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Odes of Pindar (Myers)/Olympian Odes/14

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The Extant Odes of Pindar, translated into English (1874)
by Pindar, translated by Ernest Myers
Pindar2221355The Extant Odes of Pindar, translated into English — Olympian Ode XIV.1874Ernest Myers




This ode was to be sung, probably by a chorus of boys, at the winner's city Orchomenos, and most likely in the temple of the three Χάριτες or Graces, Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thalia.

The date of the victory is B.C. 476.

O ye who haunt the land of goodly steeds that drinketh of Kephisos' waters, lusty Orchomenos' queens renowned in song, O Graces, guardians of the Minyai's ancient race, hearken, for unto you I pray. For by your gift come unto men all pleasant things and sweet, and the wisdom of a man and his beauty, and the splendour of his fame. Yea even gods without the Graces' aid rule never at feast or dance; but these have charge of all things done in heaven, and beside Pythian Apollo of the golden bow they have set their thrones, and worship the eternal majesty of the Olympian Father.

O lady Aglaia, and thou Euphrosyne, lover of song, children of the mightiest of the gods, listen and hear, and thou Thalia delighting in sweet sounds, and look down upon this triumphal company, moving with light step under happy fate. In Lydian mood of melody concerning Asopichos am I come hither to sing, for that through thee, Aglaia, in the Olympic games the Minyai's home is winner.

Fly, Echo, to Persephone's dark-walled home, and to his father bear the noble tidings, that seeing him thou mayest speak to him of his son, saying that for his father's honour in Pisa's famous valley he hath crowned his boyish hair with garlands from the glorious games.