Of the Imitation of Christ/Book III/Chapter LV
LORD my God, Who hast created me after Thine own likeness, grant me this grace, which Thou hast shewed to be so great and so necessary to salvation; that I may overcome my most evil nature, which draweth me to sin and to perdition.
For I feel in my flesh the law of sin contradicting the law of my mind, and leading me captive to the obeying of sensuality in many things; neither can I resist the passions thereof, unless Thy most holy grace infused into my heart assists me.
2. There is need of large supplies of Thy grace, O Lord, that nature may be overcome, which is ever prone to evil from her youth.
For through Adam nature being fallen and corrupted by sin, the penalty of this stain hath descended upon all mankind, in such sort that nature itself, which by Thee was created good and upright, is now taken for the sin and infirmity of corrupted nature; because the inclination thereof left unto itself draweth to evil and to lower things.
For the small power which remaineth is, as it were, a spark lying hid in the ashes.
This is natural reason itself, encompassed about with great darkness, yet still retaining power to discern the difference between good and evil; although it be unable to fulfil all that it approveth, and enjoyeth no longer the full light of the truth, nor soundness in its own affections.
3. Hence it is, O my God, that I delight in Thy law after the inward man, knowing Thy commandment to be good, just, and holy, reproving also all evil and sin.
But with the flesh I serve the law of sin, in that I obey my senses rather than my reason.
Hence it is, that to will what is good is present with me, but how to perform it I know not.
Hence it is that I often purpose many good things, but because grace is wanting to help my infirmity, upon a light resistance I start back and faint.
Hence it cometh to pass that I know the way of perfection, and see clearly enough what I ought to do; but being pressed down by the weight of mine own corruption, I rise not to that which is more perfect.
4. O Lord, how entirely needful is Thy grace for me, to begin any good work, to go on with it, and to accomplish it.
For without that grace I can do nothing, but in Thee I can do all things, when Thy grace doth strengthen me.
O heavenly grace! without which our most worthy actions are nothing, nor are any gifts of nature to be esteemed.
Neither arts nor riches, beauty nor strength, wit nor eloquence, are of any value before Thee, O Lord, without Thy grace.
For gifts of nature are common to good and bad, but the peculiar gift of the elect is grace and love; they that bear this honourable mark, are accounted worthy of everlasting life.
So eminent is this grace that neither the gift of prophecy, nor the working of miracles, nor any speculation, how high soever, is of any esteem without it.
No, not even faith, nor hope, nor any other virtues, are unto Thee acceptable without charity and grace.
5. O most blessed grace, that makest the poor in spirit rich in virtue, and renderest him who is rich in goods humble in heart!
Come Thou down unto me, come and replenish me early with Thy comfort, lest my soul faint for weariness and dryness of mind.
I beseech Thee, O Lord, that I may find grace in Thy sight; for Thy grace is sufficient for me, though other things that nature desireth be not obtained.
Although I be tempted and vexed with many tribulations, yet I will fear no evil, so long as Thy grace is with me.
This alone and by itself is my strength; this alone giveth advice and help.
This is stronger than all enemies, and wiser than all the wise.
6. Thy grace is the mistress of truth, the teacher of discipline, the light of the heart, the solace in affliction, the driver away of sorrow, the expeller of fear, the nurse of devotion, the source of tears.
Without this, what am I but an unprofitable stock and a withered branch, only meet to be cast away.
Let Thy grace therefore, O Lord, always prevent and follow me, and make me to be continually given to good works, through Thy Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.