Ohio (Kail)
Ohio, I love thee, for deeds thou hast done;
Thy conflicts recorded and victories won;
On the pages of history, beaming and bright;
Ohio shines forth like a star in the night.
Like a star flashing out o'er the mountain's blue crest.
Lighting up with its glory the land of the west.
For thy step onward marching and voice to command
Ohio, I love thee, thou beautiful land.
Commonwealth grandly rising in majesty tall--
In the girdle of beauty the fairest of all,
Tho' thunders of nations around thee may roar--
Their strong tidal waves dash and break on thy shore--
Standing prouder and firmer when danger is nigh,
With a power to endure and an army to defy;
Ohio shall spread her broad wings to the world,
Her bugles resounding and banners unfurled.
A queen in her dignity, proudly she stands,
Reaching out to her sister States wealth-laden hands,
Crown'd with plentiful harvests and fruit from the vine,
And riches increasing in ores from the mine.
While the Liberty's banner unfurled to the sky--
Resolved for the union to do or to die--
Her soldiers and statesmen unflinchingly come,
'Mid booming of cannon and roll of the drum.
To glory still onward, we're marching along.
Ev'ry heart true and noble re-echoes the song,
Ever pledged for each other, through years that have fled.
We have hopes for the living, and tears for the dead.
Bless the heroes who suffered, but died not in vain;
Keep the flag that we love--without tarnish or stain.
Thus uniting with all, shall my song over be
Ohio, my home-land, my heart clings to thee!