Once a Week (magazine)/Series 1/Volume 7
(For an alphabetical and subject index, see below)
No. 157. June 28, 1862.
Illustrated by |
Frederick Walker. |
Mobile. By Thomas L. Nichols.
Charles Keene. |
Adelaide Claxton. |
No. 158. July 5, 1862.
Illustrated by |
Frederick Walker. |
J. E. Millais. |
Hamburg to Copenhagen and Roskilda. By Edward Smith.
J. Skinner Prout. |
No. 159. July 12, 1862.
Illustrated by |
Frederick Walker. |
Rain. By Rev. M. G. Watkins.
Charles Keene. |
Joseph Wolf. |
No. 160. July 19, 1862.
Illustrated by |
J. E. Millais. |
J. E. Millais. |
Charles H. Bennett. |
No. 161. July 26, 1862.
Illustrated by |
J. E. Millais. |
Charles Keene. |
J. M. Whistler. |
No. 162. August 2, 1862.
Illustrated by |
J. E. Millais. |
Sea-Side Life. By Harry Jones.
Harald Harfagr. Translated by George Borrow.
Frederick Sandys. |
Miss Simms. By John Addis.
George du Maurier. |
No. 163. August 9, 1862.
Illustrated by |
J. E. Millais. |
Tavern Signs. By James Mew.
The Green Crab. By J. G. Wood.
Charles Keene. |
Simeon Solomon. |
Brief. By Astley H. Baldwin.
No. 164. August 16, 1862.
Illustrated by |
J. E. Millais. |
J. M. Whistler. |
The Trials of an Inventor, Wilhelm Bauer, the German Engineer (Part 1). By Mrs. H. Stanley.
J. E. Millais. |
No. 165. August 23, 1862.
Illustrated by |
George du Maurier. |
What I Heard at the Coffee Party. By Baroness Matilda von Lachmann.
Charles Keene. |
The Trials of an Inventor, Wilhelm Bauer, the German Engineer (Part 2). By Mrs. H. Stanley.
Thomas Sulman. |
No. 166. August 30, 1862.
Illustrated by |
George du Maurier. |
Frederick Sandys. |
Two Regicides. By F. Pierrepoint.
Percival Skelton. |
No. 167. September 6, 1862.
Illustrated by |
George du Maurier. |
Charles Keene. |
Charles Green. |
No. 168. September 13, 1862.
Illustrated by |
George du Maurier. |
Edward Poynter. |
Thomas Sulman. |
No. 169. September 20, 1862.
Illustrated by |
George du Maurier. |
Charles Keene. |
F. W. Keyl. |
No. 170. September 27, 1862.
Illustrated by |
Edward Poynter. |
Count Burkhardt. By Mrs. E. Layton.
J. M. Whistler. |
Thomas Sulman. |
No. 171. October 4, 1862.
Illustrated by |
Edward Poynter. |
Charles Keene. |
Ivory Carving in Dieppe. By Anna Harrison.
H. K. Browne. |
No. 172. October 11, 1862.
Illustrated by |
Frederick Walker. |
M. J. Lawless. |
Heimkehr (The Return). (From Geibel.) Translated by G. C. Swayne.
Percival Skelton. |
No. 173. October 18, 1862.
Illustrated by |
Frederick Walker. |
My Toads. By J. G. Wood.
Short Cuts. By Harry Jones.
Charles Keene. |
Thomas Sulman. |
No. 174. October 25, 1862.
Illustrated by |
Frederick Walker. |
Memphis. By Thomas L. Nichols.
George du Maurier. |
Wein-Lied (A Wine Song). (From Geibel.) Translated by G. C. Swayne.
No. 175. November 1, 1862.
Illustrated by |
Corny O’Sullivan’s Fortune, and What Became of It. By Arthur W. Roberts.
Charles Green. |
Charles Keene. |
H. G. Hine. |
No. 176. November 8, 1862.
Illustrated by |
M. L. Hughes. |
Dreams. By Harry Jones.
J. E. Millais. |
No. 177. November 15, 1862.
Illustrated by |
George du Maurier. |
Charles Keene. |
J. Wykeham Archer. |
No. 178. November 22, 1862.
Illustrated by |
Charles Green. |
Frederick Sandys. |
Frederick Walker. |
No. 179. November 29, 1862.
Illustrated by |
George du Maurier. |
Charles Keene. |
Percival Skelton. |
No. 180. December 6, 1862.
Illustrated by |
George du Maurier. |
Love Song. By Mary Brotherton.
J. E. Millais. |
Charles Green. |
No. 181. December 13, 1862.
Illustrated by |
George du Maurier. |
Charles Keene. |
Edward Poynter. |
No. 182. December 20, 1862.
Illustrated by |
George du Maurier. |
The Wood Ant. By J. G. Wood.
J. E. Millais. |
Edward Poynter. |
Accommodating Judge, An
330 |
Adventure, A Dutch
456 |
Adventure in Spain, An
246 |
Affinity, the Deadly
421, 449, 477 |
American Generals, The
583, 598 |
Am Schweitz
79 |
Anglers of the Dove, The
85, 113, 141, 169, 197 |
Apes, Nestbuilding
111 |
Apostle of Exigency, The
623 |
Art Treasures at South Kensington
162, 175 |
Ave, Cæsar!
294 |
Baden, To and At
514 |
Bauer, Wilhelm
221, 247 |
Beautiful Monstrosities
135 |
Billiard-room Acquaintance, A
38 |
Birds in the Border Counties
81 |
Boy Martyr, The
601 |
Bridesmaid, How I came to be
24 |
196 |
British Ancestors, Ornaments and Weapons of our
556 |
Broken Vow, The
321 |
Burkhardt, Count
376 |
Campagna, Nomads of the
482 |
Cannstatt Conspirators, The
561 |
Castles of the Taunus
332, 390, 471 |
Caterpillar, The
23 |
Celts, Northumbrian
585 |
Charlton Hunt, The
641 |
Cod Fishery, The
596 |
Coffee Party, What I Heard at the
235 |
Co-operative Associations
554 |
Corney O’Sullivan’s Fortune, and What Became of it
505 |
Count Burkhardt
376 |
Crab, The Green
181 |
Crutches, A Word upon
265 |
Curiosities of Eel Culture
206 |
Curious Penance, A
682 |
Dane, England’s Welcome to the
343 |
Day-Dream on the Rhine, A
14 |
Dead Love
432 |
Deadly Affinity, The
421, 449, 477 |
Death of King Warwolf, The
266 |
Death of Rachel, The
653 |
Delaroche’s Picture of Marie Antoinette
364 |
Devonshire, Summer in
121 |
Diamonds at the Great Exhibition
218 |
Dieppe, Ivory Carving at
415 |
Distress in Skye, The
686 |
Dockyard, Portsmouth
653, 683 |
Dogs of St. Bernard
363 |
Down Among the Dead Men
314 |
Dream of Love, A
365, 393 |
543 |
Ducal Houses, Our
308 |
“Dulce Domum”
105 |
Dutch Adventure, A
456 |
Early English Statutes
318 |
Eel Culture, Curiosities of
206 |
Electors, The Three
644 |
Englanð's Welcome to the Dane
343 |
English Boy of the Future, The
203 |
Exigency, The Apostle of
623 |
Fellow-Traveller’s Story, A
696, 718 |
Few Vacancies, A
108 |
Fish, Voracity of
332 |
Forethought for Winter Nights
569 |
Footprints of the Northumbrian Celts
585 |
Found Twenty Years After
261 |
From Gray’s Inn to Gorhambury
276 |
Garibaldi at Varegnano
386 |
Generals, American
583, 598 |
Good Shilling’s Worth, A
678 |
Gorhambury, From Gray’s Inn to
276 |
Gossip about the Art Treasures at South Kensington, A
162, 175 |
Gray’s Inn to Gorhambury, From
276 |
Green Crab, The
181 |
Hamburg to Copenhagen and Roskilda
52 |
Hancomb, The Story of Kitty
442 |
Harald Hafagr
152 |
Hareem of Said Pacha, A Visit to
387 |
Harold, (King), His Answer to Harald Halfagar
462 |
Head-Gear in the South
70 |
Heimkehr (the Return)
434 |
Help for Lancashire
700 |
Help for the “Workies”
399 |
How I came to be Somebody’s Bridesmaid
24 |
How to deal with our Rural Poor
64 |
International Exhibition, The
23 |
In the Moonlight Long Ago
532 |
Inventor, The Trials of an
221, 247 |
Ivory Carving in Dieppe
415 |
Jar of Olives, A
685 |
Jews in England
190 |
John Barleycorn
109 |
Join Hands—Leave Nobody Out
229 |
Journey Underground, A
361 |
Judge, An Accommodating
330 |
Kensington, Art Treasures at
162, 175 |
King Harold’s Answer to Harold Halfagar
462 |
Kitty Hancomb, The Story of
442 |
Lancashire, Help for
700 |
Lancashire Relief Fund, The
140 |
Latest from Spirit-Land, The
349 |
Lightsome Ladye, The
695 |
Limerick Bells
709 |
447 |
Londoner at a Ploughing-Match, The
499 |
Lost in a Sepulchre
666 |
Love, A Dream of
365, 393 |
Love Song
655 |
Mackarel in the Bay
418 |
Madman’s Day
359 |
Maid Avoraine
96 |
Margaret Wilson
42 |
Martyr, The Boy
601 |
Medusa and her Locks
232 |
486 |
Mistake of the Loves, The
420 |
Miss Simms
164 |
Mite of Dorcas, The
224 |
6 |
Modern Pilgrims
656 |
Monogram, The
238 |
Monstrosities, Beautiful
135 |
Monstrosities, Useful
261 |
Moral from St. Swithin, A
92 |
Morning before the Massacre of St. Bartholomew, The
210 |
My Aunt’s Story
346 |
My Little Picture
630 |
Mystery, The Notting Hill
617, 645, 673, 701 |
Mysterious Lodger, A
425 |
My Toads
453 |
My Uncle’s Cashier
8 |
National Loaf and Purse in 1863, The
286 |
Nest-Building Apes
111 |
Night of Terror, A
484 |
Night on the Niagara, A
90 |
Nomads of the Campagna
482 |
Northumbrian Celts
585 |
Notting Hill Mystery, The
617, 645, 673, 701 |
Ohio Steamboat An
24 |
Olives, A Jar of
685 |
490 |
Ornaments and Weapons of our British Ancestors
556 |
Our Ducal Houses
308 |
Our English World-Winners
257 |
Outside the Walls
302 |
Parting of Ulysses
238, 658 |
126 |
Perch, The
431 |
Pilgrims, Modern
656 |
Pleasant Conversable Fellows on a Journey
138 |
Ploughing-Match, The Londoner at a
499 |
Poet’s Home, The
518 |
Polytechnic, The
678 |
Portsmouth Dockyard
653, 683 |
Private and Confidential
23 |
Prodigal Son, The
1, 29, 57 |
Queer Cabin Companion, A
589 |
Rachel, Death of
653 |
67 |
Reflections from the Diamonds at the Great Exhibition
218 |
Relief Fund in Lancashire, The
140 |
Rhine, A Day-Dream on the
14 |
502 |
Royal espousals
39 |
Ruikan Foss, The
251 |
Rumford, Count
623 |
Rural Poor, How to deal with the
64 |
Russia, Tribulation of
92 |
Russian Popular Tales. The Story of Tim
403 |
Said Pacha, A Visit to the Hareem of
387 |
Saint Bernard, Dogs of
363 |
Santa; or, a Woman’s Tragedy
225, 253, 281, 309, 337 |
Sea-Side Life
149 |
Season of Unreason, A
508 |
Sea-Waifs and Sea-Strays
125 |
Short Cuts
459 |
50 |
Skye, Distress in
686 |
Social Aspect of Washington before the Disunion
628, 650 |
South Kensington, Art Treasures at
162, 175 |
Spain, Adventure in
246 |
Spirit Rapping Extraordinary
611 |
Spirit of the Vanished Island, The
545 |
574 |
Statutes, Early English
318 |
Stavros Macdonald Rimouski
372 |
St. Columb and the North-West Coast of Cornwall
527 |
St. Swithin, A Moral from
92 |
Strange Story of Kitty Hancomb, The
442 |
Summer in Devonshire
121 |
Taunus, Castles of the
332, 390, 471 |
Tavern Signs
180 |
Three Electors, The
644 |
Till Death
52 |
Tim, The Story of
403 |
To and at Baden in ’62
514 |
Tribulation of Russia, The
92 |
Trials of an Inventor
221, 247 |
Turf Reminiscences
511, 541, 626 |
Two Regicides
275 |
Ulysses, Parting of
238, 658 |
Under the Lemons
289 |
Underground, a Journey
361 |
Useful Monstrosities
261 |
Vanished Island, Spirit of the
545 |
Vatican manufactory, The
274 |
Verner’s Pride
15, 43, 71, 99, 127, 155, 183, 211, 239, 267, 295, 323, 351, 379, 407, 435, 463, 491, 519, 547, 575, 603, 631, 659, 687, 711 |
Visit to the Hareem of Said Pacha
387 |
Voracity of Fish
332 |
Vow, The Broken
321 |
533 |
Warwolf, Death of King
266 |
Washington, Social Aspect of
628, 650 |
Wein-Lied (a Wine Song)
504 |
Welsh Customs and Superstitions
639 |
What I heard at the Coffee Party
235 |
What was It?
79 |
“Where are her Father’s Bones?”
304 |
Winter Nights, Forethought for
569 |
Wood Ant, The
707 |
Word upon Crutches, A
265 |
World Winners, Our English
257 |
ARCHER, J. W.—586, 588.
BENNETT, C.—112.
BROWNE, H. K.—420.
CLAXTON, A.—26, 27.
DU MAURIER, G.—166, 225, 253, 281, 309, 337, 490, 561, 617, 645, 673, 701.
GREEN, C.—306, 505, 589, 670.
HINE, H. G.—528, 530, 531.
HUGHES, M. L.—533.
HUMPHREYS, H. N.—135, 136, 137, 263.
KEENE, C.—15, 71, 127, 183, 239, 295, 351, 407, 463, 519, 575, 631, 687.
KYLE, F. W.—363.
LAWLESS, M. J.—434.
MILLAIS, J. E.—42, 85, 98, 113, 141, 169, 197, 224, 546, 658, 710.
POYNTER, E. J.—322, 365, 393, 699, 722.
PROUT, S. J.—54, 55.
SANDYS, F.—154, 266, 602.
SKELTON, P.—279, 448, 643.
SOLOMON, S.—192, 193.
SULMAN, T.—251, 252, 334, 336, 390, 392, 473, 475.
WALKER, F.—1, 29, 57, 421, 449, 477, 614.
WHISTLER, J.—140, 210, 378.
WOLF, J.—84.
MISCELLANEOUS.—343, 417, 443, 503, 556, 558, 559, 560.
