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One Hundred Poems of Kabir/XIII

From Wikisource


II. 37. angadhiya deva

angadhiya deva, kaun karey tere sewa
gadhe dev ko sab koi poojye, nit hee lave sevaa
Pooran brahm akhandit swami, tako na jaanye bhevaa
das autar niranjan kahiye, so apnaa na hoi
yah to apnee karnee bhogyen, kartaa aur hee koi
jogi, japi, tapi sanyaasi, aap aap men ladiyaan
kahyen Kabir, sun bhaai saadho, raag lakhyen so tariyaan

O Lord Increate, who will serve Thee?
Every votary offers his worship to the God of his own creation: each day he receives service -- None seek Him, the Perfect: Brahma, the Indivisible Lord.
They believe in ten Avatars; but no Avatar can be the Infinite Spirit, for he suffers the results of his deeds:
The Supreme One must be other than this.
The Yogi, the Sanyasi, the Ascetics, are disputing one with another:
Kabir says, "O brother! he who has seen that radiance of love, he is saved."