Of Englishe Dogges/Index
An Alphabeticall Index, declaring the whole discourse of this abridgement. The number importeth the Page.
A. | ||
A | Bridgement of Doggs. | 1 |
Abstinence from lost goods | 27 | |
Aelianus his opinion of bloodhoundes. | 6 | |
Aelianus and Aelius opinion of the beauer. | 19 | |
Alfredus maintained iustice. | 27 | |
An example of rebellion, and the reward of the same. | 26 | |
An example of loue in a dogge. | 31 | |
Arcadian dogge. | 36 | |
B. | ||
Bandogges bayte the beare and the bull. | 25 | |
Blondus opinion of a dogge. | 30 | |
Blooddy and butcherlye curres. | 32 | |
Beauer called a water dogge. | 19 | |
Beauer wherein hee is like a dogge. | 19 | |
Beasts preuented of succor. | 5 | |
Bloodhoundes howe they are knowne. | 5 | |
Bloodhoundes conditions in hūting. | ibidem | |
Bloodhounds whence they borrowe their names. | ibid. | |
Bloodhoundes pursue without wearinesse. | 6 | |
Bloodhoundes discerne theeues from true men. | 6 | |
Bloodhoundes hunte by water and by land. | ibid. | |
Bloodhoundes whue they cease from hunting. | ibidem | |
Bloodhoundes why they are kept close in the day, and let lose in the night. | ibide. | |
Bloodhoundes haue not libertye always in raunge at wyll. | 7 | |
Bloodhoundes are their maisters guides. | ibid. | |
Borders of England pestred with pylferers. | ibidem | |
Bloodhoundes why they are vsed in England and Scotland. | ibi. | |
Bloodhoundes take not the water naturally. | ibidem | |
Bloodhoundes called Brache in Scottishe. | ibidem | |
Bloodhoundes whue they barck. | 8 | |
Butchers dogge. | 26 | |
Butchers dogge why so called. | ibide. | |
C. | ||
Caius booke of dogges twyse written. | 1 | |
Conny is not hunted. | 4 | |
Connye caught with the ferryt. | ibidem | |
Conny taken with the net. | ibi. | |
Cotinuaunce of tyme breedeth cunning. | 8 | |
Castle of Flint. | 10 | |
Cunnies preuented of succor. | 11 | |
Callunachus. | 20 | |
Comforters called Meliteus. | ibid. | |
Cōforters proportion described. | ibide. | |
Comforters condicions declared. | ibidem | |
Comforters to what ende they serue. | ibidem | |
Comforters the pretier, the pleasaunter. | 21 | |
Comforters companions of ydle dames. | ibidem | |
Comforters why they are so much estemed among gentlefolkes. | ibidem | |
Comforters, what vertue is in them. | ibide. | |
Conditions natural, som secrete, some manifest. | ibide. | |
Comforters called by sundrye names. | ibide. | |
Cicero pro S. Ross. | 26 | |
Countrey cotages annoyed with theeues. | ibidem | |
Capitolium kept dogges at the common charge. | ibide. | |
Carrier why he is so called. | 18 | |
Carrier seruice and properties. | ibidem | |
Comesparcke, a perillous place. | 30 | |
Cōmendation of the mastiue. | 32 | |
D. | ||
Dogges for hunting two kindes generally. | 2 | |
Diuerse dogges diuerse vses. | 4 | |
Deceipt is the instrument of the Tumbler. | 12 | |
Dogges for the faulcon, the phesaunt and the partridge. | 15 | |
Dogs are household seruants. | 16 | |
Ducks deceaue both dogge and maister. | 17 | |
Ducks subtyle of nature. | ibi. | |
Ducks dissēble weaknesse. | ibi. | |
Ducks prudent and prouident. | ibidem | |
Ducks regarde them selues and their broode. | ibid. | |
Dogges of a course kind. | ibi. | |
Dissembling theeues. | 27 | |
Dissembling dogges. | 30 | |
Defending dogges stick to their maisters to the death. | ibide. | |
Defending dogges greedy of reuengement. | ibidem | |
Diuersitie of mastiues. | 32 | |
Daungerous dogges. | ibid. | |
Daunsers qualities. | 35 | |
Daunsers begge for their meate. | ibidem | |
Daunsers vsed for lucre and gaine. | ibid. | |
Dogges wonderfullye ingendred. | ibidem. | |
E. | ||
England is not without Scottish dogges. | 2 | |
Election in a gase hound. | 8 | |
England and VVales are cleare from wolues. | 24 | |
Edgar what tyme King of England. | ibidem | |
Epirus a countrey in Græcia. | 28 | |
F. | ||
Foxe hunted by the gasehound. | 8 | |
Flight preuenteth peryl. | 9 | |
Froisart historiographer. | 10 | |
Flint Castle. | ibide. | |
French dogges how their skins be speckled. | 15 | |
Fisher dogge none in Englande. | 18 | |
Fisher dogge, doubtfull if there be any such. | ibidem | |
Faulcon and an Eagle fight. | 26 | |
Faulcon killed for fighting with an Eagle. | ibid. | |
Fire betraied by a dogge. | 30 | |
Fire raked vp by a dogge. | 31 | |
Farmers keepe dogges. | ibid. | |
Fearful dogges barcke sorest. | 32 | |
Foxes kept for sundrye causes. | 30 | |
Foxes holsome in houses. | ibid. | |
G. | ||
Gesner desirous of knowledge. | 1 | |
Gesner eanest in experimentes. | ibi. | |
Gasehound whence he hath his name. | 9 | |
Gasehoundes vsed in the North. | ibidem | |
Gasehound sometimes loseth his ways. | ibidem | |
Grehound light footed. | ibid. | |
Grehounds special seruice. | ibi. | |
Greyhoundes strong and swifte. | ibidem | |
Grehounds game. | 10 | |
Grehounds spare of body. | ibi. | |
Grehounds nature wonderfull. | ibid. | |
Grehounds of King Richarde. | ibid. | |
Gentle dogge. | 14 | |
Gratius Poet his opinion. | 37 | |
Getulian dogge. | 38 | |
H. | ||
Hunting wherein it consisteth. | 2 | |
Hunting and fowleing doo differ. | 3 | |
Hunting dogges, fiue speciall kinds. | ibid. | |
Harryer excelleth in smelling. | ibidem | |
Harryer how he is known. | ibi. | |
Hare hunted by the gasehound. | 8 | |
Henry Duke of Lancaster. | 10 | |
Hole of the Conny their hauen of health. | 11 | |
Hare daunsing in measure. | 16 | |
Hare beating and thumping a dogge. | ibidem | |
Heare a hinderaunce to the water Spaniell in swymming. | 17 | |
Heare an unprofitable burthen. | ibid. | |
Hector Bœthus. | 18 | |
Henry the seuenth. | 26 | |
Henries commaundment to hang all bandogges. | ibid. | |
Henries faulconer, and his Faulcon. | ibi. | |
Hippocrates. | 38 | |
I. | ||
Iustice maintained by Alfred. | 27 | |
Ingulphus Croyladensis historiographer. | 28 | |
Ianus watching. | 31 | |
Indian dogges. | 27 | |
Iseland curres, rough and rugged. | ibid. | |
Iseland curres much sette by. | ibidem | |
K. | ||
King Richard of England. | 10 | |
King Edgars trybute out of VVales. | 23 | |
King Henrie the seuenth. | 26 | |
King of all beasts, the Lyon. | ibi. | |
King of all Birds, the Eagle. | ibi. | |
Keepers seruice. | 38 | |
Kingston, or Kingstoune verye famous in olde time. | 26 | |
Kinges crowned at Kingstoune, to the number of eyght, theyr names are these, Edward the first, Athelstan, Edmunde, Aldred, Edwin, Edgar, Edelred, Edwarde, syrnamed Yron rykkes. | ibid. | |
L. | ||
Leuiner quicke of smelling, and swyfte of running. | 10 | |
Leuiner, why so called. | ibi. | |
Leuiner foloweth the game eagerly. | ibi. | |
Leuiner taketh his pray speedilie. | ibid. | |
Lyon King of all beasts. | 26 | |
Lust of the flesh reconcileth enemies. | 38 | |
M. | ||
Maisters becke a direction to the gasehound. | 9 | |
Melita or Malta. | 20 | |
Mastiues proportiō described. | 38 | |
Mastiue, why he is called Villaticus. | ibi. | |
Mastiues vse and seruice. | ibi. | |
Mastiues are mankind. | ibi. | |
Mastiues of great mighte. | 26 | |
Molossia. | 38 | |
Mooner, why so termed. | 20 | |
Mooner watchfull. | ibi. | |
Mungrellesi. | 24 | |
Maiterless men carrie Apes about. | 35 | |
Man in the moone. | 37 | |
N. | ||
Nature hath made some dogges for hunting. | 4 | |
Naturall properties of the water spaniel. | 16 | |
No VVolues in Englande nor VVales. | 24 | |
No place free from theeues. | 27 | |
Nothing escapeth the spoiler. | 28 | |
Nonius bau wau. | 28 | |
Names of the mastiue. | 33 | |
Names of the spaniell gentle. | 22 | |
Names of Dogges whence they were deriued. | 39, 40, 41, 42, &c. | |
O. | ||
One dogge hunteth diuerse beastes. | 33 | |
Owners fo bloudhoundes howe they vse them. | 33 | |
Order of the Tumbler in hunting. | 33 | |
Of the Cumaneasse. | 33 | |
Of brasen shanckt Thales. | 33 | |
Otter. | 33 | |
P. | ||
Properties of a bloudhound issuing from desire. | 7 | |
Proportion and making of the water spaniel. | 17 | |
Pupine a byrd and a fyshe. | 19 | |
Princes pallace pestered with theeues. | 16 | |
Paris in Fraunce. | 30 | |
R. | ||
Rome maintained dogges. | 28 | |
Rare toyes meete for Englishemen. | 37 | |
S. | ||
Smelling is not incident to the gasehound. | 8 | |
Spaniels of a gentle kinde. | 14 | |
Spaniels two sortes. | ibide. | |
Spaniel of the lande what properties. | ibidem | |
Spaniel for the hauke and the nette. | ibide. | |
Spaniels some haue speciall names. | ibide. | |
Spaniel a name vniuersall. | 15 | |
Spaniels the colour of their skinnes. | ibidem | |
Setters make no noyse, or very litle, in their game. | ibidem | |
Setters giue attendaunce. | ibide. | |
Setters behauior. | ibide. | |
Setter whence he hath his name. | 16 | |
Seacalfe not numbred amonge Englishe dogges. | 19 | |
Sea calfe called a dogge fish. | ibi. | |
Seele or sea veale. | ibidem | |
Spaniell gentle or the comforter. | 39 | |
Shepherdes dogge, 23. The necessity of their seruice, ibi. The proportion of them. | ibidem | |
Shepherdes what benefitte they reape by their dogges. | 24 | |
Sheepherdes in what countryes they go before their sheepe. | ibidem | |
Sheepe howe they flocke at the sheepherds whistle. | ibid. | |
Sheepherds Dogge choose and take. | ibid. | |
Salacones vaineglorious. | 27 | |
T. | ||
Terrars hunt the badger and the Foxe. | 4 | |
Terrars hunt as ferryts hunt,. | ibi. | |
Terrars conditions. | ibid | |
Terrars holde fast with theyr teeth. | 5 | |
Tumblers crafty and fraudulent. | 11 | |
Tumblers why so named, ibid. their trade in hūting, ibi, their dissembling of friendship, ibi, they hunt against the wind | 12 | |
Theeuish dogges. | ibidem | |
Theeuish Dogge, a night curre, | ibidem | |
Theeues feare no law, 27. Some steale for neede, ibid. Some to maintaine brauery. | ibi. | |
Tynckers curres beare burthens, 29, their conditions, ibi, they loue their masters. | ibid. | |
Two suiters to one woman, | 30 | |
Turnespet painefull in the kytchen. | 24 | |
Thales with the brasen feete. | 37 | |
V. | ||
Vertue of the comforter. | 21 | |
Valentines law for vagabundes. | 37 | |
Virgils vearse. | 31 | |
W. | ||
VVatchwordes make Dogges perfect in game | 8 | |
VVonder of a Hare or Leuerit, | 16 | |
VVater spaniell called the finder, | ibidem | |
VVater spaniels what properties. | ibidem | |
VVater spaniels their proportion, 17, howe they be described by D. Caius. | ibidem | |
VVhy so called. | ibidem | |
VVhere their game lyeth and what it is. | ibidem | |
VVhy they are called finders, | ibidem | |
VVanton women wanton puppies. | 20 | |
VVolues bloudsucking beastes, 23, none England nor wales, ibidem, three hundred payde yearely to Prince Edgar. | ibid. | |
VVarner what seruice he doth. | 34 | |
VVappes vnprofitable dogges. | ibidem | |
Y. | ||
Young dogges barcke much. | 8 | |
Yolping and yelling in a bandogge. | 31 | |
Yll kinde whelpes not regarded. | 32 |
The ende of the Index.