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Oregon Exchanges/Volume 1/Number 2

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2544206Oregon Exchanges — Number 2

Oregon Exchanges

For the Newspapermen of the State of Oregon

Eugene, Oregon
July, 1917
Vol. 1. No. 2

New Federal Laws and Taxes as they Affect Oregon

By Edgar B. Piper, Editor of The Oregonian

The increase in second class postal rates, particularly the application of the zone system to second class mail matter, which is proposed by the war revenue bill of the House, involves a revolutionary change in the policy which governs the Postal Service. That policy has hitherto been to treat the mail system as a means of serving the people as nearly at cost as possible, not as a source of revenue; to provide cheap means of written and printed communication be tween the people at an equal price for all parts of American territory; to promote the distribution of newspapers and magazines at minimum cost for the spread of information and in aid of discussion of public affairs. This policy is a corollary of that other American policy of universal education, which aims to qualify every man for intelligent use of the ballot and which is powerfully aided by wide circulation of newspapers and magazines. It is directly opposed to the policy of the late government of Russia, which kept the people in ignorance, denied them information and stifled discussion, lest they learn too much of its vices and of democracy as a remedy for them. The American policy has been to unify the people by encouraging publications of nation-wide circulation, to inform them of their Government's doings and to promote its constant reform by stimulating intelligent criticism.

In place of the present uniform rate of one cent a pound for second class matter, the House proposes a graduated rate of 1 1-6 cent for the first parcel zone ranging up to 6 cents for the eighth zone. Its purpose is frankly to compel publishers to pay the full cost of carriage without regard to the profitable postal business of other kinds which they develop. These rates would prohibit sale of publications beyond the first or second zone, except those which have large circulation. These could evade payment of the high rate by shipping in bulk by freight or express to the principal centers and by using the mails for distribution thence in the first zone. This device could not be used by many publications of small circulation. Their field would be reduced to the first two or three zones around the place of issue. From nation-wide publications they would be transformed into sectional publications, and a large number of new sectional publications would rise to occupy the field which they had been forced to abandon. Having a sectional field, they would take a sectional view of public affairs, that too at a crisis in our National affairs which demands cultivation of patriotism as broad as the republic. The few strong publications of large National circulation would occupy much of the field abandoned by their weaker brethren, and there would be a strong tendency toward monopoly in the periodical business, with all its attendant evils and dangers.

Trade and scientific papers would suffer grievously. They appeal to relatively few people in each center of population, and depend for circulation upon their ability to reach all the people throughout the country who are interested in their particular trade or science. Many of them could not continue to exist if confined to a restricted field by prohibitive postal rates. As daily newspapers have but limited circulation beyond the first or second zone around the place of publication, they would be less seriously injured financially, but the same tendency to sectionalism and to restrict spread of information and to prevent interchange of opinion would become apparent. The channel which has been used by the Government to reach producer and consumer in its present campaign for food production and economy would be clogged.

The country newspapers and those published in small cities and towns would be less affected directly than the great city news papers or other periodicals, for the House proposes to continue the present privilege of free circulation and the present second class mail rate within the county of publication. But the country editor would be injuriously affected in other ways. The daily press of this country is one structure, in which the big city newspaper is closely related to the country paper. The news of the world is collected and distributed by the Associated Press as the co-operative agency of the big papers, and through them it reaches the country papers. Any legislation which cuts the revenue of the big papers will reduce their ability to perform this necessary function. Every editor needs to keep informed of affairs and opinion in the country at large. and he can best do so by obtaining city papers; in exchange and by reading the weekly and monthly magazines. Prohibitive mail rates would put these beyond his means. The country paper's prosperity is closely bound up with that of the farmer whose success is promoted by the farmer's weekly paper. Newspapers of this class would cease to be National in scope, would be confined to a limited field and would deteriorate in quality. Thus a blow at one part of the periodical press sends a shock through all parts.

Although the professed purpose of this advanced rate is to raise revenue, its actual effect would be to destroy many of the sources from which revenue is derived. The postal revenue directly derived from second class matter might be reduced to a sum even less than that which is now paid. Further, much other postal revenue, which is traceable to the wide circulation and advertising patronage of periodicals would be lost to the Government. They cause many letters to be sent at first class rates, many money orders and parcels to be sent in response to advertisements. The number of these would be so reduced that the Government might be disappointed of the $50, 000,000 of war revenue which it ex pects from the increase in letter rates. The zone system would kill the goose which lays the golden egg.

The Senate finance committee was quick to see the force of these objections. It struck out the section establishing the zone system and substituted one raising the fiat rate from one cent to one and a quarter cents a pound, but it still believes that publishers should pay a special tax. It inserted a pro vision for a tax of five per cent on all net income of publications in excess of $4,000 a year in addition to the income tax, the excess profits tax and all other taxes imposed by this bill and existing laws. I do not know how many publishers of country newspapers are now in the $4,000 class, but no doubt they all hope to be. Few, if any, publishers have earned any excess profits during the war, for the high prices of paper and of every other commodity used by them have tended rather to reduce profits below the peace scale.

The objection of publishers is not to paying their full share of war taxation, but to special taxes which are not levied on any other business, They protest most strenuously against a system of postal rates which in the pretense of exacting full payment for services rendered by the Post Office Department, would cripple, in fact destroy, the business of many publishers. They are ready to pay any part or all of their profits if necessary, to the Government in aid of the prosecution of the war, but they are not willing to submit to an impost which would ruin the business of many and to which no other industry is subject. If the present second class rate is too low, even when regarded as a feeder to other branches of the postal service, they are willing to submit to a reasonable increase, even greater than that proposed by the Senate committee, but they insist that this rate be uniform throughout the country and be a charge for service, not a tax, and most emphatically not a penalty for exercising the right of independent criticism which belongs to every free man.

There is ground for belief that the zone rates were intended as a punishment for those newspapers and periodicals which have upheld American rights during the war, which have called attention to the need of preparedness and which have condemned the supine indifference of Congress and of some executive officers of the Government to this need. This courageous course of the patriotic and wide awake American press has not been pleasing to those pseudo-statesmen who cried out for peace at any price and who are chagrined at defeat. That chagrin may explain the remark of one of the pacifist Senators to a delegation of publishers: "Don't you want to pay for your war?"

The best of all possible reasons for opposing special and unbearable exactions on the press is the desire of such men to cripple and stifle it. When the freedom of the press to discuss public affairs and to criticise the public acts of public men is attacked, all publishers of every class, whether they issue great metropolitan dailies or small village weeklies, have a common duty to rise up in defense. The duty is the greater because the attack 1s indirect, by men too cunning and cowardly to avow their true motive.

"Val" Hears His Number Click

Roberto S. Vallespin, Associated Press operator in the Eugene Guard office, narrowly missed the experience of copying with his A. P. report the number which carried to him the message that he had been drafted into Uncle Sam's great liberty army.

Mr. Vallespin, who is a naturalized citizen and sincerely patriotic, was able to do the next best thing, however—he heard the number clicked over the wire while he was sitting comfortably in the next room with his hands in his pockets, waiting. He had not yet finished his vacation, and the night A. P. operator was sitting in for him.

Suddenly "Val" pricked up his ears and commenced to pay close attention. "9-2-6" came the message.

"There it is," he said quietly. "They got me," However, he will not be taken in the first call, as Lane county's National Guard and volunteers more than supplied the quota of the county.

The Party Newspaper

By Wm. H. Hornibrook, editor and publisher of the Albany Democrat

A man without a personality and a newspaper without political convictions are twin brothers of misfortune. Neither of them gets very far in the world. They are neither much loved or much hated. They just exist and are of too little consequence to attract more than passing attention.

A newspaper may, however, fight for its political convictions and still decline to blindly serve party at the expense of the public service. A publisher may have political convictions without becoming the self anointed champion of every candidate whose name appears upon the party ticket.

If we are to have what may be strictly termed a party newspaper we must first have a party organization. There is no real party organization in the state of Oregon. There is political organization, but it is of the personal character. It is the arch enemy of party spirit and party loyalty because it is intensely selfish and knows no law but the law of self-interest.

The party newspaper as it was known a decade ago is therefore out of step with the march of events in this particular section of the west. Like the Red Man, the old time editor is being driven out of his old haunts and his place is being filled by the younger, but not necessarily more able man.

But while Oregon newspapermen can hardly afford to shut their eyes to the new conditions, in my judgment every publisher should have a well defined political policy. The man who edits the editorial page is either a progressive or a reactionary. He is either a positive or a negative quantity and his character will be expressed in the columns of his newspaper and his success or failure will be determined by his own personality.

In every national election the issues are clearly defined and there can be no possible excuse for editorial neutrality.

In a state election the issues are oftentimes less clearly defined, but it not infrequently happens that the press of the state is called upon to choose between the fit and the unfit. It then becomes the duty of the publisher to sharpen his pencil.

In a county or city election there is seldom an issue which is worth the cost of the printer's ink that is used by our editorial writers. When a newspaper becomes a rubber stamp for a county or municipal boss, or when, on the other hand, it attempts to become the dictator of things political, it voluntarily becomes its own pallbearer.

The political policy which I have followed with more or less success may be summed up in the following paragraph:

Strike seldom, but when you strike, strike hard.

Banquet for Publishers

Oregon publishers are to be the guests of the newly-formed manufacturers' bureau of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, at a banquet to be given in Portland on Friday, August 10, at 6 p. m. The central topic around the board will be publicity in the state press for Portland and Oregon manufacturers. Besides the manufacturers, there will be present jobbers of eastern-made goods, upstate merchants, and the publishers. Secretary Philip S. Bates, of the Oregon State Editorial Association, who has been working on this plan for some time, in a circular letter sent to newspapermen of the state, notifies them of the invitation given them by the new bureau, and expresses hopefulness that appropriations will soon be made by the big houses to pay for the publicity in the Oregon press.

Pendleton Convention Best Yet

Phil Bates lost track of the number, and it was the umpty umpth annual convention of the Oregon State Editorial Association that President E. E. Brodie called to order in the Umatilla County Library at Pendleton, Friday, July 13, 1917, and President A. E. Voorhies dismissed in the park pavilion at La Grande Sunday night.

From first to last, the sixty or seventy newspapermen present and their hosts and families and guests listened to forty-four speeches, consumed seven bountiful banquets, not counting the luncheon President Farrell of the O. W. R. & N. gave the ladies in his private car, travelled together 316 miles in a train de luxe, taken three automobile trips running from four to fifty miles each, and had spent at a rough estimate about six cents a head.

Pendleton, Joseph, beautiful Wallowa lake high in the Cornucopia mountains furnished the background for the meetings, and incidentally furnished nearly every thing else the heart of man could desire.

The convention program was a serious one, full of topics of professional interest; every paper received close attention, and many of them extended discussion. There was a close responsiveness between audience and speakers, which was perhaps never better shown than when E. B. Piper, editor of the Oregonian, called on late in a long hard day for his delayed paper on new laws affecting the press, refused to read it, but plunged into a wealth of personalities and humorous reminiscences of notable journalists he had met in his long career.

Mr. Piper, in fact, was rather the cut-up of the party all along the route, and only at the principal banquet Saturday night in the Eagles-Woodman Hall in Pendleton did he call on his big reserves of earnestness and force of purpose.

Frank Irvine, of the Journal, present for the first time in years but pleased with all he heard and now expecting to attend regularly, was the other member of the Damon and Pythias act of eloquence and humor which was put on nearly every place the train stopped. The splendid contrast the metropolitan editors made was well expressed by Bruce Dennis at La Grande when he described to the people there what had happened at the Pendleton banquet the night before.

Those two speeches should serve as a guide and motto in the Work of state defense work, he declared. Irvine, personally the best loved of Oregon editors, with his tender love of country and lofty ideal of patriotic Americanism and human justice, no less than Piper, whose words had descended like a thunderbolt upon our American complacence and obliviousness to the life and death character of the struggle in which the country is engaged. Like dynamite he said it was, telling the necessary but shattering truth.

On the regular program, lively discussions began with the first paper, in which W. D. McWaters, of the Pacific Paper Co., predicted an immediate and steady rise in prices, Col. E. Hofer and Edgar McDaniel directed some artillery preparation and O. C. Leiter charged up with the findings of the Federal Trade Commission. The conclusion was the appointment of a committee to devise means of pooling purchases by counties and otherwise, consisting of A. E. Voorhies, D. C. Sanderson of Freewater and C. L. Ireland of Moro.

C. H. Fisher spoke on help and wages in the light of what might be expected from war conditions. He said he was a poor hand to treat the subject because he never had labor troubles, generally paying more than the scale and getting service in proportion. He said the war would not be altogether a bad thing for the newspapers, compelling them to ask and get better prices, be more businesslike, and check up more carefully. On the latter point he cited the instance of his own office where he found that of the 4,500 papers he was printing there were 200 he could not check up on. He immediately cut them off, and within a couple of weeks they were back on as new paid subscriptions, and he could account for every paper.

"My policy is to keep permanent employes and pay them the right wages," he said. "If the war lasts five years it will not hurt my organization much. I may have to pay higher wages but I am willing to pay more and ought to pay more."

Mr. Fisher in closing had his say on the paper price question. He disagreed with Mr. McWaters, and predicted that prices might easily go lower this summer before going up this fall or winter, a view which was finally adopted by the resolutions committee.

Clarke Leiter, publisher of the La Grande Observer and former city editor of the Oregonian, spoke on the subject of the help the papers could and ought to give the nation ill the present crisis.

"The campaigns for the Liberty Bonds, the Red Cross and for enlistments I consider the biggest thing the American press has ever done," he said.

"No one has suggested that the powder manufacturers ought to donate their powder, or the munitions or steel men their products, but when it was proposed that the newspapers should donate their ad vertising space, the only commodity they have to sell, they put aside all questions of unequal burden, decided to 'put over' the great national movements and they did it.

"The newspapers are absolutely part and parcel of the national government. We must do our duty if rewarded only in the appreciation of the people. We must serve the nation without hope of reward. The government and congress have looked upon the newspapers as a semi-public utility rather than a strictly private property. There may be strong arguments against this view but we are now facing facts. The decision is made and we must go through with it."

The resolutions committee later refused to agree that the decision had been fully made, and a resolution was passed to take up with the congressional delegation the unusual and troublesome burdens likely to be placed upon the press as well as the question of the donation of merchantable space.

Mr. Leiter went on to say that the papers could well undertake to serve the nation by eliminating waste and putting their internal business in good condition. They must cut off deadheads and exchanges they do not actually use, thus saving paper. "The people must be educated to thrift and economy," he said, "especially in the prevention and checking of waste. To win, America will have to give up many of her extravagant and luxurious ideas as well as something of our personal liberty.

"Our people must be made to realize the wonderful strength of the organization we are fighting if we are to win. This must not be carried so far as to frighten the people. They must be brought to a sane, optimistic realization of the serious job on our hands.

"We must perfect our own organization. We need our county councils of defense. In this labor difficulty we should round up all the vagrant trash, take the regular, legal means of having them declared vagrant, and then put them to work.

"As for food conservation, the women are tired of this continual din from men. They must get together and solve it in their own way, and the less advice they get from men running newspapers the better. I have tried it out in my own household and I know.

“And under the dreadful depression of the war, we must do what we can to build up the right war psychology. We must make the most of our weddings, social events and churches and try to keep going all normal activities. I believe in the newspaper in these times running light fiction, humor, cartoons, comics, and whatever will counter act the gloomy depression.

“No one was more opposed to the proposed censorship law than I. If it had passed I could not have obeyed it very cheerfully. The censorship we now have, for that is what it virtually is, is conducted by the heads of the press associations and not by a military officer and is much more satisfactory. Military secrets must be withheld, but the censorship should never go much further.

“The dissemination of news is a most important function. Then we must keep in position to prevent waste of funds, we must maintain a moderate tone and our patriotic duty; must not surrender our right of criticism, the fundamental basis of our press as an institution.”

One of the interesting sections of the program was that handled by C. W. Robey. Mr. Robey handed out samples of a letterhead job and got quotations on 3,000 from the publishers present. The prices ranged from $7.00 to $16.00. The variations appeared both in the estimates as to how much time was required, this ranging on one item from ⅛ hour to one hour, and in the rate per hour to be charged, this ranging from the wage cost, 37½ cent, to $1.50.

Mr. Robey then showed charts giving his own figures, resulting in a selling price of $14.07, and those of the expert of the Inland Printer, $13.19. Most of the quotations of the Oregon publishers ranged from $9.40 to $12.00.

Eric W. Allen, dean of the School of Journalism at the University of Oregon, used Mr. Robey’s figures as a text for the presentation of he advantages of using a cost system, enabling a printer to know with exactitude the precise line where loss ends and where profit begins. Mr. Allen ended with an offer to install, free of charge, a standard cost system in a limited number of offices. This offer was taken up by six of the publishers present.

New Officers Chosen

The election of officers resulted in the choice of A. E. Voorhies, of the Grants Pass Courier, as president; George H. Currey, of the Malheur Enterprise, published at Vale, as vice-president; and Philip S. Bates, of Portland (re-elected), as secreretary. Retiring President E. E. Brodie, of the Oregon City Enterprise, was placed on the executive board.


Resolutions passed by the association, briefly summed up, pledged hearty support to the government in the prosecution of the war; asked for legislation “whereby all the pulp and paper product of the country shall be manufactured, sold and distributed at just and reasonable prices which shall insure only reasonable profits to the manufacturer and distributor; asked congress to appropriate funds for the purchase of newspaper space used in promoting governmental activity; provided for the appointment of a committee of three to work out a plan for circulating the tax list in supplement form in a large number of papers of the several counties (the committee to report at the next annual convention); endorsed the state’s good roads program, and expressed thanks to the people of Pendleton and other East Oregonians for their work in caring for the convention and entertaining so royally the delegates and visitors; thanked the officers of the association and the legislative committee of the body, Elbert Bede and Bert R. Greer, for their effective work during the late session of the legislature.

The association went on record for the principle of the flat postal rate for newspapers, increased if necessary to no greater extent than 25 per cent over the present rate. Secretary Philip S. Bates’s telegram to Senator McNary announcing the association’s action brought a prompt response from the senator promising to lay the publishers’ views before the senate committee having in charge the house revenue bill, without delay. Senator Chamberlain replied promising his earnest attention, and Representatives C. N. McArthur and W. C. Hawley wrote stating their accord with the views of the association.

Resolutions of sincere sympathy to the relatives of members of the association who died during the year were framed by a committee composed of C. L. Ireland, chair man; Addison Bennett, and E. Hofer, and passed by the association. Those who passed away were Leland Hendricks, assistant editor of the Salem Statesman; John E. Roberts, former publisher of the Vale Enterprise; P. C. Levar, former publisher of the Coquille Heraid; J. H. Upton, veteran connected with many publications in Oregon; and Mrs. T. B. Ford, wife of the association chaplain.

Those Who Attended

Among those present at the convention the representative of Oregon Exchanges noted: Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brodie, of Oregon City; Oscar H. Neil, Oregon Posten, Portland; T. H. Timperlake, Lanston Monotype Machine Company, Philadelphia ; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crary, News, Echo; George E. Grow, Times, Juntura; David W. Hazen, Telegram, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Morton, St. Helens Mist; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ireland, Sherman County Observer, Moro; Addison Bennett, The Oregonian, Portland; E. Elmore Nelson, W. D. Nelson, Record, Haines; Charles H. Fisher, Capital Journal, Salem; Henry Waldo Coe, Medical Sentinel, Portland; W. G. Bayles, Clatskanie Chief, Clatskanie; F. E. Carr, American Type Founders Company, Portland; S. A. Pattison, Herald, Heppner; Fred C. Baker, Headlight, Tillamook; A. E. Voorhies, Courier, Grants Pass; Arthur R. Crawford and wife, Times, Freewater; Robert W. Sawyer, Bulletin, Bend; E. Hofer, the Manufac turer, Salem; J. T. Caldwell, Keystone Type Foundry, Portland; A. C. Jackson and wife, O. W. R. & N. Company, Portland; Edgar McDaniel, Coos Bay Harbor, North Bend; Phil S. Bates, Pacific Northwest, Portland; J. C. Dimm, News Springfield; H. H. Bushnell, Oregon Farmer, Portland; Ben F. West and wife, Statesman, Salem; L. D. Drake, East Oregonian, Pendleton; C. W. Robey, Oregon City Courier, Oregon City; G. P. Putnam and wife, Bulletin, Bend; E. B. Aldrich, East Oregonian, Pendleton; Mrs. Nieta B.' Lawrence, Press, Milwaukie; H. W. Hicks, Union Pacific System, Portland; C. J. McIntosh, Oregon Agricultural College Press-Bulletin, Corvallis; Clarke Leiter, Evening Observer, LaGrande; C. L. Adams, Linotype Company, San Francisco; W. F. Barney, Linotype Company, San Francisco; Miss Freda Hazer, Coos Bay Times, Marshfield; Eric W. Allen, University of Oregon, Eugene; Lloyd Riches, Weekly Oregonian, Portland; W. B. Jessup and wife, Searchlight, Bremerton; Wash.; Stephen A. Stone, Statesman, Salem; George A., Scibird Eastern Oregon Republican, Union; Bruce Dennis, wife and son Jack, State Council of Defense, Portland; George P. Cheney, Record-Chieftain, Enterprise; W. E. Lowell, Tribune, Pendleton; F. B. Boyd, Press, Athena; E. E. Faville, Western Farmer, Portland; Elbert Bede, Sentinel, Cottage Grove; C. L. Smith, O.-W. R. & N. Company, Portland; J. G. Kelly, Bulletin, Walla Walla, Wash.; Bill Strandborg and Mrs. Strandborg, Watts Watt, Portland; Edgar B. Piper, Oregonian, Portland; N. J. Vanskike, Eagle, Milton; Calvin Goss, the Sentinel, Cove; Lee B. Tuttle, the Record, Elgin; Arthur M. Geary, attorney, Portland; J. D. Farrell wife and daughter, president O. W. R. & N. Company, Portland; J. R. Flynn, Blake-McFall Company, Portland; Snow V. Heaton, Record Chieftain, Enterprise; Mrs. George P. Cheney, Enterprise;"L. K. Har lan and wife, the Record, Pilot Rock; Miss Smith, Pilot Rock; J. L. Hutchins and wife, Independent, Ione; George H. Currey, Malheur Enterprise, Vale.

Print Paper Situation

The committee of the State Editorial Association named to make recommendations regarding the news print situation reported as follows:

We find that the present price of print paper is:

Ton lots, 6¼ cents.
Two and one-half ton lots, 6 cents
Five ton lots, 5¾ cents.
Car lots, 5¼ cents.

We have ascertained that it is very probable that there will be a yet lower price quoted in the near future, which will in all probability be followed by a substantial in crease likely to be maintained for a considerable period, therefore we do not recommend the purchase of any quantity of news print at the present time, but we do consider it good policy to keep a close watch on prices, and take advantage of the lower rate that will undoubtedly prevail within a short time.

Pooled shipments can be arranged by placing orders with the secretary, accompanying the order with a certified check for the full amount of the order, the combined orders making one or more car loads. These orders in turn to be placed with any paper house for a direct shipment from the mills to one of several forwarding agencies of Portland. This must necessarily be billed at the price prevailing on the day shipment is made, and will not be protected in the event of a decline. The shipment will also be subject to the usual forwarding charge. If there are fifteen publishers present who can use a ton each they can save a total of $300 by placing their order with the secretary for pooled shipment, this being the difference between the ton and the car load buying.

We believe it also good business, at the present time, to place orders direct with the paper houses for a year's supply of print paper, the order subject to the decline in price.

The committee was made up of A. E. Voorhies, D. C. Sanderson and C. L. Ireland.

Society Sub Scores

Miss Gertrude Corbett, society editor of The Oregonian, has gone to the beaches for the summer and is handling the numerous elusive items which constitute the valuable grist of news each week from the ocean resorts. During her absence from the city Edith Knight Holmes, woman's club editor of The Oregonian, is handling the local society news. Mrs. Holmes recently scored a prized society "scoop" in getting the announcement of the engagement of Claire Wilcox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Wilcox and one of the leading belles of the city.

Published by the School of Journalism, University of Oregon

Oregon Exchanges

Issued monthly. Devoted to the upbuilding of journalism in Oregon

Free to Oregon newspapermen

Contribution of articles and items of interest to editors, publishers and printers of the state is welcomed.

Here We are Again

Oregon Exchanges was so warmly received by the newspapermen of the state last month that it has no hesitation whatever in presenting itself again. We noted a good deal of friendly comment in the state papers regarding the first issue, and never an unkind word. Hence this confidence.

A gratifying aftermath of Vol. I. No. 1 was a considerable number of volunteered offers to cooperate in the preparation of the best possible kind of material for the succeeding issues. This attitude on the part of the newspapermen of Oregon augurs well both for the future of the publication and for that of the newspaper men themselves, for it is the spirit that spells progress.

As announced in advance by the editors of this little magazine, its success depends most largely on the interest taken and the help given by the editors and publishers of the state. We don’t know how to make that too strong. Thank you all, then, for your co operation and helpful spirit, al ready shown. The response to the request to put this paper on the exchange list was almost unanimous from the newspapers of the state.

Don’t be surprised if you get a specific request to help out with an idea. And, finally, don‘t wait for the request. Write something which you think will interest some considerable fraction of the newspapermen of the state, and put it into an envelope addressed to Oregon Exchanges.

C. H. Fisher’s Theory

By Eric W. Allen

Pendleton as host to the Oregon State Editorial Association made a deep impression on the visiting editors.

It wasn’t the lavishness of the entertainment, though $2,500 in cold cash was raised for the purpose. It wasn’t the perfection and finish with which everything was done, though the splendid banquet with two toastmasters and the white bear acting as censor might serve as a sample of hospitality that included gracious tact, and a general worthwhileness that pervaded everything. It wasn’t any of the things that E. B. Aldrich, slipping quietly and watchfully through the background, could suggest to a united, energetic and opulent community.

It wasn’t even the splendid example of cooperation when La Grande and Joseph made common cause with their sister city, and each of the three magnified and praised the others.

Every editor had his own theory why the convention was the success it proved.

Charles H. Fisher, the sage of Salem, has built up four successful daily newspapers through his uncanny ability to put his finger on exactly the right spot. “The secret is,” he said, “that these people like to do these things. Other towns get by with the same kind of enterprises Pendleton undertakes, but they don’t have the happy faculty of making you feel that it’s a privilege to be allowed to do it. These Pendleton people are having just as good a time as we are. It makes them happy to spend money.

“I remember it was the same here twenty-five years ago. It was during the hard times of ’92 or ’93 and in addition the wheat crop was very bad. But these people turned just the way they are doing now. The editorial association came here for a two days’ session, but had such a good time we stayed a week. And it was a great week.”

Bar the Campfollowers

Years ago, a meeting of the State Editorial Association was likely to consist of about forty per cent of newspapermen and about sixty per cent of candidates for various offices, politicians, promoters and people with various axes to grind. It is a fact that under these circumstances many of the ablest editors in the state formed the habit of staying away from the meetings.

This year there came to Pendleton the finest representation of newspaper ability and influence ever gathered together in Oregon. One hundred per cent of those at tending were there legitimately. They were all editors and writers and their families with a few perfectly welcome agents of established supply houses.

The change is salutary. It has brought the strongest men in the state back into the association. It adds to the positive value of every meeting.

The new condition is due to several causes. For one thing, no one gets a place on the program in these days unless a committee is convinced that he has a subject on which he is better qualified to speak than anyone in the audience. The talks are based on successful experience. Another helpful factor has been C. L. Ireland’s proposition that membership vests in a publication and not in an individual. This tends to cut out the campfollower.

Most effective of all, however, is the policy initiated by Elbert Bede when he was president, and enforced with increasing strictness by E. E. Brodie in his two administrations, to the effect that the association shall endorse nobody for any office or in connection with any project.

This rule was most happily violated at La Grande when the association, working on his patriotism, virtually forced one of its loyal members, Bruce Dennis, to post pone his private plans and accept the directorship of the state defense league. The incident was dramatic and appealing, and the state is the better for E. B. Piper’s sudden inspiration that brought it about.

While every good rule is made to be occasionally broken, however, the annual meetings should be kept as an institution to which newspapermen go for the sole purpose of self enjoyment and self advancement, and the advancement of their profession.

Editor Wants Plate

Editor R. M. Standish, of the Eastern Clackamas News, of Estacada, writes Oregon Exchanges to point out that government and college publicity departments could get much more of their material over in the country press if they would send it out in plate form, rather than merely sending the copy and expecting the rural publisher to bear the cost of setting it up. He suggests that suitable plate could either be given or sold to the papers. The matter of expense lies at the root of this problem. The question is, whether sufficient saving could be made to the country publisher to justify the heavier expense to the institution

supplying the plate. Furthermore, the editors would find more difficulty in applying their blue pencil to the plate than they do now to the printed matter with which their desks are flooded. Mr. Standish’s communication which is of considerable length is crowded out of this issue by editorial convention matter. It is hoped to publish it in a later number.

Pendleton's Best Gift

George H. Currey said a lot in a few words when he spoke in the open park pavilion at La Grande where the last session of the state editorial convention was held in the soft evening air of eastern Oregon.

"It will be the policy of the editorial association for the coming year," he declared, "to try to instill the Pendleton spirit throughout the state of Oregon."

That shows what a success the meeting was.

It tells why it was a success.

It gives some idea of where the gain in the long run returns to "the best liked town in the state" by reason of its breadth and un selfishness.

It furnishes an indication of the renewed vigor and optimism and encouragement each editor took home with him.

It creates an idea of what a united and high minded press can do for Oregon, and, in time, will do.

It puts it up to Coos Bay. It's not the banquets nor the scenery. The hospitable southwest always does things with a grace of its own. The challenge is for Coos Bay to furnish the press of Oregon, as Pendleton did, with a new and different vision of community build ing and community life, big enough and fine enough to keep the papers keyed up to missionary zeal in their own towns for a full year.

Sketches of Old-Timers

Veteran newspapermen now living in Oregon are invited to send in sketches of their careers to Oregon Exchanges, accompanying these, whenever convenient, with their photographs. The sketches will be made a regular feature of this publication, and with the pictures will be kept for historical purposes. Any reader of Oregon Exchanges who knows an over-modest veteran of journalism is urgently requested either to undertake the write-up or send in a tip regarding the old-timer's whereabouts. Chatty biographies or autobiographies containing details of some incident of interest or help to the present-day workers in journalism will be most welcome.

Oregon Exchanges is supplied free to newspapermen and to no one else. No extra copies are printed. Any newspaper man in Oregon, even if he has retired but is still with us in spirit can have the paper by sending his name.

The next issue of Oregon Exchanges will appear in October.

Fruit Markets Analyzed

E. H. Shepard, editor of Better Fruit, published at Hood River, published in his July number the result of his investigations into the distribution of apples in the markets of the United States. He goes into specific details as to where the fruit has been going. Classifying the cities of the United States into five groups, ranging from the 3,000 to 5,000 class up to the more than 50,000, he finds that 295 of these cities have been sold and 1,791 have not been sold. Mr. Shepard's conclusion is, that the trouble with the apple market is not one of overproduction but of faulty distribution, and he concludes that if a sufficient number of salesmen, properly distributed, be added, the 1917 crop can be disposed of at satisfactory prices.

Business Office Remodeled

The Corvallis Gazette-Times recently has remodeled its business and editorial ofiices, adding another room and complete outfit of new furniture. This gives the paper a fine corner entrance for the business ofiice and reportorial rooms and affords the editorial room the privacy it requires.

Does it Pay to Put Life Into the Editorial Page?

Excerpt from Paper Written for Oregon State Editorial Association by C. E. Ingalls
Editor of the Corvallis Gazette-Times

If I were going to answer this thing seriously, in other words if I were in a high school debate about the matter, and had the affirmative side I would first look about and examine all the live editorial pages and fat bank accounts I could find and then decide. My acquaintance, unfortunately, with editorial pages, where I also have had an acquaintance with the cash register, is not in the immediate vicinity of Oregon. I have to go farther east. For instance, selecting a small country daily such as the Medford, Albany, Oregon City, and Corvallis papers I naturally think of the Emporia Gazette and the Atchison Globe. * * * * *

All thru my observation of newspapers, the ones that put life into them editorially are the ones that have been successful. I know half a hundred live country papers that are making easy money but whether the money is the result of the life put into them or whether the life is put into as a result of the money they make I do not know. I know, and you know, dozens of country dailies and weeklies that have no more life nor individuality than the mummies of Egypt, but they seem to be getting along and some of them are making money. I would like to mention a few of them to illustrate my point, but I have a wife and two children dependent upon me for such support as they get and while living expenses are mounting higher and higher on account of iniquitous food pirates, I do not feel that they could afford a funeral in the family at this time. There can be little danger, however, in naming some of the good ones in Oregon to illustrate what I understand by newspaper “life.” After the Pendleton papers, of course, one of which I have never seen, the best edited paper in Oregon is the Medford Sun. The so-called heavy editorials combine the proper happiness of expression with their logic and the paragraphs are clever, spontaneous and full of spice and variety. Other editorial writers have the same idea and express the same idea that the Sun conveys, but they do it with a dull, heavy monotony, which, while it leaves no doubt of the writers’ sincerity and wouldn’t offend their worst enemies, yet you would have to love the writers with an affection that would make the friendship of Damon and Pythias seem like a Kentucky feud before you would wade through their copy if you had anything else to do. And the Sun looks prosperous.

Another prosperous paper with a live editorial page is the Salem Journal. If Charles Fisher ever wrote anything that I agreed with I must have overlooked it, yet his page is one of the few I regularly look at because he expresses his discontent in such a live and original way that it is readable. I don’t know whether or not that is why the Journal has the largest circulation in the state outside of Portland, but it must have because it says so itself and it ought to know, and no newspaper ever tells lies about its circulation.

I know this is dangerous ground, this commenting on newspaper contemporaries, but it is the danger that makes the first skating good, therefore I will mention the Oregon Journal. From my point of view, how in the world did the Journal ever succeed in putting over its peculiar form of political and economic philosophy except that it presented it with an originality and punch and persuasiveness that made the editorial page alive and its owner one of the wealthiest men in Oregon? At least it used to be alive and full of pep a few short months ago, but alack! since the take delinquent tax list controversy raged through the legislature like a pestilence, the Journal has ceased coming to my desk and I see it, forsooth, no more. But alas, poor Yorick! I used to love to read it tho I hated every word it said and I merely pause here to drop a tear of appreciation on the cantankerous strenuosity that makes its editorial page alive and different and therefore brings money into the business office.

And that’s one way of answering the question “Does it pay?” Every newspaper office is divided into three grand divisions, the back end, the business office, and the writing staff. None of them can get along without the other, tho the business office always imagines that it barters and bargains and slaves and rushes advertising for the sole purpose of paying off a lot of loafers in the writing staff. The writing staff in its turn always knows that it is not appreciated and that it could make more money doing something else but it never does. The business manager has to be an unimaginative, stolid individual, but all good writers so far as I know are tempermental, flighty and erratic as a musician but not so tight. They are not only queer, eccentric and indifferent but they are glad of it.

Every newspaper man says that he leads a dog’s life yet every news paper man that sells out with a firm determination to live some other kind of a life nearly always sooner or later comes barking happily back to his newspaper kennel. Speak with an average bunch of men at this gathering and they will tell you that the business is “all right, but it doesn't pay anything,” yet not one of them could make as much money as he is making with twice the effort in any other profession and not all of them are putting any life into their editorial pages either.

And so, I quit the subject not knowing whether I have answered the program committee’s question. My own notion of it is that it pays to try. Not all success is measured by the cash register. The thing most of us are hunting for is happiness and it is the most elusive jade to hunt it you follow somebody else’s directions. In my own mind I am convinced that wealth and fame are the least important things in the scheme of existence, and yet I would enjoy having a modicum of both. The real way to be happy is to enjoy your work and it you enjoy putting “life” into the editorial page, or any other page, you will be happy doing it and therefore receive the very best possible pay.

Special Livestock Number

The Crook County Journal, published at Prineville, called attention to Prineville as a cattle center by issuing, July 12, a special live stock number of 32 pages. The edition, copiously illustrated, was tat with advertising, full of matter descriptive of Crook county’s cattle industry, and handled also its usual grist of live local and neighbor hood news. Guy La Follette has given a fine example of what a country shop can do when the owner tries.

For Permanent Improvement

The Bend Bulletin, as a result of its observation on July 4, again points out the necessity for a permanent rest room, for the use of visitors throughout the year. The temporary quarters supplied on the holiday served, in the judgment of the Bulletin, to emphasize the need

for such an institution at all times.

How to Deal With the Price Cutting Competitor

Address by A. E. Voorhies, of the Grants Pass Courier, at the 1917 Session of Oregon State Editorial Association

The subject which has been a constant source of annoyance to publishers and printers in time past may well find a place on the program of an editorial association meeting, inasmuch as the life of trade is vitally affected by the price cutter. Fighting the price cutter in the city and fighting the price cutter in the country requires such different treatment that I will confine my remarks to the price cutter in the country, as we are an organization of country newspaper men.

Now, in the first place, what do you know about the price cutter? What do you know of his business and of his home conditions? Do you know him other than by sight? Do you associate with him? Does he think you are the real price cutter? I have heard discussions among newspaper men when one would denounce his competitor as a price cutter, and a few leading questions would demonstrate the fact that he himself was a price cutter. Then again, there is the ever-present cheap skate customer who peddles his once-a-year job and tells you that your price is high, and that he has been offered the work for less. He may be a liar and in his efforts to beat you down may make you the price cut ter. He, like the devil, is ever present. Beware lest ye fall unto temptation.

In Grants Pass we have a live business organization—the Chamber of Commerce—and every Monday noon from 50 to 75 of the business men break bread together, and like it. We become acquainted with the other fellow, and, while the primary object of the lunches is for help to the city, the individuals who attend are the ones who receive the greatest help. If you associate with your competitor he may learn to like you—in fact you may learn to like each other, and when that happens you are on an equal footing and you will not be attempting to out each other’s throat in a business way.

Don’t attempt or even think that you can get all the work in the town. There is no firm in any town that can get all the work. Accept only the work which pays a profit—let your competitor do the cheap work, and he will the sooner be out of business.

There was a time more than 20 years ago when I needed business and I thought price cutting was the way to get it. I furnished 500 XXX envelopes and kicked them off on a quarter Gordon for $1.00. Business showed a slight increase, or at least I was kept busy, but the proceeds diminished and I soon saw the light—I was gaining an education along that line and soon became an apt scholar. It no longer pains me to see the other fellow get a piece of work for I know that I am not entitled to all of it. I no longer have a price cutting competitor. We have learned that there is about so much work to be had and that price cutting does not develop more, but simply reduces the profits for both of us. I have had competitors who were price cutters but they have gone the way of all other misfits in business—to the scrap heap. While I have competition in the weekly field and also in the job printing, these people realize that they are in business for a legitimate profit and not to fight me.

Price cutting is remedied by education, and a membership in the Oregon State Editorial Association, with regular attendance at its meetings, is one of the greatest means of education. The Association during the past year, through a few of its able men in their work during the last session of the legislature, accomplished more for the newspapers as a business than the newspapers as a class are entitled to. They accomplished a forward step in the elimination of price cutting in the legal advertising field.

In summing up let me say: If your competitor is a price cutter—show him that you are not one. Cultivate his acquaintance—you may be able to help him and to show him where he is making a mistake, and that he alone is the loser. Invite his family to ride in your automobile and eat a picnic lunch with you. If the cheap-skate customer tells you that he has been quoted a much cheaper rate, phone the competitor and ask him about it. Get together on prices of standard work. Invite him to join this association, pointing out the ad vantages to he gained.

In the main, you get what you are looking for. If you are looking for a price cutter the chances are that you will act in such a manner as to develop a price cutter. If you are looking for a legitimate competitor you will probably be a legitimate competitor yourself.

Swatting the Free-Space Grafter

By Ed. C. Lapping, of the Astoria Budget

“Business as usual” is going to be a mighty poor motto for a host of the knights of the glue pot during the present war. If many country publishers don’t put their houses in order for the upward trend of everything from printer’s ink to household provisions, there are going to be more unemployed and fewer newspapers.

When a ship begins to take water the crew doesn’t get along as best it may; it looks for the cause. Moral: Stop the leaks.

And that’s what the country publisher must do if he is going to meet his creditors and maintain a respectable front. No doubt there are more leaks in the good ship Fourth Estate than I know of or perhaps will ever hear of even, but there are a few leaks—and mighty big ones—that no man in the front office of a paper can help but notice.

There are the grafters who want advertising space at low rates and get it; there are the advertisers who never pay; there are men who are so “kind” as to give you a two bit ad and expect a dollar’s worth of free readers on the side. And then there are the gentlemen who will give you a bathtub, a corkscrew (and this is Oregon), a mouth organ, or anything your heart might wish—anything for a bit of advertising space. Yes, anything—anything but the coin of the realm.

And here is my plaint, perhaps a tonic for the country publisher. It’s not new by any means, but perhaps through Oregon Exchanges united action may be called to the attention of Oregon publishers that “United, we stand; divided, we fall.”

Why not hang out the sign that advertisers who expect free reading notices with their ads are out of date, and that the editors of Oregon have passed the stage where they can be fooled by a silvery tongued space-grafter traveling under the title of press agent? Why not stand firm and refuse to print as news the hundreds of little “items” that profit or interest no one but the person who seeks entrance into the news columns with his concealed ad?

Where Editors Hold Sway

By F. R. Reeves, former publisher of the Hermiston Herald

One would scarcely expect to go into any ordinary community and find that a large percentage of the population has been connected with some branch of the newspaper game before going there. Yet that very thing is the case with Hermiston. We have almost every branch of the business represented here. Or if not here now, they have lived here in the past. Hermiston is the mecca for ex-newspaper men.

The founder of the Hermiston Herald, H. G. Newport, who was one of the founders of the town, is still here, being head of the largest construction company in eastern Oregon. When he started the Herald Mr. Newport was not a printer nor an editor. Seeing the need for a paper, however, he gathered together what copy he could, took it to Pendleton and had a paper printed. He kept this up for several weeks and then turned the business over to Charles E. Baker, who knew the game thoroughly. Mr. Newport insists, however, that those first few issues of the paper were the best.

Mr. Baker himself is still a resident of Hermiston, or practically so. He owns and manages a 160 acre alfalfa ranch just at the edge of town, incidenally looking after a dairy herd of about 25 cows. Mr. Baker, who is an old linotype operator, has “printed” from Omaha west to the coast in every town that has a machine. The simple life for him now, he says, and you couldn’t drag him back into the harness.

Almost any day one can see a well-dressed, middle-aged man walking down the street. He looks much like any other man, but mention newspaper to him and he is ready for a “visit” over old times. Behold E. P. Dodd, ex-manager of the Pendleton Tribune and at other times interested in Baker publications. In Hermiston he is known as the owner of a splendid fruit ranch.

Another old-timer now out of the business who is living here is A. L. Barnes, who at one time or another has owned half a dozen newspapers. W. T. Lambert, formerly a newspaperman in Indiana, and J. J. Casserly, who ran a newspaper in North Dakota until he came here five years ago, are now prosperous farmers at Hermiston.

Out north of town is an old time pressman. Ranching suits him best, he says, but just the same he cannot resist coming into the Herald office once in a while and putting a few down.

But not all of our ex’s are ranchers. On the main street of town is a business house one of the main stockholders of which is an other former manager of a daily.

These are only a few of the many. To list all of them would tire Oregon Exchanges readers and they would believe we “faked” the story. However, we have mailing division men, bindery girls, linotype operators and the good old hand man. And all satisfied with the simple life, even though they may “hanker after the smell of ink” occasionally and pay the Herald composing room a visit. We never throw them out, for we know how it is. We once tried to quit the game but didn’t succeed. Just now we are making another effort and time can only tell the result.

Community Building Wanted

The Dufur Dispatch is agitating for the construction of a suitable “community building" or public meeting-place for the benefit of the people of Dufur and surrounding territory.

All Over Oregon

The Coos Bay Harbor is pounding its home town on the back to install a flre-alarm system.

The Newberg Graphic is conducting a vigorous campaign against motorcycle and automobile speeder.

The La Grande Evening Observer gave its staff and printers a holiday and did not issue on Independence Day.

The Portland Spectator claims to have been the first to use the title "Sammies" to designate the American troops.

The Portland Journal was all dressed up with the flags of many nations in honor of the visit of the Belgian commissioners.

The Heppner Herald has announced it will send the paper free to each of the Morrow county boys who is enlisted in the army or navy.

Frank Hochfeld, librarian of The Oregonian, expects to be called into service in August, as he is a member of the Coast Artillery, Oregon National Guard.

Allen G. Thurman, formerly of the Portland Telegram circulation department. is The Dalles Chronicle's new manager of circulation, which he is rapidly building up.

Philip Jackson, son of C. S. Jackson, publisher of the Journal, is in Portland after having completed his post-graduate work at Harvard, and is in the Journal's business office.

C. S. Jackson, publisher of the Journal, is home after an extended visit in the east and south, part of which he passed in Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore. Mr. Jackson is well again.

Miss Lucile F. Saunders, of Portland, a student in the school of journalism of the University of Oregon, is spending the summer pursuing the elusive item to its lair for the Coos Bay Daily Times, at Marshfield.

Earl Murphy, formerly a student at the University of Oregon and now night editor of the Morning Enterprise, of Oregon City, plans to resume his work at the University next fall.

Miss Florence Elizabeth Nichols, society editor of the Salem Statesman, is spending her vacation at Portland and the beaches. Miss Loraine Ross is substituting for her during her absence.

The partnership of M. L. Boyd and J. E. Bloom, former publishers of the Polk County Itemizer, was disolved July 1. The Itemizer will continue publication with Mr. Boyd as editor and manager.

J. L. ("Count") Wallin, telegraph and music editor of the Port land Journal, managed to take three days off just prior to the music festival that he might be at his best in handling that big event.

B. C. Y. Brown, former editor of the Bohemia Nugget, was in Cottage Grove with his family the past week He now lives in California and travels by automobile. The Nugget was consolidated with The Sentinel.

C. J. Howard, former publisher of the Western Oregon, now the Cottage Grove Sentinel, visited relatives and friends in Cottage Grove a few days ago. Mr. Howard is now manager of a milling business at Glendale.

M. D. Foor, a printer, who, for four or five years was on The Oregonian prior to enlisting in the ser vice, is dead at one of the training camps, according to brief information received by some of his erst while co-workers.

Joseph Macqueen, music and lierary and exchange editor of The Oregonian, was one of the singers in the big chorus which dedicated the new $600,000 public auditorium July 5, 6 and 7. Mr. Macqueen, who years ago hailed from bonnie Scotland, is a member of the Apollo club.

Harold (“Hi") Hunt, University of Oregon man, now reading telegraph copy and doing the sports extra on the Journal, is the father of another baby daughter—the second. Mrs. Hunt was Florence Marquis, formerly of Eugene.

Lilly V. O’Ryan, portrait painter, has recently made a magnificent portrait of Miss Amanda Otto, the index genius of The Oregonian and private secretary to the managing editor and the “guardian angel" of about every one else on the paper.

The Eugene Guard bids for a place on the journalistic roll of honor with the announcement that eight former members of its editorial staff and mechanical force are now serving, in various capacities, in the army and navy of the United States.

The Oregon Statesman recently published a request for a copy of its New Year’s edition published in 1892. The Statesman wants the copy to complete its files. Anyone who can supply the lack is requested to communicate with the Salem publication.

J. W. Grant, formerly half owner of The Cottage Grove Sentinel, is now owner of The News, published at Boyd River, Wisconsin. He reports that he has to leave his office door open when out in order that subscribers may get in to leave their money.

The Portland Spectator celebrated the Portland musical festival recently by issuing a thirty-six page number within an attractive cover, the design for which was drawn by Leta Kennedy. The edition carried a musical tone through a great part of the paper.

Dean Collins, poet, philosopher and reporter on the local staff of The Oregonian, smiles again. He is no longer a man without a family. His wife and their little daughter returned a few days ago from a winter’s sojourn in Arizona with Mrs. Collins’ relatives.

Publisher A. M. Byrd, of the Central Oregon Enterprise, printed at Prineville, has just installed a linotype machine. This gives the Crook county metropolis two type setting machines. The other linotype is a part of the equipment of the Crook County Journal.

Clarence W. Tebault, formerly correspondent for the Journal at Albany, later with the Tribune at Puyallup, Wash., is now a member of the Portland Journal’s city staff, and is putting 'er over in good shape. Mr. Tebault’s only distraction is a fine young son—the first.

The Benton County Review, published at Philomath by F. S. Minshall, has a new idea on its letter heads. Occupying places of honor at the left and right of the heading are the names—of the stockholders? no—of the managers? no—the names of the faithful country correspondents.

The Washington County News-Times, published at Forest Grove, recently celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. Joseph P. Hurley, now editor and manager, in a birthday message to his readers, thanks the people of the community for their support and hopes to be with them for another thirty years.

The Myrtle Point Enterprise is agitating for a home market place “for every single product of the farm, large or small. It should be a place where the farmer can dispose of his produce at market prices and for spot cash, without the trouble and waiting incident to shipping to outside points.”

Postmaster E. J. Kaiser, of Ashland, has taken over the business management of the Ashland Record after several years absence from the newspaper field. C. B. Wolf, who has published the Record the last five years, expects to take up special newspaper work in Portland or San Francisco.

E. E. Brodie, formerly president of the State Editorial Association, and publisher, who is editor of the Oregon City Enterprise, has been spending a vacation with his family on the Middle Valley ranch of F. X. Arens, director of the New York People’s Symphony orchestra. The ranch is near Hood River.

Felix Mitchell, dean of the Journal's employees, who has been a copy director in the composing room for a couple of years, has yielded to the charms of the sea and her mermaids, and has gone to his seaside home for the summer. Mr. Mitchell will spend much time "flivvering" on the beach.

W. H. Warren, for the last four years private secretary to Mayor Albee, has returned to the staff of The Oregonian as general assignment reporter. Mr. Warren was city hall reporter before entering Mr. Albee's office at the time Portland changed from councilmanic to commission form of government.

Frank W. Barton, recently a member of The Oregonian local room, but now at American Lake with the Eighth Company, Army Engineers, was a visitor last week. He obtained a pass of 48 hours and came down to see the bright lights once again He expects to be in France in another month or two.

Arthur Kaylor, formerly night editor of the Morning Enterprise, of Oregon City, has been made second lieutenant in the officers' reserve corps, and is stationed at the Presidio, waiting orders. Cecil W. Koffman, formerly cashier of the same paper, is a member of the officers' reserve training camp at the Presidio.

Charles H. Jones, editor of the Oregon Teachers' Monthly, is a member of the Salem city council and is one of the main sponsors for the children's playgrounds in the Capital City. The playground is patronized by hundreds of chmildren and largely through Mr. Jones' efforts a number of improvements have been made there this year.

Marcus W. Holling, son of M. W. Holling, chief machinist of The Ore gonian composing room, has recently been advanced to chief petty officer aboard one of the vessels in the United States navy. Holling enlisted in 1914, prior to that time being interested in the Oregon Naval Militia and for a time a member of it. He is an all-around machinist and worked his way up the ladder from the bottom.

Henry M. Hanzen, Portland Telegram correspondent at Salem, who has been appointed private secretary to United States Senator Charles L. McNary, expects to remain in Salem until fall, when he will go to Washington with Senator McNary. He remains connected with the Telegram at Salem. His successor has not yet been selected.

Two new faces have recently appeared on the reporting staff of the Eugene Guard. B. W. Talcott, a veteran newspaperman, lately from Ashland, where he conducted a job printing plant, and Miss Clytie Hall, a senior in the school of journalism, who until a few weeks ago was a reporter on the Spring field Twice-a-Week News, are the late additions.

M. J. Brown, editor of the Corvallis Courier, is spending his annual vacation in Alaska this sum mer. "To pass the long evenings," he announced in his paper, "he will write Alaskan stories for an eastern syndicate of newspapers—stories of the unusual, the odd spots." During Mr. Brown's absence, the Courier's editorial chair is filled by F. W. Holmes.

Charles P. Ford, copy reader of The Oregonian, who served with Battery A, Field Artillery, Oregon National Guard, is another member of that staff who will be called when the guard units are all sworn into the federal service. Ford has held his place on the desk ever since returning farom the border, squeezing in a night or two of drill every now and then.

Horace E. Thomas, city editor of The Oregonian, has gone to Southern Oregon, near Yachats, on a vacation fishing trip. Shad. O. Krantz, widely known about town as the "plutocratic" reporter because he is the railroad and bank beat man, has started on a tour of the east. He expects to visit New York and see a few of "the boys" with whom he hobnobbed as a cub.

Lew A. Cates, editor and publisher successively of the Coquille Sentinel, the Cottage Grove Sentinel and the Polk County Observer, is spending the summer at the wheel of his automobile, touring the pleasure resorts of the state. He is being accompanied by Mrs. Gates and they make their home right in the car, which is equipped with a portable bed of Mr. Cates’ own invention.

D. A. Weir, of Denver, has purchased a half interest in the Silverton Tribune Publishing Company of Silverton and with Henry E. Brown will conduct the affairs of that business in the future. Mr. Brown and Mr. Weir were in Salem recently taking over the printing equipment of the Al Hill company of that city, and they also plan to install a model 15 linotype in the near future.

Coos Bay newspapermen send word that they are looking for ward to the time when the Oregon editors will hold their annual sessions there. L. J. Simpson will throw open this beautiful $100,0000 home at Shoreacres, where the two days’ sessions moy be held. The final banquet will be held in Marshfield. North Bend also will do a full share entertaining and there will be side trips of special interest.

Fred A. Woelfien, advertising manager of the Bend Bulletin, is among the Oregon newspapermen whose journalistic career will be interrupted by the war. His number, 810, was one of the lucky ones in the draft—besides which Mr. Woelfien has an application in for the reserve officers’ training camp. Floyd Westerfield, understudy to Mr. Woelfien, also has an application in for the training camp.

F. R. Reeves, for seven and one half years publisher of the Herald at Hermiston sold the paper late in June to M. D. O’Connell, whose first issue appeared July 7. Mr. Reeves has not yet announced his plans for the future. Mr. O’Connell is an experienced publisher, going to Hermiston from Richland, Washington. In his salutatory he expresses optimism, and a desire to cooperate in the upbuilding of the community, and announces the paper’s independent Republicanism in politics.

J. R. Hinman, Astoria newspaper man, has enlisted in the engineers’ corps of the Oregon national guard. Mr. Hinman for five years was city editor of the Morning Astorian, later buying the Lower Columbia at Astoria and operating it as an independent weekly.

Theodore Irvine of Independence, Oregon, who for the last five years has been identified with the newspaper business throughout the Northwest, has joined the local staff of The Oregonian and is covering the day police beat. Irvine served his apprenticeship at the case and for a time was publisher of the Tribune at Oakdale, Wash. He has worked on a number of small papers and on The Spokane Chronicle.

Roger W. Moe, a former University of Oregon student, is now publisher and editor of the Mosier Bulletin. Young Mr. Moe, who had his newspaper training in the office of his father, A. D. Moe, publisher of the Hood River Glacier, also holds about all the available offices in Mosier. He is city marshal, deputy sheriff, clerk of the school board and town clerk. When the editor is out of town official business of the mid-Columbia fruit town stops.

The boys on The Oregonian staff have welcomed a new member into their ranks, in the person of Rev. Carl Ghormley, pastor of the Rodney Avenue Christian Church, who is trying out on the copy desk to learn the business and fill in during the stringency of men occasioned by the war. Rev. Mr. Ghormley is a former University of Oregon man and is actively engaged in preaching. Like a good many others he links the pulpit and the press as agencies for good.

The Medford Mail Tribune adds to its typographical attractiveness and to its readability by eliminating the “position ad.” The advertisements in the Mail Tribune are “pyramided” from the lower right towards the upper left corners of the pages, and the result is the fine “open tops” so dear to the heart of the newspaper maker who appreciates a chance to play up his news where it won’t be lost. Incidentally, it is growing easier to convince advertisers that even the ads are more attractive when neatly made up in this way.

S. A. Stone, managing editor of the Salem Statesman, has been spending his vacation at Pendleton and other eastern Oregon points, and expects to be back at his desk about August 1. During his absence, Don H. Upjohn, Oregonian representative at the Capitol, is “filling in” on the Statesman.

The Polk County Observer, published at Dallas, is cooperating with the farmers in its territory in the effort to obtain the labor necssary to save their crops. The Observer has sent out blanks among the farmers in its district, to be filled in by all farmers needing help. These will form the basis for a list to be published in the Oh server which will serve as a guide to those needing employment—thus bringing the manless job and the jobless man together.

An interesting recent visitor in Portland was George A. Cool, of Hilo, Hawaii. When Mr. Cool left the Telegram twelve years ago he was a worker in the composing room. He returned as proprietor of his own newspaper, The Tribune, published in Hilo, a city of 15,000. His purpose in visiting the mainland was to buy new presses and to obtain the Associated Press franchise for a daily edition, which he purposed to start July 1.

Officials at the State Capitol have been receiving photographs of George A. Prichard for many years connected with The Oregonian and Willamette Valley papers, but now in the officers’ training camp at the Presidio. While his picture indicates that camp life has cut down his weight he also looks as hard as nails. In one of the letters sent to the Capitol he says he expects to know by August 11 whether he will obtain his coveted commission.

Thomas A. Burke, graduate of the University and deputy attorney of Clackamas county. employed during the time he attended the University as linotype operator of the Eugene Guard, having learned the keyboard at Baker, recently covered himself with glory while acting as secretary of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua Assembly at Gladstone Park, Oregon City. He finished the 13 days session with a net profit of $2,000, in addition to receiving $2,000 from the sale of stock in the association.

C. E. Ingalls, president of the Willamette Valley Editorial Association, and Elbert Bede, secretary, are in correspondence with the Newport Commercial Club in reference to holding the next Valley Association meeting at that place. No more delightful spot, with finer side trips, can be found, they agree, and in order that as many of the craft as possible may enjoy it to the limit, it is planned to have the meeting on Saturday with a stay over Sunday. Details will be given out as soon as possible.

Full of pep and optimism, the Malheur Enterprise, published at Vale by George Huntington Currey, has blossomed out as an eight-page, seven column weekly. Enlargement of the paper has made possible the addition of several features. Prominent among these is the publication of two pages of news of Vale’s surrounding country and neighboring towns; a news picture service; weekly cartoon, and woman’s department. All this in addition to covering the news of its territory in its usual thorough manner.

Rex Stewart, formerly office boy at the Journal, later student at Reed College, then “cub” on the Journal, has joined the navy and is in training at Mare Island. News from Rex is that he likes it, and urges his young friends to follow suit and get in the game for the U. S. A. Rex, during his office-boy days took a correspondence course in journalism from the University of Washington, and for the Washington Newspaper, journalism department publication, wrote a story of his office activities.

James E. Montgomery, who formerly did the editorial work on the Hood River Glacier, and Miss Marie Therese Maloney were married on Thursday, June 1, at Marshfield, where Mr. Montgomery has been located for the last three years. He has been commercial superintendent of the Coos & Curry Telephone Company and vice-president of the Bank of Southwestern Oregon. Mr. Montgomery will probably soon be in active training as one of Uncle Sam’s fighting men, having sought a commission in the officers’ signal reserve corps.

Lieutenant Edgar E. Piper, son of E. B. Piper, managing editor of The Oregonian, is making a record as a sharpshooter at the Reserve Officers’ Training Camp, according to unofficial letters received in Portland. Young Piper made the regular army officers take notice when he persisted in hitting the bullseye nine times out of every ten shots every time he went out for a little practice. Piper has been commissioned second lieutenant in the regular army, as has Jerrold Owen. Piper before going to camp was general assignment reporter on The Oregonian and Owen did the court house run.

Notwithstandiing the fact four members of The Dalles Daily Chronicle force are men of conscriptional ages, the draft lottery left the Chronicle’s personnel intact. H. T. Hopkins, editor; Ben R. Lit fin, business manager; Allen G. Thurman, circulation manager, and Oscar Lange, make-up man, all possessed serial numbers. The “back office” member of the force is the only one of the four whose number was pulled out at Washing ton among the first 5,000 capsules, and Mr. Lange is down 242 places on the Wasco county list, whose quota is only 23. The three “front office” men would not even be in on a second draft.

The last few days has seen noticeable changes in the personnel of the news staff of the Eugene Morning Register. Miss Grace Edging ton, who, as announced in last month’s Exchanges, has been elected to a place in the journalism faculty of the University of Washington, has been succeeded as society editor and proofreader by Miss Norma Hendricks, of Eugene. For rest Peil, a student at the University of Oregon, who has been local reporter for several months, has gone home to Klamath Falls to await the call which will take the ambulance company to which he belongs, to France. He has been succeeded on the reportorial staff by Paul Farrington, a graduate of the Eugene high school.

The Heppner Herald, edited by S. A. Pattison, in commenting up on the recent successful session of the State Editorial Association, launches a boom for E. E. Brodie, for the last three years president of the association, for secretary of state, in these words: “As the lights began to flicker, and the engine bell began to clang, we thought of dear old Brodie, our past president, who has given his time, money, and his splendid ability, to make the association what it is today, and then, when the fare wells were said, came the thought to many an editorial mind—why not some political recognition for the newspaper fraternity of Oregon? Why not good old Brodie for Secretary of State next year? Why not? Boys, let’s buck Brodie in.”

Earl Goodwin, of the reportorial staff of The Oregonian, has been called into service with the Feld Hospital Unit, Enlisted Reserve Corps, of which he is a member. Goodwin’s entrance into the service is an epic. He is of slight build, and he passed a perfect physical examination except for weight. He was several pounds too light. He knew it, but wanted to get in. He made up the extra weight by drinking all the water he could hold just before he went before the examining surgeon and “got by.” He is built for sufficient weight to get him into the service, and he expects to get bona fide poundage as soon as he gets into regular training and eating on regular schedule. Goodwin is one of the “boys” who is always on his toes and like a high-spirited race horse, works off a couple of pounds of

weight every day or so.

The Value of the Small Item

By Walter May, Assistant City Editor, The Oregonian

After all, the big stories are the easiest to get and the little short, intimate items of persons and things in the daily newspaper’s field are the ones which put local editors into “tempers;” make the newspaper work thoroughly discouraging to beginners and show up the weaknesses of veteran, so-called star reporters. Top heads are essential and long stories have their place, but the small item is the backbone of the newspaper structure and the reporter who discounts the value of the short, personal story as he grows mature in the business of finding and selling news, discounts his own value just that much.

Big stories will write themselves, if they are in the hands of a reporter of comprehensive vision and reasonable experience. They are the delight of the make-up editor and the inspiration of the local editor. All honor to them and the men and women who are able to find them and write the facts into English. But every editor, charged with the all-round production of a saleable newsy daily, knows that the cares from the big stories are the smaller part of the day’s or night’s tribulations. The big task is to find the interesting short item; to get it written and get it correct. Here is where the average veteran reporter fails the editor.

Because Oregon Exchanges is meant for newspaper men I point out this fact—this weakness in a great many of the veteran reporters of every city. It is not peculiar to Portland, although it is a disease epidemic among our star men. Any editor or sub-editor who has wrestled with a lively grist of big stuff and suffered from a scarcity of small, crisp, intimate news must realize this.

The trouble is that too often the “cub” is relied on to develop this class of news. We let him do the drudgery of item-collecting so much that the veterans soon begin to shirk it; begin to forget to write it after they get it and soon for get to sense it when it is near. This last is almost fatal and from the viewpoint of the local editor or his assistant, it soon becomes the most apparent weakness of any reporter.

The importance of the big story and the thoughtful, careful handling of major events in the day’s developments need not be minimized in considering the short item, but it is the brief mention of the person or the brisk style of a 10-line article that the vast army of readers remember first in the day’s news. “Gossipy” news attracts the woman reader and a mere mention of a minor event causes the club man to slap his club friend on the shoulder and say “I see by the paper (and often he names the paper) that so and so has been promoted; has a baby boy or fell and broke an ankle."

There is also a mechanical advantage in the small item. It may relieve a heavy story on this page and dress up a long, solid story on the next. The small item advertises the paper, because it is invariably the small item that is clipped out and handed to a friend or sent to a distant relative.

The small items—when there are enough of them—interest just that many more people. One column of ten-line items will be personal with many more people than a column story of an impersonal event in the day’s calendar.

Experienced reporters can best handle short items. Their wide acquaintance gives them a knowledge of personal peculiarities which can be injected into the short item in a way that makes it valuable and interesting.