Omar Khadr Letter to his Mother II

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Beneficent
To my dear, precious mother, who resides in the depths of my heart and will never leave it except if Allah wills.
I am writing to you after having received a letter from you and from Zainab this fortnight. […] Thank God for them, I used to get them nearly every week or twice a day. […] It had news of my father. I ask Allah to accept his good deeds and du’as and to grant him a place in the highest paradise. They showed me his picture and Karim’s maybe six months ago, all praise is due to Allah.
I exhort you to be patient but I know that you are as patient as a million mothers. I ask you to forgive me for not having written to you at first because I didn't know the address and now I know. O mother, I am patient and resigned to what my Lord Has destined for me and I was happy, all praise is due to Allah, that the last action with which he met Allah was martyrdom, that will help his sins to be forgiven if Allah wills.
What is new with all of you and how is the weather? If Allah wills, everything is fine. I told the boys about AbdurRahman's marriage and they were delighted for him. They congratulated him. I pray to Allah that when this letter reaches you they are living in the same house and that He blesses her and unites them in goodness. May He guide Abdul Rahman to be more religious through her.
How is your health, my dearest mother? If Allah wills, you are well and your morale is good to, if He wills. What is your news? Try to write and get everyone else to write me more letters. All praise is due to Allah, I receive them via the Red Cross.
There is only one week remaining until the blessed month of Ramadan starts. May Allah make it a month full of blessings for all of us and may He make us resolute in fasting and obeying Him and may He reunite us soon, if He wills.
As for me, mother, I am in good health; health is from Allah. My morale is very high and I am happy. I only lack Allah’s pleasure and may He reunite us soon if He wills. My health is good. I told you that I have finished […]. All praise is due to Allah. I also turned 18 on 19th September. I pray that Allah grants us long lives. May He make our conduct whole and sound and grant us a good end.
My health is good and all my injuries are normal. My eye is as it was before. I pray to Allah to set us free so we can treat it and alhamdulillah. I advise you, O my mother, to be patient and have taqwa as the Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) said. Look after Karim and your brother's sons. You must advise them as you know of the problems in these countries. Don’t forget us in your prayers. I have not and I will never forget all of you and I will keep writing for as long as I can. Our last prayer is all praise is to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Was-salamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Omar Ahmed Khdar, 9/10/2004
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