Ollanta: An Ancient Ynca Drama/Act 2

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Enter the Ynca Pachacutec, Rumi-Ñahui, and Attendants.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Ollantaytan mascachini
Mananpuniu tarincuchu
Phiñayñiymi puchu puchu
Paypin llocllata45 tarini
Ricunquichu chay runata?

I ordered Ollantay to be sought for.
They have not yet found him.

My fury is great;
It bears me on like a torrent.
Hast thou seen that man?


Mancharisccanc Ccapac ccancan
Mancharisccanc (campac)
[Soncconpas chincarisccata
Ricuncani chay sallcata
Huchan punichari carccan].

I have feared thee.

My heart is lost.
I find a wilderness
In place of it.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Huarancca runata acllaspa
Puriy payta mascamuhuay.

With a thousand chosen men,
March in search of him.


Ñacha maytapas puririn
Quimsantin ppunchauñaschusan
Huasinmanta pichu pusan
Chay raycun mana ricurin.

Where can he have gone
In these three days,
That he has been away from his house?
Why is he not found?

Enter an Indian with a quipu.


Cay quiputan apamuyqui
Urupampamanta46 cunan
[Huc chimlliypin ynti munan
Hamunayta ñan ricuyqui].

I bring you this quipu
From Urupampa,
They ordered me to come quickly.
Now you have seen it.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Yman chaycunapi simi?

What news are these?


Chay quipucha huillasunqui.

That quipu will tell thee.

Brings a pole with coloured wool and grains of maize hanging from it.


Caycca llanta: ñan ccahuahuan
Cay umanpi huatasccaña
Cay rurucunari runam

There is here a pole
To which a skein of wool is fastened:
It reveals that there are as many men

Tucuy payman tinquisccaña.
Tucuy payman (huataccaña)

As grains of corn are here suspended.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Ymatan ccan ricurcanqui?

What hast thou seen?


Ollantaytas tucuy Anti
Runacuna chasquircancu
Hinatan huillacunccancu
Ccahuatas llautucun panti
Phurutas umallampi.
(O sanitac)

The whole Anti nation
Has risen with Ollanta.
It has been declared to me
That the red fringe was seen
Encircling his brows.


Chaytan quipu huillasunqui.

This also the quipu says.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Amarac phiña tacyactiy
Puriy, puriy, can huaminca
Callpayquiri pisicctinca
(Manarac ashuan chayactiy)
Pisca chunca huaranca
Suyuquita tacurispa
Utccay utccay puririspa
Muchuchinmi chayan.

Before my fury abates
March! march! O valiant warrior!
Go forth bravely
(Even with the force now here).
Fifty thousand men
Are raised in thy province.
March quickly;
The danger menaces.


Paccarillan llocsisacmi
Huallahuisa yuparisccan
Huallahuisa (camariscan)

I will go at once,
But now I had ordered

Ayqueccta hayccamusacmi
(Ccollamañan puririscan)
Cayman cutichimunapac
(Tucuita harcamusacmi)
Chay auccata sipinapac
Causactapas huañuctapas
Atisacmi runantapas
Ccanri Ynca! samariscay
[Huancunata camariscay].

Them to march to the land of the Collas,

All must be prepared

To capture this traitor,
Dead or alive.
This man shall submit
To thee, O Ynca! rest assured.
Be prepared for this.



Enter Ollanta, Hanco Huayllu, and Urco Huarancca, with attendant Captains.

Urco Huarancca.

Ñan huamincca chasquisunqui
Anti-suyu runa-cuna:
Anchan huaccan huarmi-cuna
Ricunqui cunan ricunqui:
Chayantatas purincca
Tucuy runa, tucuy Auqui
Ancha carun purinayqui
Yma ppunchaucha taninca
Sapa huata llocsinanchis
Chay caru llactacunaman
[Chay aucca runacunaman]
Yahuartan llipi hichanchis

The valiant men receive thee,
Even the men of Anti-suyu;
And the women also.
Thou shalt see! thou shalt see!
They will march to Anta.
All the men and their chief,
Thou shalt march with them.
May that day never come,
When every year they set out
For these distant villages,

To shed our blood,

Ñocanchispata paycunacta
(Ña Yncacta ña paipata)
Micuyñinta quespicuspan
As cucatari apacuspan
Purimuna llacta llacta
(Saicuscancu tucui)
Acco purunmi mascana
Acco (rurunmi)
Chaypin llamapas pisipan
Chaquitapas quiscattipan
(Chaipin chaquinchista ttipan)
Chaypin ccauchipi mitccana
(Millai turpucpas quiscana)
Unupas chaypacmi apana
Canumanta upyanapac
Ñapecctuscca samanapac
(Huañuitapas o suyana)
(Huañuytahuanpas huaccyana).

To cut off from the Ynca

The provisions he needs.
By carrying a little coca
Every village will have rest.

It is needful to seek sandy ways;

And if the llamas become tired
We must walk on foot.

Although it be among thorns,

We must carry water
For drinking with us,

We must supply these things

To guard against death.


Apucuna uyariychis
Urcco Huarancca rimascanta
Chay saycuy sutinchascanta
Chay saycuy (camariscanta)
Sonccoyquichispi happiychis
Ccancunamanta llaquispan
(Tucu Antita)

Chiefs! Listen
To the words of Urco Huarancca,
Saying you should rest;

Preserve them in your memories,
Even when you are in mourning.

Caracc Soncco ñini Yncata
Samarichun cunan huata
Anti-suyu! sispan sispan
Chay runacunac ttocyanan
Sapa huatan llipillancu
Ňa canascca ahuaranccu
Nanacc chuchucc onccoy manan
(Hina tocyan, hina onccocyan)
Chica caru purisccampi
Maychica runan pisipan
Maychica Auquin taripan
Huañuуñinta ccaiccascampi
Ccayta nispan llocsimun
(Hinan Anti)
Sapa Yncac ñauquinmanta
Manan ñinin hinamanta
Ñoca cunam phahuamuni
Ama pipas llocsisunchu
Samaycuchis huasiquipi
Noccatac llactayquichispi.
(Ñoccan casac aucca chunchu)

I have the heart to tell the Ynca
To desist during this year
From invading Anti-suyu.
For his army would retreat
In the year that comes,
Either from fatigue
Or else from sickness,

Or from the long marches.
The men would perish,
And many of the chiefs
Would meet with death
In such an enterprize.

Thus would it be with the sole Ynca.

If he should say no,
I should fly to prevent him
From invading us.
Rest in your houses,
I shall be in your villages.


Yncaicu causay huiñaspac
Apu unanchacta hoccarey
Llautuyquipactac camariy
(Sami chahuata achinaiquipac!)
[Puca ccahuata utccaypac]

May our Ynca live for ever!
Raise the great signal.

Prepare for him the llautu,

And the crimson tunic.

Yncan paccarin tampupi
Yncan paccarin. Yncan paccarin.

Let the Ynca appear in Tampu,
The Ynca is here! The Ynca is here!

Urco Huarancca.

Maquimanta chasquiy Ynca
Sayacc churascan llaututa
Caru carun Huillcañuta
Huillca umuta huacyactinca
Hamullancan ppunchau tuta.

O Ynca! receive in thy hands
The crimson llautu we offer,
How grand is Uillcañuta.
As Uillca are you seen
Day and night—the first among us.m

They seat Ollanta on the tiana, take off his yacollo,47 and put on him the royal robe and llautu.


Yncan paccarin Ollanta
[Yncan paccarin. Yncan paccarin.
Causapuasun. Causapuasun.
Llantuycausun. Lllantuycausun.
Sonccontan chaypacc camarin
Yayanchis hina uyhuaycausun
Churinta hina luluycausun
Huac chancunata cuyaycausun
Soncco ruranpi hatallihuasan.]

Long live the Ynca Ollanta!
Hail to the Ynca! The Ynca!
Long may he live! Long may he live!
His life be our protection!
Our hearts are ready
To obey our Father!
As a son he will love us,
He will care for us,
His heart will be ours.

[The music plays, with tambors and pincullus.


Urcco Huarancca Auqui cay
Anti-suyuta camachiy

Urcco Huarancca be noble!
To rule over Anti-suyu!

Caycca chucuy, caycca huachiy
Sinchi huaminccatac cay.
(Huaminccaypas ccantac)

Here are these arrows, here this helmet!
That you may also be valiant.

[Urco Huarancca receives the arrows.


Urco Huarancca huaminca
Causachun! causachun!

O brave Urco Huarancca!
Long may he live! Long may he live!


Hancco huayllu: canmi canqui
Ashuan yuyac hatun Auqui
Ashuan yuyac (machu)
Ccanmi cunan churahuanqui
Huillac Umucc ayllun canqui
Cay sipita huamincayman.

Anco Huayllu as thou art
A great and wise Auqui,

As thou art likewise
Of the lineage of the Uillac Umu,

Put on these badges, and conquer death.

[Puts on him the golden bracelet.

Hanco Huayllu.

Huarancca cutin yupaychani
Ccapac Ynca rurascayquita.
Ccari ccarita ccahuariy
Umanmanta saphicama
Quiscahuan ppachallisccata
Chaynan cana ccari ccari.
Maman hayccac ricunchu
Huasayquita auccacuna?

A thousand times, I venerate,
O powerful Ynca, thy deeds.
Behold the mighty warrior,
From head to foot
Bristling with arms.
Surely he indeed is a warrior!
Will he not behold
The backs of his enemies?

Ayquehuactac Puna-runa48
Manchahuactac llullu ccachu.49

He will neither fly like a mountaineer
Nor be humble as the weeds.

Urco Huarancca.

Uyariychis Anti-cuna
Ñan Yncanchis cunanccaña
Llapa runam tacyanaña.
(Ñan cunancca yuyanaña)
Huñurañan suyucuna
(Tacyananchis runa-cuna)
Machu Yncan Ccozcomanta
Maccanata camarispa
Runantatacc tacurispa
(Auquicunacta samispa)
Masca huasan quiquinmanta
(Horccomunca maccanata)
Tucuy Ccozco lloccimuñan
Cay huayccoman ñocanchista
Sipinanpacc huasinchista
Cananiytas aucca munan
(Camareytan chaita munan)
Manan ppunchau usunanchu
Cay Orccocunapi masttariy
Ccompi-cunata camariy
Manapunin ccasinachu
tamputa paccay llutay

Choose, O men of Anti-suyu!
What the Ynca advises.
All men take up arms—

All the provinces together.

The old Ynca from Cuzco
To prepare their clubs,

And arouse their men,

Likewise it is his order.

All Cuzco will go forth
To attack our lands
And destroy our houses,
Treating us as enemies.

Lose not a day,
Prepare upon the hills
The means of defence,
Let there be no waste of time.
Quickly bar the quarters,

Huc puncullata haquespa
Huc puncullata (s)
Tucuy Antini cheqquespa
(Orccocunapi hatarihuay)
Llapa onccopi hatariychis
(Hinantimpi miyuta cutay)
[Asca miyuta50 cutaychis]
Huachinchista hampinapacc
Auccanchista sipirapacc
Cay tucuytani utccaychis
(Huañunampacc utccay utccay).

And leave one door open

Towards the Andes.

Arouse all men at once

To grind all the poison
And prepare our arrows,
That in wounding the enemies

Death may come at once.


Urco Huarancca ccan acllascay
Auquicunata ñaupacpac
Ayllu Aylluta pusacpac
Ayllu Aylluta (pacapac)
Sayanantari unanchascay
Auccanchis manan puñunchu
Huc cutipi atipaspacca
Huc (yaicuita)
Cutipunccan tacca tacca.
Runa-cuna ccompisunchu.

I have chosen thee, O Urco Huarancca!
First among the nobles:
To honour thy lineage.

I have marked thee to be alert.
Our enemies do not sleep.
Thou canst conquer them,

And force them to retreat.
Shall men not act as men?

Urco Huarancca.

Ñan quimsa chunca huarancca
Anticuna cay [tampupi]
Anticuna c(pi)

Here are thirty thousand
Antis in the tampu

Manan ñocachis ucupi
Canchu quella canchu hancca.
Apu Maruti llocsincca
Uillca-pampa Anti-cunahuan
Chay ttinqui Queru51 pataman
Chaypim happinca runanta
Pacascata huillanaycama
Llapan hatun soncco cama
(Chimpanpitacmi hinatacc)
Auqui Chara runantatacc
Pacancca huac yanaycama
Chara munaypim puñuncca
Chunca huarancca Antinchis
Pacharpi52 Camayoc ñinchis
(Pachar huaiccopin hapinchis)
Huc chuncattatac Ayllunca
Yaycumuchun Cozcocuna
Upallaspalla Suyusun
(Ama rimarispa suyai)
Tucuy tocllapi cacctinri
Tucuy (ucupi)
Lluttasccan puncunchiscuna
Huateccaspalla Suyusun
(Llocllamunccan munay munay)
Putucunchista phucuna
Chay pachañan Orccocuna
Chapicunca rumintinri
Chuchin urmamuncca rumi

Amongst us all
There is neither coward nor sick.
The Chief Maruti will go forth
With the Antis of Uilca-pampa,
To the confluence of the Queru,
Where he shall conceal his men
Until I give the order.
All have large hearts.

The noble Chara with his men
Shall wait on the other bank.
There shall sleep with Chara
Ten thousand Antis.
In the valley of Pachar

Shall be other ten Ayllus.
Until the Cozcos enter
We will quietly wait.

When all are within

We will close the entrance,

And it shall be as a flood.

At the the sound of the conch
The rocky hills
Shall pour out stones,
The stones shall be as hail.

Huanccacunan huicupancca
Tucuyta chaypin ppampanca
Chaymi paicunapac tumi
Chaypachan ayqquecunacca
Maquinchispi huañunccacu
Quespiy attic huaquincuna
Tturpuscca ricurinccacu.

The missiles shall roll down,
All shall be buried,
This will be their punishment.
As for the fugitives
They will die by our hands,
Or by the poison of our arrows.

[They play pincullus and pututas, and exeunt, shouting:— [They play flutes and conches, and exeunt, shouting:—


Allinmi! Allinmi!

Good! Good!


Enter Rumi-Ñahui dressed in mourning, with two Attendants.


Sallocc Rumi! Rumi Ñahui!
Yma quencha rumin canqui
Ccaccamantan llocsircanqui
Sonccoyquim curaca ccahuy!
(Chaimi ccasapac Yarahui)
Manachu maquiqui carccan?
Chay huayccopi pacasccata
Ollantayta ccarcoscata
Manachu yuyarircanqui
Tapara soncco casccanta?

Ah Rumi! Rumi Ñahui!
What an unfortunate art thou!
Thou hast escaped from a rock—
For me it is a sad yarahui!

Have you not in your hands,
Hidden in this valley,
The fugitive Ollanta?
Dost thou not remember
That he has a treacherous heart?

Tucuy macanacusccanta?
Manachu ccan ttactarcanqui?
Hinantimpi llullacuspa
Sayucunata ichurcca
Payllapipunin tincurccan
Qquello cay ccari tucuspa?
Chica huarancca runata
Cunan ppunchau sipichini
Ñocca ñaccayta qquespini
Maquinmanta: chay ccanata
Ñoccaca ccaricha ñispa
Uyapura mascarccani
Chay huayccoman yaycurccani
Ayqquenpunim chaycca ñispa
Na suyuy puncumpi caspa
Urmamuyta ccallarimun
Tucuy ccacca ppucchirimun
Huanccacunata huaccyaspa
Hinantimpin rumi ñitin
Hinantimpin ccacca pacan
Ashuan acllascacunatan
Chaypi caypi cumpa sipin
Yahuarllan tucuy huayccopi
Parin llocllan masttaricun
Hinantinmi chayta ricun
Ñoccapas yahuar pponccopi
Pihuantacc tincuyman carccan
Mana runan llocsimuctin

With all his arms
Shalt thou not pull him down?
Why hast thou not tried
The arts of stratagem
To deceive his army?
He, being weak, has become valiant.
A thousand men
In this day
I have slain
With this hand. Thus only
I escaped. They thought
That he was a coward,
Therefore I sought him,
Thinking he would fly.
But in the entrance of his camp,
On every side,
Rocks began to fall,
Bringing with them many blows.
Thus the volleys of stones,
And the many rocks,
Killed and buried my men.
Here and there they fell,
The blood ran in the valley,
Flowing like a torrent.
I also beheld
A quantity of blood;
Yet I saw no one,
No man came forth,

Mana pipas ricurictin
Huancca cuna huarcca huarccan
Yma uyahuan tincusacc
Yncahuan cunan ccayllampi
Manan canchu caypacc hampi.
Risac maytapas ripusac
Ñan cunan seccocuymaña
Cay huaracahuan ñoccallata
Ycha cachus pay camalla
Ollantaypas urmanccaña.

None could be seen,
But my men were killed.
How can I return
To appear before the Ynca?
I indeed am lost!
Whither shall I fly?
I will hang myself
With my own sling.
The same will serve,
When Ollanta shall fall.



Enter Yma Sumac and Pitu Salla.

Pitu Salla.

Ama chicata puncuman
Yma Sumac llocsillaychu
Amatacc chaypi suyaychu
Mamacunam phiña cunam.
Yma Sumac sutiquipas
Ancha munacusccay ñaña
Hinapitacc pay camaña
Huillapunman maypas pipas
Acllaman53 cusita cconam
Cay canchapi huesccacuspa
Tiyay caypi cusicuspa

Yma Sumac, do not go
To the door so often.
Do not wait there,
Lest the matrons be vexed;
Thy name is Yma Sumac,
And it is well beloved.
Only to hear it
And to pronounce it
The Virgins are filled with joy.
When thou art here
Thou art surrounded with pleasure.

Pin caymanta pita horcconan
Caypin taricunqui ricuy
Tucuy yma ccoñiquita
Sumac ppachata ccorita
Caypin tucuy misqui micuy
Ynca yahuar acllacuna
Llapallanmi munasunqui
Tucuyllancu yuyacc cunac
(Tucuy tucuy)
(Maquincupin apasunqui)
Ña muchaspa ña llulluspa
Ccasconcupi churasunqui
Ccanllatan huayllusunqui
Ccanllatan huay(acllacu)
Uyayquipi ccahuacuspa
Ymatan ashuan munanqui?
Huc ñañancu canayquipac
Paycunahuan tiyanayquipac
Chaytan ccampas unanchanqui
Tucuy Auquip yupaychasccan
Ynca yahuar acllacaman
Yntita ccahuaspa saman
Ynticc hallanpac camascan.

No one ever goes out.
Here thou shalt see
All kinds of comforts—
Beautiful cloth of gold,
And sweet food.
The Virgins of Ynca blood
Love thee, all of them,
All the mistresses

Kiss and are fond of thee.
Thee alone they set apart,
Thee only they love

And embrace.
What more canst thou want?
Thou who shouldst serve the sisters,
Sit down with them all.
Thou shouldst also know
That thou art accounted noble,
And as a royal virgin.

Thou art as a child of the sun,
They guard thee, as belonging to the sun.

Yma Sumac.

Pitu Salla, millay cutin
Chayllatacc, chayllatatacc

Pitu Salla, many times,
Only this, only this,

Cunahuanqui ñoccaracctacc
Rimarisacc chaymi sutin
Anchatan checnipacuni
Cay canchata cay huasita
Caypi caspa cay ccasita
Ppunchau tuta ñacacuni.
Ppunchau (ppunchau)
Cay payacunacc uyanta
Ancha aputa ccahuascani
Payllatatacc ricuscani
Chay ccuchu tiascaymanta
Manan cusi caypi canchu
Hueqquen uyancupi caicca
Munaiñimpi canman chaicca
Manan pipas tianmanchu
Ccahuani puriccunata
Asicuspan ccuchicuncu
Maquincupi apacuncu.
Llipipas samincunata
Ñoccallachu huisccacusac
Mana Mamay casccan raycu?
Ccapac ttalla canay raycu
Cunanmanta qquesacusacc
Huc tutan mana puñuspa
(Caina tutan muspha muspha)
Muyanchisman yaycurcani
Hinaspan uyarircani
Chica chimpi ricucuspa

You say to me.
Now I will speak
The very truth.
This court, this house,
The useless life,
Days and nights I hate.

The faces of the old women
Above all I detest.
That is all I can see
From the corner where I sit.
In this place there is no joy,
Only tears to weep.
Your wish would be
That none should live here.
They all walk, as I see,
Between laughing and crying,
Their fate in their hands,
Full of anxiety.
I am shut up here,
Because I have no mother.
Having no good nurse to tend me,
I have been to seek for one.
Last night I could not sleep,

I wandered to the garden,
And there I heard,

In the moment I was there,

Haccacuyta pis ñacarin
Chica llaqui cuyapacuspa
Huañullayman ñin ccaparin
Hinantintan ccahuarini
Chucchaypas chascallicuspa
Huacyani mancharicuspa
Pipas cay riccuniy ñini.
Yapatacmi ccaparimun
Yntillay horccohuay-ñispa
Ancha cuyayta anchispa
Soncco qquehuiyta hiqquiman
(Yapa yapapai)
Chaccayta caytan mascani
Mana pita tarinichu
Huayallapi chihuin ychu
Ñoccari pay huahua cani
(paihuan huaccani)
Sonccoytacc lliquicuspa
Ccascoyta saqqueyta munan
Yuyarini choypas cunan
Mancharinin sipicuspa
Hinan caypi Pitu-Salla
Llaquillan quiquin quesacun
Huiqquellan huiñay sisacun
Yachay hinan munay ttalla
Amapuni cunanmanta
Rimanquichu qquepanayta
Checninim cay acllanayta.

A voice of mourning,
Groans and cries of one
Who prayed for death.
I looked all round,
With hair dishevelled,
Who art thou that mourns
So sadly? I exclaimed.
Take me from hence,
O sun! deliver me.
I looked all round;
My heart trembled.

I searched but in vain,
I found nothing,
Only the grass whistling in the meadow.
I am but a child;

My heart almost
Leapt from my bosom.
Even now, when I remember,
I am full of terror.
Even now, Pitu-Salla,
The same sorrow haunts me;
And the grief lasts for ever.
O my beloved nurse,
Listen to my wish.
Do not say I am to stay;
I hate this state of seclusion.

Pitu Salla.

Yaycupuy ari ucuman
Pacta paya llocsimunman.

Go in. Do not let
Any of the old women see you.

Yma Sumac.

Cay ccanchan ñoccapacmi?

Is this place for me?

Enter Ccacca Mama, dressed entirely in white.

Ccacca Mama.

Pitu Salla ñirccanquichu
Chay herqqueman cunasccaita?

Pitu Salla, hast thou given
My orders to this child?

Pitu Salla.

Ymaymantam huillani?

What should I tell her?

Ccacca Mama.

Yma ñintacc simiquiman.

What I have told you.

Pitu Salla.

Ancha cuyaitan huaccacun
Manapunin uyacunchu
Aclla ppachata chasquicuyta.

She weeps without ceasing,
And will not put on
The dress of the virgins.

Ccacca Mama.

Manacha anyarircanqui?

Hast thou not censured her?

Pitu Salla.

Pachatan ccahuarichini
Huaccha cascanta horccospa
Ña huamanmanta ccarcospa
Chay yuyayta hinan ñini

I showed her the dress,
That she might take off
The old clothes she wears.
I tell her she is not a child;

Mana aclla canqui chayca.
Millay llaquin ccatisunqui
[Yanapacun ccan muyunqui
Cay huasipi ñispa laycca.]

And that she cannot be a chosen one:
That, being dirty and sad,
She must be a servant
Always in this house.

Ccacca Mama. (To Yma Sumac).

[Munancca, Mama, munancca
Cay ppachatan pay chasquircca
Mana chairi pay ricuncca]
Ppasñallan huiñaypac canqui
Ymapaccha pay yuyacun
Usuri mana yayayocc
Huillullu mana mamayocc
(Ue herqque)
Chaccay pucac taparacum.54
Sutinta ñinqui sutinta
Chaypacc canqui caycunapi
(Canmi cai percacunapi)
Tucuy pacac accarapi
Tucuy milpucc sutintinta.

For thy loving nurse
Wilt thou not change thy clothes?
Seest thou not this dress?
Thou shalt always be a servant;
Thou shalt know thy dress;
A daughter without a father,
A child with no mother.

Here is a large butterfly (a bad omen),
Say thy name, thy name.
Thou art here shut up,

Closed up within these walls,
And even thy name is forgotten.


Pitu Salla.

Ay Yma Sumac! Yma Sumac!
Pacanmanchas uyayquita
Yma percca sapayquita

Oh, Yma Sumac! Yma Sumac!
Thou wilt be concealed.
What wall will hide you, in solitude,

Accoy ñircacc casacc pumacc!55
(Caicca Amaru caicca puma)

Here a serpent, there a lion?



Enter Rumi-Ñahui[1] on one side, and Piqui Chaqui on the other, looking about very carefully. They see each other.


Maymantatac Piqui Chaqui
(Yma hinan ccan)
Cayman ccancca chayamunqui
Huañuytachu masccarcanqui
Aucca Ollantayhuan huaqui?
(Ollantayhuan cusca)

Whence, Piqui Chaqui,

Dost thou come?
Dost thou seek death
With the traitor Ollanta?

Piqui Chaqui.

Ccosco-runa caspan huichu
Llactallaiman hampucuni
Chay huayccopi manapuni
Yachacuyta atinichu.

Being a native of Cuzco,
I come to my town
In yonder ravine,
I can no longer stay.


Ymatan Ollantay ruran?

What is Ollanta doing?

Piqui Chaqui.

Chay ccaytutan cururan
Chay (quipucta)

I am spinning this heap of wool.


Yma ccaytu? yma cururta?

What heap? what wool?

Piqui Chaqui.

Tapuhuaycca ccoycunaspa
(Ymatapas cunan ccohuai)
Chay pachacca huillascayqui.

Dost thou ask me? Give me

Those clothes, and I will tell.


Huc allin caspita huatanaypacc
Quimsatatacc huarcunaypacc.

I will give you a good stick,
And to hang you—three.

Piqui Chaqui.

Ama manchachicu huaychu.

Oh, do not frighten me.


Utccayta rimariy ari.

Then speak quickly.

Piqui Chaqui.

[Ccanpas uyarihuay ari
Ñoccacca ñausay apuniu
Rimriypas upayapunmi
Machulaycca huañupumi
Mamaytacca cconccapunmi.

But you will not listen.
I am turning blind,
My ears are getting deaf;
My grandmother is dead,
And my mother is alone.


[Maipin ñinay Ollantaycca?

Where is Ollanta? Tell me!

Piqui Chaqui.

[Chusapunaccanmi tataycca
Manan pocconchu paccayca
Pocchupurccanmi callpayca
Sasan chay cuncu llantaycca
Ynca uccupin Mancanaycca
Ancha carus sallccantaycca].

My father is from home,
And the paccays are not ripe.
I have a long walk to-day,
It is difficult to carry me.
The Ynca would cut up his body.
The desert is very far off.


[Astahuan phiñachihuascay
Ricuy huancunccoyquimantacc.]

If you vex me again
I will take your life.

Piqui Chaqui.

Ollanta? ccanin sayarin.
Ollanta? pircata hoccarin
Ancha huanccacc rumimanta.
Hina runacunamanta
Yscayta hucman huatarin
Hatun runa llocsinanpacc
Ymanasccan ccan Yncacri
Umpu ancac hina surun
Cay ppachayqui ricuy tturun
Qquellichacunmi yanari.

Ollanta? He is at work.
Ollanta? He raises a wall
Of very great stones,
With his men.
He fastens two dwarfs,
That a giant may come forth.
Tell me! why are you,
Like the eagle spreading his wings,

With such long clothes,
That the mud stains black?


Manachu Ccosco llactata
Ccahuarinqui huaccascacta
Pachacutec pampascata
Ricullay llapa runata
Ricullay llapa (llata)
Tucuymi yanata pachan
Tucuymi hueqquecta huaccan.

Seest thou not the city of Cuzco
Is filled with mourning,
Pachacutec is buried—
All men are dressed

In mourning clothes,
And there is great lamentation?

Piqui Chaqui.

Pitac Ynca tiay cuncca
Pitac (cunanri sayanca)
Pachacutec rantintani?
Pachacutec (qquepantari?)

Who shall be Ynca

To succeed Pachacutec?


Ccapac Yupanqui sayancca.

Ccapac Yupanqui stands.

Piqui Chaqui.

[Pachacutec churillanca]
Qqueparinccan asccatacmi
Qqueparinccan ascca(punin)
Cacctacmi huc cunac llancca?

Though Pachacutec has sons
In great number,

Shall it still be him?


Tucuy Cozcon acllan payta
Yncari llauttuntan saqquen
Champintan saqquen camaqquen
Atincuchu hucta acllaita
[Ccanmi ccatihuay utccayta.]

All Cuzco has declared it.
The Ynca has assumed the llautu,
He has taken the champi.
Him alone can we choose,
He alone can be taken.

Piqui Chaqui.

Apamusac puñunayta.

I must go to fetch my bed.



Enter Ccapac Yupanqui, the Uillac Umu, and Ñustas, with attendants.
Enter (Thupac) Yupanqui, the Uillac Umu, and Ñustas, with attendants.


Cunan ppunchaumi Auqui-cuna
Llapata yupaychayquichis
Yntiman chasquichiquichis
Yntic huarmin caccunan

On this day, O nobles!
All of you should worship
And venerate the sun.
All virgins that exist

Hinantin suyun cusicun
Cay canchaypi ricuspa
Sonccoy hinatac yupaspa
Ccancunata yuyan ricun.

Are filled with joy,
To see it in this place.
Remember your duty,
To pray with your hearts.

Uillac Umu.

Ccayna ppunchau saya ccosñin
Yntic suyun uyancama
Chasquincancha Pachacamac
Tucuy ccanam sami llocsin
Hucllan Ynca tacurirccan
Piscocuna canasccapi
Llamacuna rupasccapi
Tucuy runan ccahuarinccan
Huc ancatan quicharccaicu
Ccasconta ccahuaicunapac
Sonccomanta recsinapac
Chusacllatan tarircaycu
Chay ancan Antinsuyuyqui
Utccay chaita huñupuna
Ccasacunmi y chaicuna
Chaitan cunan huatupuyqui.

Yesterday the smoke arose
To the region of the Sun.
Pachacamac is now
Filled with joy.
But one thing has moved the Ynca—
In the sacrifice of birds,56
In the burning of llamas,
All men have seen.
We opened an eagle
To observe his bosom,
And divine from his heart.
We found it empty.
That eagle, as to Anti-suyu,
Shows we shall soon
Put down the revolt—
It augurs that they will submit.

Ccapac Yupanqui.

Cay Anansuyu Huaminccan
Chay Ancata quespichirccan
Payllatac chincarichirccan.
Chay chicca runacunata.

That valiant Anansuyu
Left this eagle free—
And she has been the destruction
Of so many men.


Ñan Apu Ynca Yuyayqui
Hunttasccataña yacharccan
Chaicca huchaypunin carccan
Rumincani cay camayqui
Rumin ñittirccan tucuyta
Rumihuanmi llocsircani
Payhuan macana curcani
Chaymi atirccancu suyuita
Huc llatan mañacuscayqui
Saqquehuascay ñoccallaman
Noccan risac pucaranman
Llaquen ñocca aisamusccayqui.

Great Ynca, thou knowest
All that has happened,
And what are my sins.
Although I am a stone,
I will obey thee as a stone.
I went forth with a stone,
And with it I fought,
Though they held the province.
There is only one thing
That I would ask;
It is that I may go to the fortress;
I promise to gain a victory.

Ccapac Yupanqui.

Ccampan chaycca ruranayqui
Chay sutiquita hoccaripuy
Mana chayri cacharipuy
Suyuta: hinan camayqui.

Here is what thou must do
To recover thy name—
Thou must not abandon
The province. Such is thy duty.

Uillac Umu.

Pisi ppunchaupin ricunqui
Anti-Suyuta chaquiquipi
Hinan tincuni quipuyquipi
Utccay utccay rumi tunqui.

Thou shalt see, in a few days,
Anti-suyu at thy feet;
So I find in the quipus.
Fly! Fly! Rumi-tunqui.57


[A scene with Rumi-Ñahui and a Cañari Indian, not in my manuscript, is here inserted by Von Tschudi and Barranca. I believe it to be a modern interpolation.]


Enter Ollanta and Rumi-Ñahui covered with blood.58


Huarancca cutin muchani
Ccapac Ynca maquiquita
Ccapac Ynca (yupiquita)
Cuyapayay huac chayquita
[Chaqui quipitaccami cani].

A thousand times I adore,
Powerful Ynca, thy hand.

Have pity on this unfortunate;
I am at thy feet.


Pin canqui cayman purirei?
Pin chay hinata rurasunqui?
Maiñecmanta musphamunqui
Maiñecmanta (urma)
Chica usupa chica quiri.
(Pitac canqui)

Who art thou? Whence dost thou come?
Who has done this to thee?—
From whence hast thou fallen?

Who has thus wounded thee?


Anchatan can recsihuanqui
Rumin cani chay ccormani
Chaquiquiman chaymi urmani
Ccan Yncan horccarihuanqui!

You know me well;
I am that Rumi.
For this I have fallen at thy feet.59
O Ynca, favour me!


Sayarimui cay ricnayman
Sayarimui cay (maqueiman)
Pin chainata rurasunqui

Rise. Here you have my hand.

Who has done this to you?

Pin cayman pusamusunqui
Cay tampu llacta casccayman
Cay (iman cai nauqueimani)
Mosoc ppachata apamuy
Munasccaimi cay Auquicca?
Ymanasccan sapayquicca,
Manan canchu ccanpac huañuy.

Who has led you
To my town, to my lodging?

Bring new clothes,
For I love this nobleman.
Why art thou abandoned?
Thou shalt not die.


Mosocc Yncan chay Cozcopi
Ccapac Yupanqui tiyaicun
Caymi Tucuyllata raycun
Causac yahuar phosoccopi
Hinantintiña ccorospa
Manan sonccon tiyaycunchu
Tucuy ñucchun puca sunchu
Tucuyta sipin mosccospa.
Carccani: ychas yuyanqui
Chayta yachaspan Yupanqui
Huac yahuar paypa camanmi
Chay caracc soncco caiñimpi
Cayta ruray, cayta camay
Ñan ricunqui mama yayay
Caynam quirihuan huasinpi.

The new Ynca, in Cuzco,
Tupac Yupanqui, is now enthroned.

He is a cruel tyrant:
He lives in the midst of blood;
He shows no mercy;
He never softens his heart;
Like the red ñucchu and the sunchu,60
He devours all in his madness.
Perhaps you may remember me.
Knowing me, this Yupanqui
Has drawn this blood.
In his depraved heart
He does one thing, and imagines another.
You are now father and mother to me.
Here you have me in your house.


Ama llaquichu Rumi
Ñocca cunam hampisccayqui
Ccantatacmi cahuascayqui
Ccanmi canqui paypac tumi
Ynti huatana ppunchaupi
Cay tampupi hatun raymi
Chaypacha ccochucunaymi
Tucuypas ccochucamusun
Pucarapi hayllimusun.

Do not be afflicted, Rumi,
I will now cure you,
I will give you help.
You also must prepare your knife;
On the day of Ynti-huatana,
A great Raymi, in this tampu,
Will be celebrated.61
Then we must advance
From the fortress, with songs.


Quimsa ppunchau raymi cachun
Cusicuypas tacsa canman
Chaypacc ichas alliyaiman
Soncconco chaypac rimachun.

The Raymi will be for three days;
The time of joy is short;
By that time I shall be well.
I speak from my heart.


Hinan cancca, quimsa tuta
Hatun Yntita huatasun
Cusipi tucuy tiasun
Huisccasunchis cay tamputa.

So be it. Three nights,
We gaze on the great Sun;
We shall be seated in joy,
For that time the Tampu is closed.


Huarmicunatan cunana
Paycunac tatanmi cancca
Paycunan caypi samancca
Huarmi ccasccanta apana.

The servants shall be told
That they may arrange for the night.
Also they should bring
Their women with them.


  1. Von Tschudi has Huillca Uma.