Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 8/Bibliography of Hall J. Kelley
By F. W. Powell.
Editorial Note.—Mr. F. W. Powell, who submits the following tentative bibliography of Hall J. Kelley, is engaged in an investigation of Kelley's place in Oregon history. These lists are printed with the view of attracting the attention of those who have been interested in the unique role of Kelley in promoting the occupation and colonization of the Oregon Country, and who can be of assistance in bringing out the whole truth of history on this subject. Mr. Powell is anxious to have his lists supplemented and corrected. It will be remembered that Professor E. G. Bourne, of Yale University, has challenged the view that had quite universally prevailed, giving Kelley the position of primacy in appreciating the importance of the Oregon Country and in leading the movement for its occupation. Professor Bourne is inclined to award that honor to Dr. John Floyd, of Virginia, and believes that Kelley was initially and largely inspired through the reports and speeches of Floyd in Congress. (See Quarterly, Vol. VI, No. 3, pp. 260–266.) Whatever may be the conclusion reached on this issue—and the cause promoted by them merits a meed of glory enough for both—the readers of The Quarterly will follow with keen interest this undertaking of Mr. Powell's to present an adequate statement of Kelley's place in Oregon history.
This list of titles by and about Kelley constitutes a working bibliography, hence there need be no apology for the fact that it contains several relatively unimportant items. In cases where a book has not been found, a note to that effect appears, together with a reference to the source of information. Where the exact wording of a title has not been obtained, the approximate title is quoted from the reference. The writings of Kelley are now rare, and widely scattered. The places where they are to be found are indicated by the catchwords in the names of the following libraries: American Antiquarian Society, Amherst College, Boston Athenaeum, Boston Public, City Library Association of Springfield (Mass.), Columbia University, Harvard University, Library Company of Philadelphia, Library of Congress, New York Public, New York State, Palmer (Mass.) Historical Society, Peabody Institute, State Historical Society of Pennsylvania, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, State Library of Massachusetts, Worcester Free Public, Young Men's Library Association of Palmer (Mass.) The word "Bancroft" refers to the bibliographical lists in the Bancroft histories.
Kelley, Hall Jackson. The American Instructor, second book. Designed for the common schools in America ; containing the elements of the English language ; lessons in orthography and reading, and the pronunciation of Walker's Critical Pronouncing Dictionary : all made easy by the arrangement and division of words, and by an improved use of figures and letters. Boston, 1825. 168 p. Athenaeum, Bost. Pub.
Same., Boston (2 ed.), 1826. 168 p. Bost. Pub., Harvard. Congress, N. Y. State.
Same. Concord, (2 ed.) 1846. 12. British Museum Cata- logue.
This is the same as " Kelley's Second Spelling Book," and the "Western Spelling Book."
(The American Society for Encouraging a Settlement of the Oregon Territory.) This book of stock, subscriptions, etc., in which shall be enrolled the names of all persons contributing to the success of founding a settlement in Oregon, either by subscription, donations or investments in the Society's stock, shall be preserved, in perpetuum, by the settlement, and a true copy of the same shall be deposited in the archives of the government of the United States of America. A. D. 1831. [Boston] , 1831. 4 p. Congress.
Colonization of the Oregon Territory. Chapters I and II. In the Palmer Sentinel, Palmer "Depot," (Mass.), December 31, 1846, January 7, 1847.
Discoveries, purchases of lands, etc., on the North- west Coast, being a part of an investigation of the American title to the Oregon Territory, n. t. p. [1839.] 16 p. Ath- enaeum, Bost. Pub., Bancroft.
First spelling book, or child's instructor. Boston, (8 ed.) 1827. 84 p. Harvard.
This is the same as ' ' The Instructor, First Book."
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HALL J. KELLEY. 377 Columbia, Harvard, Congress, N. Y. Pub., Wisconsin, Massa- chusetts, Bancroft. Same. Second edition, enlarged with an appendix, embrac- ing an account of the expedition, and directions for becoming an emigrant. Boston, 1830. 8. Not seen. British Museum Catalogue. Hard usage in Three Rivers. Palmer (Mass.). 1851. Not seen. Ref . : Kelley 's Narrative of Events and Difficulties, p. 76. Said to have appeared as an appendix to "Letters of an Afflicted Husband." History of the American title to the Oregon Terri- tory. In American Traveller, Boston, December 25, 28, 1838 ^ January 8, 1839. Antiquarian. History of the colonization of the Oregon Territory. ' ' By Hall J. Kelley, A. M. The Projector and Chief Pioneer. ' ' Springfield (Mass.), 1849. 26 [x ?] p. Pennsylvania. Pagination : 1-8, 1-8, 17-26, unpaged appendix. History of the colonization of the Oregon Territory. Worcester, 1850. 12 p. Worcester. Bancroft. "History of the purchase of the Indian lands by, American citizens. ' ' Not seen. Ref.: Kelley 's History of the Settlement of Oregon, p. 79, incorrectly refers to H. Doc. 43 of 16 Cong., 1st sess. A history of the settlement of Oregon and the in- terior of Upper California ; and of persecutions and afflictions of forty years' continuance endured by the author. Spring- field (Mass.), 1868. 128 p. [Caption title:] Supplement to the Narrative of Events and Difficulties in the Colonization of Oregon. * * * "Pe- tition of Hall J. Kelley, praying for a grant of land, or do- nation of money." * * * 7 p. Amherst, Bost. Pub. Springfield, Harvard, Philadelphia, Congress, N. Y. Pub. Palmer Hist. The instructor. First Book. Boston, [1820?] Not seen. Ref.: Kelley 's History of the Settlement of Oregon, p. 9. Letters from an afflicted husband to an estranged wife. Palmer (Mass.), 1851. Not seen. 378 F. W. POWELL.
A geographical sketch of that part of North America called Oregon, containing an account of the Indian title* etc. * * to which is attached a map of the country. Boston, 1830. 80 p. Antiquarian, Athenaeum, Bost. Pub.*Ref.: Kelley's Narrative of Events and Difficulties, p. 14 ; Kirk, Supplement to Allibone, II, 935 ; Adams, Dictionary of American Authors, p. 215.
Letters to Mrs. Mary Kelley. Not seen. Published? Ref. : Temple, History of Palmer, p. 269.
Letters to my brethren. Not seen. Ref.: Temple, supra. Same as "Beloved Brethren," written 1868-9. (Bancroft, Northwest Coast, II, 557) 1
Manual of the Oregon expedition [cover title.] A general circular to all persons of good character who wish to emigrate to Oregon Territory, embracing some account of the character and advantages of the country ; the right by which it is to be settled; and all necessary directions for becoming an emigrant. Char.lestown (Mass.), 1831. 28 p. Map. Antiquarian, Athenaaum, Congress, N. Y. Pub., N. Y. State. Peabody, Wiscon, Bancroft.
Synopsis appears in Kelley's History of the Settlement of Oregon, pp. 95-102, 106-7.
Map of Upper California and Oregon. Not seen. Ref.: Kelley's History of the Settlement of Oregon, p. 78. Drawn from observations made in 1834. First map of Sacramento Valley by an American.
Memoir [on Oregon and California.] January 31, 1839. In Gushing, Territory of Oregon. Supplemental report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Appendix "0," pp. 47-61. 25th Cong., 3d Sess. H. Rep. 101, v. 1. Serial 351.
Same. In The Oregonian,. Boston, August, 1839. I, No. 11, pp. 326-39. Wisconsin. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HALL J. KELLKY. 379 [Memorials and petitions to Congress.] Date. Subject. Document. Cong. Bess. Serial or Vol. Page. 1828- 1830 Aid to colonization plan System of surveying H. Journal __ S. Journal 21 1 21 1 194 191 198 f 246 1831 Military escort S Journal 21 2 202 ( 275 71 1831- Military escort H Journal 22 1 216 44 1831. Military escort. Debates 22 1 VIII, pt. 2. 1433 1839- Grant of land for colony 8. Journal 26 1 353 I 4 f 1843- 1843 Bulfinch's lands in Oregon Bulfinch's lands in Oregon S. Journal Globe 27 3 27 3 412 IX. I 76 192 311 1843- 1844 Bulflnch's lands in Oregon Grant of land H. Journal H Journal 27 3 28 1 417 438 350 237 1848 Grant of land S. Journal 30 ) 502 f 210 1848 _ Grant of land Globe 30 1 XVIII. ( 245 567 1849 . Grant of land S. Journal 31 1 548 !38 1849 Grant of land Globe 31 1 XXI, pt. 1. 51 92 18EO Grant of land S. Journal 31 I 548 99 172 1850 Grant of land Globe 31 1 XXI, pt 1. f 292 1851 Grant of land S. Report, 42 31 1 565 tu 1854_ Grant of land or money 8. Journal 33 1 689 f 196 -< 346 1854 Grant of land or money Globe 33 1 XXVIII pt 1 ( 391 447 1854- 2866 Grant of land or money Grant of land- Globe H. Journal 33 1 39 2 XXVIII, pt. 2. 1280 f 989 J1186 93 1866 Grant of land Globe 39 2 XLVII, pt 1. 181 Memorial praying for a donation of land, and Testimonials concerning the colonization of the Oregon Terri- tory. N. P. [1844.] 18 p. Bost. Pub., Harvard, Pennsyl- vania. Same. [Without testimonials.] In Kelley's History of the Colonization of the Oregon Territory, pp. 1-4. Same. In the Palmer Sentinel, Palmer "Depot" (Mass.), December 10, 1846. Memorial praying for a donation of land. 1848. 2 p. In Kelley's HJistory of the Settlement of Oregon, pp. 91-2. Petition asking for a grant of land or pecuniary relief. [1854.] 4 p. In Kelley's Narrative of Events and Difficulties. Appendix. Petition praying for a grant of land or a donation of money. N. P. [1866.] 7 p. Wisconsin, Bancroft. Same. In Kelley's History of the Settlement of Oregon. A narrative of events and difficulties in the coloni- zation of Oregon, and the settlement of California; and also a 380 F. W. POWELL. history of the claim of American citizens to lands on Quadra 's Island; together with an account of the troubles and tribula- tions endured between the years 1824 and 1852 by the writer, Hall J. Kelley. Boston, 1852. [137] p. Amherst, Antiqua- rian, Harvard, N. Y. State, Massachusetts, Bancroft. Oregon. In the Palmer Sentinel, Palmer "Depot" (Mass.), January 29, February 5, 12, 19, 26, March 5, 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, June 11, 18, 25, July 9. Library Ass'n., Palmer. - Kelley 's Second Spelling Book, designed for com- mon schools, containing * * * [lit supra] * * * Boston (5 ed.), 1827. 168 p. Amherst. The Western spelling book, designed for common schools. Containing * * * [ut supra] * * * Cin- cinnati and Boston, 1832. 168 p. Congress. "Articles." In Bunker Hill Aurora and Boston Minor. Boston, 1837. Not seen. Ref . : Kelley 's History of the Settlement of Oregon, pp. 77, 114. "Plans for joint missionary and colonization move- ments." In Zion's Herald. Boston, 1831. Not seen. Ref.: Kelley 's History of the Settlement of Oregon, pp. 63-4. "Articles." In New England Christian Herald. Not seen. Ref.: Thornton, Oregon and California, II, 20. "As Early as 1831." Confused with Zion's Herald? II. Adams, Oscar Fay. A dictionary of American authors. Boston (5 eel.), 1905. 587 p. Kelley, p. 215. Allen, Orrin Peer. The town of Palmer. In Copeland. A history of Hampden County, Massachusetts. [Springfield (Mass.)], 1902. 3 v. Kelley, II, 144. American Comic Almanac, with whims, scraps and oddities. Boston, 1837. " Kelley 's Folly." Not seen. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HALL J. KELLEY. 381 Ref. : Kelley 's History of the Settlement of Oregon, p. 126 ; Narrative of Events and Difficulties, p. 76. Applegate, Oliver C. Occasional address. In Oregon Pioneer Association, Transactions, 1903. Portland, 1904. pp. 153-70. Kelley, p. 167. Bancroft, Hobert Howe. History of California. San Fran. cisco, 1886. 7 v. Kelley, III, 409-11 ; IV, 146-7. History of the Northwest Coast. San Francisco, 1886. 2 v. Kelley, I, 205 ; II, 416, 543-59, 566. [Frances Fuller Victor] History of Oregon. San Francisco, 1886. 2 v. Kelley, I, 17, 22-3, 56, 67-70, 73-4, 76-7, 89-97, 99-103, 131, 365, 367, 369. Barrows, William. Oregon: the struggle for possession. Boston, 1884. 363 p. Kelley, p. 81. Boardman, Samuel W. The contribution of the first cen- tury of Middlebury College to Christian progress. In A Record of the Centennial Anniversary of Middlebury College. Cambridge, 1901. 292 p. pp. 32-80. Kelley, p. 52. Bourne, Edward Gaylord. Aspects of Oregon history be- fore 1840. In Oregon Historical Society Quarterly. Salem, 1905. VI, 255-75. Kelley, pp. 260-3, 265-6. Brown, John Howard (editor.) Lamb's biographical dic- tionary of the United States. Boston, 1901. Kelley, IV, 491-2. Chittenden, Hiram Martin. The American fur trade of the Far West. New York, 1902. 3 v. Kelley, I, 434-8, 453 ; II, 792. Clarke, S. A. Pioneer days of Oregon history. Portland, 1905. 2 v. Kelley, I, viii, 269-76, 291-2, 295-300. 382 F. W. POWELL. . Gushing, Caleb. Discovery beyond the Rocky Mountains. In North American Review. Boston, 1840. I, 75-144. Kelley, pp. 120-4. Deady, Matthew Paul. The annual address. In Oregon Pioneer Association Transactions, 1875. Salem, 1876. pp. 17-41. Kelley, pp. 22-4, 26-7. Duflot de Mofras, Eugene. Exploration du territoire de 1'Oregon, des Calif ornies et de la mer vermille, executee pendent les annees 1840, 1841 et 1842. Paris, 1844. 2 v. Kelley, II, 232. Evans, Elwood. History of Oregon. MS. Bancroft. Farnham, Thomas Jefferson. Travels in the Great Western Prairie, the Aiiahuac and Rocky Mountains, and in the Oregon Territory. New York, 1843. 112 p. Kelley, p. 96. Same. Part II. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, Cleveland, 1906. XXIX. Kelley, 32-3. Gray, William Henry. A history of Oregon, 1792-1849. from personal observation and authentic information. Port- land, 1870. 624 p. "Young's Party," p. 191. Greenhow, Robert. The history of Oregon and California, and the other territories of the Northwest Coast of North America. Boston, 1844. 482 p. Kelley, p. 25. Memoir, historical and political on the Northwest Coast of North America, and the adjacent territories, illus- trated by a map and a geographical view of those countries. 1840. 228 p. 26th Cong. 1st Sess. S. Doc. 174, v. 4. Serial 357. Kelley, p. 14. Harper's encyclopedia of United States history from 458 A D. to 1902. New York, 1902. Kelley, V, 229. Harvard University. Quinquennial catalogue of the officers and graduates of Harvard University, 1636-1905. Cam- bridge, 1905. Kelley, p. 556. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HALL J. KELLEY. 383 Holman, Frederick V. Dr. John McLoughlin. Cleveland. 1907. Kelley, 1 Howison, Neil M. [Examination of the coast, harbors, rivers, etc., of] Oregon. Report to the commander of the Pacific squadron [1846.] 1848. 36 p. 30th Cong. 1st Sess. H. Misc. Doc. 29. v. 1. Serial 523. Kelley, p. 14. Johnson, Rossiter (editor.) The twentieth century biog- raphical dictionary of notable Americans. Boston, 1904. Kelley, VI (unp.) Johnson, Sidona V. A short history of Oregon. Chicago. 1904. 329 p. Kelley, pp. 213-4, 232. Johnson, W. C. Annual Address. In Oregon Pioneer As- sociation, Transactions, 1881. Salem, 1882. pp. 20-37. Kelley, p. 22. Kirk, John Foster (editor.) A supplement to Allibone's Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. Philadelphia, 1891. Kelley, II, 935. Lancaster, Daniel. The history of Gilmanton. * * * Gilmanton (N. H.), 1845. 304 p. Kelley, pp. 250, 274. Long, Herbert 0. [and George H. Himes.] History of the Willamette Valley. Portland, 1885. 902 p. Kelley, pp. 223-6. Lee, Daniel, and J. H. Forst. Ten years in Oregon. New York, 1844. 344 p. Kelley, p. 129. Lyman, Horace Sumner. Dr. John McLoughlin. Anon. In Oregon Pioneer Association, Transactions, 1886. Portland. 1887. pp. 41-58. Kelley, p. 46. History of Oregon: the growth of an American State. New York, 1903. 4 v. Kelley, I, 313; III, 71-82, 93-4, 119-20, 125-7, 131-2, 174. 176-9 ; IV, 292. 384 F. W. POWELL. Ql Massachusetts. An act to incorporate the American Society for Encouraging the Settlement of the Oregon Territory. June 22, 1831. Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1831-3. XII Chap. 63. pp. 132-4. McLoughlin, John. [A defence, addressed to parties in London.] In Oregon Historical Society, Quarterly. Salem, 1900. I, 193-206. Kelley, pp. 195-6. McMaster, John Bach. A history of the people of the United States. New York, 1906. Kelley, VI, 108-13. 448-9, 451. Middlebury College. Catalogue of the graduates of Middle- bury College ; embracing a biographical register and directory. By Thomas Scott Pearson. Windsor (Vt.), 1853. 144 p. Kelley, p. 33. Catalogue of the officers and students of Middle- bury College in Middlebury, Vermont, and of others who have received degrees 1800 to 1900. By Walter E. Howard and Charles E. Prentiss. Middlebury, 1901. 295 p. Kelley, p. 46. Nttes' Register. Oregon, August 6, 1831, XL, 407; Twenty- second Congress, first session, December 17, 1831 XLI, 285 ; Oregon settlements, July 28, 1832, XLII, 388. The Oregonian and Indian's Advocate. Boston, 1838-9. "Mr. Kelley 's Pamphlet," I, 180-4; "Mr. Kelley 's Pamph- let" [rejoinder], I, 221. Portland Oregonian, March 29, 1873. Not seen. Bancroft. Roberts, George B. Recollections of the Hudson Bay Com- pany. MS. Bancroft. Sabin, Joseph (editor.) A dictionary of books relating to America from its discovery to the present time. New York. Kelley, IX, 419. Schafer, Joseph. A history of the Pacific Northwest. New York, 1905. Kelley, pp. 129-31, 142, 147, 160-4. The Pacific Slope and Alaska. Philadelphia, 1904. 442 p. Kelley, pp. 96, 122, 124-5, 135-7. Scott, Harvey W. Annual address. In Oregon Pioneer Association, Transactions, 1890. Portland, 1892. pp. 30-8.
Kelley, pp. 31-5.
Springfield Daily Republican. Death of a singular character at Palmer. January 23, 1874.
Same. Boston Evening Transcript. January 24, 1874. Springfield Daily Union. An eventful life. Death of the hermit of Three Rivers. January 23, 1874.
Same. Oregon State Journal, Eugene City. "An old Oregonian. Death of the hermit of Three Rivers His early travels in the Far West. February 28, 1874.
Temple, Josiah Howard. History of the town of Palmer, Massachusetts. * * * [Springfield (Mass.)], 1889. 602 p.
Kelley, pp. 262-3, 265-9. Portrait facing p. 269; original in possession of the Palmer Historical Society.
Thornton, Jesse Quinn. Oregon and California in 1848. New York, 1848. 2 v.
Kelley, II, 13-21.
Oregon History. MS. Bancroft.
Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Early Western travels, 1748-1846. Cleveland, 1905.
Kelley, XX, 23.
Tucker. History of Oregon. 184. Not seen. (Query?)
Turner, Frederick Jackson. Rise of the New West, 1819–1829. New York, 1906. 366 p.
Kelley, p. 123.
Victor, Frances Fuller. Hall J. Kelley: one of the fathers of Oregon. In Oregon Historical Society, Quarterly. Salem, 1901. II, 381-400.
W. J. S. Geographical sketch of Oregon Territory. In New England Magazine. Boston, 1832. II, 320-6.
Oregon Territory. In New England Magazine. Boston, 1832. II, 123-32.
Walker, Courtney M. Sketch of Ewing Young. In Oregon Pioneer Association, Transactions, 1880. Salem, 1880. pp. 56-8.
Kelley, p. 57.
Wilson, James Grant, and John Fiske. Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography. New York, 1887.
Kelley, III, 505. 386 F. W. POWELL. % Wilson, Joseph R. The Oregon question. In Oregon His- torical Society, Quarterly. Salem, 1900. I, 213-52. Kelley, p. 224. Winsor, Justin. Narrative and critical history of America. Boston, 1888. Kelley, VII, 559. Wyeth, John B. Oregon ; or a short history of a long journey from the Atlantic to the region of the Pacific by land. Cam- bridge, 1833. 87 p. Kelley, pp. 3-4, 12, 47, 52-3, 57-61, 81, 83. Same. Edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites. In Early West- ern Travels. Cleveland, 1905. XXI, 17-106. Kelley (ed. notes), pp. 10, 24-5, 79. Wyeth, Nathaniel Jarvis. Correspondence and journals, 1831-6. Edited by Frederic George Young. Eugene (Ore.), 1899. 262 p. Kelley, pp. xvii-xviii, 1, 17-8, 30, 36, 39, 43, 50, 51, 90, 250j Young, Frederic George. The Lewis and Clark centennial; the occasion and its observance. In Oregon Historical Society, Quarterly. Salem, 1903. IV, 1-20. Kelley, p. 9. The Oregon trail. In Oregon Historical Society, Quarterly. Salem, 1900. I, 339-70. Kelley, p. 349. Anonymous. History of the Pacific Northwest, Oregon and Washington ; embracing an account of the original discoveries on the Pacific Coast of North America, and a description of the conquest, settlement and subjugation of the vast country included in the original Territory of Oregon. Portland, 1889. 2 v. Kelley, I, 139, 182-5, 214-5, 370. Settlement of the Oregon. In American Traveller. Boston, July 26, 1839. Taken from the Post, which in turn accredits the Centi- nel, and quotes in full "Hall J. Kelley and the Oregon expedition." FRED WILBUR POWELL. 30 Broad Street, New York.