
Order 42: Creation of the Defense Support Agency

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Order 42: Creation of the Defense Support Agency
L. Paul Bremer, Coalition Provisional Authority

Deficient OCR, possibly incomplete. Original PDF available at Commons:Category:Coalition Provisional Authority documents.

229194Order 42: Creation of the Defense Support AgencyL. Paul Bremer, Coalition Provisional Authority



Pursuant to my authority as Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA),
and under the laws and usages of war, and consistent with relevant U.N. Security Council
resolutions, including Resolution 1483 (2003),

Recalling that U.N. Resolution 1483 (2003) called upon the CPA to promote the welfare
of the Iraqi people through the effective administration of the territory, including in
particular working towards the restoration of conditions of security and stability.

Further Recalling that CPA Order Number 22 established a New Iraqi Army as the first
step towards the creation of the national defense force which is essential to the security
and stability of Iraq,

Acknowledging that effective, centralized administrative and logistical support are vital to
the success of the New Iraqi Army,

I hereby promulgate the following:

Section 1

1) This Order establishes the Defense Support Agency (DSA) as a civilian agency
charged with the administrative and logistical support of the New Iraqi Army.

2) The DSA shall operate under the authority, direction and control of the CPA.

3) The DSA shall operate pursuant to this order unless or until it is dissolved by the
Administrator of the CPA ("the Administrator") or the internationally recognized,
rep.resentative government established by the people of Iraq.


Section 2



1) The DSA shall be responsible for the following functions in support of the New Iraqi

a) Finance and accounting, including payroll, disbursements, and accounting for
expenditures by the New Iraqi Army;

b) Personnel management;

c) Training support;

d) Recruitment;

e) Procurement;
f) Logistics support, including maintenance, supply, and transportation;
g) Medical support;

h) Legal affairs;

Real property management, including construction and repair of New Iraqi Army
buildings and oversight of the management of military bases by their commanders;

other duties in support of the New Iraqi Army as determined by the Administrator.

2) The DSA shall not exercise any command authority or staff function over New Iraqi
Army military units, or be responsible for setting security policy. Nor shall the DSA
be responsible for determining the requirements of the New Iraqi Army.

3) The DSA shall submit a quarterly report to the Governing Council detailing its prior
quarter activities and plans for the following quarter.

Section 3

1) The Administrator shall appoint a Director-General of the DSA. Until such
appointment has been made, the CPA Director of Security Affairs (National Security
anq Defense) shall serve as interim Director-General. The Director-General shall
report directly to the Administrator.

2) The bSA shall initially consist of six Departments:
a) Financial Management;
b) Personnel Management, Recruiting, and Training;
c) Procurement and Logistics Support;
d) Real Property Management;

CP A/ORD/19 SEP 2003/42


e) Legal Affairs; and

Medical Support.

3) The Director-General, with the approval of the Administrator or his designee, shall
appoint the Director of each Department.

The Director-General may establish, reorganize, or eliminate Departments by
Administrative Instruction. Likewise, the Director-General may apportion, reapportion
or remove Department responsibilities by Administrative Instruction. Any
such Administrative Instructions shall require the approval of the Administrator or his


5) Defense Support Agency personnel shall be civilians and may include former military
personnel and civilian state employees. No person who was a full member of the
Baath Party holding the rank of 'Udw Qutriyya (Regional Command Member), 'Udw
Far' (Branch Member), 'Udw Shu'bah (Section Member), or 'Udw Firqah (Group
Member) shall be eligible for employment in the DSA except with specific permission
of the Administrator.

6) Salaries of DSA personnel will conform to the salary structure applicable to Iraqi
government employees.

Section 4
Administrative Instructions

The Director-General may issue Administrative Instructions, not inconsistent with
Iraqi law or any CPA Order, Regulation, or Memorandum, as necessary to carry out
the duties described under this Order.

Section 5


Entry into Force

This 'Order shall enter into force on the date of signature.

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L. aul Bremer, Administrator
Coalition Provisional Authority
CP A/ORD/19 SEP 2003/42


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