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Of the Imitation of Christ/Book II/Chapter VIII

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Of the Imitation of Christ
by Thomas à Kempis, translated by unknown translator
Book II: Chapter VIII
2628497Of the Imitation of Christ — Book II: Chapter VIIIunknown translatorThomas à Kempis



WHEN Jesus is present, all is well, and nothing seems difficult; but when Jesus is absent every thing is hard.

When Jesus speaks not inwardly to us all other comfort is worth nothing; but if Jesus speak but one word, we feel great consolation.

Did not Mary Magdalene rise immediately from the place where she wept, when Martha said to her, "The Master is come, and calleth for thee"?

Happy hour! when Jesus calleth from tears to spiritual joy.

How dry and hard art thou without Jesus! How foolish and vain, if thou desire anything out of Jesus!

Is not this a greater loss, than if thou shouldst lose the whole world?

2. What can the world profit thee without Jesus?

To be without Jesus is a grievous hell; and to be with Jesus, a sweet paradise.

If Jesus be with thee no enemy shall be able to hurt thee.

He that findeth Jesus findeth a good treasure, yea, a good above all good.

And he that loseth Jesus loseth much indeed, yea more than the whole world!

Most poor is he who liveth without Jesus; and he most rich who is dear to Jesus.

It requireth great skill to know how to hold converse with Jesus; and to know how to retain Jesus is great wisdom.

Be thou humble and peaceable, and Jesus will be with thee.

Be devout and quiet, and Jesus will stay with thee.

Thou mayest soon drive away Jesus, and lose His favour, if thou wilt turn aside to outward things.

And if thou shouldst drive Him from thee, and lose Him, unto whom wilt thou flee, and whom wilt thou then seek for thy friend?

Without a friend thou canst not well live; and if Jesus be not above all to thee, thou shalt indeed be sad and desolate.

Therefore thou doest most foolishly, if thou trust or rejoice in any other.

It is preferable to have all the world against us, rather than to have Jesus offended with us.

Amongst all therefore that be dear unto us, let Jesus alone be especially beloved.

4. Love all for Jesus, but Jesus for Himself.

Jesus Christ alone is singularly to be loved; and He alone is found Good and Faithful above all friends.

For Him, and in Him, let friends as well as foes be dear unto thee; and all these are to be prayed for, that He would make them all to know and to love Him.

Never desire to be singularly commended or beloved, for that appertaineth only unto God, who hath none like unto Himself.

Neither do thou desire that the heart of any should be set on thee, nor do thou set thy heart on the love of any; but let Jesus be in thee, and in every good man.

5. Be pure and free within, and entangle not thy heart with any creature.

Thou oughtest to be naked and open before God, ever carrying thy heart pure towards Him, if thou wouldst be free to consider and see how sweet the Lord is.

And truly, unless thou be prevented and drawn by His grace, thou shalt never attain to that happiness of forsaking and taking leave of all, that thou alone mayest be united to Him alone.

For when the grace of God cometh unto a man, then he is made able for all things. And when it goeth away, then he is poor and weak.

In this case thou oughtest not to be cast down; but to resign thyself calmly to God's will, and whatever comes upon thee, to endure it for the glory of Jesus Christ; for after winter followeth summer, after night the day, and after a tempest a great calm.