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Scientific Works published by Longmans, Green, & Co.

PHYSICS, ETC.Continued.

MACLEAN.—EXERCISES IN NATURAL PHILOSOPHY.By Magnus Maclean, D.Sc., Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College.Crown 8vo., 4s. 6d.
MEYER.—THE KINETIC THEORY OF GASES.Elementary Treatise, with Mathematical Appendices.By Dr. Oskar Emil Meyer. 8vo., 15s. net.
VAN 'tHOFF.—THE ARRANGEMENT OF ATOMS IN SPACE.By J. H. Van 'tHoff.With a Preface by Johannes Wislicenus, Professor Chemistry at the University of Leipzig; and an Appendix, 'Stereo-chemistry among Inorganic Substances,' by Alfred Werner, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Zürich.Crown 8vo., 6s. 6d.
WATSON.—Works by W. WATSON, F.R.S., D.Sc., Assistant Professor of Physics at the Royal College of Science, London.
ELEMENTARY PRACTICAL PHYSICS: a Laboratory Manual for Use in Organised Science Schools.With 120 Illustrations and 193 Exercises.Crown 8vo., 2s. 6d.
A TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSICS.With 568 Diagrams and Illustrations, and a Collection of Examples and Questions with Answers.Large crown 8vo., 10s. 6d.
WATTS.—AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF SPECTRUM ANALYSIS.By W. Marshall Watts, D.Sc. (Lond.), B.Sc. (Vict.), F.I.C., Senior Physical Science Master in the Giggleswick School.With 135 Illustrations and Coloured Plate.8vo., 10s. 6d. net.
WORTHINGTON.—FIRST COURSE OF PHYSICAL LABORATORY PRACTICE.Containing 264 Experiments.By A. M. Worthington, C.B., F.R.S.With Illustrations.Crown 8vo., 4s. 6d.
WRIGHT.—ELEMENTARY PHYSICS.By Mark R. Wright, M.A., Professor of Normal Education, Durham College of Science.With 242 Illustrations.Crown 8vo., 2s. 6d.


BALL—A CLASS-BOOK OF MECHANICS.By Sir R. S. Ball, LL.D.89 Diagrams.Fcp. 8vo. 1s. 6d.
GOODEVE.—Works by T. M. GOODEVE, M.A., formerly Professor of Mechanics at the Normal School of Science, and the Royal School of Mines.
THE ELEMENTS OF MECHANISM.With 357 Illustrations.Crown 8vo., 6s.
PRINCIPLES OF MECHANICS.With 253 Illustrations and numerous Examples.Crown 8vo., 6s.
A MANUAL OF MECHANICS: an Elementary Text-Book for Students of Applied Mechanics.With 138 Illustrations and Diagrams, and 188 Examples taken from the Science Department Examination Papers, with Answers.Fcp. 8vo., 2s. 6d.
GOODMAN.—MECHANICS APPLIED TO ENGINEERING.By John Goodman, Wh.Sch., M.I.C.E., M.I.M.E., Professor of Engineering in the University of Leeds.With 714 Illustrations and numerous Examples.Crown 8vo., 9s. net.