Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 3/The Archives of Oregon
The Public Archives Commission was organized at the Boston meeting of the American Historical Association, in December, 1899. The project had been before the association for several years, but the way had not been clear for starting upon it. The commission proposed to undertake a systematic examination of the contents and condition of the various classes of American public records national, state, and local, with a view to the ultimate publication of such a guide to them as will make them available for students.
To facilitate the work of the commission an adjunct member was appointed in each state, who is the immediate representative of the commission in that state, and primarily responsible for such lines of investigation as may be undertaken in his rield. The work is without compensation, a labor of love for all.
Duties of Secretary of State—
The Secretary of State shall keep a fair record of the official acts of the legislative assembly and executive department of the state and shall, when required, lay the same and all matters relative thereto before either branch of the legislative assembly.
Duties of Secretary of State—
It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State,—
1. To keep a record of the official acts of the executive department of the state; and he shall, when required, lay the same and all matters relative thereto before each branch of the legislature;
3. He shall be charged with the safe-keeping of all enrolled laws and resolutions, and shall not permit the same or any of them to be taken out of his office or inspected, except in his presence, unless by order of the Governor, or by resolution of one or both houses of the legislature, under penalty of $100. All legal papers of the state shall be deposited and preserved in his office. The chief clerks of the senate and house of representatives, at the close of each session of the legislature, shall deposit for safe-keeping in the office of the Secretary of State, all books, bills, documents, and papers in the possession of the legislature, correctly labeled, folded, and classified. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to cause the original enrolled laws and joint resolutions passed at each session of the legislature to be bound in a volume, in a substantial manner, and in the order in which they are approved, and no further record of the official acts of the legislature, so far as relates to acts and joint resolutions, shall be required of said secretary; and he shall index the same, and cause the title thereof, with the session at which the same shall have been passed, to be written or printed on the back of such volume. At the end of each session of the legislative assembly the State Printer shall, of the acts, memorials, resolutions, and journals of each session, print the number of copies
—as specified later in this report.
A collection of documents designated by the Secretary of State as the "Archives" of the state contains the following:
The Code of Civil Procedure and other general statutes of Oregon, enacted by the legislative assembly at the session commencing September 8, 1862. Code Commissioners: M. P. Deady, A. C. Gibbs, J. K. Kelly. Salem: 1863.
General Laws of Oregon, 1845-1864, compiled and annotated by M. P. Deady. Salem, December 26, 1865.
General Laws of Oregon, 1843-1872, compiled and annotated by M. P. Deady, Lafayette Lane.
The Codes and General Laws of Oregon, compiled and annotated by William Lair Hill. 2 vols. Published by authority of an act of February 26, 1885. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Company. 1887.
Same, including statutes and decisions to 1892. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Company. 1892.
The Codes and Statutes of Oregon, showing all laws of a general nature, including the Session Laws of 1901. Compiled and annotated by Charles B. Bellinger, William W. Cotton. 2 vols. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Company. 1902.
The Oregon Archives, including the Journals, Governor's messages, and Public Papers of Oregon. "From the earliest attempt to form a government to and including the session of the territorial legislature of 1849. Collected and published pursuant to an act of the legislative assembly, passed January 29, 1853." By Lafayette Grover, Commissioner. Salem: 1853.
Same, including following additional contents:
- Papers relating to the war with the Cayuse Indians.
- Laws of a General and Local Nature. Passed by the legislative committee and legislative assembly at their various successive sessions from the year 1843, down to and inclusive of the session of the territorial legislature held in 1849, except such laws of said session as were published in the bound volume of Oregon Statutes, dated Oregon City, 1851, collected and published pursuant to an act of January 26, 1853.
Statutes of a General Nature. Passed by the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon at the second session, begun and held at Oregon City, December, 1850. Oregon City: 1851.
Journals, Local Laws, and Joint Resolutions of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon:
- Journal of the Council of the Territory of Oregon during the second session of the legislative assembly, begun and held at Oregon City, December 2, 1850. Oregon City: 1851.
- Journal of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Oregon, during the second session of the legislative assembly, begun and held at Oregon City. Oregon City: 1851.
- Statutes of a local nature and joint resolutions of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, passed at the second session thereof, begun and held December 2, 1850, at Oregon City. Oregon City: 1851.
Laws and Journals. Oregon, 1851-1852:
- General laws passed by the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon at the third regular session thereof, begun and held at Salem, December 1, 1851. Oregon: 1852.
- Local laws and joint resolutions of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, passed at the third regular session thereof, begun and held at Salem, December, 1851. Oregon: 1852.
- Journal of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Oregon, during the first session of the legislative assembly, begun and held at Oregon City, July 16, 1849. Oregon: 1854.
- Journal of the Council of the Territory of Oregon, during the first regular session of the legislative assembly, begun and held at Oregon City, July 16, 1849. Oregon: 1854.
- Journal of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Oregon, during the third regular session of the legislative assembly, begun and held at Salem, December 1, 1851.
Appendix: Memorial to Congress requesting officers appointed from among themselves; increasing salaries of revenue collectors; establishment of military posts, mail facilities.- Journal of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Oregon, during a special session, begun and held at Salem, July 26, 1852. Oregon: 1852.
- Journal of the Council of Oregon, during a special session, begun and held at Salem, July 26, 1852. Oregon: 1852.
- Journal of the Council of the Territory of Oregon, during the third regular session of the legislative assembly, begun and held at Salem, December 1, 1851. Oregon: 1852.
Appendix: Memorial to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, expressing dissatisfaction with Governor Gaines and the territorial judges; including, also, Judge Pratt's opinion on the "Location Law."Laws and Journals, 1852-1853:
Laws and Journals, Oregon, 1853–4–5, 1855–6:
- General laws passed by the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, at fourth regular session thereof, begun and held at Salem, December 6, 1852. Oregon: 1853.
- Special laws and joint resolutions of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, passed at the fourth regular session thereof, begun and held at Salem, December 6, 1852. Oregon: 1853.
- Journal of the Council of the Territory of Oregon, during the fourth regular session of the legislative assembly, begun and held at Salem December 6, 1852. Oregon: 1853.
Appendix: Librarian's report, with catalogue of library. Report of company sent out from counties of Lane and Linn to learn the practicability of an emigrant route from Fort Boise to the Willamette Forks, commenced August 20, 1852, and lasted sixty days. Report of Secretary relating to distribution of general laws and journals and local laws. Reports of payments made on account of the library. Report of Treasurer.- Journal of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Oregon during the fourth regular session of the legislative assembly, begun and held at Salem, December 6, 1852. Oregon: 1853.
Appendix: Correspondence relating to provisions for the convicts of Oregon Territory in the guardhouse at Columbia Barracks. Instructions to the Governor and Secretary of Oregon Territory in disbursing money intrusted to them by virtue of their offices, from the Treasury Department of the United States. Report of the Minority of the Committee on Maynard's Bill for Divorce. Report of Governor Gaines of the money received and expended for the Territorial Library, with copy of letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury of the United States. Majority and Minority Reports of Commissioners to superintend the erection of a penitentiary at Portland. Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts. Memorial by Territorial Legislature to Congress requesting a release to Dr. John McLoughlin of the "Oregon City Claim," and a donation to the territory for university endowment in lieu thereof of a township of land. Report of Commissioners on Cayuse War Claims. Report of committee to whom this report was referred. Memorial to Congress urging the importance of immediate action on the part of the General Government relative to the construction of a railroad from some point on the Mississippi River to some point on the Pacific Ocean, or some of the navigable waters connected therewith. Resolution requesting: (a) Delegate in Congress to use his best endeavors to secure the erection of marine hospitals at desirable points on the Oregon coast; (b) Congress to divide the Territory of Oregon. Speaker's Decisions.
- Journal of the House of Representatives of Oregon, during the fifth regular session of the legislative assembly, begun and held at Salem, December 5, 1853. Salem, Oregon: 1854.
Appendix: Report of Commissioners elected to prepare a Code of Laws. Librarian's report, with catalogue of library. Report of Commissioner of Cayuse War Claims. Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts. Report of Territorial Treasurer. Memorial to Congress urging compensation for services and for losses sustained in war with Rogue River Indians. Report of Committee to whom was referred reports of Auditor and Treasurer. Memorial to the Postmaster General urging provision of mail facilities for southern Oregon. Re port of Commissioners to superintend the erection of a Penitentiary. Report of Legislative Committee on the progress of the work. Report of the Commissioners to superintend the erection of public buildings. Memorial asking admission as a state. Memorial asking for a change in the act of Congress of September 27, 1850, so as to release to Dr. John McLoughlin what is known as the "Oregon City Claim," and in lieu thereof donate to the territory two townships of land. Report of moneys expended by the Commissioners for the erection of a Penitentiary. Memorial urging change in the "Land Law" of September, 1850, so as to facilitate the process of securing titles. Resolution relating to the state house building fund, safes for Auditor and Treasurer, funds for public buildings, relief of Joseph Hunsacker. Speaker's Decisions.- Special Laws passed by the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon at the fifth regular session, begun and held at Salem, December 5, 1853. Oregon: 1854.
- Journal of the Council of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, during the fifth annual session, begun and held at Salem, Decembers, 1853. Oregon: 1854.
Appendix: Report of the Committee appointed to draft rules for the government of the Council. Report of Commissioners to superintend the erection of public buildings. Communication relating to the binding of the Oregon Archives. Report relative to the selection and location of University lands. Resignation of one of the Commissioners. Report of the Joint Code Committee. Report of Auditor of Public Accounts. Report of the Territorial Treasurer. Report of the Judiciary Committee for the repeal of the Stephen's Ferry Charter. Communication of William M. King, relating to contract for building a penitentiary.- Reports of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Oregon at the December term, 1853. Judges: George H. Williams, Chief Justice; Cyrus Olney, Obadiah B. McFadden, Associate Justices. Oregon: 1854.
- Bound in the same volume are the following: Laws of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon enacted during the seventh regular session thereof, begun December 3, 1855, and [concluded January 31, 1856. Salem, Oregon: 1856. General laws; special laws.
Journals, Oregon, 1854-55:
- Journals of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Oregon, during the sixth regular session of the legislative assembly, begun and held at Salem, December 4, 1854. Corvallis, Oregon: 1851.
Appendix: Rules for the Government of the House of Representatives of Oregon Territory. Treasurer's Report. Correspondence relating to the massacre of immigrants by the Snake River Indians in August, 1854. Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts. Report of the University Land Commissioner. Report of the State House Commissioners. Report of the Willamette Falls Canal, Milling and Transportation Company. Report of Commissioners to erect the Territorial University. Report of the Territorial Librarian, with catalogue of library. Reports, majority and minority, of Judiciary Committee on petition of Mary Ann Huner. Report of Commissioners to erect Penitentiary. Report of Governor Curry on massacre of a portion of the immigration of last season near Fort Boise with correspondence of military officials. Memorial to the legislature of the Territorial Printer. Report of the State House Commissioners. Report of the Joint Committee on the charges against the Commissioners for the erection of the State House. Message of Governor Curry in relation to the investigation of the expenditure of the penitentiary fund, submitting papers containing accounts, etc. Report of Joint Committee on Message from the Governor, in relation to the massacre of immigrants last season by the Snake River Indians. Message of Governor Curry, submitting a report of the disbursements and the condition of the fund appropriated by Congress for the erection of public buildings. Report of Select Committee on the report of the State House Commissioners. Report on the burning of the city jail of Portland by Oregon convicts confined therein. Report of Minority of Committee on Relief of Addison Flint for viewing and locating the Territorial Road from Corvallis to Winchester.- Special laws passed by the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon at the sixth regular session thereof, begun and held at Salem December 4, 1854. Corvallis, Oregon: 1855.
- Journal of the Council of the Territory of Oregon during the sixth regular session of the Legislative Assembly, begun and held at Salem, December 4, 1855.
Appendix: Treasurer's Report. Correspondence relating to the massacre of immigrants by the Snake River Indians in August, 1851. Report of Auditor of Public Accounts. Report of University Land Commissioner. Report on bill to legalize the marriage of John C. Carey and Sarah Carey. Report of State House Commissioners. Report of Willamette Falls Canal, Milling and Transportation Company. Report of Commissioners to erect Territorial University. Report of Commissioners to erect Penitentiary. Message of Governor Curry relating to plans by which perpetrators of massacre of immigrants near Fort Boise might be brought to justice; submitting also correspondence of military officials. Memorial of Territorial Printer, relating to the shipment of one thousand copies of Oregon documents from New York. Report of State House Commissioners. Report of Joint Committee against State House Commissioners. Message of Governor Curry in relation to the investigation of the expenditure of the penitentiary fund, submitting papers. Report of joint committee on message of Governor, relating to massacre of immigrants by the Snake River Indians. Message of the Governor, submitting the report of the disbursements and condition of the fund appropriated by congress for the erection of public buildings. Message by Governor Curry, relating to the recommendation of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs in regard to the law prohibiting the sale of arms and ammunition to the Indians.- Reports of the decisions of the Supreme Court of Oregon during the years 1853-54. Judges: George H. Williams, Chief Justice; Cyrus Olney, Obadiah B. McFadden, M. P. Deady, Associate Justices. Corvallis, Oregon: 1855.
- Reports of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Oregon, at the December term, 1851. Judges: George H. Williams, Chief Justice; Cyrus Olney, M. P. Deady Associate Justices. Corvallis, Oregon: 1855.
Supreme Court Reports, 1855-56:
- Reports of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Oregon rendered at the June and December terms, 1855, and June term, 1856. Judges; George H. Williams, Chief Justice; Cyrus Olney, M. P. Deady, Associate Justices. Salem, Oregon: 1856.
- Bound in the same volume: Journal of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Oregon, during the seventh regular session, from December 3, 1855, to January 31, 1856. Salem, Oregon: 1856.
Appendix: Rules of the House. Correspondence relating to the location and erection of capitol building. Report of the Commissioners to erect Penitentiary. Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts. Message of Governor Curry, and correspondence relating to the suppression of Indian hostilities. Report of the disbursements and condition of the fund appropriated by Congress for the erection of public buildings. Report of the University Land Commissioner. Report of Quartermaster of the Department of Oregon Territory, of Adjutant General and Surgeon in Chief of the Medical Department, of Commissary General. Memorial to the President of the United States complaining of the course of General Wool in connection with the suppression of the Indian hostilities. Preamble to act providing for the taking of;the sense of the people of the territory relative to forming a state government. Report of the Commissioners to superintend the erection of a monument over the grave of Hon. S. R. Thurston. Memorial criticising the action of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs of the territory in his location of Indian tribes. Memorial relating to the issuing of patents to land claimants. Memorial urging claims for services rendered in punishing the Snake River tribe of Indians. Memorial relating to the assumption of indebtedness of Provisional Government of Oregon. Memorial praying for the establishment of a mail route from San Francisco to Olympia. Memorial requesting an appropriation for the construction of a military road from Oregon City to The Dalles. Memorial relative to the establishment of a mail service east of the Cascade Mountains. Report of the Territorial Librarian. Report of the Committee to Inquire into the cause of the destruction of the State House. Memorial asking Congress to assume the expenses of the existing Indian war. Memorial preferring charges against the Surveyor General. Correspondence and resolution relating to the events of the Indian war.Laws of Oregon, 1855–56: Laws of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, enacted during the seventh regular session therof, begun December 3, 1855, and concluded January 31, 1856. Salem, Oregon: 1856.
General laws; special laws.Laws and Journals of Oregon, 1856-57:
- Laws of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, enacted during the eighth regular session thereof, begun December 1, 1856; concluded January 29, 1857. Salem, Oregon: 1857.
- Journal of the proceedings of the Council of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, during the regular session from December 1, 1856, to January 29, 1857. Salem, Oregon: 1857.
Appendix: Memorial of Messrs. Dickinson and Fitch, and other papers relating to the Territorial Penitentiary at Portland. Report referring to contest for seat in the Council; also petition and other papers relating to the same. Joint Resolution instructing Delegate in Congress to secure further donations of university lands. Rules of the Council. Joint Rules.- Journal of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Oregon, during the eighth regular session, 1856-57. Salem, Oregon: 1857.
Appendix: Message of the Governor. Report of the Comptroller. Report on Capitol Fund. Correspondence between the Governor and the Secretary of War in relation to General Wool, and to location of the capital. Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts. Report of Select Committee to which was referred the Auditor's Report. Annual Report of the University Land Commissioner. Treasurer's Report. Message of the Governor, submitting correspondence relating to Indian hostilities. Report of the Commissioners for the erection of a Penitentiary. Report of the Commissioner to audit claims growing out of the Indian war of Oregon Territory. Report of Committee appointed to visit the Penitentiary. Pilot Commissioner's Report. Report and papers in a case of a contested election. Papers relating to Penitentiary. Communications of Auditor. Librarian's Report. Miscellaneous reports, resolutions,' and memorials. Rules of the House.Laws of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon enacted during the eighth regular session thereof, begun December 1, 1856, concluded, January 29, 1857. Salem, Oregon: 1857. General laws; special laws.
House and Senate Journal, 1856-57:
- Journal of the proceedings of the Council of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, during the regular session, from December 1, 1856, to January 29, 1857. Salem, Oregon: 1857.
Appendix: (The same as listed under "(6)" under the heading "Appendix" of the "Laws and Journals of Oregon, 1856-57.")- Journal of the ninth regular session of the House of Representatives of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, commencing December 7, 1857. Salem, Oregon: 1858.
Appendix: Librarian's Report. Auditor's Report. University Land Commissioner's Report. Report of the Superintendent of the Penitentiary. Report of the condition of the fund for the erection of Public Buildings. Laws of the Territory of Oregon enacted during the ninth regular session of the legislative assembly, begun December 7, 1857, concluded February 5, 1858. Salem, Oregon: 1858.
- 1 Constitution of Oregon. General laws. Special Laws.
- 1 Journal of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, during the seventh regular session, from December 3, 1855, to January 31, 1856. Salem, Oregon: 1856.
Appendix: Treasurer's Report. Penitentiary Report. Auditor's Report. Pilot Commissioner's Report.Laws and Journals, Oregon, 1858-59:
- Laws of the Territory of Oregon, enacted during the tenth regular session of the legislative assembly, begun December 6, 1858, concluded January 22, 1859. Salem, Oregon: 1859. General laws; special laws.
- Journal of the Territorial Council of the legislative assembly of Oregon Territory, tenth regular session, 1858-59. Salem, Oregon: 1859.
Appendix: Report relative to a contested seat. Report of the Committee on Education. Report of Casualties by Committee on Military Affairs.- Journal of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Oregon, during the regular session, 1858-59. Salem, Oregon: 1859.
Appendix: Documents accompanying the Governor's message—(1) Correspondence relating to buildings required for the accommodation of the territorial officers of the United States. Report of Commission on Indian war expenses in Oregon and Washington. Auditor's Report. Account accompaying the Auditor's Report. Treasurer's Report. Report of Superintendent of Penitentiary; Chaplain's Report accompanying. Report of the University Land Commissioner. Librarian's Report. Report on failure to print documents accompanying the Governor's message. Report on claims of Roberts and Shortle. Proposition of Joseph Knott to make penitentiary a self-supporting institution. Report of Joint Committee on Education. Minority Report of the same Committee. Report of Judiciary Committee on petitions asking for the passage of a law to protect property in slaves in the Territory of Oregon. Minority report on the same. Proposition on the administration of the penitentiary. Report on petitions asking for the enactment of a "prohibitory liquor law." Statement of amount annually paid by the Secretary of Oregon for rent of legislative halls and offices, and the fitting up of the same. Report of the Committee on Military Affairs. Laws and Journals of Oregon, 1859-60: Laws of the State of Oregon, enacted during the first extra session of the legislative assembly, begun May 16, 1859, concluded June 4, 1859. Salem, Oregon: 1859.
- General Laws and Special Laws.
- Journal of the House of Representatives of the legislative assembly of the State of Oregon, during the first session thereof, 1858. Salem, Oregon: 1859. (Minutes show an attempt at what is called the "first regular session" on September 13, 1858. It was adjourned on the second day. A session had also been held from July 5th to July 9th.)
- Journal of the House of Representatives of the legislative assembly of the State of Oregon, during the first extra session, 1859. Salem, Oregon: 1859.
- Journal of the Senate of the legislative assembly of the State of Oregon, during the first extra session, 1859. Salem, Oregon: 1859.
Appendix: The State Constitution, together with the session laws of Oregon, enacted during the first regular session of the legislative assembly of Oregon, September 10, 1860. Salem, Oregon: 1860.- Journal of the proceedings of the Senate of the legislative assembly of Oregon during the first regular session thereof, begun September 10, 1860. Salem, Oregon: 1860.
Appendix: Declarations of Pardon. Documents relating to swamp land acts. Treasurer's Report. Memorial to Congress asking the payment of the Indian war claims. Memorial by J. Quinn Thornton asking acceptance of a silver medal commemorating the discovery of the mouth of the Columbia River. Report of committee recommending acceptance of it. Governor's message calling attention to the massacre of immigrants near Salmon Falls on the Snake River. Secretary's Report.- Journal of the proceedings of the House of Representatives of the legislative assembly of Oregon, during the first regular session, commenced September 10, I860. Salem, Oregon: 1860.
Appendix: Librarian's Report. Report and Memorial concerning the Penitentiary. Report relative to Agricultural Societies. Report of Pilot Commissioner. Report of Committee on Education.
House Journal, 1860:
- Same as (f) above.
- Journal of the proceedings of the Senate of the legislative assembly of Oregon, for the session of 1862. Salem, Oregon: 1862.
- Special laws of the State of Oregon and Memorials and Joint Resolutions enacted by the legislative assembly thereof during the session of 1862. Salem, Oregon: 1862.
House and Senate Journal, 1862:Journals and Local Laws of Oregon, 1862:
- Journal of the proceedings of the House of the legislative assembly of Oregon, for the session of 1862. Salem, Oregon: 1862.
Appendix: Governor's Message and accompanying documents, mainly grants of pardon and correspondence relating to threatened Indian depredations. Treasurer's Report. Special Message, and accompanying documents. Secretary's Report. Librarian's Report.- Same as (b) next above.
- Same as (b) next above.
- Same as (c) above.
- Same as (a) of the "Senate and House Journal, 1862."
House and Senate Journal, 1864:
- Journal of the proceedings of the House of the legislative assembly of Oregon for the third regular session, 1864.
Appendix: Governor's Message. Abstract of reports of county school superintendents. Doctors Glisan and Wilson's report as visiting and inspecting physicians of the Oregon Insane Asylum. Petition for the extension of the contract with Doctors Hawthorne and Loryea. Biennial Report of the Physicians of the Oregon Hospital for the Insane. Names of persons pardoned. Penitentiary Report. Secretary's Report. Report of State Treasurer. Report of Adj utant General. Abstract of Description Book of the First Cavalry Regiment Oregon Volunteers. Librarian's Report. Railroad Report. Special Message relating to the locating of the State's Public Lands. Mrs.Thornton's letter presenting tomahawk.- Journal of the proceedings of the Senate of the legislative assembly of Oregon for the session of 1864. Salem, Oregon: 1864.
- Special Laws of the State of Oregon enacted during the third regular session of the legislative assembly, begun September 12, and concluded October 22, 1864.
- Memorials and Joint Resolutions.
House and Senate Journals, 1864:
- Same as (b), (c), and (d) next above.
- Same as (a) next above.
House and Senate Journals, 1864-65:
- Same as (c) next above.
- The Senate Journal during the special session, begun and held December, 1865. Salem, Oregon: 1866.
- Special Laws, Resolutions.
- The Journal of the House during the special session begun and held December, 1865. Salem, Oregon: 1866.
- Report of the Adj utant General of the State of Oregon for 1865. Salem, Oregon: 1865.
- Message of Governor Addison C. Gibbs, to the legislative assembly, and accompanying documents for the special session, December 5, 1865. Salem, Oregon: 1865.
- Report of the Penitentiary Commissioners for the quarter ending May 31, 1865. Salem, Oregon: 1865.
- Report of the Secretary of State.
- Report of the State Printer.
House and Senate Journal, 1865:
- Same as (d) to (i), inclusive, next above.
- and (c) Same as (b) and (c) next above.
Messages and Documents, 1865:
- Report of the Secretary of State, September, 1866.
- Report of the State Treasurer, September, 1866.
- Report of the Commissioners of the University and Common School Fund.
- Report of the State Librarian, September, 1866.
- Census returns and statements of taxes and bounties.
- Copy of deed transferring land to the state on which the State House is erected.
- History of mint, established in 1849.
- Report of the Willamette University, June 4, 1866.
- Abstract of votes cast at general election, June 4, 1866.
- Abstract of Commissioners of Deeds.
- Abstract of Notaries Public.
- Abstract of Articles of Incorporation from September 1, 1864, to August 31, 1866.
- to (t), inclusive, same as (b) to (i), under "Senate and House Journal, 1864-65."
Miscellaneous Documents, Oregon Archives, 1865-80:
- In the matter of the State of Oregon, claiming certain lands in said state as "Swamp and Overflowed" under and by virtue of the actsx>f Congress of September 28, 1850, and March 12, 1860. Correspondence and House Joint Resolution pertaining thereto.
- Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Oregon for 1863-64.
- Same for the year 1864.
- Same for the year 1865.
- to (p), inclusive, same as (a) to (l) next above.
- Adjutant General's Report, September, 1868.
- Adjutant General's Report, September, 1872.
- Reportof the Joint Committee to investigate the manner of the segregation and sale of the swamp and overflowed lands, 1878.
- In the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Oregon, John Nightingale and S. G. Elliott, plaintiffs, v. The Oregon Central and Oregon and California Railroad Companies et al., defendants.
Laws of Oregon, 1865-70.
General Laws, Special Laws, Joint Resolutions, Joint Memorials, Supreme Court Decisions.
- The General Laws of Oregon, passed at the special session, begun and held December, 1865, Salem, Oregon: 1865.
- Resolutions and Memorials passed at the same session as above.
- Acts and Resolutions of the legislative assembly of the State of Oregon passed at the fourth regular session, 1866, Salem, Oregon: 1866. Contains an Appendix.
- Joint Resolutions and Memorials.
- General Laws of the legislative assembly of the State of Oregon, passed at the third regular session, 1864, and the special session, 1865, omitted by mistake from the volumes published after the adjournment of said sessions. Ordered published by law, approved October 24, 1866.
- Reports of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon, as filed in the office of the Secretary of State since the publication of 1862. Salem, Oregon: 1866.
- General Laws of the State of Oregon, passed at the fifth regular session of the legislative assembly thereof, 1868. Salem, Oregon: 1868.
- Special Laws, 1868.
- Joint Resolutions and Memorials, 1868.
- Amendments to the Laws of Oregon compiled in accordance with Senate Joint Resolution No. 22, directing the publication of all amendments to the Civil and Criminal Code. Salem, Oregon: 1868.
- Acts and Resolutions of the legislative assembly of the State of Oregon passed at the sixth regular session, 1870, and Supreme Court Decisions. Salem, Oregon: 1870.
Senate and House Journals, 1866:
- Journal of the Senate proceedings of the legislative assembly of Oregon for the fourth regular session, 1866. Salem, Oregon: 1866.
- Journal of the proceedings of the House of the legislative assembly of Oregon for the fourth regular session, 1866. Salem, Oregon: 1866.
Appendix: Second Biennial Report of the Physicians of the Oregon Hospital for the Insane. Adjutant General's report for 1855-56. Report of the Superintendent of the Penitentiary. Report of the Penitentiary Commissioners. House Joint Resolutions.Then follows a list of documents that is the same as from (e) to (p) under "Miscellaneous Documents, Oregon Archives, 1865-80."
Laws of Oregon and Decisions of the Supreme Court, 1866: (a), (b), (c), and (d) the same as (g), (h), (i), and (j) of the "Laws of Oregon, 18765-0," respectively.
Laws of Oregon and Decisions of the Supreme Court, 1872: Acts and Resolutions of the legislative assembly of the State of Oregon, passed at the seventh regular session, 1872, and Decisions of the Supreme Court. Salem, Oregon: 1872.
General Laws, Special Laws, Joint Resolutions, Joint Memorials, Decisions of the Supreme Court.
Laws of Oregon and Decisions of the Supreme Court, 1874: Acts and Resolutions of the legislative assembly of the State of Oregon, passed at the eighth regular session, 1874, and Decisions of the Supreme Court. General Laws, Special Laws, Joint Resolutions, Joint Memorials, Decisions of the Supreme Court, September term, 1872; January term, 1873; July term, 1873; December term, 1873; August term, 1874; December term, 1874.
Appendix: Opinion and Findings of M. P. Deady, referee, in the case of the State of Oregon v. Samuel E. May et al.The later Archives are arranged in quite uniform series of publications:
Series D. Oregon Reports. Decisions of the Supreme Court:Series A. Laws of Oregon. Comprises volumes as follows:
- 1876 Ninth regular session.
- 1878 Tenth regular session.
- 1880 Eleventh regular session.
- 1882 Twelfth regular session.
- 1885 Thirteenth legislative assembly, special session.
- 1885 Thirteenth regular session.
- 1887 Fourteenth regular session.
- 1889 Fifteenth regular session.
- 1891 Sixteenth regular session.
- 1893—Seventeenth regular session.
- 1895—Eighteenth regular session.
- 1898—Twentieth legislative assembly, special session.
- 1899—Twentieth regular session.
- 1901—Twenty-first regular session.
The contents of the above series are uniformly: General Laws, Special Laws, Joint Resolutions, Joint Memorials, Names Changed, Financial Statement. The Joint Resolutions are termed "Concurrent Resolutions" in the laws of the special session of the twentieth legislative assembly. The Special Laws of the last (twenty-first) regular session are omitted.
Series B. House Journals. Extensive lists of documents are bound in with the earlier volumes of this series as follows:
- 1857-58. Legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon.
Appendix: Librarian's Report. Auditor's Report. University Land Commissioner's Report. Report of the Superintendent of the Penitentiary. Report of the Condition of the Fund for the Erection of Public Buildings. Treasurer's Report. Report of the Visiting Committee to the Penitentiary. Auditor's Report of Claims. Pilot Commissioner's Report.- First regular session of the legislative assembly, 1860:
Appendix: Librarian's Report. Report and Memorial concerning Penitentiary. Report of Select Committee on Penitentiary. Memorial relating to agricultural societies. Report of Select Committee on Vessels entering the Columbia River. Memorial to Congress to establish a Branch of Pilot Service on the Columbia and Western rivers.- Session of 1862:
Appendix: Governor's Message. Pardons. Correspondence on Military Matters. Treasurer's Report. Special Message. Report of sublessee of State Penitentiary. Report of Committee on Military Affairs. Secretary's Report. Librarian's Report.- Special session, 1865.
Appendix: Report of Adjutant General. Governor's Message. Report of Visiting Committee to the Penitentiary. Report of the Proprietors of the Asylum for the Insane. Report of the Secretary of State. Report of the condition of the fund for the erection of Public Buildings. Report of State Printer.Later volumes have no appendix until the year 1885 is reached, when the Governor's message and the inaugural addresses are included.
Series C. Senate Journal. The series is regular from 1868. There is a "Senate Journal, 1897," as the Senate succeeded in effecting an organization that year while the House did not, and therefore the corresponding Journal for the House is lacking. The volume for 1897 has the Governor's Message for an appendix; the volume for 1901 has the Governor's Message and Accompanying Documents."
Series E. Separate Volumes of Miscellaneous Documents:
- Adjutant General's Report, 1865.
- Adjutant General's Report, 1865-66.
- Adjutant General's Report, 1868.
- Adjutant General's Report, 1865-78.
- State Board of Equalization Tables, 1891-97.
- State Levy of Taxes, 1888-1899.
Report of Committee of Investigation, appointed pursuant House Joint Resolutions Nos. 8 and 10, passed at the tenth regular session of legislative assembly. Salem. Oregon: 1877. Report of Investigating Committee appointed pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution No. 27, passed at the sixth regular session of the legislative assembly, 1870. Salem, Oregon: 1870.
Briefs in State Cases, 1881.
Report of Secretary of State, 1880. Documents, 1880.
Oregon School Reports, 1883-84.
The early Indian Wars of Oregon, by Frances Fuller Victor. Compiled from Oregon Archives and other original sources, with Muster Rolls. Salem, Oregon: 1895
Exercises on the Fortieth Anniversary of the Statehood of Oregon, February 14, 1899. Held before the legislative assembly.
Report of Secretary of State, 1893-98.
Report of Secretary of State, 1899-1900.
Fish and Game Report, 1897-98. McGuire.
Report of Board of Charities and Corrections. Oregon: 1892.
Report of State Treasurer, 1897-98.
Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Oregon, held at Salem, commencing August 17, 1857, together with the Constitution adopted by the people, November 9, 1857. Salem, Oregon: 1882.
SERIES F.—Continued.