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Oregon: Her history, her great men, her literature/Index

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Abernethy, Gov. George, 105;

calls for volunteers, 116.

"A Bird in the Hand." 305.

"Ad Willametam," 344.

American Board Missions interested in Oregon Country, 74.

Anian Strait, importance of, 22;

map of, 21; story of, 21.

Ainsworth, Capt. J. C. 122.

Alarcon approaches "Upper (Cali- fornia," 25.

Albany College, 1S&.

"Albatross," 54.

Americans seek possession of Oregon, 57j American claims to Oregon, 58j title acknowl- edged, ^

Ames, Bishop E. R., SiL

Arnold, Pres. B. L., Ifil.

Ashley, Gen. William 6fL

Astor organizes Pacific Fur Com- pany, 51.

Astoria in 1911, 55; christened as "Fort George," Blj "Astoria," Irving*8, 51.

Asylum moved from Portland, 22fi.

Atkinson, Rev. G. 153.

Attorney General, office of es- tablished. 251.

Australian ballot adopted, 251.

Authorities consulted, i^77.

Baker, E. D., chosen U. S. Sena- tor, 175j killed at Ball's Bluff, llfi ; orator and author, P.rw.

Balboa discovers Pacific Ocean, 23.

Balch, Frederic Homer, 25S.

Ball, John, first N. W. teacher.

Banks. Dr. L. A., 2m

Baptist Church, US.

Battle of Grave Creek, 142: of

Table Rock, 139; of Willow

Creek, 222. Battle Rock, 121. Battleship "Oregon," 2fi2. Beach Mining, 152. "Beautiful Willamette," 215. "Beaver" arrives at Astoria, 57; S. S. "Beaver," 115.

Beaver coins, 12L

Beers, Alanson, Ilj member Ex- ecutive Committee, 35.

"Beeswax Ship," wreck of, 215..

Bennett, Charles, 121.

Benson, Gov. F. W., 221.

Bethel College, Ifil.

Biddle, Captain. 5&.

Bitterness of war feeling, UilL

Blain, Rev. Wilson, 151.

Blanchet. Bishop, 16^ Sfl.

Blue Bucket Mine, legend of and search for, 121.

Blue Mountain University, 211L

Boise, R. P., 155.

Bone Dry Laws of Oregon, 221.

Border lawlessness, 179.

Bowerman, Gov. Jay, 2M.

Bridge of the Gods, 225.

British Fur Companies united, fiL

Broughton explores the Colum- bia, 22.

Brown, Mrs. Tabltha, 151L

Bryant. W. C, m

Buchanan, Col., 14 4.

Buena Vista pottery, 188.

Buford, Maj. T. J., 111.

Bumott, Peter 81.

Cabrillo discovers San Diego and Monterey, 25.

California named New Albion by Drake, 21.

Campbell, T. F., Ifil.

Canby. Gen., 201L

Candle from the "Beeswax Ship," 21fi.

Cape Foulweather named by

Cook, 2&. Cape Gregory named by Cook, 2S- Cape Perpetua named by Cook,


Cape Prince of Wales named by

Cook, 2a. Capital punishment abolished.

City to Salem, 132; at Cor-

vallis. Ifil; removed to Salem. Capital Punishment Abolished,

212. Captain Jack, 2M.

Carey Irrigation Act, 273.

"Carrie Ladd," m

Carver, Jonathan, Ifi.

Cascades, legend of, 48j emerg- ing from the Ocean, li.

Cascade Locks, ZIZ^

Cattle and horses brought to Oregon, TL

Caves, part of National reserve,


Cayuse Chiefs profess wizard

powers, 118. Cayuse War, 116, lia. Celilo Falls, 318: Locks and Ca- nal, 212. Cemetery in stone, 21iL Chadwick, Gov S.. F., 21L Chair of Agriculture established.

Chamberlain, Gov. George E..2H1.

Champoeg Meeting, importance of, 98; site of located, 270: monument, 271 : Pioneer Me- morial Building, 272.

Champooick District, a!L

Chautauqua, 257.

Chemawa, ML

Chenoweth. F. A., JJiiL

Chief Cutlip, IIL

Chief John, lAL

Chief Quatley, IM.

Chinook J arson, SO.

Chinook Salmon, habits of, 185. 187.

Christian College, UfL

Cleveland, President, 24r>.

Clackamas District, ftfi.

Clear Lake, 2TL 21^

Climates of Oregon,

Colonization of Oregon, neces- sity for, 82-

"Columbia," a historic ship, 30; equipped, 23^ circumnavigates the globe, SL

Columbia Highway, 222-

Columbia River, mouth of ospied by Heceta, 2fi; entered by Cap- tain Gray, 32j Columbia River explored by British, 33; names of, 25.

Columbia River natural bridge, 22fi.

Columbia University, 273. Columbus, 2^

Compromise on U. S. Senator,

Condon, Dr. Thomas, 15.

Congressmen from Oregon, 22^.

Connor, Rev. T. J., 1L2.

"Constitution," Battleship, 55.

Cook discovers Sandwich Islands, 2S; sails through Bering Strait, 28; names Cape Gregory, 28j names Cape Foulweather, 28_; names Cape Perpetua, 28; names East Cape and Cape Prince of Wales, 2&; fur trade,

Copperfield placed under martial law, 20S.

Corbett. IL W.. 263. 2S5.

Coronado marches to Kansas, 24*

Cortereal, Gaspard, 21.

Cortez conducts explorations, 22.

Corvallis College, 163. 164.

Corvallis College founded, IM.

Courts, Territorial, lllL

Co veil. Grant A., 252.

Coyote and Three Witches, leg- end of, 51L

Crater Lake, 274: described by Joaquin Miller, 276.

Crater Lake National Park, 211.

Crime stronger than arm of law, 179.

Crossing the plains, 8&. Cuadra explores coast to Rus- sian Territory, 2fi. Curry, Governor, 155. 156. Dallas College, 212. Davenport, Homer, 378. Davis, Governor, 155^ Deady, Matthew P., Ififi. Deady Hall, 212. Deepest canyon in world, 22fi.

1 INDEX Denny pheasant, 232* Demers, Vicar-General, la. Downing, Miss Susie, IL Drake names California New Al- bion, 27; plunders Spanish ships, 2Ii circumnavigates the globe, 2&. Driving last spilie at Huntington.


Duniway, Mrs. Abigail Scott, 21iL 308.

Dye. Mrs. E. E.. 42, 2fiL East Cape named by Cook, Eastern Oregon State Hospital,


Edwards. P. L., fiS. Eells, Kev. C,

Election of U. S. Senator, ob- structions offered to, 2fi2,

Electric power and water sup- ply, 2fifi.

Elliot, T L.,

Emigration of 1839, 82; of 1843,

"Empress of China," ZL

Epoch I, lij II, 53j III, 91i IV, 125; V. 111.

Equal Suffrage, initiative move- ment. 307: a law, 311ft.

Euj^ene Bible University. 2fi2-

Explorations by Columbus and Balboa, 21.

Executive Committee, 95^ 100.

Faith, Hope, and Charity,

Famham, Thomas J., IS.

Federal Court established, IM.

"Feast of Apple Bloom." ZAl.

Feeble-Minded, State Institution of. 2M.

Ferelo sails near Oregon, 2IL Finley, Pres. William, IM. Finley, William L.. SM. First College cadets, lfi3. t^rst Mining Code, ISL First mission school, 70. First Oregon-built revenue cut- ter, 21iL First high school, 240. First postoffice, 147. First Protestant church on Pa- cific Coast. Ri. First psalm-singing congregation,

First school teacher, TL First state school Supt., 2iiL First steamboats built in Wil- lamette Valley, m. First trading post on Lewis Riv- er, 53

First trading ship in Coos Bay, UL

First Woolen Mill west of Rocky Mountains, IfiL

Fish and Game Commission, 304.

Forest Fire of 1867. 113.

Fort Clatsop, winter at. ii.

Fort Dalles, m.

Four capitals of Oregon. Ifil.

"Four-leaf Clover."

Franchere, Gabriel. &S.

"1^ reedom." M}L

Gaines, Gov., 131.

Gale, Joseph. SS.

Gatch. Dr. Thomas M.. Sfi.

Gauging Oregon stream for irri- gation, 214.

Geer, Gov. T. T., 265: marks site of Champoep:. 21IL

Geological disclosures, 213. 215.

Ghost room, 2Qk.

Glbbs, Gov., raises a regiment, 184: dies in London. ISIL

Gilliam, Col. Cornelius, 11^

Gold discovered in Southern Ore- gon. 146: scarcity of, 122: dis- covered in Eastern Oregon, HI.

Governor accompanies 2nd Ore- gon Regiment home, 270.

Grand Ronde flood, 1S2.

(Jrave Creek. Battle of. 142.

Gray, Capt. W. H^ 75; fur trad- er. 2a; sails for China. 30; bill of lading. 30; enters the Co- lumbia River, 32.

Griffin, Rev. J. S., 15.

Griffin Gulch, lis.

Grover. Gov., IftS: designed state seal, 111. HISl ORY OF OREGON Hangman's tree, 179.

Hawthorne, B. J., IM. 2M.

Hayes, Pres., visits Oregon, 22!L

Hayes-Tilden Conte.st, 21L

Heceta Head. 2fi.

Hen C521, ailL

Hermann, Dinger, V.i^.

Hieroglyphics near Arlington, 234: in Cascadia Cave, 23^

Higginson, Mrs. Ella, 355.

Hill, David. JiS.

Hill, James J., 2M.

Hillman, John W., discovers Cra- ter Lake, 2Ifi.

Hillocks of snakes, IM,

Hogg, T. Egenton, 2AL

Holladay, Ben., IM.

Holman, Alfred, aifi.

Honor system for convicts, 2M.

Hoover, Herbert, 225^

Hostility to negroes. 190.

Household Economy, chair of, established.

Howard, Gen. O. O., 213.

Hoyt, Dr. Francis S., 8£.

Hudson's Bay Company, 61j chief interest in Oregon, 62: convey Rev. Blanchet and Rev. Demers to Oregon Country, Ifl^

"Hutchins Goose," 380.

Idaho Territory organized, 152.

Improved Poultry Industry, 213.

Initiative and Referendum, 270.

Indians, their struggle for exist- ence, 43; their folk-lore, 48; their Book of Genesis, 48; fairs, 65; wars, causes of, 116. 135: War Veterans, 281: skele- tons and relics,

"In the Emerald Land," m.

Interstate Wagon Bridge, 334.

Irvine. Rev. Samuel 0., 157.

Irrigation law passed, 255 : activ- ities in Oregon, 311.

"Is it Worth While?" 3&&.

Jackson, President, sends com- missioners to Oregon, 147.

Jacksonville. 147.

Jefferson's estimate of Lewis and Clark Expedition, ifi.

"Jennie Clark," IM-

Joaquin Miller, IL SSL

Joaquin Miller's Chapel, ZQiL

Johnson, John W., 240.

Juan Perez sails to San Mar- garita, 2fi.

Kam, Jacob, 133.

Kelley, Hall J., Ifij advocates occupation of Oregon, 59j ar- rives in Oregon, 60j returns to Massachusetts, fifi.

Kendall, Thomas S., D.D., 151.

"Kwanchai," 2m.

Labor laws governing minors,

LaCreole Academic Institute, 165, 212.

I^ack of postal facilities in early

times, lafi. Lady Mr Duff, m Lafayette Seminary, 25IL Lake Ewauna, 195. Lake once a mountain, 21L "Land of the Big Red Apples,"

Lane, Gov., 123^ 12iL

"Lausanne," IL

Law and order league, 179.

Ledyard publishes first account of Cook's voyage, 22.

Lee. Rev. Daniel, 63.

Lee, Rev. Jason, 69^ I&i

Legends: Birds and their Bright Colors, 52j Cascades, 48; Coyote on the Klamath, Coyote and Three Witches, 50; Skookums, 50i Tallapus and the Cedar Tree, 51; Five Thunders, 51.

Legislative Assembly at Falls,di.

Legislature, date for convening changed. 228.

Lewis and Clark Centennial Ex- po.sition, 285.

Lewis and Clark Expedition, 38; at Council Bluffs, 40; winter at Mandan, 40; suffering, iSj Fort Clitsop, 44; salt cairn, 45: rt^tu -n, 46. INDEX

Lewis discovers Lewis River, 42.

Lincoln, Abraham, appointed governor of Oregon, 122.

Lines on Byron,

Link River, Ifll-

Linn, Lee, and Famhani, IS.

Longest wooden draw, 244.

Louisiana Purchased, SIL

Lord, Gov. W. P., 2fi2.

Lord's Prayer in Chinook Jar- gon. 8L

"Lot Whitcomb," m

Luelling, Henderson, iQfl-

Luxillo, Rev. Joseph. 1^

Lyman, Horace, Ifi.'^.

Magrudor, murder of, 180.

Mandan Tribe, destruction of, ilL

"Man with Hoe," m

Markham, Edwin, 361.

Marriage rite first observed in Willamette Valley, 13,

Marsh, President S. lr>^.

Marsh Hall, Pacific University,


Marshall, Jas. W.. 12L

Massacre of U. S. Commission, Modoc War, ZMl Cayuse Sta- tion, 223.

Matthieu, F. X., 270, 2IL

May Dacre, 6L.

May's Senatorial Law, 212.

Mazamas, Oregon, 25S.

McKay. Dr. W. C. 2fifi

McLoughlin sent to Oregon, 61j establishes trading fort at Van- couver, fi2i character .«ketch by Chapman, fi2

McMinnville College, IfiS.

Mechanic Arts School, establish- ed, 252.

Meek, Joseph, 9£ 122.

Meeker marks Oregon Trail, 21LL

Meeting of Sacajawea and her brother, 42.

Menialoose Island. 201.

M. E. Church South, Ifil.

Millar, Rev. James P., ISfi.

Miller, Minnie Myrtle, Miles, General, 221L

Miners at Auburn administer law, m.

Minors, labor laws, 215.

Minto, John, 82.

"Miracle Boulevard," 27r>.

Mission, The Dalles, 12.

Missionaries to Oregon, Metho- dists, 69, Tlj conference, Sfi.

Missouri Fur Company, 60.

Modoc War, IM, 201.

Monacht Ap6, 2fi.

Monmouth University, 160

Montana Territory organized, liii

Moody, Gov. Z. F., 222.

Moorhouse, Major Lee, 21S.

Morris, Bishop B. W.. 146.

"Mothers of Men."

Mt. Adams, 4S..

Mt. Edgecombe, 2fi.

Mt. St. Helens, 45.

Mt. Hood named and explored, 34i ^ Legend of, 42.

Mt. Jefferson, 247: in the Ice Age, 24S.

Mt. St. Jacinto, 2fi.

Mt. Mazama, 275.

Movement to colonize Oregon, 60.

Multnomah Falls, 224.

Multnomah townsite project, filL

Myers, Jefferson breaks ground for L. & C. Exposition, 287.

Negro Slavery submitted to the people, Ififi.

Negroes forbidden in Oregon, 102

Nesmith, James W., 8L 115.

New Year's Reception to ex-(iov- ernors, 310.

Nootka Sound discovered by Juan Perez, 2fi.

Nez Perces send for White Man's Book of Heaven, fiS.

Normal School at Monmouth. 221.

North Bank Road, 2M.

"Northwest America" built, 20.

Northwest College of Law or- ganized, 241.

North-West Fur Company, (LL Nursery, first Oregon, IM, Nymphs of the Cascades, ZhiL

Oak Point, "O'Cain." 51.

Ogden ransoms Waiilatpu cap- tives, llfi.

Olney, Judge Cyrus, Ififi.

Oregon — compared with other states, 9; with Great Britain, 9j with Massachusetts, 12i Epochs, 13: earliest account of, 15i Book of Stone, 15; ori- gin and meaning. 16i what we know of, Hi where rolls the. 19: discovery of, 19j boundary of, 20j explorations that led to discovery of, 21; discovered by land, 36; trail, Hi joint occupation of, 58; under Pro- visional Government, 91; or- ganic laws of, 96j divided into four counties, 96_; no man's land, 98i Rangers, 99; question, settlement of, 108; apples sold at SI. 25 per bu., 110; Coast Range ablaze, 110; Forest fire (1848), 112i "Rifles" sent to The Dalles, 116: proclaimed a territory, 125; Exchange Com- pany, 128: first Custom House, 148: divided into territories, 153 ; Constitutional Conven- tion, 166: under State Govern- ment, 171; Enabling Act Passed, 172: Oregon State Seal, 114; Floods, l&l; Central R. R. Co., 193; Caves, 208; State Flower, 2M; Bible Train- ing College, 272; bank holi- days, 293j "Grand Old Man," 299; Forestry Board, 306_; Gold output. 319; in World War. 323: literature. 'Ml: "Rain." 346: "Journal." 3I7_; Names. 378.

"Oregon." Battleship. 263. Oregon hills of glass, 89. Oregon Historical Society, 267. Oregon Horse, fossils of discov- ered by Thomas Condon, 21^

O. R. & N. Co. incorporated. 221.

Oregon Institute, 84.

Oregon System, 282.

Oregon Trail marked by Ezra Meeker, 291.

Oregon Trail monument expedi- tion, 291.

Oregonian discovers gold in Cali- fornia, 12L

Orleans carried away by flood.

Pacific College, 2ilIL

Pacific Fur Company organized.

Pacific Highway, ZZL

Pacific Republic. UA.

Pacific University, 1.^9.

Parker, Rev. Samuel. 74^ 15*

Patriotism, Oregon. ^

Pendleton Round-Up, 298.

Penitentiary outbreak, 232.

Pennoyer, Gov., 245.

Philomath College. 19L

Pillars of Hercules, 232.

Plttman, Miss Anna M., II.

Piute-Bannock War, 223.


Poultry Industry Improved, 319.

Povey, G. W., 269.

Powell, Joab, baptized 3000, IM.

Prehistoric burial mounds, 225.

Prehistoric inscriptions on Co- lumbia, 234.

Prehistoric wrecks along Oregon coast,

Printing press, first in Pacific

Northwest, Pritchett, Gov., 13L Prohibition Law, IM. Provisional Government voted at

Champoeg, S3. Pulpit Rock. 22. Purchase of Louisiana, 2!L Railroad extended to California.

194: built to Roseburg, 194;

noted bridge. 242. "Raccoo n," ^ INDEX

Reed College,

Reading clubs,

Regan. Chief, 2M-

"Rhododendron Bells,"

Ricarees, treaty with, i£L

Rogue River War,125j heroine of, 142: first treaty with, 136: last battle with, 143 ; second treaty with, liii third outbreak, 112.

Root, Elihu, donates cannon for 2nd Oreg. Regiment medals, 270.

Roosevelt, President, lays corner stone L. & IL Exposition, 2afi. Sfeicajawea. 40^ 41j 42. "Sailor Diggin's," ISL Salem, first mansion in, Salmon industry, 184. 1 85 , Salem becomes permanent capi- tal, m.

Salem Indian Training School, 211.

Salmon Seal, ^ San Diego discovered, 2L Sandwich Islands discovered, 2fi. Sand pinnacles, 2Ifi. Santiam Academy, Sfi, School, first in Northwest, fil. School land, thirty-sixth section, 121.

Scott, Bishop T. F., 115.

Scott, Harvey W., 212.

Seal of Provisional Government,

Second Oregon, organization of 268: return of, 2fi9.

Senators from Oregon, 340.

Shepard, Cyrus, fiS.

Sheridan Academy, Sfi^

Ship building in Oregon, 221.

Simpson, Bishop Matthew, SiL

Simpson, Sam. L., 342

Slacum creates interest in Ore- gon. 7L Z&x

Smoke Stacks on Columbia, li.

Snyke River canyon, 221.

Snell. Dr. Margaret, 251.

"Snowdrift," 215.

Social Hygiene Society, 22S. Soldier's Home, 255. "Sonora." 2fi.

Southern Oregon emigrant road.

opened, 107; railitary road, 122. Spalding, Rev. H. ILi 15. "Spectator," m Spokane Mission located, Ifi. Stanley, D. T., 16L 221. Stars and Stripes over Astoria,


State Biologist, SM.

State Board of School Examiners

created, 2111. Statement No. L 282. State Library, 221L State Library seal, 221. Stage lines and pony express, 12fi State Motto, "The Union," ILL State Normal School. IfiL State School fund, and 500,000

acre land grant, l&fi. State Text Book Commission

Created. 211. Steel, Will G., Ifi. Sublette. William, fiL Sublimity Institute. Ifl2. Suffering of miners. US. Supreme Court Library, seal of,


Supreme Court, organized. 2&L Summers. Colonel, 269. Sunday. "Billy." 22^ Sunrise on the Willamette. 251. Svnchronized Chart of World. 'l«^8-

Table Rock, battle of. 122. Tallapus and the Cedar Tree. 51. Territorial seal and motto, 121. Thayer. Gov. W. W„ 22£. The Dalles Academy, 85. The Dalles Mission sold to Doc- tor Whitman. 12. "The Days of '49^: 221. Thornton, J. Quinn, 122. Three Sistei-s. 249 "To a Wave," 268. "To Juanita." 288. To-Night, 252. "Tonquin." 54. 5fi. Trading Forts, efforts to estab-

Trees ataadlng in the Columbia,


Tuiualo project, 311. Tuberculosis Hospital, Oregon State, 289.

Tunnel at Mitchell's Point, 832. T'Vatilt, Col. W. G., 109 Twaiity District, 96. Tyler's Lost Minister, 101.

rniai)int', 224. r. V. V. T\'s, 179. U lloa discovers Lower California, 24.

Uniform text books adopted, 207,

Union Jack over A.'^toria, 57.

Union ot two British fur com- panies, 61.

United Biethren missionary train, 151.

United Presbyterian Church orig- inated in Oregon, 156.

University of Oregon, 211.

U. of O. Law School opened, 241; School of Medicine, 246.

Vancouver !n 1827, 62.

Vigilaiu ' committee, 180.

Villani, H. nry. 194.

Volunteers, organized, 118.

Walker, Rev. Elkanab, 75.

Wagon.s cross r.Tjjcades, 106.

Waller Hall, Willamette Univer- sity, 85.

Wallowa Lake, 218*

War with Chief Joseph and Nez Perrps. 217.

"Wascopara," meaning of, 72; mission, 72.

"Washington" equipped, 20.

Washington Territory organized, 153.

"Welcome to the White Man," 74.

West. Crov. Oswald, 303. "When the Birds Go North

Again," 358. White, Doctor Elijah, 71. VVhiteaker, Gov. John, 173.

White settlers, the first In Wil- lamette Valley, 70.

White Man's Book of Heaven, 68.

Whitman, Dr., acrompanies Dr. Parker, 1835, 74; Mrs. Whit- man, 76; mission located at Waiilatpu, 75; Mission, grrow- ing trouble.'^ at, 113; massacre 114; captives ransomed, 115; victims, grave of, 115; why famous, 120.

Whipping Post law, 285.

Willamette Meteorite, 280.

Willamette University, 83.

Withycombe, Gov. James, 314.

Wilbur Academy. 86.

Wilbur, Rev. James H., 86.

Willamette FaUs. 117.

Willamette Valley Flood, 181.

"William Brown of Oregon," 390.

Williams, George H.. 166.

Willson, W. H., locates Salem townsite, 71.

Winship, Abiel, 54.

Wolf hunt on French Prairie 1843. 93.

"Wolf Meeting," 92.

Woman Suffrapo Movement, 307.

Woods, Gov. George L., 190.

Wreck of the *'Beeswaz Ship," 316.

Wright, Bishop Milton, 192. Wright, Cap. Ben, 199. Wright, Col. George, 129. Wyeth, Nathaniel, visits Oregon,

65: engages in Salmon Indus*

try, 184.

Wyoming Territory organized,


Yainax, Gfi. Yam Hill District, 97. Yoran, Colonel, 269. Young, Swing, arrives in Ore- gon. 60.

Youns, Ewing, death of, 91; ef- fect of, 92. "Zafiro,