am. 32.
1667, July 31. The treaty of peace and alliance between England and the United Provinces made at Breda. 7. Cor. Dip. p. 1. p. 44. 2. Mem. Am. 40.
1667-8, Feb'y 17. Acte de la cession de l'Acadie au roi de France. 2. Mem. Am. 292.
1668, Apr, 21. Directions from the Governor and council of New York for a better settlement of the government on Delaware. Sm. N. J. 51.
1668. Lovelace's order for customs at the Hoarkills. Sm. N. J. 55.
16—, May 8.
 21. Car. 2.
A confirmation of the grant of the Northern neck of Virginia to the Earl of St. Alban's, Lord Berkeley, Sir William Moreton, and John Tretheway.
1672. Incorporation of the town of Newcastle or Amstell.
1673, Feb. 25.
 25. Car. 2.
A demise of the colony of Virginia to the Earl of Arlington and Lord Culpeper for 31 years. M. S.
1673-4. Treaty at London between the King Charles II. and the Dutch. Article vi.
Remonstrances against the two grants of Charles II. of Northern and Southern Virginia. Ment. Beverley. 65.
1674, July 13. Sir George Carteret's instructions to Governor Carteret.
1674, Nov. 9. Governor Andros's proclamation on taking possession of New Castle for the Duke of York. Sm. N. J. 78.
1675, Oct. 1.
 27. Car. 2.
A proclamation for prohibiting the importation of commodities of Europe into any of his Majesty's plantations in Africa, Asia, or America, which were not laden in England: and for putting all other laws relating to the trade of the plantations in effectual execution.
1676, Mar. 3. The concessions and agreements of the proprietors, freeholders, and inhabitants of the province of West New Jersey in America. Sm. N. J. App. 2.
1676, July 1. A deed quintipartite for the division of New Jersey.
1676, Aug. 18. Letter from the proprietors of New Jersey to Richard Hartshorne. Sm. N. J. 80.
Proprietor's instructions to James Wasse and Richard Hartshorne. Sm. N. J. 83.
1676, Oct. 10. 
 28. Car. 2.
The charter of King Charles II. to his subjects of Virginia. M. S.
1676. Cautionary epistle from the trustees of Byllinge's part of New Jersey. Sm. N. J. 84.
1677, Sep. 10. Indian deed for the lands between Rankokas creek and Timber creek, in New Jersey.
1677, Sep. 27. Indian deed for the lands from Oldman's creek to Timber creek, in New Jersey.
1677, Oct 10. Indian deed for the lands from Rankokas creek to Assunpink creek, in New Jersey.
1678. Dec'r 5. The will of Sir George Carteret, sole proprietor of East Jersey, ordering the same to be sold.
1680, Feb. 16.  An order of the King in council for the better encouragement of all his Majesty's subjects in their trade to his Majesty's plantations, and for the better information of all his Majesty's loving subjects in these matters. Lond. Gaz. No. 1596. Title in Amer. library. 134. 6.
1680. Arguments against the customs demanded in New West Jersey by the Governor of New York, addressed to the Duke's commissioners. Sm. N. J. 117.
1680, June 
 14. 23, 25.
Oct. 16.
Nove'ber 4.
 8, 11, 18,
 20, 23.
Dece'er 16.
1680-'1, J'n. 
 15. 22.
Feb. 24.
Extracts of proceedings of the committee of trade and plantations; copies of letters, reports, &c. between the board of trade, Mr. Penn, Lord Baltimore and Sir John Werden, in the behalf of the Duke of York and the settlement of the Pennsylvania boundaries by the L. C. J. North. Votes of Repr. Pennsylvania, vii. xiii.
1681, Mar. 4.
 Car. 2.
A grant of Pennsylvania to William Penn. Votes of Represen. Pennsylvania, xviii.
1681, Apr. 2. The King's declaration to the inhabitants and planters of the province of Pennsylvania. Votes Rep. Penn. xxiv.
1681, July 11. Certain conditions or concessions agreed upon by William Penn, proprietary and Governor of Pennsylvania, and those who are the adventurers and purchasers in the same province. Votes of Rep. Pennsylv. xxiv.
1681, Nov. 9. Fundamental laws of the province of West New Jersey. Sm. N. J. 126.
1681-'2, Jan'y
The methods of the commissioners for settling and regulation of lands in New Jersey. Sm. N. J. 130.
1681-'2, Feb'y
 1, 2.
Indentures of lease and release by the executors of Sir George Carteret to William Penn and others, conveying East Jersey.
1682, Mar. 14. The Duke of York's fresh grant of East New Jersey to the 24 proprietors.
1682, Apr. 25. The frame of the government of the province of Pennsylvania, in America. Votes of Repr. Penn. xxvii.
1682, Aug. 21. The Duke of York's deed for Pennsylvania. Vo. Repr. Penn. xxxv.
1682, Aug. 24. The Duke of York's deed of feoffment of Newcastle and twelve miles circle to William Penn. Vo. Repr. Penn.
1682, Aug. 24. The Duke of York's deed of feoffment of a tract of land 12 miles South from Newcastle to the Whorekills, to William Penn. Vo. Repr. Penn. xxxvii.
1682, Nov. 27. 
 34. Car. 2.
A commission to Thomas Lord Culpeper to be Lieutenant and Governor General of Virginia. M. S.
1682, 10th m'h
 6th day.
An act of union for annexing and uniting of the counties of Newcastle, Jones' and Whorekill's alias Deal, to the province of Pennsylvania, and of naturalization of all foreigners in the province and counties aforesaid.
1682, Dec. 6. An act of settlement.
1683, Apr. 2. The frame of the government of the province of Pennsylvania and territories thereunto annexed in America.
1683, Apr. 17, 27. 
 May 30.
 June 12.
1684, Feb. 12.
 July 2, 16, 23.
 Sept. 30.
 Dec. 9.
1685, Mar. 17.
 Aug. 18, 26.
 Sept. 2.
 Oct. 8, 17, 31.
 Nov. 7.
Proceedings of the committee of trade and plantations in the dispute between Lord Baltimore and Mr. Penn. Vo. R. P. xiii—xviii.
1683, July 17. A commission by the proprietors of East New Jersey to Robert Barclay to be Governor. Sm. N. J. 166.
1683, July 26.
 35. Car. 2.
An Order of council for issuing a quo warranto against the charter of the colony of the Massachuset's bay in New England, with his Majesty's declaration, that in case the said corporation of Massachuset's bay shall before prosecution had upon the same quo warranto make a full submission and entire resignation to his royal pleasure, he will then regulate their charter in such a manner as shall be for his service and the good of that colony. Title in Amer. Library. 139, 6.
1683, Sep. 28. 
 35. Car. 2.
A commission to Lord Howard of Effingham to be Lieutenant and Governor General of Virginia. M. S.
1684, May 3. The humble address of the chief Governor, Council and Representatives of the island of Nevis, in the West Indies, presented to his Majesty by Colonel Netheway and Captain Jefferson, at Windsor, May 3, 1684. Title in Amer. Libr., 142, 3. Cites Lond. Gaz., No. 1927.
1684, Aug. 2. A treaty with the Indians at Albany.
1686, Nov. 16. A treaty of neutrality for America between France and England. 7. Corps. Dipl., part 2, p. 44. 2. Mem. Am. 40.
1687, Jan. 20. By the King, a proclamation for the more effectual reducing and suppressing of pirates and privateers in America, as well on the sea as on the land in great numbers, committing frequent robberies and piracies, which hath occasioned a great prejudice and obstruction to trade and commerce, and given a great scandal and disturbance to our government in those parts. Title Amer. Libr., 147, 2. Cites Lond. Gaz., No. 2815.
1687, Feb. 12. Constitution of the council of proprietors of West Jersey. Smith's N. Jersey. 199.
1687, qu? Sep.
 27. 4. Jac. 2.
A confirmation of the grant of the Northern Neck of Virginia to Lord Culpeper.
1687, Sept. 5. Governor Coxe's declaration to the council of proprietors of West Jersey. Sm. N. J. 190.
1687, Dec. 16. Provisional treaty of Whitehall concerning America between France and England. 2. Mem. de l' Am. 89.
1687. Governor Coxe's narrative relating to the division line, directed to the council of proprietors of West Jersey. Sm. App., No. 4.
1687. The representation of the council of proprietors of West Jersey to Governor Burnet. Smith. App. No. 5.
The remonstrance and petition of the inhabitants of East New Jersey to the King. Sm. App. No. 8.
The memorial of the proprietors of East New Jersey to the Lords of trade. Sm. App. No. 9.
1688, Sept. 5.  Agreement of the line of partition between East and West New Jersey. Sm. N. J. 196.
1691. Conveiance of the government of West Jersey and territories by Dr. Coxe, to the West Jersey Society.
1691, Oct'r 7. A charter granted by King William and Queen Mary to the inhabitants of the province of Massachuset's bay in New England. 2. Mem. de l' Am. 593.
1696, Nov. 7. The frame of government of the province of Pennsylvania and the territories thereunto belonging, passed by Governor Markham. Nov. 7, 1696.
1697, Sep. 20. The treaty of peace between France and England, made at Ryswick. 7. Corps. Dipl., part 2, p. 399. 2. Mem. Am. 89.
1699, July 5. The opinion and answer of the Lords of trade to the memorial of the proprietors of East New Jersey. Sm. App. No. 10.
1700, Jan. 15. The memorial of the proprietors of East New Jersey to the Lords of trade. Sm. App. No. 11.
The petition of the proprietors of East and West New Jersey to the Lords justices of England. Sm. App. No. 12.
1700, W. 3. A confirmation of the boundary between the colonies of New York and Connecticut, by the Crown.
1701, Aug. 12. The memorial of the proprietors of East and West Jersey to the King. Sm. App. No. 14.
1701, Oct. 2. Representation of the Lords of trade to the Lords justices. Sm. App. No. 13.
1701. A treaty with the Indians.
1701-'2, J'n 6.  Report of Lords of trade to King William of draughts of a commission and instructions for a Governor of New Jersey. Sm. N. J. 262.
1702, Apr. 15. Surrender from the proprietors of E. and W. N. Jersey of their pretended right of government to her Majesty Q. Anne. Sm. N. J. 211.
1702, Apr. 17. The Queen's acceptance of the surrender of government of East and West Jersey. Sm. N. J. 219.
1702, Nov. 16. Instructions to Lord Cornbury. Sm. N. J. 230.
1702, Dec. 5. A commission from Queen Anne to Lord Cornbury, to be Captain General and Governor in Chief of New Jersey. Sm. N. J. 220.
1703, Ju'e 27. Recognition by the council of proprietors of the true boundary of the deeds of Sept. 10, and Oct. 10, 1677. (New Jersey.) Sm. N. J. 96.
1703. Indian deed for the lands above the falls of the Delaware in West Jersey.
Indian deed for the lands at the head of Rankokas River, in West Jersey.
1704, Ju'e 18. A proclamation by Queen Anne for settling and ascertaining the current rates of foreign coins in America. Sm. N. J. 281.
1705, May 3. Additional instructions to Lord Cornbury. Sm. N. J. 235.
1707, May 3. Additional instructions to Lord Cornbury. Sm. N. J. 258.
1707, Nov. 20. Additional instructions to Lord Cornbury. Sm. N. J. 259.
1707. An answer by the council of proprietors for the Western division of New Jersey, to questions proposed to them by Lord Cornbury. Sm. N. J. 285.
1708-'9, Feb'y 28.  Instructions to Colonel Vetch in his negotiations with the Governors of America. Sm. N. J. 364.
1708-'9, Feb'y 28. Instructions to the Governor of New Jersey and York. Sm. N. J. 361.
1710, August. Earl of Dartmouth's letter to Governor Hunter.
1711, Apr. 22. Premieres propositions de la France. 6. Lamberty, 669. 2. Mem. Am. 341.
1711, Oct'r 8. Réponses de la France aux demandes préliminaires de la Grande Bretagne. 6. Lamb. 681. 2. Mem. Amer. 344.
1711, Sept. 27./Octo'r 8. Demandes préliminaires plus particulieres de la Grande Bretagne, avec les réponses. 2. Mem. de l' Am. 346.
1711, Sept. 27./Octo'r 8. L'acceptation de la part de la Grande Bretagne. 2, Mem. Am. 356.
1711, Dec. 23. The Queen's instructions to the Bishop of Bristol and Earl of Strafford, her plenipotentiaries, to treat of a general peace. 6. Lamberty, 744. 2. Mem. Am. 358.
1712, May 24./June 10. A memorial of Mr. St. John to the Marquis de Torci, with regard to North America, to commerce, and to the suspensions of arms. 7. Recueil de Lamberty, 161. 2. Mem. de l' Amer. 376.
1712, Ju'e 10. Réponse du roi de France au memoire de Londres. 7. Lamberty, p. 163. 2. Mem. Am. 380.
1712, Aug. 19. Traité pour une suspension d' armes entre Louis XIV. roi de France, & Anne, reigne de la Grande Bretagne, fait à Paris. 8. Corps. Dipl., part 1, p. 308. 2. Mem. d' Am. 104.
1712, Sep. 10. Offers of France to England, demands of England, and the answers of France. 7. Rec. de Lamb. 491. 2. Mem. Am. 390.
1713, Mar. 31./Apr'l 11. Traité de paix & d' amitié entre Louis XIV. roi de France, & Anne, reigne de la Grande Bretagne, fait à Utrecht. 15. Corps Diplomatique de Dumont, 339. id. Latin. 2. Actes & memoires de la pais d' Utrecht, 457. id. Lat. Fr. 2. Mem. Am. 113.
1713, Mar. 31./Apr'l 11. Traité de navigation & de commerce entre Louis XIV. roi de France, & Anne, reigne de la Grande Bretagne. Fait à Utrecht. 8. Corps. Dipl., part 1, p. 345. 2. Mem. de l' Am. 137.
1726. A treaty with the Indians.
1728, Janu'y. The petition of the representatives of the province of New Jersey, to have a distinct Governor. Sm. N. J. 421.
1732, G. 2. Deed of release by the government of Connecticut to that of New York.
1732, Ju'e 9,
 20. 5. G. 2.
The charter granted by George II. for Georgia. 4. Mem. de l' Am. 617.
1733. Petition of Lord Fairfax, that a commission might issue for running and marking the dividing line between his district and the province of Virginia.
1733, Nov. 29. Order of the King in council for commissioners to survey and settle the said dividing line between the proprietary and royal territory.
1736, Aug. 5. Report of the Lords of trade relating to the separating the government of the province of New Jersey from New York. Sm. N. J. 423.
1737, Aug. 10. Survey and report of the commissioners appointed on the part of the Crown to settle the line between the Crown and Lord Fairfax.
1737, Aug. 11. Survey and report of the commissioners appointed on the part of Lord Fairfax to settle the line between the Crown and him.
1738, Dec. 21. Order of reference of the surveys between the Crown and Lord Fairfax to the council for plantation affairs.
1744, June. Treaty with the Indians of the Six Nations at Lancaster.
1745, April 6. Report of the council for plantation affairs, fixing the head springs of Rappahanoc and Patowmac, and a commission to extend the line.
1745, Apr. 11. Order of the King in council confirming the said report of the council for plantation affairs.
1748, Apr. 30. Articles préliminaires pour parvenir à la paix, signés à Aix la Chapelle entre les ministres de France, de la Grande Bretagne, & des Provinces Unies des Pays Bas. 2. Mem. de V Am. 159.
1748, May 21. Declaration des ministres de France, de la Grande Bretagne, & des Provinces Unies des Pays Bas, pour rectifier les articles I. & II. des préliminaires. 2. Mem. Am. 165.
1748, Oct'r 7,
 18. 22. G. 2. 
The general and definitive treaty of peace concluded at Aix la Chapelle. Lond. Mag. 1748. 503 French. 2. Mem. Am. 169.
1754. A treaty with the Indians.
1758, Aug. 7. A conference between Governor Bernard and Indian nations at Burlington. Sm. N. J. 449.
1758, Oct'r 8. A conference between Governor Denny, Governor Bernard and others, and Indian nations at Easton. Sm. N. J. 455.
1759, July 25.
 33. G. 2.
The capitulation of Niagara.
175—. The King's proclamation promising lands to soldiers.
1763, Feb. 10. 
 3. G. 3.
The definitive treaty concluded at Paris. Lond. Mag., 1763. 149.
1763, Oct'r 7
 G. 3.
A proclamation for regulating the cessions made by the last treaty of peace. Guth. Geogr. Gram. 623.
1763. The King's proclamation against settling on any lands on the waters, westward of the Alleghaney.
1768, Nov. 3. Deed from the Six Nations of Indians to William Trent and others for lands betwixt the Ohio and Monongahela. View of the title to Indiana. Phil. Styner and Cist. 1776.
1768, Nov. 5. Deed from the Six Nations of Indians to the Crown for certain lands and settling a boundary. M. S.
  1. By the author of these notes.
  2. Mr. Hazard.