Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volumes 71-80
Volume 71, No. 1 (March, 1970)
[edit]- Businessman's Search: Pacific Northwest, 1881. by John A. Brown, ed.
- Economic Importance of Early Transcontinental Railroads: Pacific Nothwest. by John S. Cochran
- Letter to the Editor: Vaquero Foreman. by Marjorie A. Shull
- An Occasional Report, Pt. I. by Thomas Vaughn
- Society News
Volume 71, No. 2 (June, 1970)
[edit]- In Those Days…:Tillamook County. by E.R. Huckleberry, M.D.
- John Barrett and Oregon Commercial Expansion, 1889-1898. by Salvatore Prisco, III
- The Main Reason for Hawaiian Annexation in July, 1898. by Thomas J. Osborne
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- Affiliated Societies
- News Notes
- Society News
Volume 71, No. 3 (September, 1970)
[edit]- A Conscientious Objector: Oregon, 1918. by Annette M. Bartholomae
- J.B. Charbonneau, Son of Sacajawea. by Irving W. Anderson
- Lincoln County Homesteader. by Lillian Maki
- Letter to the Editor Klamath County: False Armistice Day, Nov. 9, 1919. by Claudia Spink Lorenz
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- News Notes
- An Occasional Report, Pt. II. by Thomas Vaughn
- Society News
Volume 71, No. 4 (December, 1970)
[edit]- Alfred Seton's Journal: A Source for Irving's Tonquin Disaster Account. by Wayne R. Kime
- Early Christian Mission of Kutenai Indians. by Claude E. Schaeffer
- Letter to the Editor "Niagara" and "China Dam". by Maynard C. Drawson
- Book Reviews and Recent Publications
- News Notes
- Annual Meeting
- Society News
- Annual Index
Volume 72, No. 1 (March 1971)
[edit]- A Major Monument: Oregon California-Boundary. by Francis S. Landrum
- Medorem Crawford and the Protective Corps. by Lon W. Fendall
- Letter to the Editor J.B. Charbonneau, to Date. by Irving W. Anderson
- Book Reviews and Recent Publications
- News Notes
- Society News
Volume 72, No. 2 (July, 1971)
[edit]- Russia and the Declaration of the Non-Colonization Principle: New Archival Evidence. by N.N. Bolkhovitinov
- Willian H. Seward Visits His Purchase. by Ted C. Hinckley
- Indian Shaker Church or The Dalles. by Ray Harmon
- Letter to the Editor To Oregon by Auto, 1915. by W.E. Knowles
- Book Reviews and Recent Publications
- Affiliated Societies
- News Notes
- Society News
Volume 72, No. 3 (September, 1971)
[edit]- One-Room School, 1900. by Ruth Thayer, ed.
- Editorial Opinion and American Imperialism: Two Northwest Newspapers. by Edward H. Loy
- Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations, Pacific Northwest and Alaska: Supplement, 1964-70. by Erik Bromberg
- Theses Index
- Oregon Grapeshot. by Emily L. Loveridge
- Letter to the Editor: Alva E. Stovall and Turn of the Century Education. by Patricia J. Beckman
- News Notes
Volume 72, No. 4 (December 1971)
[edit]- Up the Kilchis, Part I. by Daniel D. Strite
- Benjamin Stark, the U.S. Senate, and 1862 Membership Issues, Pt. I. by G. Thomas Edwards
- Oregon Grapeshot. by Henry Goodman
- Letter to the Editor: Ashwood, Oregon. by Phil F. Brogan
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- Annual Meeting
- Society News
- Annual Index
Volume 73, No. 1 (March, 1972)
[edit]- Up the Kilchis, Part II. by Daniel D. Strite
- Benjamin Stark, the U.S. Senate, and 1862 Membership Issues, Part II. by G. Thomas Edwards
- Letter to the editor: Pennoyer v. Neff: Legal Landmark. by Ralph King
- Letter to the Editor: New Light on the Mollalla Indians. by Harold Mackey
- Book Reviews and Recent Publications
- Affliated Societies
- News Notes
- Society News
Volume 73, No. 2 (June, 1972)
[edit]- A Russian Scientific Expedition to California and Alaska 1839-1849. by E.E. Bloomkvist
- Notes
- Up the Kilchis, Part III. by Daniel D. Strite
Volume 73, No. 3 (September, 1972)
[edit]- Sources for History for Blacks in Oregon. by Lenwood G. Davis
- Up the Kilchis, Part IV. by Daniel D. Strite
- Oregon Borax: Twenty Mule Team-Rose Valley History. by Leslie L. D. Shaffer, Richard P. Baxter
- Frontier Legal Process: Parrish vs. Gray, 1846. by Elmer G. Million
- Letters to the Editor:. by The Painted Hills and the Carroll Family. by Phil F. Brogan. by On Judge Henry E. McGinn . . .. by Hall S. Lusk
- Book Reviews and Recent Publications
- News Notes
- Society News
Volume 73, No. 4, (December, 1972)
[edit]- All the Woods on the Pages, I: H.L. Davis. by Howard M. Corning
- Over the Brush andThrough the Trees: Surveying, 1900-1909. by Ray L. Stout
- Book Reveiws and Recent Publications
- Annual Meeting and Address
- Society News
- Annual Index
Volume 74, No. 1, (March 1973)
[edit]- Evergreen on the Queets, by Rowena L. and Gordon D. Alcorn
- Charles Alexander: Youth of the Oregon Mood, by Howard M. Corning
- "Not. . .by feeble Means": Daniel Lee's Plan To Save Oregon. by Robert J. Loewenberg
- A New Collection: The Burlington Northern. by Allan E. Neils
- Letter to The Editor Rainer, Oregon: A Day to Remember, by Harry E. Rice
- Book Reviews and Recent Items of Interest
Volume 74, No. 2, (June, 1973)
[edit]- S.C. Lancaster and the Columbia River Highway: Engineer as Conservationist. by Ronald J. Fahl
- Footnotes
- A.R. Wetjen: British Seaman in the Western Sunrise. by Howard M. Corning
- Affiliated Societies
- Society Notes
Volume 74, No. 3 (September, 1973)
[edit]- Backstage with Frank Branch Riley, Regional Troubador. by John Dierdorff
- The Prose and The Poetry Of It (Pt. IV). by Howard Corning
- Joel Barlow's Suggestion To Rename the Columbia. by Clifford L. Egan
- Letters to the Editor
- Albert Knowles House In Mapelton, Oregon. by Joseph E. Harpham
- The First Cheese Factory in Tillamook. by Leland H. Townsend
- Book Reviews and Recent Items of Interest
- News Notes
- Society News
Volume 74, No. 4. (December 1973)
[edit]- Columbia River Kid. by Harry Rice
- Princetonian Out West. by Henry C. Elsing
- Leter to the Editor He Gave Oregon A Heritage of Music. by Donna M. Wojcik, Doris A. Huffman
- Oregon Grapeshot
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- Annual Meeting
- Society News
- Annual Index
Volume 75, No.1, (March 1974)
[edit]- Scorekeeping. by Thomas Vaughan
- My Medical School, 1890-1894. by Esther C.P. Lovejoy
- River Evening. by Francis. Seufert
- A Mountain Meadow. by Donald J. Sterling, Jr.
- Grass Valley, 1901. by Giles French
- Mountain of Spirit. by Eric W. Allen, Jr.
- At the Beach. by William L. Mainwaring
- The Old Wood Roads. by Ronald T. Strong
- Letters to the Editor
- Big Country: Where Pete French Was Shot. by Rankin Crow
- Dipping the Sheep. by William C. O'Connor
- Joe Meek Comments on the Whitman Massacre. by Clifford M. Drury
- Book Reviews and Recent Items of Interest
- Affilitated Societies
- News Notes
- Society News
Volume 74, No. 2, (June, 1974)
[edit]- A Wee Dash of Heliotrope. by Erskine Wood
- Drifting the Lower Columbia. by John H. McClelland, Jr.
- The Bigot Disclosed: 90 Years of Nativism. by Malcolm Clark, Jr.
- Footnotes
- Society News
Volume 74, No. 3, (September 1974)
[edit]- Work Horses in Oregon. by Lewis E. Judson
- Recollections of a Salmon Dipnetter. by Fredrick K. Cramer
- The Highroad To the Highlands. by Francis S. Landrum
- To be a Soldier: 1917 Diary. by Martin Luther Kimmel
- Alpine, A School to Remember. by John F. Kilkenny
- Lancaster's Lodge. by Donald P. Abbott
- Letter to the Editor "Automobiling" on the Pacific Coast. by Fred C. Knapp
- Oregon Grapeshot Ricochet
- Book Reviews
- News Notes
- Society News
Volume 74, No. 4, (December 1974)
[edit]- Days at Mercer Lake. by Robert D. Clark
- Pioneer Trails Dim In Range Country. by Phil F. Brogan
- "The Oregon Question Is . . . A Massachusetts Question. by Howard I.. Kushner
- A Convert's Testimonial. by Edwin R. Bingham
- Bandon-by-the-Sea Revisited. by Thomas C. McClintock
- The Murder of Cyrenius C. Hooker. by Thomas Branigar
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- OHS Annual Meeting
- Society News
- Annual Index
Volume 76, No. 1, (March, 1975)
[edit]- The Swedes of Yamhill. by Martin Peterson
- An Oregon Heritage: National Forests. by J. Hebert Stone
- Reminiscences of An Early Forester. by Henry E. Haefner
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- Affiliated Societies
Volume 76, No. 2, (June 1975)
[edit]- A Mazama Heads North: Letters of William A. Langille. by Lawrence Rakestraw
- Slacum in the Pacific, 1832-37: Backgrounds of the Oregon Report. by David T. Leary
- Toward a Farmer-Labor Party in Oregon, 1933-38. by Hugh T. Lovin
- Basque Folklore in Southeastern Oregon. by Sarah Baker Munro
- The Trough at Rockwall Springs. by John Quinn
- Letter to the Editor Automobile Trip Around Cape Perpetua. by Bess Tompkins Miller
- Oregon Grapeshot. by Charles Stevens
- Recent Items of Interest
- Society News
Volume 76, No. 3, (September, 1975)
[edit]- The Trading Age, 1792-1844. by Terrence J. Barragy
- The Nikkei in Oregon, 1834-1940. by Barbara Yasui
- The Ironwork of Timberline. by Oliver B. Dawson
- The Race of the Oregon. by Ralph E. Shaffer
- Two Historic Houses: How McLoughlin House Was Saved. by Vara Caufield
- Night Dr. Barclay's House Was Moved, with Notes on Restoration of McLoughlin House. by Glenn Stanton
- Recent Items of Interest
Volume 76, No. 4, (December 1975)
[edit]- The North West Company's "Adventure to China". by Barry M. Gough
- A Boyhood with Sheep In the Oregon Desert, Part 1. by Willard "Bill" Leonard
- The Lausanne Mystery Solved: A Note. by Robert J. Loewenberg
- As It Was... by Evelyn Sibley Lampman
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- OHS Annual Meeting
- Society News
- Annual Index
Volume 77, No. 1, (March 1976)
[edit]- A Boyhood with Sheep In the Oregon Desert, Part 2. by William "Bill" Leonard
- Riding The Wind: Cape Horn Passage to Oregon, 1840s-1850s. by Paul G. Merriam
- Recollections of Cloud Cap Inn. by Donald T. Wright
- Letter from a Hiker. by Alfred L. Lomax
- A Letter: Albert H. Powers. by Margaret Powers Hughes
- Letter to the Editor: Travelers at the Deschutes, 1813?. by Keith Clark
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- Affliated Societies
Volume 77, No. 2, (June 1976)
[edit]- Merchant Marine, 1917-1918. by Truman B. Cook
- Oregon Celebrates!. by OHS Photo Files
- A Boyhood with Sheep In the Oregon Desert, Part 3. by William "Bill" Leonard
- Russian America in 1821. by James R. Gibson
- Letter to the Editor: More on "gummers". by Wilfred Brown
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- Society News
Volume 77, No. 3, (Sept. 1976)
[edit]- Hurrah for Garibaldi, Part 1. by Daniel D. Strite
- Portland Italians, 1888-1920. by Charles F. Gould
- Dallas Memories. by Evelyn Sibley Lampman
- Coast Experiences. by Margaret E. Gammon
- The Night the Tuscania Went Down. by Josephine Evans Harpham
- A Bicentennial Overview: Publications. by Thomas Vaughn
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
Volume 77, No. 4, (Dec. 1976)
[edit]- Cutoff Fever. by Leah Collins Menefee and Lowell Tiller
- Hurrah for Garibaldi! Part 2. by Daniel D. Strite
- Pioneering Spirit. by Walter E. Upshaw
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- OHS Annual Meeting
- Society News
- Annual Index
Volume 78, No. 1, (March 1977)
[edit]- Dr. Ada M. Weed: Northwest Reformer. by G. Thomas Edwards
- Cutoff Fever, II. by Leah Colllins Menefee and Lowell Tiller
- The Chinese in Oregon, c. 1870-1880. by P. Scott Corbett and Nancy Parker Corbett
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- Affliated Societies
Volume 78, No. 2, (June 1977)
[edit]- Walter Pierce Memoirs: Presidents and Visitors. by Walter M. Pierce, Arthur H. Bone, Ed.
- Cutoff Fever, III. by Leah Collins Menefee and Lowell Tiller
- School Days and Culture. by Evelyn Sibley Lampman
- Letter to the Editor: More on Mary Leonard, Oregon's First Woman Lawyer. by Fred W. Decker
- Book Reviews
- Society News
Volume 78, No. 3, (Sept. 1977)
[edit]- Fish Trap Art. by Laurence D. Jackson
- Cutoff Fever, IV. by Leah Collins Menefee and Lowell Tiller
- Oregon Imprints Revisited. by George N. Belknap
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
Volume 78, No. 4, (Dec. 1977)
[edit]- Cutoff Fever, V. by Leah Collins Menefee and Lowell Tiller
- Saving Oregon Again: A Western Perennial?. by Robert J. Loewenberg
- Oregon--First in "Portable" Irrigation. by E. H. Davis
- A New Sounding: Two Maritime Fur Trade Vessels. by W. Wilfried Schuhmacher
- Letter to the Editor: Correction on Mrs. Sam Hill. by Georgia S. Benson Patterson
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- Annual Meeting
- Society News
- Annual Index
Volume 79, No. 1 (Spring 1978)
[edit]- Cutoff Fever, VI. by Leah Collins Menefee and Lowell Tiller
- Korean Women Pioneers of the Pacific Northwest. by Sonia S. Sunoo
- Replenishing the Elephant: Property and Survival on the Overland Trail. by John Phillip Reid
- An Oregon Classic: Nellie Pipes McArthur. by Thomas Vaughn and Priscilla Knuth
- Review Article: Turner. by Robert L. Loewenburg
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- Affliated Societies
Volume 79, No. 2, (Summer 1978)
[edit]- William McKay's Journal, 1866-67: Indian Scouts, Part I. by Keith and Donna Clark
- "A Journal Kept By George A. Harding". by Steven Tanasoca and Susan Sudduth, Eds.
- Our Trip to Mount Hood, 1893. by Marion B. Russell
- Letter to the Editor: Turn Again: The Name Oregon and Linguistics. by Edward Taube
- Book Reviews
- Society News
Volume 79, No. 3, (Fall 1978)
[edit]- Musical Heritage of the Aurora Colony. by Deborah M. Olson and Clark M. Will
- William McKay's Journal 1866-67: Indian Scouts, Part II. by Keith and Donna Clark
- Appendix A, Part 1: McKay's List of Scouts
- Appendix A, Part 2: Register of Enlistments
- Appendix B, "War of Extermination"
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
Volume 79, No. 4, (Winter 1978)
[edit]- Jeff W. Hayes: Reform Boosterism and Urban Utopianism. by Howard P. Segal
- William Cornell's 1852 Journal, with His Overland Guide to Oregon. by Karen M. Offen and David C. Duniway, Eds.
- The Grip Wheel. by Mabel Colvin
- Three Nootka Documents. by Kenneth Holmes
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- Annual Meeting
- Society News
- Annual Index
Volume 80, No. 1, (Spring 1979)
[edit]- Police Function in Portland, 1851-1874, Part I. by Charles A. Tracy III
- Aleutian Experience of the "Mad M". by Lansing S. Laidlaw
- My Trip to the Fair. by Pauline Oelo McClay
- William Cornell's Guide to Oregon, 1852. by Karen M. Offen and David C. Duniway. Eds.
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- Affliated Societies
Volume 80, No. 2, (Summer 1979)
[edit]- My Darling "Red Bird". by Elizabeth Redington Stewart
- Police Function in Portland, 1851-1874, Part II. by Charles A. Tracy III
- Manila to Peking: Letters Home, 1898-1901. by Edith W. Newell, Ed.
- Clerke in Kamchatka, 1779: New Information For an Anniversary Note. by E. A. P. Crownhart-Vaughn, trans.
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- Society News
Volume 80, No. 3, (Fall 1979)
[edit]- "This Worry I have": Mary Herren Journal. by Brenda Hood
- The "Other Portland": A Statistical Note on Foreign-Born, 1860-1910. by Paul G. Merriam
- Autobiography, 1874-1945. by William Isaac Gadwa
- Police Function in Portland, 1851-1874, Part III. by Charles A. Tracy III
- Letter to the Editor: Rural Oregon Lights Up. by Everett H. Davis
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
Volume 80, No. 4, (Winter 1979)
[edit]- Chronicles of Sacred Heart Academy, Salem, 1863-1873, Part I. by Sara J. McLellan, ed.
- Fond recollections. by Virginia B. Holsman
- Gladstone Chautauqua: Education and Entertainment, 1893-1928. by Donald B. Epstein
- Book Reviews and Items of Interest
- Annual Meeting
- Society News
- Annual Index