Of the Imitation of Christ/Book IV/Chapter XIV
HOW great is the abundance of Thy goodness, O Lord, which Thou hast laid up for them that fear Thee!
When I call to mind some devout persons, who approach to this Thy sacrament, O Lord, with the greatest devotion and affection, I am oftentimes confounded and blush within myself, that I come with such lukewarmness, yea, coldness, to Thine altar and the table of sacred communion.
I grieve that I remain so dry, and without hearty affection; that I am not wholly inflamed in Thy presence, O my God, and not so earnestly drawn and affected as many devout persons, who out of a vehement desire of the holy communion, and strong affection of heart could not restrain themselves from weeping. And these with desire both of soul and body, earnestly longed after Thee, O God, the fountain of life: not being otherwise able to satisfy their hunger, but by receiving Thy body and blood with all delight and spiritual eagerness.
2. O the truly ardent faith of such a clear evidence of Thy sacred presence!
For they truly know their Lord in the breaking of bread, whose heart within them so vehemently burneth, whilst Thou, blessed Jesu, dost walk and converse with them.
Such affection and devotion as this, love and fervency so vehement, are too often far from me.
Be Thou favourable unto me, merciful Jesu, sweet and gracious Lord, and grant to me, Thy poor needy creature, sometimes at least in this holy communion to feel if it be but a small portion of Thy hearty love, that my faith may become more strong, my hope in Thy goodness be increased, and that charity once perfectly kindled within me, may never decay.
3. Thy mercy is able to grant me the grace which I long for, in the day when it shall please Thee to visit me most mercifully with the spirit of fervour.
For although I burn not with such vehement desire as those who are so specially devoted to Thee; yet notwithstanding by Thy grace I long for this great and hearty desire, praying from the heart that I may participate with all such Thy fervent lovers, and be numbered with them in their holy company.