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Once a Week (magazine)/Series 1/Volume 9/Handeck

From Wikisource


[At Handeck the Aar makes its celebrated fall; its beauty is much increased by the fall of the Handeck, which takes place exactly at the same spot,—“mingling its tributary waters midway with the more powerful column of the Aar.”

Emblem of love, two streams united,
Two hearts for ever join’d together,
For wintry and for summer weather,
By love’s lamp lighted!

Away in the mountains
Rising from icy fountains,
Far, far apart, and all unheeding
Of whither God is leading,
Unfetter’d, maiden-free,
Untouch’d by passion’s fire,
Knowing but one desire,
To reach the everlasting sea!

Not so, not so, far in the distance lies
The place of meeting,
Whither from earliest morn
Each has been swiftly borne
For a sweet greeting.
There the two hearts unite
Lit by the rainbow’s light
In soften’d glory:
Dearer than brother’s love,
Heedless of others’ love—
Old, happy story

Then join’d for ever,
Nothing can sever,
Till life’s short course be done,
Until the goal be won.
Heart join’d to heart,
No more, no more to part
Under the broad bright sun!

John Andrews.