Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990/Title IV
[edit]- Subtitle A — Medicare
- Sec. 4000. References in Subtitle; Table of Contents.
- Part 1 — Provisions Relating to PART A
- Sec. 4001. Payments for Capital-Related Costs of Inpatient Hospital Services.
- Sec. 4002. Prospective Payment Hospitals.
- Sec. 4003. Expansion of DRG Payment Window.
- Sec. 4004. Payments for Medical Education costs.
- Sec. 4005. PPS-Exempt Hospitals.
- Sec. 4006. Hospice Benefit Extension.
- Sec. 4007. Freeze in Payments Under PART A Through December 31.
- Sec. 4008. Miscellaneous and technical provisions relating to PART A.
- Part 2 — Provisions Relating to PART B
- Subpart A — Payment for Physicians' Services
- Sec. 4101. Certain Overvalued Procedures.
- Sec. 4102. Radiology Services.
- Sec. 4103. Anesthesia Services.
- Sec. 4104. Physician Pathology Sservices.
- Sec. 4105. Update for Physicians' Services.
- Sec. 4106. New Physicians and Other New Health Care Practitioners.
- Sec. 4107. Assistants at Surgery.
- Sec. 4108. Technical Components of Certain Diagnostic Tests.
- Sec. 4109. Interpretation of Electrocardiograms.
- Sec. 4110. Reciprocal Billing Arrangements.
- Sec. 4111. Study of Prepayment Medical Review Screens.
- Sec. 4112. Practicing Physicians Advisory Council.
- Sec. 4113. Study of Aggregation Rule for Claims for Similar Physicians' Services.
- Sec. 4114. Utilization Screens for Physician Visits in Rehabilitation Hospitals.
- Sec. 4115. Study of Regional Variations in Impact of Medicare Physician Payment Reform.
- Sec. 4116. Limitation on Beneficiary Liability.
- Sec. 4117. Statewide Fee Schedule Areas for Physicians' Services.
- Sec. 4118. Technical Corrections.
- Subpart A — Payment for Physicians' Services
- Part 2 — Provisions Relating to PART B
- Subpart B — Other Items and Services
- Sec. 4151. Payments for Hospital Outpatient Sservices.
- Sec. 4152. Durable Medical Equipment.
- Sec. 4153. Provisions Relating to Orthotics and Prosthetics.
- Sec. 4154. Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Tests.
- Sec. 4155. Coverage of Nurse Practitioners in Rural Areas.
- Sec. 4156. Coverage of Injectable Drugs for Treatment of Osteoporosis.
- Sec. 4157. Separate Payment Under PART B for Services of Certain Health Practitioners.
- Sec. 4158. Reduction in Payments Under PART B During Final 2 Months of 1990.
- Sec. 4159. Payments for Medical Education Costs.
- Sec. 4160. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists.
- Sec. 4161. Community Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics.
- Sec. 4162. Partial Hospitalization in Community Mental Health Centers.
- Sec. 4163. Coverage of Screening Mammography.
- Sec. 4164. Miscellaneous and Technical Provisions Relating to PART B.
- Subpart B — Other Items and Services
- Part 3 — Provisions Relating to PARTs A and B
- Sec. 4201. Provisions Relating to End Stage Renal Disease.
- Sec. 4202. Staff-Assisted Home Dialysis Demonstration Project.
- Sec. 4203. Extension of Secondary Payor Provisions.
- Sec. 4204. Health Maintenance Organizations.
- Sec. 4205. Peer Review Organizations.
- Sec. 4206. Medicare Provider Agreements Assuring the Implementation of a Patient's Right to Participate in and Direct Health Care Decisions Affecting the Patient.
- Part 3 — Provisions Relating to PARTs A and B
- Part 5 — Medicare Supplemental Insurance Policies
- Sec. 4351. Simplification of Medicare Supplemental Policies.
- Sec. 4352. Guaranteed Renewability.
- Sec. 4353. Enforcement of Standards.
- Sec. 4354. Preventing Duplication.
- Sec. 4355. Loss Ratios and Refund of Premiums.
- Sec. 4356. Clarification of Treatment of Plans Offered by Health Maintenance Organizations.
- Sec. 4357. Pre-Existing Condition Limitations and Limitation on Medical Underwriting.
- Sec. 4358. Medicare Select Policies.
- Sec. 4359. Health Insurance Advisory Services for Medicare Beneficiaries.
- Sec. 4360. Health Insurance Information, Counseling, and Assistace Grants.
- Sec. 4361. Medicare and Medigap Information by Telephone.
- Part 5 — Medicare Supplemental Insurance Policies
- Part 3 — Improvements in Child Health
- Sec. 4601. Medicaid Child Health Provisions.
- Sec. 4602. Mandatory Use of Outreach Locations Other Than Welfare Offices.
- Sec. 4603. Mandatory Continuation of Benefits Throughout Pregnancy or First Year of Life.
- Sec. 4604. Adjustment in Payment for Hospital Services Furnished to Low-Income Children Under the Age of 6 Years.
- Sec. 4605. Presumptive Eligibility.
- Sec. 4606. Role in Paternity Determinations.
- Sec. 4607. Report and Transition on Errors in Eligibility Determinations.
- Part 3 — Improvements in Child Health
- Part 4 — Miscellaneous
- Subpart A — Payments
- Sec. 4701. State Medicaid Matching Payments Through Voluntary Contributions and State Taxes.
- Sec. 4702. Disproportionate Share Hospitals: Counting of Inpatient Days.
- Sec. 4703. Disproportionate Share Hospitals: Alternative State Payment Adjustments and Systems.
- Sec. 4704. Federally-Qualified Health Centers.
- Sec. 4705. Hospice Payments.
- Sec. 4706. Limitation on Disallowances or Deferral of Federal Financial Participation for Certain Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital Services for Individuals Under Age 21.
- Subpart A — Payments
- Part 4 — Miscellaneous
- Sec. 4716. Amendments Relating to Medicaid Transition Provision.
- Sec. 4717. Clarifying Effect of Hospice Election.
- Sec. 4718. Medically Needy Income Levels for Certain 1-Member Families.
- Sec. 4719. Codification of Coverage of Rehabilitation Services.
- Sec. 4720. Personal Care Services for Minnesota.
- Sec. 4721. Medicaid Coverage of Personal Care Services Outside the Home.
- Sec. 4722. Medicaid Coverage of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency Treatment Services.
- Sec. 4723. Medicaid Spenddown Option.
- Sec. 4424. Optional State Medicaid Disability Determinations Independent of the Social Security Administration.
- Subpart D — Demonstration Projects and Home and Community-Based Waivers
- Sec. 4741. Home and Community-Based Waivers.
- Sec. 4742. Timely Payment Under Waivers of Freedom of Choice of Hospital Services.
- Sec. 4744. Provisions Relating to Frail Elderly Demonstration Project Waivers.
- Sec. 4745. Demonstration Projects to Study the Effect of Allowing States to Extend Medicaid Coverage to Certain Low-Income Families Not Otherwise Qualified to Receive Medicaid Benefits.
- Subpart D — Demonstration Projects and Home and Community-Based Waivers
- Subpart E — Miscellaneous
- Sec. 4751. Requirements for Advanced Directives Under State Plans for Medical Assistance.
- Sec. 4752. Improvement in Quality of Physician Services.
- Sec. 4753. Clarification of Authority of Inspector General.
- Sec. 4754. Notice to State Medical Boards When Adverse Actions Taken.
- Sec. 4755. Miscellaneous Provisions.
- Subpart E — Miscellaneous