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Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 8/Number 4 Accessions

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ACCESSIONS. BOOKS. Polk, R. L. & Co.'s Directory of Baker City, Sumpter, Huntington, La Grande, Union, Pendleton, No. 2, 1903. 8vo. 538 pp. - No. 3, 1905. 8vo. 612 pp. Lucas, Eobert, Life of. Iowa Biographical Series, edited by Ben- jamin F. Shambaugh. State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City, 1907. Cloth. 8vo. Portraits. 356 pp. Presented by Mrs. Eva Emery Dye, Oregon City. Kansas, Historical Collections of. Vol. IX, 1905-1906. Cloth. 8vo. Portraits, maps, plates. 654 pp. Maine, Collections of Historical Society. Documentary History, Vol. X. Baxter Manuscripts. 8vo, cloth. 498 pp. Congress, Official Directory of. Second Edition. Corrections to January 9, 1907. Cloth. Illustrated. Plate. Cloth. 8vo. 426 pp. Beyond the Mississippi; from the Great River to the Gi'eat Ocean. Life and Adventure on the Prairie, Mountains, and Pacific Coast. 1857-1867. By Albert D. Richardson, correspondent of the New York Tribune during the Civil War. Copiously Illustrated. American Pub. Co., Hartford, Conn., 1867. 8vo. CJoth. 572 pp. Presented by Dr. William B. Knapp, Portland. Autograph of Isaac Knapp, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Four Years in a Government Exploring Expedition to the Islands of the Pacific, Northwest Coast of America, Etc. By Lieutenant Colvocoresses, U. S. Navy, an officer of the expedition. New York, 1852. River of the West: Life and Adventure in the Rocky Mountains and Oregon, embracing Events in the Life-time of a Mountainman and -Pioneer. By Mrs. Frances Fuller Victor. Illustrated. 8vo, sheep. 602 pp. Our New West. Records of Travel between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean, with Details of the Wonderful Natural Scenery, Agriculture, Mines, Business, Social Life, Progress, Prospects, Etc. By Samuel Bowles, of the Republican, Springfield, Mass. Hartford Pub Co., 1870. 8vo, cloth. Map, portraits, 12 full-page illustrations. Travels through the United States of North America, the Country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada, in the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797, with an Authentic Account of Lower Canada. By the Duke de la Rochefoucault Liancourt. London: Printed for R. Phillips, No. 71 St. Paul's Church Yard; Sold by T. Hurst and J. Wallis, Paternoster-Row, ACCESSIONS. 411 and by Carpenter and Co., 1799. Quarto. Half calf, marbled paper sides an excellent and well preserved specimen of the art of book- making in vogue one hundred years ago. Translated from the French by H. Neuman. Map to illustrate Author's Travels. 642 pp. with index in addition. Oregon State Board of Horticulture, Second Annual Keport of, to the Legislative Assembly, 17th Regular Session, 1893. 8vo. Cloth. Illustrated. 349 pp. (2 copies.) Catalogue of Scarce American and Miscellaneous Books. By Ed- ward W. Nash, 1872-1877, 120 Nassau Street, N. Y. Bound in same volume, "Giblets of History and Tidbits of America," Etc., by Charles L. Woodward, 78 Nassau Street, N. Y. American Library Association, Papers and Proceedings of the 27th General Meeting of, at Portland, Oregon, July 4-7, 1905. Published by the American Library Association, 1905. 8vo. 257 pp. United States Geological Survey, Fourth Annual Keport, to the Secretary of the Interior, 1882-83. By J. W. Powell, Director. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office, 1884. 8vo, cloth. 473 pp. Maps, plates, engravings. Over the Range to the Golden Gate. A Complete Tourist's Guide to Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, Puget Sound and the Great Northwest. By Stanley Wood. Revised to 1904 by C. E. Hooper. Chicago: R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., Publishers, 1906. 8vo. Cloth. Illustrated. 340 pp. Crofutt's Transcontinental Tourist's Guide. Geo. A. Crofutt, Pub- lisher, New York, 1872. Vol. 4. 12mo. Cloth. Illus. 224 pp. Maps. Vol. 6. Quarto, cloth. 158 pp. Illus. Maps. Overland Tours, consisting of over Six Thousand Miles of Main Tours, and Three Thousand Miles of Side Tours, also Six Thous- and Miles by Stage and Water. Chicago and New York: Rand, McNally & Co., Publishers, 1890. 8vo. Cloth. 264 pp. Maps and Illus. Biennial Report of the Secretary of State, State of Oregon, to the Legislative Assembly, 19th Regular Session, December 31, 1895-De- cember 31, 1896. 8vo. Cloth. 338 pp. Appendix, 82 pp., giving list of officers of Territory and State of Oregon from 1843 to 1897. American First Class Book, The, or Exercises in Reading and iJecitation; selected principally from modern authors of Great Britain and America, and designed for the use of the Highest Class in Publick and Private Schools. By John Pierpont, Minister of Hollis-STtreet Church, Boston. Boston: 1823. 12mo, sheep. 480 pp. Much worn. Title page frayed. (Brought to Oregon in 1852, by Mrs. Anna Pent- land Brooks, The Dalles, Oregon, by whom it was presented.) 412 ACCESSIONS. i Portland Clubdom, 1905. Compiled by Daggett & Rae. 12mo. Imitation Cloth. 128 pp. Bigelow Carpet Co., History of. Also Brief History of Carpet Making. By Bigelow Carpet Co., Fifth Avenue, New York, 1907. 8vo. boards. 78 pp. Commercial Club, Portland, Oregon, The. Articles of Incorporation, List of Members, and House Kules. 16mo. Boards. 29 pp. Walker, Gov. R. J., Reminiscences of, with the True Story of the Rescue of Kansas from Slavery. By Geo. W. Brown, M. D., Honorary Corresponding Secretary of the Historical Society of Kansas. Rock- ford, 111.: Printed and Published by the Author, 1902. Presented by Mrs. Sara T. D. Robinson, Lawrence, Kansas. Doniphan's Expedition; containing an Account of the Conquest of New Mexico, General Stephen W. Kearney's Overland Expedition to California, Doniphan's Campaign against the Navajos, His Unparal- leled March upon Chihuahua and Durango, and the Operations of General Price at Santa Fe, with a Sketch of the Life of Colonel Doniphan. By John T. Hughes, of the First Missouri Cavalry. Cin- cinnati: J. A. and U. P. James, 1847. 8vo. Cloth. 407 pp. Prairie Traveler, The. A Hand-Book for Overland Expeditions, with Maps, Illustrations and Itineraries of the Principal Routes be- tween the Mississippi and the Pacific. By Randolph B. Marcy, Captain U. S. Army. Published by Authority of the War Department. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1859. 12mo. 340 pp. Portland and Vicinity, Willamette Valley, Columbia River, and Puget Sound. L. Samuel, Publisher, Portland, 1887. 8vo. Cloth. Copiously Illustrated. 90 pp. Statistician, Annual, 1877. San Francisco: L. P. McCarthy, Pub- lisher, 1877. 8vo, cloth. 468 pp. - 1878. San Francisco: L. P. McCarthy, Publisher. 12mo, cloth. 592 pp. (Presented by Raleigh Stott, Portland.) - 1879. San Francisco: L. P. McCarthy, Publisher. 12mo, cloth. 600 pp. - and Economist, 1889. San Francisco: L. P. McCarthy, Pub- lisher. 12mo, cloth. 672 pp. Boston Almanac, The, for 1849. By S. N. Dickinson. 16mo, cloth. 216 pp. Map of Boston and suburbs. Contains table of Boston weather for 1848; comparisons of Boston and Florida weather for 1847; brief history of the public schools of Boston; Business Directory of Boston; list of Boston newspapers. (Brought to Oregon in 1849, by Colburn Barrell, a grand-nephew of Joseph Barrell, a Boston mer- chant, who was a leading character in organizing the company which ACCESSIONS. 413 chartered the ship Columbia at Boston in 1787 to make a commercial voyage to China, and which was sailed into the Columbia River on May 11, 1792, by Captain Robert Gray.) Almanacs Oregon, 1848. Printed at Spectator Office, Oregon City, by W. P. Hudson. 12mo. 24 pp. - Oregon and Washington, 1856, 1857, 1862, 1863. Compiled and published by S. J. McCormick. Franklin Bookstore, Portland. All 12mo. - McCormick's (successor to the preceding), 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868 (imperfect), 1870, 1871. All 12mo., and published by S. J. McCormick, Franklin Bookstore, Portland. (Foregoing were saved by J. Quinn Thornton, a pioneer of 1846, and a well-known attorney in the territorial days of Oregon.) American Almanac, Year-Book, Cyclopedia and Atlas for 1903. Published by the W. R. Hearst Newspapers. 8vo, cloth. 920 pp. Illustrated. - 1904. 966 pp. 24 map plates. 'Primer of Forestry, A. Part 2 Practical Forestry. By Gifford Pinchot, Forester. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1905. 12mo, cloth. 88 pp. Illus. Horn's Overland Guide from the U. S. Indian Sub-Agency, Council Bluffs, on the Missouri River, to the City of Sacramento, in Califor- nia, containing a Table of Distances, and showing all the Rivers, Creeks, Lakes, Springs, Mountains, Hills, Camping-Places, and other Prominent Objects, with Remarks on the Country, Roads, Timbers, Grasses, Curiosities, Etc., the entire Route having been tracked by a Road-Measurer, and the Distances from place to place, and from the Missouri River, accurately ascertained. By Hosea B. Horn. New York: Published by J. H. Colton, No. 86 Cedar Street, 1852. 16mo, cloth. 108 pp. The map which originally accompanied this publica- tion is missing. (Found in an old building belonging to the Meade Estate, corner of Fifth and Columbia streets, Portland, in 1898, by D. N. Byerlee, Hood River, Oregon, by whom it was presented.) Telephone Directory, Pacific States, for March, 1899, embracing the States of California, Oregon and Washington. Issued from Tele- phone Office, San Francisco. 8vo, canvas. 494 pp. United States Statistical Directory, or Merchants' ^ind Travelers' Guide, with a Wholesale Business Directory of New York. By J. F. Loomis & Co. New York: G. F. Nesbit, Stationer and Printer, corner of Wall and Water streets, 1847. 16mo, cloth. 198 pp. New York at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, Portland, Oregon, June 1-Oct. 15, 1905. By Samuel B. Ward, Clarence Luce, Harry D. Williams, Pratt A. Brown* Henry Altman, and Charles E. Huntley, New York State Commissioners. Albany, N. Y.: Brandow Printing Company, State Legislative Printers, 1906. 8vo, buckram back, paper sides. 127 pp. Portraits of Commissioners and illustrations of N. Y. State Building and other features of interest. (Presented by Mrs. Eva Emery Dye, Oregon City.)

General Circular, A, to all Persons of Good Moral Character, who wish to Emigrate to the Oregon Territory, embracing some account of the character and advantages of the country; the Eight and the Means and Operations by which it is to be Settled, and all Necessary Direc- tions for becoming an Emigrant. By Hall J. Kelley, Agent. By order of the American Society for Encouraging the Settlement of the Oregon Territory. Instituted in Boston, A. D. 1820. Charlestown: Printed by William W. Wheildon. E. P. & C. Williams, Boston, 1831. 8vo, boards. 28 pp. Contains diagram of a plat of land laid out in 40-acre tracts between the "Multnomah and Columbia Rivers." Part of this tract is believed to be within the present city limits of Portland.

Infantry Tactics, Abstract of, including Exercises and Manoeuvres of Light Infantry and Eiflemen; for the use of the M;' 1 i of the United States. Published by the War Department under au u nority of the Act of Congress of March 2, 1829. Boston: Milliard, Gray, Little and Wilkins, 1830. 12mo, sheep. 138 pp. Plates and diagrams. Sangamon County, Illinois, History of the Early Settlers of. "Cen- tennial Eecord." By John Carroll Power, assisted by his wife, Mrs. S. A. Power. Under the Auspices of the Old Settlers' Society. Spring- field: Edwin A. Wilson & Co., 1876. 8vo, cloth. 797 pp. Presented by Mrs. Byron Z. Holmes, Portland, whose father and uncle, Allen and Simeon Francis, were residents of that county for many years before coming to the Pacific Coast.


Pendleton, Jack Huston's Directory of Pendleton, Athena, Hermis- ton, and Helix, for 1907. Jack Huston, Publisher, Pendleton. 8vo. 72 pp. Cover.

Reminiscences of Frontier Life. By I. B. Hammond. Portland: 1904. 8vo. Illustrated. 136 pp.

Oregon: Our Eight and Title, containing an Account of the Condi- tion of the Oregon Territory, its Soil, Climate, and Geographical Posi- tion, together with a Statement of the Claims of Eussia, Spain, Great Britain, and the United States. By Wyndham Eobertson, Jr., of Virginia. Washington: Printed by J. & G. S. Gideon, 1846. 8vo. 204 pp. Appendix, 24 pp. ACCESSIONS. 415 Benton, Thomas H., Speech of, on Oregon Question, delivered in the U. S. Senate May 22, 25, and 28, 1846. Washington: Printed at the Office of Blair and Eives, 1846. 8vo. 40 pp. Howison, Lieut. Neil M., U. S. Navy, Eeport of, to the Commander of the Pacific Coast S'quadron, being the result of an examination iv the year 1846 of the Coast, Harbors, Eivers, Soil, Productions, Climate, and Population of the Territory of Oregon. Report dated San Fran- cisco, Feb. 1, 1847. 8vo. 36 pp. Johnson, Eeverdy, Speech of, on The Oregon Question, delivered in the U. S. Senate, March 11, 1846. 8vo. 16 pp. Webster, Daniel, Speech at Marshfield, Mass., Sept. 1, 1848, upon the nomination of Gen. Taylor for the Presidency, and his Speech of Aug. 12, 1848, in the U. S. Senate, upon the Oregon Bill. Boston: Press of T. E. Marvin, 1848. 8vo. 24 pp. Browne, J. Eoss, Eeport of, as Special Agent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, upon Indian Affairs in the Territories of Oregon and Washington, dated Nov. 17, 1857. 8vo. 48 pp. dims ^f the Northwest, being Condensed Notes of a Lecture by Hon. Selucius Garfielde, Delegate in Congress from Washington Terri- tory, d^ivered in Philadelphia in 1872. 8vo. 20 pp. Cover. Lane, Joseph, Speech of, on the Admission of Kansas, in the U. S. House of Eepresentatives, March 27, 1858. 8vo. 8 pp. Constitution for the State of Oregon, passed by the Convention, Sept. 18, 1857. 8vo. 24 pp. (This is a copy of the proposed constitu- tion that was submitted to the people of Oregon for acceptance or rejection on November 9, 1857. Two copies.) Washington Territory, Journal of the Council during the Second Session of the Legislative Assembly beginning at Olympia Dec. 4, 1854. Olympia: George B. Goudy, Public Printer, 1855. 8vo. 158 pp. and cover. (Bears upon the cover the handwriting of Seth Catlin, who was -President of the Council at the time. Presented by Adam Catlin, a son of Seth Catlin.) Eules and Orders of the House of Eepresentatives of, 1854-55. Olympia: J. W. Wiley, Public Printer, 1854. 16mo. 104 pp. (In ad- dition to the Eules and Orders, contains Constitution of United States, Organic Act of Washington Territory, Treaty with Great Britain, June 15, 1846, Donation Land Law, approved Sept. 27, 1850, Notice to Settlers of April 30, 1853, extending provisions of law to Dec. 1, 1855, Amendment to Act creating office of Surveyor-General, Feb. 14, 1853, Amendment to Act July 17, 1854, Circular to land officers from General Land Office, August 28, 1854, and Ordinance of 1787.) 416 ACCESSIONS. % United States Christian Commission, Second Annual Report, for the Year 1863. 8vo. 284 pp. and cover. Oregon State Board of Agriculture, Premium List of Forty-Second Annual Fair, Salem, Sept. 15-20, 1902. 12mo. 84 pp. and cover. State of Oregon, Official Directory of all State and County Officers, Compiled by the Secretary of State, January 1, 1904. 12mo. 16 pp. and cover. (Two copies.) Knights of Pythias, Eeport of Fraternal Correspondent of the Grand Lodge, held at Portland, October 13-14, 1903. 8vo. 42 pp. Standard Oil. Sketch of the operations of the Standard Oil Com- pany, by Harold J. Rowland. Illus. 8vo. 20 pp. and cover. Address of Greeting delivered on behalf of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin to the Washington University State Historical Society, at the Unveiling of Monuments on San Juan Island, Oct. 21, 1904, the Anniversary of the date in 1870 when Emperor William I. of Germany handed down His Decision fixing the Boundary Line be- tween the United States and the British Provinces. By Robert L. McCormick, President State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 8vo. 8 pp. Presented by Mr. McCormick. San Juan Island and Secession. Possible Relation to the War of Rebellion Did General Harney Try to Make Trouble with the English to Aid the Conspiracy? A Careful Review of His Orders and the Circumstances Attending the Disputed Possessions during the Yea;' 1859. By Granville O. Haller, Colonel U. S. A., Retired. (Captain and Brevet Major, Commanding Co. I, Fourth Infantry, and Fort Townsend, Washington, in 1859.) 8vo. 16 pp. Read before the Loyal Legion at Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma, January 16, 1896. (Re- printed from Tacoma Ledger by R. L. McCormick, who presented the publication.) Improved Order of Red Men, Record of the Great Council of, in the United States, Atlanta, Ga., September, 1892. Vol. 9, No. 1. Camden, N. J., 1892. (Presented by Frank C. Baker, Portland.) Standard Oil Company. Statement of Directors to Its Employees and Stockholders, August, 1907. New York: Martin B. Brown Press, 1907. Invertebrate Paleontology of the Texas Cretaceous, A Contribution to the. By F. W. Cragin, under Auspices of the Geological S'urvey of Texas. Austin: Ben. C. Jones & Co., State Printers, June, 1893. 8vo. 295 pp., including 46 plates. Las Vegas, Headquarters of the New Mexico Division of the A. T. & S. E. Railway System, Description of. Edited by Charles W. G. ACCESSIONS. 417 Ward, Robert J. Taupert, and E. E. Twitchell. 1904. 8vo. 84 pp. Copiously Illustrated. Baker City, A Few Facts in Eegard to, Issued by the Baker City Development League, Orville Johnson, Secretary. Baker City: 1905. 8vo. 16 pp. Map of Baker County, showing Tributary Mineral Districts. Reformed Method of Spelling, The. As recommended by the Sim- plified Spelling Board and approved by President Eoosevelt. C. C. Clinton, Compiler. Portland, Oregon: Union Printing Company, 1906. 8vo. (narrow.) 24 pp. and cover. Highland County, Ohio, History of the Early Settlement of. By Danfel Scott. Collected and reprinted by the Hillsborough Gazette, Highland County, 1890. 8vo. 198 pp. (Eev. William Jolly a pionee" of 1847, came to Oregon from Highland County.) Smith, Isaac Williams, Memoir of, prepared by D. D. Clarke, Member of American Society of Civil Engineers, Edward G. Tilton, C. E., and Eobert P. Maynard, C. E. 8vo. 8 pp. (Eeprinted.) Fireside Eeveries. By Ahio S. Watt. 8vo. Text, 2 pp. Press of Kilham Stationery Company, Portland, 1907. Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress, Brief History of. By Arthur F. Francis, General Secretary. Muskogee, Oklahoma: 1907. 8vo. 12 pp. Silver Standard, The. Issued by Meriden Britannia Co., Meriden, Ct., June, 1907. Text indicates contrast in conditions in 1847 and 1907. Article on Portland by George H. Himes. Illus. 8vo. 8 pp. (Four copies.) American Museum of Natural History, A General Guide to. Sup- plement to American Museum Journal, January, 1904. 8vo. Illus. 56 pp. and cover. American Museum Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 1904. Illus. 8vo. 32 pp. and cover. Wisconsin Archeologist, The. Vol. 3, No. 1, October, 1903, to Vol. 4, No. 2, January, 1905. Published by the Wisconsin Archeological Society, Milwaukee, Wis. 8vo. with cover. Illus. Issued quarterly. - Nos. 3 and 4, Vol. 5, April to October, 1906. Commercial vs. Scientific Collecting. A Plea for "Art for Art's Sake." By Warren K. Moorehead, Curator of Archeology, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. 8vo. Columbus, Ohio: Press of Fred J. Heer, 1904. 8vo. 8 pp. with cover. 418 ACCESSIONS. % Pioneers of the State of Washington, Proceedings of the the, for the year 1903-04, with Historical Sketch of the Organization. Ad- dresses at the Eeunion of June 21-22, and List of Members 'Present. Seattle: Metropolitan Press, 1904. 8vo. 52 pp. with cover. (Three copies.) Oregon at Malabon, and Other Poems. By Lionel A. Johnson. Portland: F. W. Baltes & Co., 1905. 8vo. 20 pp. and cover. Idaho, Historical Sketches of. By Mrs. Eebecca Mitchell. Written under the Auspices of the First District Federation of Woman's Clubs of Idaho, by Mrs. Eebecca Mitchell, Chairman of the Historical Com- mittee. Idaho Falls: Bert P. Mill, 1905. 16mo. 100 pp. and cover. University of Pennsylvania, Contributions from the Botanical Laboratory of. Vol. Ill, No. 1, 1907. Contains Contributions to a Catalogue of the Flora of the Canadian Eocky Mountains and the Selkirk Eange. By Edith M. Farr. Philadelphia: University of Penn- sylvania, 1907. 8vo. 88 pp. and cover. Map. Presented by Miss Farr. Multnomah County, Oregon; Auditor's Eeport of Eeceipts and Dis- bursements for the Six Months ending June 30, 1907. 8vo. 23 pp. and cover. Memorial to Congress by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Oregon, at its Session at Salem, the first Monday in December, 1851, respecting the location of the Territorial Seat of Government. 8vo. 8 pp. Directory of Salem and Vicinity. By E, H. Flagg. October, 1897. 16mo. 191 pp. and cover. Marquam, P. A., Plaintiff and Eespondent, vs. U. S. Mortgage and Trust Co., The Title Guarantee Trust Co., Oregon Company, and J. Thorburn Eoss, Defendants and Appellants. Eespondent's Petition for a Eehearing, on Appeal to the Supreme Court of Oregon, from the Decree of the Circuit Court of Multnomah County. 8vo. 198 pp. and cover. Leland Stanford Junior University Publications. Contributions to Biology from the Hopkins Laboratory of Biology. I The Fishes of Sinaloa. By David Starr Jordan, President of the University, Assisted by Edwin Chapin Starks, George Bliss Culver, and Thomas Marion Williams. Stanford University, Palo Alto, Gal., 1895. 8vo. 141 pp. 30 plates, and cover. - II. On the Cranial Characters of the Genus Sebastodes (Eock Fish.) By Frank Cramer. 1895. 8vo. 41 pp. 14 plates, and cover. III. The Fishes of Puget Sound. By David Starr Jordan and Edwin Chapin Starks. 1905. 8vo. 74 pp. 29 plates, and cover. ACCESSIONS. 419 IV. New Mallophaga, I, with special reference to a collection made from maritime birds of the Bay of Monterey, Cal. By Vernon L. Kellogg, Associate Professor of Entomology, Stanford University. 8vo. 143 pp. 14 plates, and cover. History and Economics. No. 1 The Tariff Controversy in the United States, 1789-1833, with a Summary of the Period before the Adoption of the Constitution. By Orrin Leslie Eliott, Ph. D., of Stanford University. 8vo. 272 pp. and cover. Pastoral Letter of the Second Plenary Council of Baltimore. The Archbishops and Bishops of the United States, in Plenary Council Assembled, to the Clergy and Laity of their Charge. Baltimore: Printed by John Murphy & Co., 1866. 8vo. 46 pp. Second Edition. Blanchet, Most Bev. F. N., D. D., Archbishop of Oregon City, Pastoral Letter of, July 25, 1865. (Includes the Encyclical Letter of Pope Pius IX., and the "Syllabus of the Principal Errors" of that time.) 8vo. 33 pp. Portland, Oregon: Oregon Farmer Printing Es- tablishment, 1865. Promulgating the Decrees of the Second Plenary Council of Baltimore, and Promulgating a Plenary Indulgence on the Occasion of the General Council. 8vo. 21 pp. Portland, Oregon: A. G. Walling, Printer, 1869. The Jubilee of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Ordinance of, to the Priesthood at Oregon City, July 18, 1869. Portland, Oregon: A. G. Walling, Printer, 1869. Question Did Sir Francis Drake Land on Any Part of the Oregon Coast? By Eobert Maitland Brereton, C. E. Portland, Oregon: The J. K. Gill Company, 1907. 8vo. 24 pp. Maps of 1580, 1600, and 1646-47 reproduced. Holladay, Ben, et al., Depositions of, in Suit with S. G. Elliott, in. the District Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District, of the State of California, growing out of partnership in the early construction of the Oregon Central Eailroad. 8vo. 384 pp. Home Telephone Company, Automatic System, Portland. Bulletin No. 3, July 10, 1907. 8vo. 126 pp., including supplement. Portland Fire Department, Twenty-third Annual Eeport of, Dec. 23, 1905. By David Campbell, Chief Engineer. 8vo. 205 pp. Oregon Territory, Session Laws, 1855-56. Salem, Oregon: Asahel Bush, Territorial Printer, 1856. 8vo. 190 pp. Laws of, Enacted during the Ninth Session of the Legislative Assembly, Dec. 7, 1857 Feb. 5, 1858. 8vo. 208 pp. 420 ACCESSIONS. Laws of, enacted at? Tenth Begular Session of the Legislative Assembly. 8vo. 174 pp. Code of Civil Procedure, Etc. Code Commissioners: M. P. Deady, A. C. Gibbs, and J. K. Kelly. Salem, Oregon: Asahel Bush, State Printer. 8vo. 438 pp. Washington Bankers' Association, Eleventh Annual Convention of, held at Tacoma, June 21-23, 1906. Tacoma: Pioneer Bindery and Printing Company, 1906. 8vo. 184 pp. Portraits. Kiverview Cemetery Association, Portland, Oregon, By-laws and Eules of. Organized 4th December 1882. 8vo. 30 pp. Plat of cemetery. Washington Territory, Statistical Eeport of Secretary, for 1888. Olympia: Thomas H. Cavanaugh, Public Printer. 8vo. 14 pp. Inserts. Keport of Governor of, for 1884. Washington, D. C.: T. J. Brashears, Printer, 1885. 8vo. 62 pp. Map. Bears the signature of Gov. Watson C. Squire. Oregon Bar Association, Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 17, 1891. 8vo. 64 pp. - Second Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 15, 1892. 76 pp. (Two copies.) Special Meeting and Third Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 20-21, 1893. 82 pp. - Fourth and Fifth Annual Meetings, Portland, Oct. 18-19, 1894, and Oct. 17-18, 1895. 136 pp. Sixth and Seventh Annual Meetings, Portland, August 20-21, 1896, and August 19-20, 1897. 167 pp. Eighth and Ninth Annual Meetings, Portland, Nov. 15-16, 1898, and Nov. 21, 1899. 172 pp. Washington, Territory of, Eeport of the Superintendent of the Hospital for the Insane, from August 15, 1876, to August 15, 1877. 8vo. 16 pp. Eeport of the Territorial Treasurer, 1881. 42 pp. State of. Geological Survey. Vol. I. Annual Eeport for 1901, in Six Parts. >Part IV. 66 pp. Illus. and Plates. Yakima County, Auditor's Annual Exhibit of the Finances of, from July 1, 1904, to June 30, 1905. 8vo, narrow. 22 pp. Initiative and Eeferendum, Form of Petition for, Act to take effect on May 21, 1903. 8vo. 6 pp. (Two copies.) ACCESSIONS. 421 Initiative Petition for a Bill Proposing a Direct Primary Nomina- tions Law, prepared and Circulated by the Direct Primary Nomina- tions League of Oregon. - Bill Proposing Local Option, voted on June 6, 1904. 14 pp. Bill Proposing Direct Primary Elections Law, voted on June 6, 1904. 43 pp. Bill Proposing Equal Suffrage. Arguments for and Against, by the Oregon Equal Suffrage Association and the Oregon State Asso- ciation Opposed to the Extension of Suffrage to Women. 8vo. 23 pp. Resources of Oregon, Collated and prepared by the State Board of Agriculture by Direction of the Legislative Assembly, 1888. Quarto. 100 pp. Third Revised Edition. 1898. 203 pp. Oregon: Facts Regarding its Climate, Soil, Mineral and Agricul- tural Resources, Means of Communication, Commerce aiiJ Industry, Laws, Etc., for the Use of Immigrants. Boston, Mass., 1875. 8vo. 44 pp. Maps. Swamp Lands, The. Methods by which the Lands have been acquired by Speculators Frauds both upon the State and the General Government. Examination of the Subject by Hon. T. W. Davenport, Senator from Marion County. Silverton, Feb. 20, 1886. 8vo. 48 pp. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in Oregon, Work of, commencing in 1836. Prepared by H. H. Spalding and filed with the Interior Department Jan. 28, 1871. Published as Ex. Doc. No. 37, 41st Congress, Third Session. 8vo. 81 pp. Oregon State Grange, Proceedings of 4th Annual Session, Salem, May 22, 1877. 8vo. 54 pp. Salem: E. M. Waite, Printer, 1877. Tariff Hand-Book. For Speakers, Writers and Students. Pub- lished by The American Protective Tariff League, New York, 1905. 8vo. 6 pp. Native Trees, Shrubs and Plants along the Trail and in Macleay Park, Portland. March, 1905. 8vo. 8 pp. General Convention of the Episcopal Church, San Francisco, Oct. 2-5, 1901. Routing announcement thither over the Union Pacific R. R. 8vo. 20 pp. Illus. University of Oregon. Catalogue of, 1896-97. 8vo. 106 pp. Statutes and Rules of the U. S. Patent Office relating to the Regis- tration of Trade-Marks and Labels. July 1, 1881. 8vo. 18 pp. 422 ACCESSIONS. Good Roads. An Illustrated Monthly Magazine devoted to the Improvement of Roads and Public Streets. Dec., 1893, Feb. 1894. State Librarian, Report of, to the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon. Ninth Session, 1876. Salem, Oregon: Mart. V. Brown, State Printer, 1876. 8vo. 80 pp. United States Circuit Court, District of Oregon, Rules of. Port- land, Oregon: George H. Himes, Printer, 1883. 8vo. 40 pp. United States District Court, District of Oregon, Rules of. Port- land, Oregon: George H. Himes, Printer, 1883. 8vo. 16 pp. Statutes at Large, The, and Treaties of the United States of Amer- ica, passed at the Third Session of the Thirty-Seventh Congress, 1862- 63. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1863. 8vo. 360 pp. United States of America, Acts and Resolutions of, passed at the Second Session of the Fortieth Congress, Dec. 2, 1867-Nov. 10, 1868. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1868. 8vo. 353 pp. East Portland, Charter and Ordinances of the City of; also Rules of Order, for the Government of the Board of Trustees; Table of Established Grades, and Amendments to the City Charter, approved Oct. 29, 1877. East Portland, Oregon: A. G. Walling, Printer, 1878. 8vo. 78 pp. Oregon and Her Resources, from Personal Observation and Investi- gation. By Hugh Small. San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft & Co., 1872. 8vo. 130 pp. Portland, Charter of the City of, as Amended, and General Ordi- nances adopted since June 1, 1872. Portland, Oregon: George H. Himes, -Printer, 1875. 8vo. 136 pp. Catholic Family Almanac for the United States for the Year 1875. New York: The Catholic Publication Society. 8vo. 142 pp. Illus. Oregon Weather Bureau, Biennial Report of the, for 1890. Salem: Frank C. Baker, State Printer, 1891. 8vo. 78 pp. Special Bulletin on Oregon Crops, 1890. 31 pp. - Third Biennial Report of the, 1895. 480 pp. - Monthly Report, September, 1894. - Monthly Report, June, 1895. Oregon State Insane Asylum, Seventh Biennial Report, for 1895- 96. 8vo. 82 pp. Salem: W. H. Leeds, State Printer, 1897. ACCESSIONS. 423 - Ninth Biennial Report, for 1899-1900. W. H. Leeds, State Printer, 1901. State Engineer, Supplement to First Biennial Eeport of, to the Governor of Oregon, for the years 1905-1906. Salem: J. E. Whitney, State Printer, 1906. 8vo. 103 pp. Dairy and Food Commissioner, Biennial Eeport of, from Feb. 16, 1899, to Jan. 1, 1901. Salem: W. H. Leeds, State Printer, 1900. 8vo. 49 pp. Sept. 30, 1902, to Sept. 30, 1904. 36 pp. Sept. 30, 1904, to Sept. 30, 1906. 48 pp. Oregon Dairymen's Association, Eeport of Twelfth Annual Meeting, Corvallis, Oregon, Dec. 15-16, 1903. Portland: Mann & Beach, Print- ers, 1904. 8vo. 106 pp. Insurance Commissioner, Annual Eeport of, to the Governor. By F. I. Dunbar, Secretary of State and Ex-Officio Insurance Commis- sioner, April 1, 1901. Salem. W. H. Leeds, State Printer, 1901. 8vo. 19 pp. Eeport of, April 1, 1902. 19 pp. Board of Public Building Commissioners, Eeport of, 1903-19U*. Salem: J. E. Whitney, State Printer, 1904. 8vo. 13 pp. Eeport of, 1905-1906. 7 pp. Pilot Commissioners, Eeport of State Board of, 1893-1894. Salem: Frank C. Baker, State Printer, 1894. 8vo. 30 pp. State Land Board, Biennial Eeport of, Oct. 1, 1902, to Sept. 30, 1904. Salem: J. E. Whitney, State Printer, 1904. 8vo. Biennial Eeport of. Jan. 1, 1895, to Dec. 31, 1896. Salem: W. H. Leeds, State Printer, 1897. 194 pp. State Land Agent, Biennial Eeport of, 1903 and 1904. Salem: J. E. Whitney, State Printer, 1904. 39 pp. Eeport of Legislative Committee Appointed to Investigate, Feb. 17, 1905. Salem: J. E. Whitney, State Printer, 1905. 40 pp. Indemnity School Lands, Instructions How to Apply for, and Copy of Eegulations Governing Selection. 1906. Eailroad Commissioners, Fourth Biennial Eeport of, 1895. 386 pp. State Biologist, First Biennial Eeport of the, 1901. 92 pp. Ulus. Second Biennial Eeport of the, 1905. 44 pp. Ulus. 424 ACCESSIONS. Third Biennial EepOrt of the, 1907. 16 pp. Illus. Oregon Institute for the Blind, Biennial Beport of, 1901. 24 pp. Illus. - Tenth Biennial Beport of, 1897. 35 pp.