Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 21/Index
Atkinson, Dr. George H., sent to Ore- gon by the American Home Mission- ary Society, 4; becomes authority on matters of education in the territory, 4-5; with Harvey Clark founds Tual- atin Academy, 5; for forty years is secretary of the board of trustees of Tualatin Academy and Pacific Uni- versity, 6; secures an endowment for Pacific University and persuades Sidney Harper Marsh to come from Vermont to be its president, 6-7.
Brown, Mrs. Tabitha, career of, in Con- necticut, arduous trip to Oregon when nearly seventy, 3; her school at West Tualatin, now Forest Grove, 1846-8, 4; her school of orphans taken over by Tualatin Academy, 5; when 72 years old has 40 in her family of pupils and mixes with her own hands 3423 pounds of flour in five months, 6; her home is bequeathed to the Uni- versity, 8.
William Cullen Bryant and Thomas Jefferson give vogue to the word Oregon, originated by Carver, 341; genealogy of Carver, 341-2; the dif- ferent possible sources of the name Oregon, 342; the region to which in- quiry into the origin of the name leads, 342-3; early life, accomplish- ments and marital relations, 343-6; military career, 346; route of travels traced, 346-7; the regions described had long been visited by white men and his suggestions as to locality of sources of four principal rivers of continent ridiculous, 348-9; Indians could hardly have given him word used as name of the Columbia, 349-50; white men among the Sioux earlier and later than Carver did not report such name as current among them, 350-1 ; facilities for a French or Spanish origin of Oregon, 350-4; a river of the west proiected and mapped long before Carver's time, 355-7; Carver's projected enterprise to cross the continent absurd for his resources, 357-8; his environment at Mackinac, 358-60; his connection with Major Robert Rogers, 361-2; life in London befriended by Dr. John Fothergill and Dr. John Coakley Lettsom, 363: the Carver MS., 364-5; the Pequot Wau-
regon and Major Robert Rogers' Ouragon as possible sources of Ore- gon, 365.
Clark, Reverend Harvey, espouses pur- pose to found Pacific University, 3; with Dr. George H. Atkinson organ- izes Tualatin Academy, 5 ; teaches in Mission School at Champoeg, 6; most generous in endowing Pacific University, 6.
Fothergill, Dr. John, as benefactor of Jonathan Carver, 366-7
IDAHO, DAVID THOMPSON AND BEGIN- NINGS IN, 49-61 ; first trader located in, 54-55; first shipment of furs from,
Lettsom, Dr. John Coakley, publisher of 3rd edition of Carver's Travels and writer of biographical sketch of au- thor, 363-4; letter by, bearing on search for certificate of Carver grant, 368.
McLoughlin, Dr. John, statement of. relative to policy of refusal to sell cattle to settlers, 177.
Marsh, Sidney Harper, comes to Ore- gon to become head of school at Tualatin Plains, 6-7; develops it into Tualatin Academy and Pacific Uni- versity, 7; secures endowment and library, 7-8.
Martinez, Estevan Joseph, account by, of seizures of British vessels at Noot- ka Sound in 1789, 21-30.
METHODISTS, EDUCATIONAL PLANS AND EFFORTS BY IN OREGON TO 1860, 63-94; essential educational program of every religious denomination, 63-4; educa- tional before 1860 under religious auspices, 64-5; the work of the mis- sion schools, 65-71; elementary term
schools, 72-7; Oregon Institute and Willamette University, 77-83; Clacka- mas County Female Seminary, 83-4; Portland Academy and Female Semi- nary, 84-5; Santiam Academy, 85-6; Corvallis Academy, 86; Rainier Semi- nary, 87; Oregon City Seminary, 87; Umpqua Academy, 87-91; bibliogra- phy, 92-4.
OREGON ITS MEANING, ORIGIN AND APPLICATION, 317-331; Indian origin and meaning of the word, 318-20; conveyed east to the Sioux by the Shoshonis, 321-2; Jonathan Carver gets it from the Sioux and uses it in his book of "Travels," 322-5; the tradition of a western river, 325-6; William Cullen Bryant, Thomas Jef- ferson use the name Oregon, 326-7; Lewis and Clark and John Jacob Astor through exploration and occupa- tion and Dr. John Floyd through agi- tation bring the region into public no- tice so that settlement and jurisdic- tion are extended to include it, 327-31.
OREGON COUNTRY, THE EARLY EX- PLORATIONS AND THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF THE, 332-346; progress of Spanish, Russian and English dis- covery and exploration in the Pacific Northwest, 332-5; evidence of the presence of Spaniards in the Oregon Country, 335-6; divers modes for ac- counting for the word Oregon, 336-8; early settlers as Spaniards would nat- urally transfer name of ancestral home to region, 338-9; transforma- tion of Aragon into Oregon, 339-40.
PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, 1-12; had its origin in a missionary enterprise, 3; schools of Reverend Harvey Clark and wife and of Mrs. Tabitha Brown its nu- cleus, 3; Harvey Clark and George H. Atkinson organize it as an academy, 5; through labors of President Sid- ney Harper Marsh developed into university, 6-8; its successive presi- dents, 8-9; teachers that served the Academy and University, 9-10; its alumni, 10; standards, 10; its aspira- tions and outlook, 11-12.
PRINCESA, THE LOG OF THE, by ESTEVAN MARTINEZ, 21-31; corrects Bancroft's account of this voyage, 22; fails to refer to Meares' house, 22; gives rea- son for releasing the Iphigenia, 23; the reception accorded to the North- west America, 24; comparison of Log account with letter to Florez, 24; seizures of English vessels, 25-9; rea- sons for favoring Gray and Kendrick, 30; adequacy of the diary for deter- mining what really did happen at Nootka Sound in 1789, 31.
ROBERTS, WILLIAM M., LETTERS OF, AS THIRD SUPERINTENDENT OP OREGON MISSION, 33-48; description of per- sonality and characterization of work m Oregon, 34-5; account of Whit- man massacre and of the conditions before and after, 34-8; the immigra- tion of 1847, 38; the salary and sun- dry needs ot the mission, 39-43; glory of Oregon in temperance departed, 45; the war and the legislature of the winter of 1847-8, 47; wants of the church, 48.
Schools, Pioneer elementary term, 72-7; organized institutions, 1854-60, 77-91. SCHOOLS, HISTORY OF OREGON NORMAL, 95-169; Oregon Normal School sys- tem less developed than those of neighboring states, 95-7; preparation of Oregoh teachers, 97-8; the early school conditions and the demand for Normals, 98-103; first state normals evolved from denominational institu- tions, 105-13; beginning of financial aid from state, 113-7; their troubles begin and criticism becomes fierce, 117-19; vicissitudes suffered at hands of governors, legislatures, the press and at the polls, 120-32; the normal schools cut off, 132-4; the work of the normal schools evaluated, 134-55; summary of causes of failure, 155-6; their appeals to the people and result, 156-68; bibliography, 168-9. Slacum, William A., mission of, in Ore- gon, 1836-7, and what he accom- plished, 171-9.
SPAIN AND ENGLAND'S QUARREL OVER THE OREGON COUNTRY, 13-20; the Nootka Sound affair, the first of three dramatic crises in the clash of international interests in the Oregon Country, 13-4; the progress of Span- ish and English discovery and trade expansion toward a point of collision in the Pacific Northwest, 14-6; the preparation from 1785 to 1789 in Nootka Sound for the explosion, 16-20.
THOMPSON, DAVID, AND BEGINNINGS IN IDAHO, 49-61; fur traders of Canada early plan to cross the Rocky Moun- tains, 49-50; David Thompson and Fin an McDonald first penetrate to tributaries of the Upper Columbia in present Idaho, 50-1; accuracy of ob- servations taken by Thompson, 52-3; site of first trading post selected, Kullyspell House, 54-6;, David Thompson's birth, education and career, 56-61.
YOUNG, EWING, AND His ESTATE, 171- 315; the formation of the Willamette Cattle Company at the suggestion of William A. Slacum, 171-2; the Ore- gon settlement in the winter, 1836-7, 172-5; Slacum's mediation removes the two impediments to progress, 176- 9; diplomacy, daring and sagacity in getting first cattle from California, 179-80; play of economic forces in the making of early Oregon revealed in the Ewing documents, 180-4; unity in economic interests and activities im- pel to political organization, i84 : 6; the western world of adventure in the twenties that lured Ewing Young, 186- 8; his movements in the Southwest,
189-90; in California, 190-3; the ac- cusation made against him by the governor of California threatens ruin to Young and to the American settle- ment on the Willamette, 193-5; the domesday book of record of early Oregon, 195-7; documentary records relating to Young at Taos, New Mexico, and the claimants to his es- tate, 197-205; records of the Willam- ette Cattle Company, 205-9; "day- book" record of saw mill operations and employees' supply account, 209-43 ; record of live stock interests and farm accounts during summer following his decease, 243-70; account with Fort Vancouver sale shop, 270-6; inventory and auction accounts, 276-92; separate personal accounts, 292-308; adminis- trator's accounts, 308-11; jail built with part of proceeds of estate, 312- 3; petition praying that proceeds of estate should not be used as the peo- ple of the territory would thereby be- come too deeply involved in debt, 3I3-S.