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One of a Thousand/Butterworth, Hezekiah

From Wikisource

Boston: First National Publishing Company, pages 95–96
A Series of Biographical Sketches of One Thousand Representative Men Resident in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, A. D. 1888–'89.

4339042One of a Thousand — Butterworth, HezekiahJohn C. Rand

Butterworth, Hezekiah, son of Gardner M. and Susan (Ritchie) Butterworth, was born in Warren, Bristol county, R. I., December 22, 1839.

He was fitted for college in the Warren high school, and pursued a special course in Brown University.

Evidently foreshadowing his life work as a widely known writer, his tastes led him early into editorial work, and we find him engaged as editor of a local paper, contributor to the "Independent," "Congregationalist " and "Youth's Companion." In 1870 he became assistant editor of the last named paper, and has been no unimportant factor in the phenomenal success attending its circulation.

He wrote " Zig-zag Books," eleven volumes, for Estes & Lauriat, of which over three hundred thousand volumes have been sold. He wrote "Story of Hyannis" for the American Tract Society, for which he received the George Wood gold medal. He has published two volumes of poetry—"Poems for Christmas, Easter and New Years" (Estes & Lauriat), and "Songs of History" (New England Publishing Company).

Mr. Butterworth has written much for the leading literary magazines and papers; has traveled extensively, and published some twenty volumes of books and a number of successful librettos of cantatas.

He is unmarried and resides in Boston.