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Origin of Vertebrates/Bibliography

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1566045The Origin of Vertebrates — Bibliography A-DWalter Holbrook Gaskell


Author's name. Title of Paper. Pages of
AHLBORN "Untersuchungen über das Gehirn der Petromyzonten" 210, 489
Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. 39. 1883
"Ueber die Segmentation des Wirbelthierkörpers" 260
Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. 40. 1884
AICHEL "Vergleichende Entwicklungsgeschichte und Stammesgeschichte der Nebennieren" 424, 428
Arch. f. Mikr. Anat. Vol. 56. 1900
ALCOCK 135, 287, 288, 289, 304, 307, 347, 445
"The Peripheral Distribution of the Cranial Nerves of Ammocœtes" 164, 171, 177, 188, 202, 297, 300, 310, 311, 316
Journ. of Anat. and Physiol. Vol. 33. 1898
"On Proteid Digestion in Ammocœtes" 58, 213, 442, 452
Journ. of Anat. and Physiol. Vol. 33. 1898
ALLEN "Studies on the Nervous System of Crustacea" 489
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 36. 1894
ANDERSON, H. K. 448, 470
"The Nature of the Lesions which hinder the Development of Nerve-cells and their Processes 466, 467, 469
Journ. of Physiol. Vol. 28. 1902
"On the Myelination of Nerve-fibres" 467, 477
Report of the Brit. Assn. 1898
APATHY "Das leitende Element des Nervensystems und seine topographischen Beziehung zu den Zellen" 467
Mitth. a. d. Zool. Stat. zu Neapel. Vol. 12. 1896
ASSHETON "On the Phenomenon of the Fusion of the Epiblastic Layers in the Rabbit and in the Frog" 42
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 37. 1894
"An Experimental Examination into the Growth of the Blastoderm of the Chick" 154
Proc. of Roy. Soc. Vol. 60. 1896
"On the Growth in Length of the Frog Embryo" 154
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 37. 1894
"A Re-investigation into the Early Stages of the Development of the Rabbit" 154
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 37. 1894
"The Primitive Streak of the Rabbit: the Causes which may determine its Shape, and the part of the Embryo formed by its Activity" 154
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 37. 1894
BALFOUR 'Comparative Embryology.' Vol. 2 73, 74, 94, 103, 104, 120, 181, 259, 424
London. 1881. Macmillan & Co.
"On the Origin and History of the Urino-genital Organs of Vertebrates" 390, 392
Journ. of Anat. and Physiol. Vol. 10. 1876
"On the Nature of the Organ in Adult Teleosteans and Ganoids, which is usually regarded as the Head-kidney or Pronephros" 420
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 22. 1882
BARKER 'The Nervous System' 470
London. 1901
BATESON "The Ancestry of the Chordata" 11
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 26. 1886
'Materials for the Study of Variation' 387
London. 1894
BEARD "The System of Branchial Sense Organs and their Associated Ganglia in Ichthyopsida" 262, 281, 283
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 26. 1885
"The Development of the Peripheral Nervous System in Vertebrates" 262, 281, 283
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 29. 1888
"The Old Mouth and the New" 318
Anat. Anzeiger. 1888
"The Source of Leucocytes and the True Function of the Thymus" 425, 426
Anat. Anzeiger. Vol. 18. 1900
"The Parietal Eye of the Cyclostome Fishes" 84
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 29. 1882
BECK AND LANKESTER "On the Muscular and Endo-skeletal Tissues of Scorpio" 171, 222, 224, 247, 268-277
Trans. Zool. Soc. Vol. 11. 1885
BEECHER "Natural Classification of the Trilobites" 283, 351, 436, 437
Amer. Journ. of Sci. Ser. 4. Vol. 3. 1897
BELL, C. 'The Nervous System of the Human Body' 155, 156, 183
London. 1830
BELLONCI "Système Nerveux et Organes des sens du Sphæroma serratum" 62, 90, 92, 101
Archiv. Ital. de Biol. Vol. 1. 1882
"Sur la structure et les rapports des lobes olfactives dans les Arthropods superieurs et les Vertébrés" 221,225
Archiv. Ital. de Biol. Vol. 3. 1883
BENHAM AND LANKESTER "On the Muscular and Endo-skeletal Systems of Limulus" 143, 171, 176, 177, 247
Trans. Zool. Soc. Vol. 11. 1885
BERGER "Untersuchungen über den Bau des Gehirns und der Retina der Arthropoden" 88-92, 97, 100, 101
Arbeit. a. d. Zool. Instit. Wien. Vol. 1. 1878
BERGH "Neue Beiträge zur Embryologie der Anneliden" 478
Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. 50. 1890
BERKLEY "The Intrinsic Nerves of the Kidney" 477
Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Vol. 4
BERNARD 'The Apodidæ: a Morphological Study' 284
Nature Series. 1892
BERTKAU "Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Sinnesorgane der Spinnen. 1. Die Augen der Spinnen" 369
Archiv. f. mikr. Anat. Vol. 27. 1886
BIEDERMANN 'Electro-physiology' 20
Translated by F. A. Welby. London. 1896
BLANCHARD Quoted by Huxley 225
'L'Organisation du Règne Animal. Arachnides' 109, 177, 190, 206, 313, 315
Paris. 1852
BLES "The Correlated Distribution of Abdominal Pores and Nephrostomes in Fishes" 431
Journ. of Anat. and Physiol. Vol. 32. 1898
BOBRETSKY 'Development of Astacus and Palæmon' 74
Kiew. 1873
BOURNE AND LANKESTER See Lankester and Bourne.
BOVERI "Die Nieren Canälchen des Amphioxus" 392, 395, 402, 407, 412, 426, 427
Zool. Jahrbuch. Vol. 5. 1892
BRAEM "Was ist ein Keimblatt" 460, 461, 462
Biol. Centralblatt. Vol. 15. 1895
BRAUER "Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Skorpions" 62, 167, 222, 237, 281, 482
Zeit. f. wiss. Zool. Part I. Vol. 57. 1894
Part II. Vol. 59. 1895
"Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Entwicklung und Anatomie der Gymnophionen." III. 393, 394, 400, 402
"Die Entwicklung der Excretionsorgane" Zool. Jahrbuch. Vol. 16. 1902
"Ueber die Entwicklung von Hydra" 473
Zeit. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. 52. 1891
BÜTSCHLI "Notiz zur Morphologie des Auges der Muscheln" 114
Festschrift des Natur-hist-med. Vereins zu Heidelberg. 1886
BUJOR "Contribution a l'étude de la métamorphose de l'Ammocœtes branchialis en Petromyzon Planeri" 135, 304
Revue Biologique du Nord de la France. Vol. 3. 1891
CARLSON 177, 315, 316
CELESIA 'Differenziamento della proprietà inibitoria e dei funzioni coordinatrici nella catena gangliare dei crustacei decapodi' 489
Genoa. 1897
CLAUS "Untersuchungen über den Organismus und Entwicklung von Branchipus und Artemia" 90-92, 97, 100, 396
Arbeit a.d. Zool. Institut. Wien. Vol. 6. 1886
COPE "On the Phylogeny of the Vertebrata" 343
Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. Vol. 30. 1892
CRONEBERG "Ueber die Mundtheile der Arachniden" 221-224, 241
Archiv. f. Naturgeschichte. 1880
CUÉNOT "Études sur le sang et les glandes lymphatiques dans la série animale; 2nd partie; invertébrés" 422
Arch. d. Zool. exper. gen. 2nd Ser. Vol. 9. 1891
CUNNINGHAM, J. T. "The Significance of Kupffer's Vesicle, with Remarks on other Questions of Vertebrate Morphology" 318
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 25. 1885
"The Nephridia of Lanice conchilega" 403
Nature. Vol. 36. 1887
DANA "On Cephalization" 53
Mag. of Nat. Hist. 1863
DEAN-BASHFORD 'Fishes, Living and Fossil' 344
New York. 1895
"On the Embryology of Bdellostoma Stouti" 405
Festschr. z. siebenzigsten Geburtstag. von C. v. Kupffer. Jena. 1899
DENDY "On the Parietal Sense-organs and Associated Structures in the New Zealand Lamprey (Geotria australis)" 80, 82
Q. J. Micr. Sci. Vol. 51. 1907
DIETL "Die Organisation des Arthropoden Gehirns" 101
Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. 27. 1876
DOHRN 'Der Ursprung der Wirbelthiere und das Princip des Functionswechsels' 14, 60, 185, 186, 317, 318
Leipzig. 1875
Studien zur Urgeschichte des Wirbelthiere Körpers. VIII. "Die Thyroidea bei Petromyzon, Amphioxus, und Tunicaten" 188, 195-198, 199, 212, 213
Mitth. Zool. Stat. z. Neapel. Vol. 6. 1886
"Neue Grundlagen zur Beurtheilung der Metamerie des Kopfes" 262, 263, 279
Mitth. Zool. Stat. z. Neapel. Vol. 9. 1890
Studien zur Urgeschichte des Wirbelthiere Körpers. XIII. "Ueber Nerven und Gefässe bei Ammocœtes und Petromyzon Planeri" 167, 314, 337
Mitth. Zool. Stat. z. Neapel. Vol. 8. 1888
DREVERMANN "Ueber Pteraspis dunensis" 29, 30
Zeitschr. d. Deutsch. Geol. Gesellschaft. Vol. 56. 1904