Christopher RobinHad wheezlesAnd sneezles,They bundled himIntoHis bed.They gave him what goesWith a cold in the nose,And some more for a coldIn the head.They wonderedIf wheezlesCould turnInto measles,If sneezlesWould turnInto mumps;They examined his chestFor a rash,And the restOf his body for swellings and lumps.
They sent for some doctorsIn sneezlesAnd wheezlesTo tell them what oughtTo be done.All sorts and conditionsOf famous physiciansCame hurrying roundAt a run.They all made a noteOf the state of his throat,They asked if he suffered from thirst;They asked if the sneezlesCame after the wheezles,Or if the first sneezleCame first.They said, “If you teazleA sneezleOr wheezle,A measleMay easily grow.But humour or pleazleThe wheezleOr sneezle,The measleWill certainly go.”
They expounded the reazlesFor sneezlesAnd wheezles,The manner of measlesWhen new.They said, “If he freezlesIn draughts and in breezles,Then PHTHEEZLESMay even ensue.”
Christopher RobinGot up in the morning,The sneezles had vanished away.And the look in his eyeSeemed to say to the sky,“Now, how to amuse them today?”