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Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 4/Index

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Abbott, Captain, 237.
Abbott, L. G., 365.
Abrams, W. P., 60.
Abrams, C., 63.
Academy, Bishop Scott's, opened, 66.
Academy, St. Mary's, opened, 66.
Adair, Col. John, first collector customs at Astoria, 134, 135.
Adams, Henry, wrote history of United States, 7.
Adams, Emma H., 342.
Adams, W. L., 365.
Affleck & Gunn, publishers of Puget Sound Courier, 372.
Agriculture in United States, table of, 118.
Agriculture, 118-122; values, table of, 121.
Aiken, ——, 139.
Albert, Mrs. John H., 394.
Allen, Capt. B. F., wounded, 234.
Allen and Lewis, 197.
Allen, ——, 353.
Allen, George T., 265.
"All Over Oregon and Washington"; purpose of, 317.
Alta California, The, 376.
Alvarez, ——, consul at Santa Fé, 272.
Alvarado, Governor of California under Mexican rule, 311.
Alvord, General, 105.
Anderson, E. K., 229.
Angne [Augur?], Captain, 237.
Ankeny, Captain, 196.
American Antiquarian Society, 309.
Applegate, Jesse, 106, 390.
Argonaut, The San Francisco, 292.
Argus, The Puget Sound, 373.
Armstrong, Pleasant, 234.
Arundel, Harcourt T., employed by Bancroft, 303.
Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Company, 146.
Astoria and Willamette Barge Company, 136.
Astoria, Social and Economic History of, by Alfred A. Cleveland, 130.
Astor, John Jacob, 8, 9, 131.
Astorian, The, 28, 29, 30, 138; quotation from, 141, 142, 143.
Atkinson, John, 365.
"Atlantis Arisen," revision of "All Over Oregon and Washington," 317.
Augur, General, 105.
Babcock, Doctor, supreme judge of Oregon Territory, 285.
Badollet, and Company, 140.
Bagley, Clarence B., pioneer papers of Puget Sound, 365, 371, 377, 378, 379; business manager Courier, 381; owner and publisher Echo, 382.
Ball, John, teacher, 265.
Bailey, Doctor, 230; governor Oregon Territory, 1845, 285.
Bailey, W. E., purchased the Press, 383; purchased the Times, 384.
Baker, Colonel E. D., candidate for United States senator, 72, 93; elected United States senator, 94, 99; mustered into service, 101; reply to Breckinridge, 102; death of, 103.
Baker, Florence E., 84.
Baker and Boyer, 195.
Baker, D. S. & Company, 195.
Baker, Dr. D. S., the pioneer railroad builder, sketch of life, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200.
Baker Mills, The, 217.
Baltimore, J. M., 365.
Bancroft Pacific States Publications: The origin and authorship of, A History of A History, by William Alfred Morris, 289.
Bancroft, Hubert Howe, "The Macaulay of the West," 292; a sketch of early life and of growth of history project, 296; first venture as a literary man, 301; fame as historical writer, 310; method of collecting material, 324; three leading objects kept in mind in preparation of histories, 328; plan for works, 335; not a great American historical writer, 337; errors in works, 358.
Bancroft, H. H. & Company, firm of, organized, 297.
Bancroft's histories, vastness of the enterprise, 289; not all his own work, 291; parts written by assistants, 330.
Barclay, Mrs. Dr., 264.
Barclay, Doctor, 265.
Barnes, Mary Sheldon, 362.
Barnes, Edward, 230.
Barron, Major, 229.
Bates, Alfred, employed by Bancroft, 325, 363; sketch of life, 331.
Bausman, W., and Company, printers, of Northern Light, 372.
Beacon, The, 382.
Berry, A. M., first printer on the Oregonian, 370.
Berry, Pamelia Ann, 249.
Bent, Charles, 272.
Benton, Senator, 91, 157.
Bewley, F. M., 390.
Black, Capt. H. M., 99.
Blair, J. I., 248.
Besserer, Charles, 365.
Bidwell, Major, 222, 223.
"Blue Book, The Big," name for Iowa code of laws, 188.
"Blue Book, The Little," 188.
Bigelow, Daniel R., elected commissioner to draft code of laws for Oregon, 190, 191, 192.
Bernie, James, 132, 265.
Blakeley, James, 74.

Blanchet, Archbishop, 66, 269.
Blethen, Col. A. J., purchased The Times, 385.
Boelling, V., 22, 32.
Boardman, John, letter from, 276.
Boise, Reuben P., 167; elected commissioner to draft code of laws for Oregon, 190; elected state representative, 192, 194.
Bonneville, Captain, 359.
Boon, John L., 104.
Booth, A., & Company, 140.
Bohttink, Professor, 319.
Bowman, Amos, employed by Bancroft, 314.
Border Ruffians, 42.
Bosquetti, librarian for Bancroft, 299.
Boyer, John F., 195, 196.
Boyle, ——, 145.
Breckinridge, John C., nominated for president, 94, 101.
Breitenbush, John, 248.
Bridger, Jim, 113.
Brotchie, Captain, 265.
Brooks, John P., 390.
Brosset, M., 319.
Brown, ——, 26.
Brown, Miss, teacher, 29.
Brown, John, 42.
Brown, Hugh, founder of Brownsville, 74.
Brown, F. M., 74.
Brown, Beriah, 365, 372; editor Puget Sound Dispatch, 377; publisher Puget Sound Dispatch, 379.
Brown, J. Henry, employed by Bancroft, 314.
Buchanan, Lieutenant Colonel, 99, 237, 238.
Buchanan, President, 126.
Buffalo Historical Society, 309.
Bulletin, The, 317, 369.
Burnett, Peter H., 11, 78, 256, 271; letters of taken from Ohio Statesman and St. Louis Reporter, 180.
Burnett, John, 365.
Bush, Asahel, territorial printer, 192, 193, 365; editor Oregon Statesman, 370.
Burke, Thomas, 379.
Butler, Hillory, 378.
Butler, Henry, 104.
Butterfield, John, 126.
Byers, ——, founder Rocky Mountain News, 327.
Calapooia, The Upper, by George O. Goodall, 70.
Call and Daily Press consolidated, 383.
California Pioneers, Society of, 294, 351.
California material, how collected by Bancroft, 311.
Californian, The, pioneer paper of California, 376.
Campbell, John G., 390.
Carey, Alice and Phœbe, 315.
Carson, Kit, 230, 239.
Carter, Miss Julia, 64.
Carter, ——, 232.
Cartwright, Charlotte Moffett, Glimpses of Early Days in Oregon, 69.
Carey, ——, 393.
Case, Hon. Wm. M., 244.
Casey, General, 105.
Cavalry, The First Oregon, recruited, 100, 103.
Cavender, A. B., 74.
Cavendish, McDonald and, 74.
Cavanaugh, Thomas H., purchased Courier, 381.
Cerruti, Enrique, employed by Bancroft, 311.
Chamberlain, Governor George E., 12.
Chamberlain, A., state representative, 389.
Chapman Code, The, 186, 188, 190.
Chapman, Hon. W. W., 186.
Chittenden, Captain, the American Fur Trade in the Far West (quoted), 6, 9.
Chronicle, The San Francisco, 293.
Chronicles of the Builders of the Commonwealth, plan of, 334.
Clark, George Rogers, proposed expedition of, 5.
Clark, Harvey, 59.
Clark, ——, 167.
Clark, Ransom, 390.
Clarke, S. A., The Montures on French Prairie, 265, 268, 365.
Clay, Henry, 273.
Cleveland, Alfred A., The Educational History of Astoria, Oregon, 21.
Cleveland, Alfred A., The Social and Economic History of Astoria, 130.
Clugage, James and Poole, located first mining claim in Southern Oregon, 229.
Coffin, Stephen, 65.
Columbia River, discovery of, 5.
Columbian, The, pioneer newspaper north of the Columbia River, 372, 376.
Colvig, Hon. Wm. H., Indian Wars of Southern Oregon, 227.
Colvig, Dr. Wm. L., 227, 228, 230.
Collins, John, 385.
Commerce, 123.
Cone, Aaron, 252.
Cone, Anson Sterling, 251.
Cone, Philander J., 259.
Connelly, Dr., 272.
Connelly, Owen, 66.
Cook, Captain, off the Oregon coast, 4.
Cook, Francis H., 366; publisher The Echo, 381.
Cooper, Frank, 248.
Coquille Guards, 238.
Corbett, H. W., 63, 64; senator, 196.
Cornelius, Thomas R., appointed colonel, 99, 101, 135.
Corvallis and Eastern Railroad, 247.
Couch, John H., 390.
Courier, The Puget Sound, 372, 380; the daily, first appearance, 380.
Courtnay, Mrs. Agnes B., 74.
Courtnay, Isaac B., 75.
Coues, Dr. Elliott, 6.
Cowles, Captain R., 100.
Cox, Anderson, state representative, 389.
Craig, D. W., 365.
Crawford, Medorum, 390.
Crawford, P. V., 71, 167.
Crawford, Samuel C., 372.
Crawford, Samuel L., 378; city editor Post Intelligencer, 379.
Creighton, Captain, 237.
Crooks, General George, 239.
Crosby, Captain, 59.
Culver, Samuel, 229.
Cunningham, ——, 234.
Currey, Captain George B., 100.

Curry, Governor George L., 238, 368.
Cushing, William, 390.
Cushing, ——, minister to China, 274.
Dall, Captain W. L., appointed lieutenant in navy, 104.
Damon, John F., 365, 371; editor The Northwest, 373.
Daniels, Travers, publisher Port Townsend Register, 372.
Daniel, ——., 377.
Davenport, T. W., An Object Lesson in Paternalism, 33, 244, 247, 248.
Davenport, Miss Orla, 249.
Davis, ——, secretary of war, 157.
Davis, H. W., appointed captain volunteer company, 61.
Davis, A. L., 63.
Davies, Griffith, 378.
Deady, Judge M. P., 352, 353; contributions to Oregon Pioneer Association, 391.
Deakins, William, 280.
Dean, N. C., 229.
Deardorff, J. D., and wife, 26, 27.
Degrett, Phillip, 389.
Dement, William C., 390.
Dempsey, Thomas H., publisher Times, 384.
Dennison, A. P., 99.
Denny, Mrs. O. P., 261.
Dent, Captain F. T., 99.
Depot, Peter, 269.
Derby, George H., 296.
Devlin and Nygant, 140.
Dilley, ——, 231.
Dispatch, The Puget Sound, 377, 379.
Dixon, Hepworth, 327.
Doane, Rev. N., 65.
Documents, 78; Oregon material taken from a file of an Independence, Mo., and Weston, Mo., paper for 1844 and 1845, 270, 395.
Dodge, Hon. A. C., 78.
Douglas House Bill of 1846, 90.
Douglas, Stephen A., candidate for president of United States, 94.
Douglass, ——, 265.
Downing, George S., 244, 247.
Draper, Doctor, 34.
Draper, Mrs. Sarah, 264.
Drew, C. S., Major First Oregon Cavalry, 100.
Dryer, Thomas J., 64, 93, 365; first editor of Oregonian, 370.
Duncan, L. J. C., 229.
Duncan, Alexander, 266.
Dunlap, John A., 75; representative, 76.
Duniway, Mrs., 365.
Dunn, Pat, 229, 232.
Dyar, ——., 234.
Dyer, E. S., publisher Northwest, 373.
Dyson, George, 74.
Eberman, N., 132.
Eccleson, Col. E., 247.
Edison, Thomas A., 39.
Edwards, Edward, 232.
Ely, Lieutenant, 232.
Ematinger, Frank, 390.
Emigration of 1843, experiences of, 177.
Evans Creek, battle of, 233.
Evans, Mr., constructed a ferry on Rogue River, 229.
Evans, General Elwood, 314, 352.
Everett, ——., 43.
Expositor, The Western, 74.
Express Advance, The, 74.
Faber, J. G., 234.
Failing, Josiah, 63.
Fairweather, H. W., 199.
Fessenden, Mr., 102.
Ferguson, Mr., 272.
Ferry, Elisha P., first governor of Washington, 380.
Ferry, James P., published Times, 384.
Field, Justice Stephen J., 351.
Fielding, ——., 234.
Fields, Thomas, 75.
Fillmore, President, 187.
Finance, 126.
Findlay, John, 75.
Finlayson, Mr., and wife, 28.
Finley, R. C., 70, 71, 72, 74.
Fisher, Walter M., 299; sketch of life, 300.
Flavel, Captain George, 32.
Flemming, John, printer Oregon Spectator, 368.
Foard and Stokes Company, 143.
Ford, Mark, 390.
Foster, Phillip, 390.
Fowler, W. W., 232.
Frazer, Thomas, 63.
Fremont, Captain, 11, 78; colonel, 157, 158, 230; general, 239, 245.
Fur and Trading Company, 80.
Fur Company, The American, 274; The Northwest, 130, 137; The Missouri, organized, 8; The Pacific, 8.
Furth, Jacob, 378.
Gale, James N., 366.
Garfield, Selucius, defeated for congress, 380.
Gary, Rev. Mr., 276.
Gatch, Prof. T. M., 249.
Gay, George, 230.
Gazette, The Marine, 31, 138.
Gazette, The, published first dispatch coming by wire to Seattle, 377; first paper in Seattle, 375.
Gervais, Joseph, 243, 244.
Gibbs, Addison C., was governor of Oregon, 108, 214, 217.
Gibbs, A. C., editor Oregon Weekly Times, 368.
Gibbs, ——., 232.
Gibson, George R., 273.
Gilliam, Colonel Cornelius, 243.
Gilmore, S. M., letter from, 284.
Gilpin, Mr., 271.
Glass, Robert, 72.
Gold, discovery of, in California, prices of products in Oregon, 49, 60.
"Gold Beach Guards," 238.
Goldschmidt, Albert, employed by Bancroft, 304.
Goodall, George O., the Upper Calapooia, 70.
Goodall, Captain James P., 233.
Grace Church Parish School started, 23, 27.
Grant, General, 105, 109, 239.
Grant, Frederick J., 378.
Gray, Captain, sent to North Pacific Coast, 5, 9, 131, 205.
Gray, Chesley, 229.
Green, Wm. O., 196.
Greenwood, Mary, 161.
Griffin, Lieutenant Burrell, 233. 416

Griffin, George Butler, sketch of life, 348.
Gunn, E. T., newspaper man, 380.
Gunn, Affleck &, 372.
Gwin, Senator, plan for slave-holding republic on Pacific Coast, 105, 106.
Hall, Peter D., 259.
Hall, Edwin O., 367.
Hall, Ike M., 381.
Hally, C. F., 280.
Hamilton, S. M., 67.
Hamilton, Louis, reference to, 190.
Hand Book Almanac, 297.
Hanford, Thaddeus, 374, 380.
Hanley, Mrs. John A., 235.
Hanthorn & Company, cannerymen, 141.
Harding, Captain E. J., 100.
Harding, Benjamin F., quartermaster First Oregon Cavalry, 100.
Harding, Senator, 214, 217.
Harding, John R., killed by Indians, 233.
Harger, Mrs. Harriet, 264.
Harker, Charles, 104.
Harris, Captain T. S., 100.
Harris, David, 235.
Harris, Mary, 235.
Harris, ——, 252.
Harris, George W., 378.
Hathaway, Major J. S., 135.
Hawthorne, Doctor, 61.
Hays, Judge Benjamin, 312.
Hazen, Captain, 105.
Helm, George, "Lion of Linn," 73.
Hensill, Mrs. Mary J., 66.
Herald, Puget Sound, 372, 381.
Herald, The Cleveland, 315.
Hewitt, Miss, teacher, 24, 29.
Hewitt, Randall H., 365; publisher Pacific Tribune, 374; published Echo, 381.
High School, The Astoria, 31.
Higgins, David, 366.
Hill, Mrs., 26.
Hill, W. Lair, 365; editor Oregon Weekly Times, 369.
Hill, Homer M., purchased Chronicle, 383.
Himes, Geo. H., 375.
History of the Preparation of the First Code of Oregon, by James K. Kelly, 185.
History of the Early Indian Wars of Oregon, 318.
History Company, The, 333.
Hittell, John S., 299, 331.
Hobson, John, 32.
Hobson, Mr., and family, 132.
Hodgins, ——, 232.
Hogg, Col. T. E., 248.
Holderness, S. M., 390.
Holman, Joseph, Short Biography of, 392.
Holman, George Phelps, first white child born in Marion County, 394.
Holladay, Ben, published The Bulletin, 369.
Home Journal, of New York, 315.
Hood, Gen. J. B., 239.
Hooker, Colonel Joseph, 104; builder of military wagon road, 239.
Hoover, Jacob, 390.
Hopkins, Mrs. Rebeka, 259.
Hopwood, Moses, 229.
Hosford, Rev. C. O., opened first school in Astoria, 21.
Houston, Sam, 151.
Howell, ——., 232.
Hudson Bay Company, possession of the Northwest, 9, 78, 81, 82, 83, 89; and Northwest Fur Company consolidated, ——, ——, 132, 153, 154, 156, 242, 261.
Hughes, W. H., 378.
Hughes and Davies, purchased The Times, 385.
Humason, Judge, 217.
Hume, R. D., and Company, 140.
Hungry Hill, battle of, 236.
Hunt, L. S. J., 383.
Hunter, Col. George, "Reminiscences of an Old Timer," quotation from, 97.
Hunt's Astor party, route of, 10.
Heisler, William, 71.
Husted, General, 390.
Hustler, Captain, 134, 139.
Huston, H. Clay, 267.
Hyde, Aaron J., 65.
Hyde, H. H., 390.
Hyland, Rev. T. H., 23.
Hyland, Mrs. T. H., 23.
Indian Wars of Southern Oregon, an address by William H. Colvig, 227.
Indians: Umpquas, 228; Klamaths, 228; Rogue Rivers, 228; Modoc, 228; Shasta, 228; Mollalas, 241; Cayuses, 241, 255; Klamaths, 242; Warm Spring, 242; Pawnees, 252.
Infantry, The First Oregon, 108.
Informant, The, 74.
Ingalls, Rufus, 105.
Ingalls, David, 133, 136.
Ingraham, E. S., 378.
Intelligencer, The Weekly, 377.
Iowa Gazette, 78.
Iowa Code, 188.
Ireland, D. C., 366.
Irish, Tom, 230.
Irving, Washington, 358.
Jack, D. N., elected assessor of Linn County, 76.
Jack, Porter, 244.
Jackson, Stonewall, 42.
Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hunt, 326.
Jackson, P. B., 365.
Jackson, David E., letter of, 395.
Jacobs, Judge Orange, 371.
Jefferson, President, trading posts with Indians, 5, 12, 110.
Jefferson, Delos, 65.
Johns, James, 79.
Johnson, Miss, 24.
Johnson, Doctor, 38.
Johnson, Mr., 63.
Johnson, P. B., 365.
Jones, Mr., killed by Indians, 235.
Jones, Captain, 237.
Journal, The Independence, 270, 277.
Kautz, General A. V., 239.
Kearny, Major Phil, 231, 239.
Keene, Granville, 234.
Keeney, Johnathan, 74.
Kelley, Hall J., agitating colonization of Oregon, 9.
Kelly, Captain William, 100.
Kelly, James K., History of the Preparation of the "First Code of Oregon," 185; elected commissioner to draft code of laws for Oregon, 189; nominated and elected member of council, 192.

Kendrick, Captain, sent to North Pacific coast, 5.
Kenny, George L., 296.
Kirchoff, Louis, 137.
Kilham, E. H., 353, 358.
Killin, Hon. Benton, 188
Kincaid, Mr., night school taught by, 24.
King, Colonel William, 60, 65.
King, Wm. H., 66.
Kingsley, C. S., 67.
Kinney's cannery, 140.
Kinney, R. C., & Sons, 139.
Kinney, M. J., 141.
Kirk, Alexander, 74; elected county judge of Linn County, 76.
Kirk, W. R., 74.
Klippel, Henry, laid out Jacksonville as a town, 230, 235.
Knights of the Golden Circle, 73, 106, 108.
Knight, Wm. H., Manager Bancroft Publishing Department, 297.
Kuro-shiwo of Japan (Japan current), 39.
La Bonte, Louis, Recollections of Men, 264.
Ladd, W. S., 61, 63.
Lamerick, Captain J. K., 232.
Lampson, Roswell C., 104.
Land Law, The Donation, 37, 38, 229.
Lane, General Joseph, appointed governor of Oregon, 91; nominated for vice president, 94, 95, 101, 105, 106, 233, 234, 239, 370
Larkin, T. N., 63.
Larrabee, Charles H., publisher Puget Sound Dispatch, 380.
Larrabee & Company, publishers Puget Sound Dispatch, 377.
Latshaw, Major, 238.
Latty, Alexander, 265.
Lawrence, Miss, 28.
Lawson, Peter, 257.
Leary, John, 378.
Ledford Massacre, 236.
Ledger, The Philadelphia, 277.
Ledger, The Weekly, 382.
Lee, Jason, 265, 393.
Lee, Barton, 390.
Lee, H. A. G., 390.
Leinweber, Christian, 137.
Lewis and Clark Centennial, The, by F. G. Young, 1.
Lewis and Clark Expedition—Relation to the Northwest, 1; primary inception of, 6.
Lewis and Clark, exploring expedition, 5; the trail, 10, 12, 13, 115.
Lewis and Clark Centennial, mission of, 2; possibilities of, 16; duties of its authorities, 16-18.
Lewis, Mr., 9, 130.
Lewis and Clark, 8.
Lewis, Stephen (Etienne Lucier), 264.
Limerick, L., 63; appointed county school superintendent, 64.
Lincoln, Miss Liza, 26.
Lincoln, Abraham, 74, 97, 99, 101, 108, 370.
Lindgren, Waldemar, 124.
Lingenfelter, James W., 104.
Linn, Senator Lewis F., 151.
Literary Club, The Pioneer Lyceum, 390.
Little Meadows, Battle of, 233.
Lorraine, Lieutenant, 105.
Lorrea, Doctor, 61.
Louisiana Purchase Exposition, purpose of, 14.
Love, George, 235.
Love, G. M., 235.
Lovejoy, Hon. A. L., appointed postal agent for Oregon, 192, 256, 390.
Lownesdale, D. H., 59.
Lucier, Etienne, 261, 264.
Luelling, H., 59.
Lugenbeel, Major, 99.
Lumber Industry, The, 124.
Lupton, Major J. A., 234.
Lyman, Rev. Horace, 65.
Lyman, H. S., Some Corrections, 86.
Lyman, H. S., Reminiscences, 251, 268.
Lyon, Colonel George G., published Times, 384.
Madison, President, 9.
Mail and Express, The New York, 357.
Manufacturing, 122.
Marshall, J. W., discoverer of gold in California, 11.
Massachusetts Historical Society, 309.
Massacre at Bloody Point, 232.
Mason, Robert, & Company, 141.
Masters, ——, 254.
Mathieu, F. X., 167, 389.
Matthews, Captain Wm., 100.
Mattice, George W., purchased Pierce County News, 382.
Maulsby, G. T., 26.
Manson, Donald, 261, 265.
Manson, James, 262.
Manson, Jr., Donald, 262.
Manson, Wm., 261, 262.
Manson, Stephen, 262.
Maury, R. F., Lieutenant Colonel First Oregon Cavalry, 100.
Maxwell, Mr., 26.
Maxwell, S. L., 366; publisher Weekly Intelligencer, 377.
Mead, Elwood, chief of Division of Irrigation, 17.
Meany, E. S., 379.
Medary, Col. Samuel, 174.
Meek, Joseph, 85, 90; United States Marshal, 91, 160, 316, 393.
Meek, Stephen L., 242, 245.
"Message, The," 373.
McBride, Dr. James, 231.
McCarver, M. M., 78; letter of, 403.
McClure, Colonel John, 132, 137.
McDonald & Cavendish, 74.
McElroy, Thornton F., 365, 376.
McFadden, Judge O. B., elected to congress, 380.
McCaw, William, elected clerk of Linn County, 76.
McGraw, John H., 378.
McGregor, Miss, teacher, 29.
McGruder, Top, 390.
McHargue, James, 75.
McKay, Tom, 244, 256, 266.
McKay, Alexander, 257.
McKean, S. T., 32; and family, 133.
McKew, ——, 234.
McKinley, Archibald, 264, 265.
McLoughlin, Dr. John, in charge of Fort George, 131, 154, 257, 264, 281; flouring mill completed, 387.
McNaught, Ferry, McNaught & Mitchell, law firm of, 383.
McNemee, Mr., 64.
McNemee, Job, 258. 418

Miller, Dan, 230.
Miller, Captain John F., 232.
Mills, James, 234.
Mineral Productions, 123, 124.
Miner, Dr. Thomas T., 379.
Minto Pass: Its History and an Indian Tradition, by John Minto, 241.
Minto, John, 167: Minto Pass: Its History and an Indian Tradition, 241, 243, 244, 247, 390.
Missouri Historical Society, 270.
Mofras' description of Astoria in 1841, 131.
Monnastes, David, 61.
Money, Beaver, coined at Oregon City, 62.
Montgomery, Robert, 75.
Montgomery, Frank C., editor Chronicle, 382.
Monture, George and Robert, 269.
Montures on French Prairie, The, by S. A. Clarke, 268.
Mooney, Mr. and Mrs., publishers The Beacon, 382.
Moore, Mr., 26.
Moore, Asa, 70, 74.
Moore, Robert, 71, 76.
Moore, Miles C., on A Pioneer Railroad Builder, 195.
Moore, Charles, 196.
Moore, Paine Brothers &, 196.
Morrison, Captain R. W., 386.
Morris, ——, 232.
Morris, William Alfred, The Origin and Authorship of the Bancroft Pacific States Publications: A History of a History, 287.
Morris, George P., editor New York Home Journal, 315.
Morse, Mrs. H. B., 22.
Moss, S. W., 390.
"Mountain Men," 9.
Mullan, Captain John, From Walla Walla to San Francisco, 202.
Municipal Exposition, Dresden, Germany, 18.
Murphy, John Miller, 365; publisher Standard, 372, 374, 376.
Murray, Edward F., assistant to Bancroft, 312.
Muscovite, the advance of in the Pacific Northwest, 4.
Nash, Isaac M., 84.
Native Races, The, preparation of material, 308.
Naylor, T. G., 254.
Neale, Miss, teacher, 29.
Nelson, Thomas chief justice supreme court, 187, 188; relieved of office of supreme judge, 189.
Nemos, William, employed by Bancroft, 305; sketch of life, 322; severed connections with Bancroft library, 333.
Nesmith, Senator Jas. W., 47, 167, 387; contributions to Oregon Pioneer Association, 390, 391.
New Era, The, 277; extract from, 399.
Newell, ——, 205.
Newell, Robert, 265, 388, 390, 393.
Newell, Wm., 365.
Newkirk, Mr., employed by Bancroft, 325.
New Penelope, The, 317.
News, The Pierce County, 382.
Nolan, Rhodes, 232.
North Pacific Coast, 382.
Northern Light, 372.
Northwest Coast, 81.
Northwest, The, 378.
Oak, Ora, employed by Bancroft, 299.
Oak, Henry L., Bancroft's librarian, 298; main facts of his life, 298, 305; retired from Bancroft's library, 333.
O'Bryant, Hugh D., first mayor of Portland, 61.
Occident, The, Presbyterian paper, 298.
Officer, James, 280.
Ogden, Isaac, 262.
Ogden, William, 264.
Ogden, Emma, 264.
Ogden, Peter Skeen, 262, 264, 265.
Ohio Statesman, 78.
Olney, Judge Cyrus, the Olney lottery, 137.
O'Meara, James, 365.
Oregon, Glimpses of Early Days in, by Charlotte Moffett Cartwright, 55.
Oregon Spectator, The, 81; first newspaper in old Oregon, 368.
Oregon and Its Share in the Civil War, by Robert Treat Platt, 89.
Oregon, a territory of United States, 91; became a state, 93; voted for Lincoln, 94; railroad to, 277; printing press, 286.
"Oregon Country, The," 111.
Oregon—Pittsburgh meeting and Dr. White's report, 170.
Oregon Historical Society, 167; old mission press, 368.
Oregon Territory, confused condition of statutory laws, 185.
Oregon Bar Association, 185.
Oregon Emigration Movement, documents relating to, 170.
Oregon Steam Navigation Company, 196, 197, 198; bought six sevenths stock Walla Walla and Columbia River Railroad Company, 199, 204, 206, 353.
Oregon, Provisional Government of, adoption of Iowa laws, 185.
Oregon Reports, 187.
Oregon Country and Its Earlier Conditions, Letters descriptive of, 178.
Oregon Code, 194.
Oregon Emigrating Company, 177.
Oregon Emigrants, extract from Independence Journal, 271.
Oregon Pioneer Association, 314.
Oregon Weekly Times, 368.
Oregon American and Evangelical Unionist, The, 368.
Oregon Emigrating Company, 403.
Oregon Railway and Navigation Company, 139, 143, 199, 200.
Oregon Free Press, 368.
Oregonian, first published, 64, 293, 369; Daily, 370, 376.
Ord, General, 105.
Ord, Captain E. O. C., 237.
Osborne, ——, 260.
Otie, Ed, 390.
Overland Monthly, The, 300, 304, 317.
Overland Press, The, 373.
Owens, Adair, Mrs. Dr., 26.
Owens, Captain Elias A., 232.
Owens, Colonel, 272.
Paine Brothers & Moore, 196.

Pambrun, ——., 264, 265.
Parker, Mrs. H. B., 32.
Parker, Mrs. W. W., 29.
Parker, W. W., 32, 133, 135.
Parker, James M., 267.
Parrish, Rev. J. L., 132.
Partisan, 381.
Paternalism, An Object Lesson In, by T. W. Davenport, 33.
Patrick, H. C., 366; started Weekly Ledger, 382.
Pearne, Thomas H., 365.
Peatfield, J. J., employed by Bancroft, 345; sketch of life, 346, 363.
Peel, Lieut. William, 387.
Perry, ——, 132.
Pettygrove, F. W., 390.
Perkins, Dr. J. N., 71.
Perkins, T., constructed a ferry on Rogue River, 229.
Petroff, Ivan, sketch of life, 318; employed by Bancroft, 318, 363.
Phelps, Almira, 394.
Philpot, ——., 234.
Philbrick, C. W., published Puget Sound Argus, 373.
Phillips, Wendell, 292.
Pickett, Charles E., 387, 390.
Pierce, President, 192.
Pinart, M., furnished Bancroft's Alaska material, 318.
Pioneer and Historical Society, 138.
Pioneer Captain of Industry in Oregon, A, by James R. Robertson, 150.
Pioneer Railroad Builder, A, by Miles C. Moore, 195.
Pioneer Papers of Puget Sound, by Clarence B. Bagley, 365.
Pittock, H. L., 365; printer of the Oregonian, 370.
Poe, A. M., 365.
Polk, President James K., 90, 91, 187.
Polk, Colonel, 272.
Pomeroy, Mrs., 253.
Poujade, L. H., 268.
Poole, J. R. and Clugage, located first mining claim in Southern Oregon, 229.
Poole, John R., laid out Jacksonville as a town, 230.
Pope, Miss, teacher, 22.
Population, increase of, in West, 114; table of, for United States, 116.
Porter, Nathan S., 381.
Portland founded, 59.
Port Orford Minute Men, 238.
Post Intelligencer, The, 374.
Post, The Seattle Weekly, 377; The Daily, 378.
Post and Intelligencer consolidated, 378.
Powell, Joab, 71.
Powers, T. P., 22, 29, 136.
Poyntz, Stone &, 229.
Pratt, O. C., justice supreme court, 187, 188.
Pratt, Orson B., appointed historian Mormon Church, 321.
Pratt, Mrs. William, 264.
Pratt, John W., 385.
Press, The, 373; Daily, 383.
Prigg, F., 390; publisher of Pacific Tribune, 374.
Prosch, Thomas W., 366, 371, 378; published Puget Sound Herald, 372.
Prosch, Charles, 366, 371, 374, 381.
Prosch, Fred, in charge mechanical work of Courier, 381.
Provisional Government of Oregon, 89.
Public School, The, of Astoria, 25.
Public buildings, transferred from Oregon City to Salem, trouble caused, 186.
Radebaugh, R. F., 366; started Weekly Ledger, 382.
Railroad, Astoria and Willamette Valley, 135.
Railroad, Astoria and Columbia River, 136.
Railroad, Astoria and South Coast, 116.
Railroad Transportation, 125, 126.
Railroad Bill, The Pacific, 219.
Railroad, Corvallis and Eastern, 247.
Raleigh, P., 63.
Rasmus, employed by Bancroft, 355.
Record-Union, Sacramento, 292.
Rector, William H., state representative, 389; head of Salem Woolen Mill, 215.
Reed, C. A., 60, 65.
Reed, Henry E., The Great West and The Two Easts, 129.
Reed, T. A., 235.
Rees, Willard H., In Memoriam of, 386.
Rees, Willard H., elected state representative, 389, 390; contribution to Oregon Pioneer Association, 391.
Rees, R. R., 365.
Register, The Port Townsend, 372.
Reminiscences secured by H. S. Lyman, 251.
Reporter, Saint Louis, 78.
Republican, The Missouri, extracts from, 399, 402.
Reynolds, General, 105.
Rhoades, Captain Jacob, 233.
Rice, J. N., 72.
Richards, Franklin D., 321, 324.
Riggs, T. A., 70, 72; copy letter of, 74.
Riley and Ginder, 144.
Rinearson, J. S., junior major First Oregon Cavalry, 100.
River of the West, The, 316.
Rivet, Francis, 389.
Robb, Professor, 28.
Robertson, James R., on A Pioneer Captain of Industry, 150.
Roberts, A. B., 353.
Robnett, Wm., 75.
Rocky Mountain News, The, 327.
Roosevelt, Theodore, "Winning of the West," (quoted), 7.
Rose, Wm. R., death of, 233.
Ross, Colonel J. E., 232.
Ruckle, Colonel, 207.
Russell, General, 105.
Russell, Uncle Bill, 228.
Russian-American Company, 319.
Saffren, Henry, 390.
Samuels, L., 365.
Saunders, Mr., 230.
Savage, Thomas, employed by Bancroft, 306; sketch of life, 346, 362.
Savannah Oregon Emigrating Company, report of committee, 278.
Sawmill, first in Oregon, 60.
Scarborough, Captain, 265.
School History of Astoria, what it reveals, 32. 420

chool, The Wilcox, first in Portland, 64.
Schools in Lane County, Early, letter by Joseph H. Sharp, 267.
Scott, Harvey W., 365; editor Oregonian, 370.
Scott, General, 101.
Scott, Captain L. S., 246.
Semple, Eugene, 365, 371.
Sutter's Ranch, 224.
Seattle Times and Alaska Herald, 379.
Seward, William H., 110.
Sharpstein, B. L., 196.
Sharp, Joseph H., Early Schools in Lane County, 268.
Shelby, A. D., 63.
Sheridan, General, 68, 105, 109, 164, 239.
Sherman, General, 109, 200.
Shaw, Hon. T. C., 243.
Shively, Mr., 84, 229.
Shively, J. M., 132; first postmaster west of Rocky Mountains, 133, 136.
Shortess, Robert, 132.
Skinner, Mrs. Judge A. A., 26.
Skinner, Judge A. A., 26; located first donation land claim, 229.
Small, D. W., 197.
Smart, Robert G., editor Western Expositor, 283.
Smith, Gerritt, 36.
Smith, Delazon, 72, 94, 104.
Smith, Volney, 104.
Smith, Solomon, 132.
Smith, Jedediah, attacked by Indians, 230; letter of, 395.
Smith, Thomas, 229.
Smith, Hugh, 232.
Smith, Gen. A. J., 105; Captain, 236, 238, 239.
Smith, Joseph S., editor of the Oregon Statesman, 370.
Smith, Noyes, 390.
Smith, Isaac W., 390.
Snooks, Major, 104.
South Pass, The, discovery of, 10.
Spalding, Rev. H. H., 71, 76, 367.
Spanish, Advance of, in Pacific Northwest, 4.
Speyers, ——., 272.
Stanbough, Joe, 256.
Standard, The Washington, 374.
Star, The, first paper in San Francisco, 376.
States, Henry, 243, 248.
Statesman, The Washington, article of Captain John Mullan, 202.
Statesman, The Oregon, 353, 360, 370.
Steen, Major, 99.
Stein, Mr., 74.
Stephens, J. B., 59.
Stephens, Wm., 195, 196.
Steptoe, Colonel, 69.
Stewart, C., 64.
Stewart, P. G., 390.
Stevens, General, 105.
Stone, B. F., 196.
Stone & Poyntz, 229.
Stone, Nathan J., charge of publication department, A. L. Bancroft & Company, 321.
Strait, Hiram, 390.
Strong, Judge, 134, 187, 188.
Struve, Henry G., 371, 381.
Stuart, Captain, death of, 231.
St. Vrain, Mr., 372.
Sublette, William L., letter of, 395.
Supreme Court, decisions of, 187.
Summers, Doctor, 132.
Sumner, Brigadier General E. V., 99.
Tarbox, a Wisconsin lumberman, 197.
Taylor, Colonel James, 32.
Taylor, Judge F. J., 135.
Taylor, President, 187.
Taylor, John, 321.
Templeton, ——., 71.
Templeton, William T., 75.
Terwilliger, L. L., 66.
Tibbetts, Mr., 132.
Tilden, of Washington, 106.
Times Printing Company, 385.
Times, Daily, 384.
Thompson, Frank W., 104.
Thompson, Captain D. P., 100.
Thornton, Judge, 91, 96.
Thurston, Samuel R., first delegate Oregon territorial government, 47.
Transcript, The Olympia, 380.
Trask, Mr., 132.
Tremewan, Mrs. Anna, 261.
Tribune, The New York, 293.
Tribune, Salt Lake, 293, 294.
Tribune, The Pacific, 374.
Trimble, Edward, 251.
Truax, Captain S., 100.
Tuffs, James, 225.
Turner, Professor F. J., 8.
Turners, J., 230.
T'Vault, Colonel William G., 365; editor Oregon Spectator, 368.
Union League, The, 73.
Unionist, The, 360.
Vallejo, General, 311.
Vancouver, Fort, 83.
VanDusen, Miss Cora, 24.
Van Voast, Captain, 99.
Victor, Frances Fuller, 293, 294, 295, 305; employed by Bancroft, 314; sketch of life, 314, 324; volume on Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming, 324.
Victor, Meta Fuller, 315.
Victor, Henry C., 316.
Vigilante committee, 107.
Villard, Henry, bought Walla Walla and Columbia River Railroad, 199, 200.
Wagner, Mrs., murdered by Indians, 235.
Wait, Hon. A. E., 188.
Waite, E. M., 365.
Waldo, Hon. John B., 246, 247, 248.
Waldo, Daniel, 390.
Waller, Rev. Alvan F., letter of, 178.
Wallace, General Lew, 104.
Walla Walla and Columbia River Railroad Company, 196.
Walla Walla to San Francisco, From, by Capt. John Mullan, U. S. A., 202.
Walworth, Lucy, 314.
Walworth, Judge Reuben, 314.
Wambaugh, J., 390.
Ward, Kirk, a fluent writer, 383.
Warren, Miss Emma C., conducted private school in Astoria, 24.
Warren, Mr. R. K., 27.
Warren, F. M., 66.
Washington, Territory of, organized, 192.
Watt, John, 150.
Watt, Miss, 28.
Watt, Joseph, Sr., 150; early life, 150, 159, 166, 390.

Watson, J. R., 366, 375, 376.
Wayne, J. W., 26.
Weaver, ——, 228.
Webster, Daniel, 43.
Weir, Allen, bought Puget Sound Argus, 373.
Welch, James, 26, 133.
Wells, J., Letter to, 274.
West, The Great and The Two Easts, by Henry E. Heed, 110.
West, future of, 127; The Great, table of comparisons, 114.
Weston Journal, 368.
Western Star, 368.
Western Union Telegraph, 140; completed to Seattle, 377.
Whitacre, William T., 372.
Whiteaker, Governor John, 99.
White, Captain, 134.
White, Dr. E., Indian sub-agent, 242.
White, Harry, 383.
Whitcomb, Lot, published Western Star, 368.
Whitman, Doctor, 78, 79, 84, 254, 260, 367.
Two Whitman Sources, 168.
Whitmore, ——., 232.
Whitney, ——., 277.
Whitworth, James E., 381.
Wilbur, J. H., 59, 64.
Wilcox, Dr. Ralph, 64.
Wiley & McElroy, publishers Columbian, 372.
Wiley, J. W., 376.
Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Military Wagon Road, 242.
Williams, Geo., 104.
Williams, Hon. George H., appointed chief Justice of Oregon Territory, 189.
Williams, Captain R. L., 232.
Williams, Robert, 315.
Williams, Veach, 314.
Williamson, ——., 26.
Willis, N. P., editor New York Home Journal, 315.
Wills, Thomas, 232.
Wilson, A. E., 132.
Wilson, Joseph G., 191.
Woman's War With Whiskey, one of Mrs. Victor's books, 317.
Woir, J. M., 390.
Wood, Tallmadge B., copy of letters from, 80, 84, 132.
Woodfin, Thomas S., 75.
Woodworth, Mr., 230
Wool, General John E., 236, 239.
Woolery, James, 385.
Worthington, Professor, 24, 28, 29.
Wright, Colonel, 99, 105.
Wright, Captain Ben, 232.
Wyeth, Nathaniel J., expedition to the Columbia, 9.
Wyley, ——., pioneer settler, 241.
Yellowstone Expedition, failure of, 7.
Young, F. G., The Lewis and Clark Centennial, 1.
Young, Mrs. Maxwell, 24.