One Hundred Poems of Kabir/XCIV
I. 92. avadhu begam des hamara
avadhu begam des hamara
raajaa-rank-phakeer-baadsaa, sabase kahoun pukaaraa
jo tum chaaho param pad ko, basiho des hamaaraa
jo tum aaye jheene jhoke, tajo man kee bhaaraa
dharan-akaas-gagan kachhu naaheen, nahin chandra nahin taaraa
satt-dharma kee hain mahtaaben, saaheb ke darbaaraa
kahyen Kabir suno ho pyaare, satt dharma hai saaraa
O Sadhu! my land is a sorrowless land.
I cry aloud to all, to the king and the beggar, the emperor and the fakir -
Whosoever seeks for shelter in the Highest, let all come and settle in my land!
Let the weary come and lay his burdens here!
So live here, my brother, that you may cross with ease to that other shore.
It is a land without earth or sky, without moon or stars;
For only the radiance of Truth shines in my Lord's Durbar.
Kabir says: "O beloved brother! naught is essential save Truth."