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Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race/Index of Place-Names

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2715924Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race — Index of Place-NamesThomas William Shore


Abthorp, 340
Acklam, 324
Acton, 256
Addlestrop, 382
Ædulfness, district, 279, 280
Æduves-nasa, district, 279
Æthelwulfingland, 4
Agremundreness, 369, 370
Ainsty, woodland, 246
Airsome, 324
Aldborough, 285, 289
Alesbi, hundred, 300
Aletorp, 303
Amber, river, 348, 386
Amberdon, 281
Ambergate, 348
Ambresbur’, 348
Andover, hundred, 219
Angemare, 198
Angermanland, 198
Angermer, 151, 200
Angersholm, 331
Angle Bay, 377
Anglesea, 377
Angleton, 203
Anglia Transwalliania, 378
Angmering, 203
Angre, hundred, 174
Angrices-burne, 281
Appleton, 195
Archenfeld, district, 372 et seq.
Arcop, 376
Arreton, 219
Arrow, stream, 230
Astrop, 340
Augop, 376
Aust, 371
Avon, river, 243
Aylesbeer, 365
Aynho, 340
Badby, 340
Bakewell, 350
Barby, 340
Barnes, 256, 257
Barnetone, 304
Barnetorp, 304
Barnstaple, 362
Barrington, 14
Basing, 172
Batrices-ege, 260
Battersea, 256, 257, 260
Beacon Hill, 180
Beaumond, 152, 259
Berchehā, 304
Berchetorp, 304
Berkeley, vale of, 369, 370
Berkeley-herness, Berkelai-erness, 369, 370
Berwicktye, 205
Bexelei, hundred, 174, 207
Bexley, 198
Bexwarena-land, 198, 207
Bicknor, 376
Billing, 143
Billockby, 290
Binsey, 276
Blácanden, 111
Blácandon, 111
Blachemanestone, 111
Blachemene, 111
Blachemenestone, 111, 113. 192
Blachene, 111
Blachenhale, 111
Blacheshale, 111
Blachingelei, 111
Blackemanstone, 6
Blacknore, 356
Blacmannebergh, 111, 113
Blakeborneshire, 370
Blakemere, 112
Blakeney, 112
Blakenham, 112
Blakesware, 112
Bleccingdenn, 142
Blechingley, 206
Blechington, 203
Blechworth, 205
Blenkinsop, 332
Blewbury, hundred, 274, 275
Blidinga, 174
Blisland, 365
Blitberie, 274, 275
Boddingc-weg, 93
Bodebi, 93
Bodehā, 93
Bodele, 93
Bodeshā, 93
Bodeskesham, 93
Bodeslege, 93
Bodetone, 93
Bodiam, 208
Bodrica, 93
Bodrog, 93
Boggele, 241
Bognor, 198
Bokerly dyke, 241
Bonby, 304
Bormer, 151
Bosgrave, 203
Bosham, 93, 203
Bourton, 382
Bowhope, 332
Brachinges, hundred, 174
Braintree, 282
Brambletye, 205
Braunton, 362
Bray, 153, 266, 267
Bredon Forest, 242
Bridport, 227
Brighthampton, 273
Brightwell, 211
Brinsop, 376
Broadwell, 382
Broad Windsor, 229
Broccesborne, 345
Brocheland, 361
Brochelesbi, 302
Brochesbi, 349
Brockford, 289
Brockhall, 345
Brockmans, 345
Brocton, hundred, 219
Brookthorp, 370
Brostorp, 370
Broxbourn, river, 230
Broxbourne, 345
Broxholm, 302
Brune, 302
Brunebi, 302
Brunesford, 108
Brunesham, 107, 108
Bruneswald, 295
Brunetorp, 302
Brungarstone, 362
Bruningafeld, 107
Buccham, 283
Bucchesteda, 283
Buccinga-ham, 343
Bucham Regis, 283
Buchebi, 23
Buchenham, 23, 284
Buchenho, 23
Bucheside, 23
Buchestuna, 23, 283
Buchesworth, 23
Buchetone, 23
Buckingham, 23, 103, 198
Bucktorp, 23
Bude Haven, 365
Burbage, 228
Burdorp, 228, 382
Burfield, 276
Burgemere, 151
Burghclere, 180
Burnham, hundred, 268
Burnley, 317
Buttermere, 228
Butterwike, 227
Byfield, 340
Byrport, 227

Cale, stream, 231
Calthorp, 370
Camelford, 13
Candel, 227
Candleshoe Wapentake, 227
Caninga, hundred, 174
Caninganmærsces, 359
Canington, Somerset, 359
Canonbury, 251
Capenmore, 356
Carlisle, 310
Cartmel, 315, 316, 320
Cascop, 376
Cashiobury, 153
Castlerigg, 310
Catesby, 340
Celvedune, 235
Ceokan-ege, 260, 268
Cerney, 276
Cetendone, 134
Charing, 173
Chent, 359
Chentesbere, 359
Chentesberia, 359
Cherbury, 389
Chertsey, 152, 259
Cherwell, river, 269
Cheshunt, 116, 345
Chessell Down, 214
Chesterfield, 289
Chillingham, 324
Chipshire, 177
Cholsey, 274
Christchurch, hundred, 219
Church Honeybourne, 383
Cirencester, 277
Clapton-in-Gordano, 356
Clauelinga, hundred, 174
Cleobury Mortimer, 350
Clipsby, 290
Clun, river, 384
Coatham, 324
Coccetley Croft, 272
Coccham, 268
Cocheham, 268
Cochehamsted, 345
Cocheshale, 388
Cochehā, 201
Cockernoe, 345
Cockhais, 201
Cocking, 201
Cockshut, stream, 201
Cocrinton, 302
Cocrintone, 302
Cocuneda civitas, 326
Coggeshall, 281
Cogham, hundred, 268
Coity Anglia, 379
Cokeham, 201
Cokethorpe, 272
Cokkefeld, 201
Collingbourn, stream, 230
Compton-Westbury, 205
Cookham, 268, 274
Cooksbridge, 201
Coquet, river, 230, 326
Cotenore, 204
Cow Honeybourne, hamlet, 383
Coxwell, 268, 272
Cranborne, 234
Crane, stream, 234
Cranley, 205
Creodan hylle, 241
Crondal, hundred, 153
Crondall, 224, 225
Croydon, 205, 256, 257
Crowmarsh, 276
Cuceshámm, 272
Cuchenai, 349
Cuckfield, 201
Cuckmere, 151, 201
Culham, 265
Curesrigt, 361
Curi, 361
Curylond, 361
Curymele, 361
Cuxham, 268, 272
Cwénena-broc, 381
Cwéntan, 381
Cwuénstane, 131, 198
Cymenore, 204

Danais, hundred, 121, 173, 344
Danebi, 330
Danescome, 361
Danesey, 282
Daneskoven, 122
Daneslai, 344
Danes pad, 331
Danestorp, 330
Danica sylvia, 371
Danubia, 371
Dean Forest, 122, 371
Debenham, 293
Denceswyrth, 121
Dene, North, South, East, West, 122
Denesig, 121
Denetun, 121
Dengey, 121, 282
Denisesburne, 121
Denton, 121, 203
Dentuninga, 121
Deorham, 242
Derby, 337
Derwentwater, 310
Derwinston, 235
Devizes, 242
Dochinga, hundred, 174
Dorchester, 228
Dorking, 205, 258
Dover, 143
Drayton, 263
Droxford, 179
Duchitorp, 382
Duddenhoe, 282
Dumfries, 322
Dunebi, 302
Dunesbi, 302
Dunestune, 302
Dunetorp, 302, 382
Dunsford, 206
Dunstable, 9

Ealing, 256, 257
Eashing, 259
East Holm, 227
Eastmanton, 5
Eastnor, 376
Easton-in-Gordano, 356
Eastry, hundred, 132
East Thorp, 228
Edrope, 382
Eldsberga, 143
Elga, 288
Elmanstede, 8
Elmenham, 6, 8, 287
Elmet, 319
Elmham, 8
Elmstead, 8
Elmswell, 289
Ems, river, 215
Emsworth, 215
Endreby, 304
Endretorp, 304
Enfield, 263
Englecheria, 390
Englebi, 327, 330
Englefeld, 388
Englelei, 388
Eoccen, river, 268, 269
Eoccen-ford, 268, 269, 274
Eskham, 331
Essemundehord, 361
Essete, 199
Estmere, 55
Estrei, hundred, 174
Etchingham, 208
Evesham, 383
Exeter, 358, 360
Eye, 286
Eynesbury, 346

Falmer, 151, 200
Falmouth Haven, 365
Fareford, 382
Farendone, 340
Farnham, 227, 259, 282
Farthingho, 340
Faunhope, 376
Felesmere, 200
Fenbi, hundred, ^00
Ferring, 199
Finbeorh, 132
Finborough, 132
Finningham, 132
Finset, 132
Fintune, 198
Flamindic, hundred, 290, 291
Flat Holm, island, 356, 371
Flegg, hundred, 293
Fordingbridge, 219
Fowey Haven, 365
Framfield, 201, 202
Fressingfield, 286, 289
Freswick, 323
Frisby, 336
Frisebi, 349
Frisehā, 360
Friseham, 360
Frisetorp, 301, 304
Frisic, 365
Frismarsk, 323
Friston, 201, 287
Fristone, 323
Fristune, 301
Fulham, 263
Furtho, 340
Fylde, district, 331

Gaddesby, 336
Gadreshope, 376
Galmentone, 6, 361
Gamensfeld, 274
Gardinu’, 356
Garford, 276
Garinges, 199
Gateneberghe, 355
Geate, 370
Geatescumbe, 265
Gedding, 262
Geslingham, 289
Ghestelinges, 207
Gilling, 143, 329
Gillingham, 227, 231, 242
Gillingshire, 329
Gippeswich, 288
Glastonbury, 352, 357, 380
Gloucester, 146, 371
Godalming, 259
Godan pearruc, 265
Goddards tything, 265
Godecumbe, 355
Godefordes Eyt, 265
Godele, 355
Godelei, hundred, 174
Godeneie, 355
Goderiston, 227
Goderthorn, hundred, 227
Godescote, 361
Godeslave, 265
Godeworth, 355
Godington, 195
Godliman, 259
Godmanchester, 346
Godmaneston, 227
Godmanston, 6
Godstone, 206
Godstow, 265
Goduic, 287
Goldentone, 174
Goring, 173
Great Holm, island, 371
Greenford, 263
Grimsbaer, 328
Grimsbury, 340
Grimsby, 328
Grimsby, Scilly Isles, 364
Grimsditch, 227, 241
Grimstede, 228
Grinsted, 143
Guiting, 382
Gumecester, 346
Guttona, 355

Hacananhamme, 370
Hackney, 251
Hadham, 116
Haiscote, 343
Hafeltone, 234
Hallamshire, 329
Hallun, 329
Halton, 317
Hame, 235
Hamescle, 343
Hanham, 370
Hanwell, 263
Hapinga, hundred, 174
Hardicote, 228
Harlinges, 203
Harmondsworth, 263
Harrow, 260, 261
Haslemere, 200
Haslingefeld, 291
Hatford, 276
Hatherop, 382
Hauelingas, 92, 283
Hauksfljot, 328
Haverill, 282
Hawhope, 332
Hawkswell, 272
Hawkflot, 328
Hazebi, hundred, 300
Hearge, 261
Helford Haven, 365
Helsington, 140, 315
Helston, 365
Hengestecote, 359
Hengestes-geat, 215
Hengestesrig, 215
Hengesteston, 291
Hengesthescumb, 266
Hengistesege, 266
Heortha’, 240
Hertha’, 240
Hertham, 240
Hertford, 103
Hesleyside, 332
Heslitesford, 274
Hevaford, 276
Heysham, 317
Heythrop, 382
Hexham, 333
Highbury, 251
Hinksey, 266
Hinxton, 291
Hocan-edisce, 272
Hocceneretune, 273
Hocheslau, hundred, 174, 341
Hocheston, 268
Hochtune, 302
Hóchylle, 272
Hockeril, 345
Hockeswell, 272
Hockington, 291
Hocsaga, 273
Hócsléw, 272
Hoctun, 302
Hokemere, 272
Holderness, 323, 369
Holm Lacy, 371
Honechercha, 360
Honelanda, 360
Honesberie, 173
Honesdon, 345
Honeslau, hundred, 174
Honessam, 360
Honeybourne Leasows, 383
Honeyburn, river. 230
Honinberg, hundred, 190
Honiton, 360
Hook Norton, 273, 274, 276
Hope, 376
Hope Bagot, 376
Hope Bowdler, 376
Hope Hall, 376
Hope Mansell, 376
Hopend, 376
Hope Sey, 376
Horcerde, 235
Hornsey, 251
Horntye, 205
Horsey Island, 280
Horsham, 201
Horton, 233
Houndsbeer, 365
Hoxne, 286, 289
Hoxton, 268
Humber, river, 323
Humbresfelda, 288
Hunbia, 302
Hundintone, 302
Hunecote, 349
Huneford, 360
Hunesberge, hundred, 174
Hunesbiorge, 190
Hunespil, 360
Hunitone, 360
Hunmanby, 15
Hunmanbie, 6
Hunmannebi, 318
Hunno, 326
Hunnum, 326
Hunsdon, 345
Hunstanton, 285
Hunstanworth, 326
Huntandune, 345
Huntena-ton, 383
Huntingdon, 345
Huntishamshire, 370
Hunwyk, 326
Hursley, 151
Hurstbourn, 220
Hurstbourn Tarrant, 220
Hwitanwylles geat, 331

Ibthorpe, 174
Icenore, 204
Ingelbourn, river, 230
Inglecrost, 388
Inverness, 369
Ipswich, 255, 288, 290
Isleworth, 256, 257
Islington, 251, 263

Jerchesfont, 240
Jonsmer, 151, 200

Keadby, 305
Kempton, 265
Kenchester, 372
Kendal, 315 et seq.
Kendalshire, 370
Kenn, 359
Kennington, 256
Kentchurch, 372
Kentes, 265
Kenthles, 372
Kentisbere, 359
Kentish Town, 253, 263
Kentmere, 315
Kenton, 261, 265, 359
Kent’s Cave, 359
Kent’s Hill, 259
Kentsmoor, 359
Kentswood, 265
Kentwines tréow, 265
Kentyshburcote, 372
Keston, 4
Keymer, 151, 200
Killhope, 332
Kilsby, 340
Kimbolton, 347
Kingsthorp, 340
Kirby-le-Soken, 279
Kirkby Irleth, 316
Kirkliston, 326
Kirkshire, 177
Kirton-in-Lindsey, 305
Kynnore, 204

Lambeth, 256, 257
Lancaster, 317
Lanteglos, 367
Lauendene, 343
Launditch, hundred, 287
Launston, 234
Lavendon, 343
Lawingham, 287
Lealholm, 324
Leccesham, 287
Lecchestorp, 330
Leccheton, 330
Leche, 388
Leeds, 318
Leicester, 337
Leverington, 291
Lewes, 196, 353
Liddington-cum-Caldecot, 347
Liddon, stream, 231
Lillington, 201
Limpsfield, 206
Linby, 143
Linchmere, 200
Lindis, river, 328
Lindisfarne, district, 328
Lingfield, 206
Little Wilbraham, 286
Liuerington, 291
Long Bennington, 305
Longhope, 376
Lothninga, hundred, 174
Low, river, 328
Lowick, 316
Ludinga, 174
Lund, 124, 303, 304
Lund alter, 303
Lundetorp, 303, 304
Luridertorp, 303
Lungabeer, 365
Luseberg, hundred, 234

Maiden Castle, 170, 180
Maidenhead, 170
Maidstone, 170
Maisemore, 384
Malden, 289
Mailing, 172
Mangotsfield, 370
Maniford, 228
Mapledre, 235
Marden, 153, 376
May Hill, 170, 384
Mellinges, hundred, 174, 207
Mendlesham, 289
Men Perhen, 364
Meon, 213, 217, 230, 382
Merdon, 151
Merton, 259
Middleton, 289
Middleton Cheney, 153
Monkside, 332
Monow, stream, 371
Moorsholm, 324
Much Hadham, 345
Much Urswick, 316
Mythorp, 331

Nadder, river, 243
Nælesbroc, stream, 169
Nailbourn, stream, 169
Nailsea, 169
Nailsworth, 169
Nettley, 205
Nevill Hall, 316
Newington Barrow, 251
Normanebi, 302
Normanecross, hundred, 174
Normandy, 260
Normaneston, 302
Normanton, 5, 228, 302
Northiam, 208
Nottingham, 337

Ock, river, 268, 274
Ockementone, 6
Ockemere, 272
Offa’s Dyke, 384, 389
Oke, stream, 273, 274
Old Wennington, 319
Ombersley, 386
Ongar, 281
Ore, 227
Oseney, river, 269
Osgodby, 138
Osgodtorp, 349
Osgotbi, 138
Osgotebi, 302
Osgotecrosse, 138
Osgotesbi, 302
Osmenton, 6, 138
Oswaldbeck, 347 et seq.
Oswestry, 389
Overthorp, 340
Oxford, 269 et seq.

Pakenham, 289
Peckham Rye, 256
Pen Anglas, 377
Penzance, 364
Petersham, 256
Pewit Island, 280
Pickering, 313 et seq.
Pignocshire, 370
Pilstye, 205
Pirbright, 152, 259
Piriun, 241
Poninges, hundred, 207
Portland, 227
Portlock, 357
Pourtone, 235
Puckstye, 205
Purbeck, 227
Pyrgean, 241

Quendon, 281
Quenfele, 132
Quenhull, 132
Quenildewang, 365
Quiningburgh, 132
Quénintune, 131, 382
Quenton, 131
Quinton, 131, 381

Radelau, hundred, 376
Radnor, 376
Radwinter, 281
Ramsbury, 228
Ramshope, 332
Ravensthorp, 340
Rayne Magna, 282
Reigate, 205, 258
Ribble, river, 331
Richmond, 256, 313, 317
Ringmer, 151, 200
Ringstede, 227, 235
Ringwood, 219, 228
Risberga, 143
Rockbeer, 365
Rodinges, hundred, 174
Rollendri, 382
Rollestone, 228
Rollright, 382
Romney Marsh, 192
Roothings, 282
Ross, 376
Rossendale, 7, 329
Rotherfield, 203
Rothley, soke of, 160, 336, 347
Ruan, 364
Ruanbergh, 88, 234
Ruenhala, 88
Ruenhale, 88, 283
Ruenore, 88
Ruganbeorh, 88, 355
Rugan dic, 88
Rugarthorp, 88
Rugebeorge, 88
Rugehala, 88
Rugelei, 88
Rugenore, 143
Rughe’berg, 234, 240
Rugutune, 88
Rutland, 347
Ruuenhaia, 283
Ruwanbeorg, 88, 234
Ruwanbeorge, 88
Ruwangoringa, 88
Rye, 143, 197

St. Agnes, 364
St. Stephens, 153
Salecome, 204
Salehurst, 204
Salemanesberie, 6, 142, 174, 382
Salemanneburn, 204
Salhert, 204
Salthorpe, 228
Sanagar, 371
Sandwich, 102, 186
Sarr, 44
Sasingha, 199, 201
Sassebi, 302
Sastorp, 283
Saul, 371
Sawbridgeworth, 14
Saxalinghaham, 283
Saxebi, 302, 304, 349
Saxham, 283, 290
Saxmondeham, 283
Saxteda, 283
Scachetorp, 302, 304
Scadena, 288
Scadenafella, 288
Scale, 203
Scandeburn, 228
Scantone, 302
Scantune, 302
Scilly Isles, 364
Scir-mere, 370
Sclostre, 382
Scotona, 330
Scotone, 330
Sedlecombe, 201
Sem, river, 234
Semaer, 330
Semeleah, 234
Semer, 330
Semers, 330
Semlintun, 200
Sevenhangar, 371
Sevensdale, 326
Sexebi, 19
Sextone, 19
Shaftesbury, 102, 228
Shapwick, 227
Shene, 256
Shepperton, 263
Sherborne, 178
Shirehampton, 370
Shottington, 195
Sibbertoft, 171
Sibbeslea, 171
Sibbestapele, 171
Sibbeswey, 171
Siberton, 170
Sibestun, 171
Sibley Headingham, 171
Siblingchryst, 171
Sibsey, 171
Sibthorp, 171
Sibton, 289
Sibton Sheales, 171
Sidenore, 204
Sipson, 171
Slaughter, 382
Soanberge, 201
Seller’s Hope, 376
Somerton, 286
Sonning, 173, 267
South Berstead, 289
Southrop, 382
Southwell, 349
Staines, 263
Stamford, 102, 337, 371, 374
Stanestaple, 9
Stanmer, 151, 200
Staninges, hundred, 174, 207
Stapeley Row, 9
Staple Ash, 9
Staple Cross, 9
Stapleford, 9
Stapler’s Down, 9
Stapole Thorn, 9
Steep Holme, 356
Stenning, 203
Sterborough, 206
Stepney, 251
Stour, river, 28, 231
Streatham, 256
Stubbington, 88
Stur, river, 231
Suanebi, 330
Suanescamp, 140
Suauitone, 302
Suenesat, 330
Suevesbi, 349
Suinhamstede, 302
Suinhastede, 302
Suinhope, 302
Sunbury, 263
Sunninga-wyl-broc, 267
Sunningdale, 267
Sunninghill, 267
Surrenden, 4
Suthereye, 258
Svavetone, 302
Svavintone, 302
Swæfes heale, 267
Swaffham, 287
Swanage, 227
Swanborough, 201, 203
Swanburne, river, 230
Swanesig, 140
Swanetun, 140
Swindun, 227
Swithræding-den, 4
Swonleah, 140
Syselond, 287

Tadilsthorpe, hundred, 382
Tangemere, 200
Taplow, 266
Tarent, 234
Taunton Dean, 353 et seq.
Tedestrop, 382
Teme, river, 384
Tempsiter, 384
Theele, 345
Thoresby, 305
Thorney, 203
Thornlau, hundred, 376
Thorpe, 340
Thorpe-le-Soken, 279
Thruxton, 219
Tollesbi, 327
Tony Walthamstow, 289
Totenore, 204
Totnes, 360
Tottenham, 256, 263
Trent, Dorset, 234
Trent, river, 304, 339
Tye Farm, 205
Tye Hill, 205
Tyes, 205
Tyes Cross, 205
Tynemouth, 312

Udimer, 151, 200
Ulfcote, 228
Ulpha, 315
Ulpha-in-Cartmel, 315
Up Husbond, 220
Urchfont, 240
Uriconium, 385

Vauxhall, 256
Vedringmuth, 142
Venningore, 204
Vindogladia, 87
Vindomis, 87

Wændlescumb, 98, 264
Walecheria, 390
Walementone, 6
Walesbi, hundred, 300
Waletone, 259
Wallington, 259
Wallop, 219
Walton in Gordano, 356
Walton-on-the-Naze, 279
Walworth, 256
Wandelmestrei, 174
Wandene, 115, 343
Wandesford, 319
Wandlebury, 287
Wandsworth, 15, 256, 260
Wansdyke, 241
Wansford, 287
Wanstead, 282
Wantage, 274
Waran, river, 328
Wareham, 227, 228
Wareneberie, 388
Waringford, 318
Waringwang, 304, 365
Warkworth, 340
Watchet, 357
Wealabroc, 105, 389
Wedering, 198
Wederingsete, 142
Wederlai, 174, 290
Wedrebi, 330
Wedreriga, 361
Welesmere, hundred, 197
Wellingaham, 288
Wellingborough, 287
Wells, 242
Welsh Bicknor, 390
Welsh Hampton, 390
Welsh Newton, 390
Wendel Hill, 291, 319
Wendelmestrei, 197
Wendens, 282
Wendena’, 282
Wendesbery, 319
Wendeslaghe, 319
Wendeslowe, 319
Wendlebury, 264, 291
Wendlesbiri, 98
Wendlesbury, 105
Wendlescliff, 98
Wendlesore, 98, 264
Wendleswurthe, 260, 264
Wendling, 286
Wendlingborough, 287
Wendofra, 105
Wendover, 105, 343
Wendovre, 115
Weneslai, 115, 174, 343
Wenesteda, 282
Weninchou, 282
Wenlinga, 287
Wenriga, 116, 344
Wenrige, 344
Wensistreu, 174, 282
Wenslawe, 319
Wensley, 319
Wensleydale, 319, 330
Wensum, river, 287
Wereingeurda, 361
Weringehorda, 361
Wermlau, hundred, 376
West Holm, 227
Weston in Gordano, 356
West Thorp, 228
West Wycombe, 152
Wey, 235
Whalley, 317
Wheelside, 332
Whiteside, 332
Whitwell, 331
Wicham, 266
Wichampton, 227
Wick, 135
Wicken, 282, 340
Wickenford, 382
Wickhope, 332
Wigmore, 376
Wikes, 289
Wilaveston, 287
Wilburge gemæro, 92
Wilburgeham, 92
Wilburge mere, 92
Wilburgewel, 92
Wiley, river, 230, 243
Wilga, hundred, 174, 344
Wilgesbi, 287
Wilingeham, 303
Wilinghā, 287
Willa byg, 92
Willanesham, 92
Williamstrop, 382
Willingham, hundred, 197
Willite, stream, 355
Wilmanford, 92
Wilmanleahtun, 92
Wilsthorp, 287
Wilte Scira, 239
Wilton, 238, 355
Wiltune, 327
Winchester, 241, 277
Windelhā, 229, 231
Windestorte, 231
Windelshor’, hundred, 229
Windærlæh mæd, 229
Windlesore, 229
Windleton, 319
Windrede-dic, 229
Windregledy, 229
Windresorie, 229, 231
Windryth-dic, 229
Windsor, 98, 105, 229, 264
Winfrode, 231
Wingleton, 195
Winklebury, 244
Winlande, 231
Winslow, 343
Winston, 219
Winterborne, stream, 226, 231, 233
Winterborne Basset, 228
Winterburge, 229
Winterburge geat, 231
Winterhead, 229
Winterset, 229, 232, 318
Winterslow, 235
Winterstoke, 229, 356
Winterton, 286, 305
Wintreshleaw, 235
Wintret, 229
Wintretuna, 286
Wintringa-tun, 231, 304
Wintringehā, 303

Wintringham, 229, 287
Wintrington, 229, 231
Wintrinton, 229
Wintrintone, 303
Wirral, district, 388
Withern, 304
Witherston, 227
Withyham, 208
Wittenham, 273
Wittering, 198
Wivenhoe, 389
Wixhoe, 281
Wochinges, hundred, 174
Wodnesdic, 241
Woodford, 289
Woolhope, 376
Wormington, 382
Wormsley, 376
Worplesdon, 152, 259
Wrabness, 289
Wrekin, 386
Wrockwardine, 386
Wroth-tye, 205
Wroxeter, 385
Wycombe, 266
Wynter-worda, 288
Wynt’ingham, 318
Wytingley Forest, 220
Wyttenham, 327

Yarm, 324
Yasor, 376
Yate, 370
Yeading, 262
Yoxford, 289
Ytene, district, 214