Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race/Index of Place-Names
- Abthorp, 340
- Acklam, 324
- Acton, 256
- Addlestrop, 382
- Ædulfness, district, 279, 280
- Æduves-nasa, district, 279
- Æthelwulfingland, 4
- Agremundreness, 369, 370
- Ainsty, woodland, 246
- Airsome, 324
- Aldborough, 285, 289
- Alesbi, hundred, 300
- Aletorp, 303
- Amber, river, 348, 386
- Amberdon, 281
- Ambergate, 348
- Ambresbur’, 348
- Andover, hundred, 219
- Angemare, 198
- Angermanland, 198
- Angermer, 151, 200
- Angersholm, 331
- Angle Bay, 377
- Anglesea, 377
- Angleton, 203
- Anglia Transwalliania, 378
- Angmering, 203
- Angre, hundred, 174
- Angrices-burne, 281
- Appleton, 195
- Archenfeld, district, 372 et seq.
- Arcop, 376
- Arreton, 219
- Arrow, stream, 230
- Astrop, 340
- Augop, 376
- Aust, 371
- Avon, river, 243
- Aylesbeer, 365
- Aynho, 340
- Badby, 340
- Bakewell, 350
- Barby, 340
- Barnes, 256, 257
- Barnetone, 304
- Barnetorp, 304
- Barnstaple, 362
- Barrington, 14
- Basing, 172
- Batrices-ege, 260
- Battersea, 256, 257, 260
- Beacon Hill, 180
- Beaumond, 152, 259
- Berchehā, 304
- Berchetorp, 304
- Berkeley, vale of, 369, 370
- Berkeley-herness, Berkelai-erness, 369, 370
- Berwicktye, 205
- Bexelei, hundred, 174, 207
- Bexley, 198
- Bexwarena-land, 198, 207
- Bicknor, 376
- Billing, 143
- Billockby, 290
- Binsey, 276
- Blácanden, 111
- Blácandon, 111
- Blachemanestone, 111
- Blachemene, 111
- Blachemenestone, 111, 113. 192
- Blachene, 111
- Blachenhale, 111
- Blacheshale, 111
- Blachingelei, 111
- Blackemanstone, 6
- Blacknore, 356
- Blacmannebergh, 111, 113
- Blakeborneshire, 370
- Blakemere, 112
- Blakeney, 112
- Blakenham, 112
- Blakesware, 112
- Bleccingdenn, 142
- Blechingley, 206
- Blechington, 203
- Blechworth, 205
- Blenkinsop, 332
- Blewbury, hundred, 274, 275
- Blidinga, 174
- Blisland, 365
- Blitberie, 274, 275
- Boddingc-weg, 93
- Bodebi, 93
- Bodehā, 93
- Bodele, 93
- Bodeshā, 93
- Bodeskesham, 93
- Bodeslege, 93
- Bodetone, 93
- Bodiam, 208
- Bodrica, 93
- Bodrog, 93
- Boggele, 241
- Bognor, 198
- Bokerly dyke, 241
- Bonby, 304
- Bormer, 151
- Bosgrave, 203
- Bosham, 93, 203
- Bourton, 382
- Bowhope, 332
- Brachinges, hundred, 174
- Braintree, 282
- Brambletye, 205
- Braunton, 362
- Bray, 153, 266, 267
- Bredon Forest, 242
- Bridport, 227
- Brighthampton, 273
- Brightwell, 211
- Brinsop, 376
- Broadwell, 382
- Broad Windsor, 229
- Broccesborne, 345
- Brocheland, 361
- Brochelesbi, 302
- Brochesbi, 349
- Brockford, 289
- Brockhall, 345
- Brockmans, 345
- Brocton, hundred, 219
- Brookthorp, 370
- Brostorp, 370
- Broxbourn, river, 230
- Broxbourne, 345
- Broxholm, 302
- Brune, 302
- Brunebi, 302
- Brunesford, 108
- Brunesham, 107, 108
- Bruneswald, 295
- Brunetorp, 302
- Brungarstone, 362
- Bruningafeld, 107
- Buccham, 283
- Bucchesteda, 283
- Buccinga-ham, 343
- Bucham Regis, 283
- Buchebi, 23
- Buchenham, 23, 284
- Buchenho, 23
- Bucheside, 23
- Buchestuna, 23, 283
- Buchesworth, 23
- Buchetone, 23
- Buckingham, 23, 103, 198
- Bucktorp, 23
- Bude Haven, 365
- Burbage, 228
- Burdorp, 228, 382
- Burfield, 276
- Burgemere, 151
- Burghclere, 180
- Burnham, hundred, 268
- Burnley, 317
- Buttermere, 228
- Butterwike, 227
- Byfield, 340
- Byrport, 227
- Cale, stream, 231
- Calthorp, 370
- Camelford, 13
- Candel, 227
- Candleshoe Wapentake, 227
- Caninga, hundred, 174
- Caninganmærsces, 359
- Canington, Somerset, 359
- Canonbury, 251
- Capenmore, 356
- Carlisle, 310
- Cartmel, 315, 316, 320
- Cascop, 376
- Cashiobury, 153
- Castlerigg, 310
- Catesby, 340
- Celvedune, 235
- Ceokan-ege, 260, 268
- Cerney, 276
- Cetendone, 134
- Charing, 173
- Chent, 359
- Chentesbere, 359
- Chentesberia, 359
- Cherbury, 389
- Chertsey, 152, 259
- Cherwell, river, 269
- Cheshunt, 116, 345
- Chessell Down, 214
- Chesterfield, 289
- Chillingham, 324
- Chipshire, 177
- Cholsey, 274
- Christchurch, hundred, 219
- Church Honeybourne, 383
- Cirencester, 277
- Clapton-in-Gordano, 356
- Clauelinga, hundred, 174
- Cleobury Mortimer, 350
- Clipsby, 290
- Clun, river, 384
- Coatham, 324
- Coccetley Croft, 272
- Coccham, 268
- Cocheham, 268
- Cochehamsted, 345
- Cocheshale, 388
- Cochehā, 201
- Cockernoe, 345
- Cockhais, 201
- Cocking, 201
- Cockshut, stream, 201
- Cocrinton, 302
- Cocrintone, 302
- Cocuneda civitas, 326
- Coggeshall, 281
- Cogham, hundred, 268
- Coity Anglia, 379
- Cokeham, 201
- Cokethorpe, 272
- Cokkefeld, 201
- Collingbourn, stream, 230
- Compton-Westbury, 205
- Cookham, 268, 274
- Cooksbridge, 201
- Coquet, river, 230, 326
- Cotenore, 204
- Cow Honeybourne, hamlet, 383
- Coxwell, 268, 272
- Cranborne, 234
- Crane, stream, 234
- Cranley, 205
- Creodan hylle, 241
- Crondal, hundred, 153
- Crondall, 224, 225
- Croydon, 205, 256, 257
- Crowmarsh, 276
- Cuceshámm, 272
- Cuchenai, 349
- Cuckfield, 201
- Cuckmere, 151, 201
- Culham, 265
- Curesrigt, 361
- Curi, 361
- Curylond, 361
- Curymele, 361
- Cuxham, 268, 272
- Cwénena-broc, 381
- Cwéntan, 381
- Cwuénstane, 131, 198
- Cymenore, 204
- Danais, hundred, 121, 173, 344
- Danebi, 330
- Danescome, 361
- Danesey, 282
- Daneskoven, 122
- Daneslai, 344
- Danes pad, 331
- Danestorp, 330
- Danica sylvia, 371
- Danubia, 371
- Dean Forest, 122, 371
- Debenham, 293
- Denceswyrth, 121
- Dene, North, South, East, West, 122
- Denesig, 121
- Denetun, 121
- Dengey, 121, 282
- Denisesburne, 121
- Denton, 121, 203
- Dentuninga, 121
- Deorham, 242
- Derby, 337
- Derwentwater, 310
- Derwinston, 235
- Devizes, 242
- Dochinga, hundred, 174
- Dorchester, 228
- Dorking, 205, 258
- Dover, 143
- Drayton, 263
- Droxford, 179
- Duchitorp, 382
- Duddenhoe, 282
- Dumfries, 322
- Dunebi, 302
- Dunesbi, 302
- Dunestune, 302
- Dunetorp, 302, 382
- Dunsford, 206
- Dunstable, 9
- Ealing, 256, 257
- Eashing, 259
- East Holm, 227
- Eastmanton, 5
- Eastnor, 376
- Easton-in-Gordano, 356
- Eastry, hundred, 132
- East Thorp, 228
- Edrope, 382
- Eldsberga, 143
- Elga, 288
- Elmanstede, 8
- Elmenham, 6, 8, 287
- Elmet, 319
- Elmham, 8
- Elmstead, 8
- Elmswell, 289
- Ems, river, 215
- Emsworth, 215
- Endreby, 304
- Endretorp, 304
- Enfield, 263
- Englecheria, 390
- Englebi, 327, 330
- Englefeld, 388
- Englelei, 388
- Eoccen, river, 268, 269
- Eoccen-ford, 268, 269, 274
- Eskham, 331
- Essemundehord, 361
- Essete, 199
- Estmere, 55
- Estrei, hundred, 174
- Etchingham, 208
- Evesham, 383
- Exeter, 358, 360
- Eye, 286
- Eynesbury, 346
- Falmer, 151, 200
- Falmouth Haven, 365
- Fareford, 382
- Farendone, 340
- Farnham, 227, 259, 282
- Farthingho, 340
- Faunhope, 376
- Felesmere, 200
- Fenbi, hundred, ^00
- Ferring, 199
- Finbeorh, 132
- Finborough, 132
- Finningham, 132
- Finset, 132
- Fintune, 198
- Flamindic, hundred, 290, 291
- Flat Holm, island, 356, 371
- Flegg, hundred, 293
- Fordingbridge, 219
- Fowey Haven, 365
- Framfield, 201, 202
- Fressingfield, 286, 289
- Freswick, 323
- Frisby, 336
- Frisebi, 349
- Frisehā, 360
- Friseham, 360
- Frisetorp, 301, 304
- Frisic, 365
- Frismarsk, 323
- Friston, 201, 287
- Fristone, 323
- Fristune, 301
- Fulham, 263
- Furtho, 340
- Fylde, district, 331
- Gaddesby, 336
- Gadreshope, 376
- Galmentone, 6, 361
- Gamensfeld, 274
- Gardinu’, 356
- Garford, 276
- Garinges, 199
- Gateneberghe, 355
- Geate, 370
- Geatescumbe, 265
- Gedding, 262
- Geslingham, 289
- Ghestelinges, 207
- Gilling, 143, 329
- Gillingham, 227, 231, 242
- Gillingshire, 329
- Gippeswich, 288
- Glastonbury, 352, 357, 380
- Gloucester, 146, 371
- Godalming, 259
- Godan pearruc, 265
- Goddards tything, 265
- Godecumbe, 355
- Godefordes Eyt, 265
- Godele, 355
- Godelei, hundred, 174
- Godeneie, 355
- Goderiston, 227
- Goderthorn, hundred, 227
- Godescote, 361
- Godeslave, 265
- Godeworth, 355
- Godington, 195
- Godliman, 259
- Godmanchester, 346
- Godmaneston, 227
- Godmanston, 6
- Godstone, 206
- Godstow, 265
- Goduic, 287
- Goldentone, 174
- Goring, 173
- Great Holm, island, 371
- Greenford, 263
- Grimsbaer, 328
- Grimsbury, 340
- Grimsby, 328
- Grimsby, Scilly Isles, 364
- Grimsditch, 227, 241
- Grimstede, 228
- Grinsted, 143
- Guiting, 382
- Gumecester, 346
- Guttona, 355
- Hacananhamme, 370
- Hackney, 251
- Hadham, 116
- Haiscote, 343
- Hafeltone, 234
- Hallamshire, 329
- Hallun, 329
- Halton, 317
- Hame, 235
- Hamescle, 343
- Hanham, 370
- Hanwell, 263
- Hapinga, hundred, 174
- Hardicote, 228
- Harlinges, 203
- Harmondsworth, 263
- Harrow, 260, 261
- Haslemere, 200
- Haslingefeld, 291
- Hatford, 276
- Hatherop, 382
- Hauelingas, 92, 283
- Hauksfljot, 328
- Haverill, 282
- Hawhope, 332
- Hawkswell, 272
- Hawkflot, 328
- Hazebi, hundred, 300
- Hearge, 261
- Helford Haven, 365
- Helsington, 140, 315
- Helston, 365
- Hengestecote, 359
- Hengestes-geat, 215
- Hengestesrig, 215
- Hengesteston, 291
- Hengesthescumb, 266
- Hengistesege, 266
- Heortha’, 240
- Hertha’, 240
- Hertham, 240
- Hertford, 103
- Hesleyside, 332
- Heslitesford, 274
- Hevaford, 276
- Heysham, 317
- Heythrop, 382
- Hexham, 333
- Highbury, 251
- Hinksey, 266
- Hinxton, 291
- Hocan-edisce, 272
- Hocceneretune, 273
- Hocheslau, hundred, 174, 341
- Hocheston, 268
- Hochtune, 302
- Hóchylle, 272
- Hockeril, 345
- Hockeswell, 272
- Hockington, 291
- Hocsaga, 273
- Hócsléw, 272
- Hoctun, 302
- Hokemere, 272
- Holderness, 323, 369
- Holm Lacy, 371
- Honechercha, 360
- Honelanda, 360
- Honesberie, 173
- Honesdon, 345
- Honeslau, hundred, 174
- Honessam, 360
- Honeybourne Leasows, 383
- Honeyburn, river. 230
- Honinberg, hundred, 190
- Honiton, 360
- Hook Norton, 273, 274, 276
- Hope, 376
- Hope Bagot, 376
- Hope Bowdler, 376
- Hope Hall, 376
- Hope Mansell, 376
- Hopend, 376
- Hope Sey, 376
- Horcerde, 235
- Hornsey, 251
- Horntye, 205
- Horsey Island, 280
- Horsham, 201
- Horton, 233
- Houndsbeer, 365
- Hoxne, 286, 289
- Hoxton, 268
- Humber, river, 323
- Humbresfelda, 288
- Hunbia, 302
- Hundintone, 302
- Hunecote, 349
- Huneford, 360
- Hunesberge, hundred, 174
- Hunesbiorge, 190
- Hunespil, 360
- Hunitone, 360
- Hunmanby, 15
- Hunmanbie, 6
- Hunmannebi, 318
- Hunno, 326
- Hunnum, 326
- Hunsdon, 345
- Hunstanton, 285
- Hunstanworth, 326
- Huntandune, 345
- Huntena-ton, 383
- Huntingdon, 345
- Huntishamshire, 370
- Hunwyk, 326
- Hursley, 151
- Hurstbourn, 220
- Hurstbourn Tarrant, 220
- Hwitanwylles geat, 331
- Ibthorpe, 174
- Icenore, 204
- Ingelbourn, river, 230
- Inglecrost, 388
- Inverness, 369
- Ipswich, 255, 288, 290
- Isleworth, 256, 257
- Islington, 251, 263
- Jerchesfont, 240
- Jonsmer, 151, 200
- Keadby, 305
- Kempton, 265
- Kenchester, 372
- Kendal, 315 et seq.
- Kendalshire, 370
- Kenn, 359
- Kennington, 256
- Kentchurch, 372
- Kentes, 265
- Kenthles, 372
- Kentisbere, 359
- Kentish Town, 253, 263
- Kentmere, 315
- Kenton, 261, 265, 359
- Kent’s Cave, 359
- Kent’s Hill, 259
- Kentsmoor, 359
- Kentswood, 265
- Kentwines tréow, 265
- Kentyshburcote, 372
- Keston, 4
- Keymer, 151, 200
- Killhope, 332
- Kilsby, 340
- Kimbolton, 347
- Kingsthorp, 340
- Kirby-le-Soken, 279
- Kirkby Irleth, 316
- Kirkliston, 326
- Kirkshire, 177
- Kirton-in-Lindsey, 305
- Kynnore, 204
- Lambeth, 256, 257
- Lancaster, 317
- Lanteglos, 367
- Lauendene, 343
- Launditch, hundred, 287
- Launston, 234
- Lavendon, 343
- Lawingham, 287
- Lealholm, 324
- Leccesham, 287
- Lecchestorp, 330
- Leccheton, 330
- Leche, 388
- Leeds, 318
- Leicester, 337
- Leverington, 291
- Lewes, 196, 353
- Liddington-cum-Caldecot, 347
- Liddon, stream, 231
- Lillington, 201
- Limpsfield, 206
- Linby, 143
- Linchmere, 200
- Lindis, river, 328
- Lindisfarne, district, 328
- Lingfield, 206
- Little Wilbraham, 286
- Liuerington, 291
- Long Bennington, 305
- Longhope, 376
- Lothninga, hundred, 174
- Low, river, 328
- Lowick, 316
- Ludinga, 174
- Lund, 124, 303, 304
- Lund alter, 303
- Lundetorp, 303, 304
- Luridertorp, 303
- Lungabeer, 365
- Luseberg, hundred, 234
- Maiden Castle, 170, 180
- Maidenhead, 170
- Maidstone, 170
- Maisemore, 384
- Malden, 289
- Mailing, 172
- Mangotsfield, 370
- Maniford, 228
- Mapledre, 235
- Marden, 153, 376
- May Hill, 170, 384
- Mellinges, hundred, 174, 207
- Mendlesham, 289
- Men Perhen, 364
- Meon, 213, 217, 230, 382
- Merdon, 151
- Merton, 259
- Middleton, 289
- Middleton Cheney, 153
- Monkside, 332
- Monow, stream, 371
- Moorsholm, 324
- Much Hadham, 345
- Much Urswick, 316
- Mythorp, 331
- Nadder, river, 243
- Nælesbroc, stream, 169
- Nailbourn, stream, 169
- Nailsea, 169
- Nailsworth, 169
- Nettley, 205
- Nevill Hall, 316
- Newington Barrow, 251
- Normanebi, 302
- Normanecross, hundred, 174
- Normandy, 260
- Normaneston, 302
- Normanton, 5, 228, 302
- Northiam, 208
- Nottingham, 337
- Ock, river, 268, 274
- Ockementone, 6
- Ockemere, 272
- Offa’s Dyke, 384, 389
- Oke, stream, 273, 274
- Old Wennington, 319
- Ombersley, 386
- Ongar, 281
- Ore, 227
- Oseney, river, 269
- Osgodby, 138
- Osgodtorp, 349
- Osgotbi, 138
- Osgotebi, 302
- Osgotecrosse, 138
- Osgotesbi, 302
- Osmenton, 6, 138
- Oswaldbeck, 347 et seq.
- Oswestry, 389
- Overthorp, 340
- Oxford, 269 et seq.
- Pakenham, 289
- Peckham Rye, 256
- Pen Anglas, 377
- Penzance, 364
- Petersham, 256
- Pewit Island, 280
- Pickering, 313 et seq.
- Pignocshire, 370
- Pilstye, 205
- Pirbright, 152, 259
- Piriun, 241
- Poninges, hundred, 207
- Portland, 227
- Portlock, 357
- Pourtone, 235
- Puckstye, 205
- Purbeck, 227
- Pyrgean, 241
- Quendon, 281
- Quenfele, 132
- Quenhull, 132
- Quenildewang, 365
- Quiningburgh, 132
- Quénintune, 131, 382
- Quenton, 131
- Quinton, 131, 381
- Radelau, hundred, 376
- Radnor, 376
- Radwinter, 281
- Ramsbury, 228
- Ramshope, 332
- Ravensthorp, 340
- Rayne Magna, 282
- Reigate, 205, 258
- Ribble, river, 331
- Richmond, 256, 313, 317
- Ringmer, 151, 200
- Ringstede, 227, 235
- Ringwood, 219, 228
- Risberga, 143
- Rockbeer, 365
- Rodinges, hundred, 174
- Rollendri, 382
- Rollestone, 228
- Rollright, 382
- Romney Marsh, 192
- Roothings, 282
- Ross, 376
- Rossendale, 7, 329
- Rotherfield, 203
- Rothley, soke of, 160, 336, 347
- Ruan, 364
- Ruanbergh, 88, 234
- Ruenhala, 88
- Ruenhale, 88, 283
- Ruenore, 88
- Ruganbeorh, 88, 355
- Rugan dic, 88
- Rugarthorp, 88
- Rugebeorge, 88
- Rugehala, 88
- Rugelei, 88
- Rugenore, 143
- Rughe’berg, 234, 240
- Rugutune, 88
- Rutland, 347
- Ruuenhaia, 283
- Ruwanbeorg, 88, 234
- Ruwanbeorge, 88
- Ruwangoringa, 88
- Rye, 143, 197
- St. Agnes, 364
- St. Stephens, 153
- Salecome, 204
- Salehurst, 204
- Salemanesberie, 6, 142, 174, 382
- Salemanneburn, 204
- Salhert, 204
- Salthorpe, 228
- Sanagar, 371
- Sandwich, 102, 186
- Sarr, 44
- Sasingha, 199, 201
- Sassebi, 302
- Sastorp, 283
- Saul, 371
- Sawbridgeworth, 14
- Saxalinghaham, 283
- Saxebi, 302, 304, 349
- Saxham, 283, 290
- Saxmondeham, 283
- Saxteda, 283
- Scachetorp, 302, 304
- Scadena, 288
- Scadenafella, 288
- Scale, 203
- Scandeburn, 228
- Scantone, 302
- Scantune, 302
- Scilly Isles, 364
- Scir-mere, 370
- Sclostre, 382
- Scotona, 330
- Scotone, 330
- Sedlecombe, 201
- Sem, river, 234
- Semaer, 330
- Semeleah, 234
- Semer, 330
- Semers, 330
- Semlintun, 200
- Sevenhangar, 371
- Sevensdale, 326
- Sexebi, 19
- Sextone, 19
- Shaftesbury, 102, 228
- Shapwick, 227
- Shene, 256
- Shepperton, 263
- Sherborne, 178
- Shirehampton, 370
- Shottington, 195
- Sibbertoft, 171
- Sibbeslea, 171
- Sibbestapele, 171
- Sibbeswey, 171
- Siberton, 170
- Sibestun, 171
- Sibley Headingham, 171
- Siblingchryst, 171
- Sibsey, 171
- Sibthorp, 171
- Sibton, 289
- Sibton Sheales, 171
- Sidenore, 204
- Sipson, 171
- Slaughter, 382
- Soanberge, 201
- Seller’s Hope, 376
- Somerton, 286
- Sonning, 173, 267
- South Berstead, 289
- Southrop, 382
- Southwell, 349
- Staines, 263
- Stamford, 102, 337, 371, 374
- Stanestaple, 9
- Stanmer, 151, 200
- Staninges, hundred, 174, 207
- Stapeley Row, 9
- Staple Ash, 9
- Staple Cross, 9
- Stapleford, 9
- Stapler’s Down, 9
- Stapole Thorn, 9
- Steep Holme, 356
- Stenning, 203
- Sterborough, 206
- Stepney, 251
- Stour, river, 28, 231
- Streatham, 256
- Stubbington, 88
- Stur, river, 231
- Suanebi, 330
- Suanescamp, 140
- Suauitone, 302
- Suenesat, 330
- Suevesbi, 349
- Suinhamstede, 302
- Suinhastede, 302
- Suinhope, 302
- Sunbury, 263
- Sunninga-wyl-broc, 267
- Sunningdale, 267
- Sunninghill, 267
- Surrenden, 4
- Suthereye, 258
- Svavetone, 302
- Svavintone, 302
- Swæfes heale, 267
- Swaffham, 287
- Swanage, 227
- Swanborough, 201, 203
- Swanburne, river, 230
- Swanesig, 140
- Swanetun, 140
- Swindun, 227
- Swithræding-den, 4
- Swonleah, 140
- Syselond, 287
- Tadilsthorpe, hundred, 382
- Tangemere, 200
- Taplow, 266
- Tarent, 234
- Taunton Dean, 353 et seq.
- Tedestrop, 382
- Teme, river, 384
- Tempsiter, 384
- Theele, 345
- Thoresby, 305
- Thorney, 203
- Thornlau, hundred, 376
- Thorpe, 340
- Thorpe-le-Soken, 279
- Thruxton, 219
- Tollesbi, 327
- Tony Walthamstow, 289
- Totenore, 204
- Totnes, 360
- Tottenham, 256, 263
- Trent, Dorset, 234
- Trent, river, 304, 339
- Tye Farm, 205
- Tye Hill, 205
- Tyes, 205
- Tyes Cross, 205
- Tynemouth, 312
- Udimer, 151, 200
- Ulfcote, 228
- Ulpha, 315
- Ulpha-in-Cartmel, 315
- Up Husbond, 220
- Urchfont, 240
- Uriconium, 385
- Vauxhall, 256
- Vedringmuth, 142
- Venningore, 204
- Vindogladia, 87
- Vindomis, 87
- Wændlescumb, 98, 264
- Walecheria, 390
- Walementone, 6
- Walesbi, hundred, 300
- Waletone, 259
- Wallington, 259
- Wallop, 219
- Walton in Gordano, 356
- Walton-on-the-Naze, 279
- Walworth, 256
- Wandelmestrei, 174
- Wandene, 115, 343
- Wandesford, 319
- Wandlebury, 287
- Wandsworth, 15, 256, 260
- Wansdyke, 241
- Wansford, 287
- Wanstead, 282
- Wantage, 274
- Waran, river, 328
- Wareham, 227, 228
- Wareneberie, 388
- Waringford, 318
- Waringwang, 304, 365
- Warkworth, 340
- Watchet, 357
- Wealabroc, 105, 389
- Wedering, 198
- Wederingsete, 142
- Wederlai, 174, 290
- Wedrebi, 330
- Wedreriga, 361
- Welesmere, hundred, 197
- Wellingaham, 288
- Wellingborough, 287
- Wells, 242
- Welsh Bicknor, 390
- Welsh Hampton, 390
- Welsh Newton, 390
- Wendel Hill, 291, 319
- Wendelmestrei, 197
- Wendens, 282
- Wendena’, 282
- Wendesbery, 319
- Wendeslaghe, 319
- Wendeslowe, 319
- Wendlebury, 264, 291
- Wendlesbiri, 98
- Wendlesbury, 105
- Wendlescliff, 98
- Wendlesore, 98, 264
- Wendleswurthe, 260, 264
- Wendling, 286
- Wendlingborough, 287
- Wendofra, 105
- Wendover, 105, 343
- Wendovre, 115
- Weneslai, 115, 174, 343
- Wenesteda, 282
- Weninchou, 282
- Wenlinga, 287
- Wenriga, 116, 344
- Wenrige, 344
- Wensistreu, 174, 282
- Wenslawe, 319
- Wensley, 319
- Wensleydale, 319, 330
- Wensum, river, 287
- Wereingeurda, 361
- Weringehorda, 361
- Wermlau, hundred, 376
- West Holm, 227
- Weston in Gordano, 356
- West Thorp, 228
- West Wycombe, 152
- Wey, 235
- Whalley, 317
- Wheelside, 332
- Whiteside, 332
- Whitwell, 331
- Wicham, 266
- Wichampton, 227
- Wick, 135
- Wicken, 282, 340
- Wickenford, 382
- Wickhope, 332
- Wigmore, 376
- Wikes, 289
- Wilaveston, 287
- Wilburge gemæro, 92
- Wilburgeham, 92
- Wilburge mere, 92
- Wilburgewel, 92
- Wiley, river, 230, 243
- Wilga, hundred, 174, 344
- Wilgesbi, 287
- Wilingeham, 303
- Wilinghā, 287
- Willa byg, 92
- Willanesham, 92
- Williamstrop, 382
- Willingham, hundred, 197
- Willite, stream, 355
- Wilmanford, 92
- Wilmanleahtun, 92
- Wilsthorp, 287
- Wilte Scira, 239
- Wilton, 238, 355
- Wiltune, 327
- Winchester, 241, 277
- Windelhā, 229, 231
- Windestorte, 231
- Windelshor’, hundred, 229
- Windærlæh mæd, 229
- Windlesore, 229
- Windleton, 319
- Windrede-dic, 229
- Windregledy, 229
- Windresorie, 229, 231
- Windryth-dic, 229
- Windsor, 98, 105, 229, 264
- Winfrode, 231
- Wingleton, 195
- Winklebury, 244
- Winlande, 231
- Winslow, 343
- Winston, 219
- Winterborne, stream, 226, 231, 233
- Winterborne Basset, 228
- Winterburge, 229
- Winterburge geat, 231
- Winterhead, 229
- Winterset, 229, 232, 318
- Winterslow, 235
- Winterstoke, 229, 356
- Winterton, 286, 305
- Wintreshleaw, 235
- Wintret, 229
- Wintretuna, 286
- Wintringa-tun, 231, 304
- Wintringehā, 303
Wintringham, 229, 287
Wintrington, 229, 231
Wintrinton, 229
Wintrintone, 303
Wirral, district, 388
Withern, 304
Witherston, 227
Withyham, 208
Wittenham, 273
Wittering, 198
Wivenhoe, 389
Wixhoe, 281
Wochinges, hundred, 174
Wodnesdic, 241
Woodford, 289
Woolhope, 376
Wormington, 382
Wormsley, 376
Worplesdon, 152, 259
Wrabness, 289
Wrekin, 386
Wrockwardine, 386
Wroth-tye, 205
Wroxeter, 385
Wycombe, 266
Wynter-worda, 288
Wynt’ingham, 318
Wytingley Forest, 220
Wyttenham, 327
Yarm, 324
Yasor, 376
Yate, 370
Yeading, 262
Yoxford, 289
Ytene, district, 214