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Love. Laws of Circumcision, Chapter 3

The Order of Prayers of the Whole Year

It is the custom of the nation to read every day in the morning: After reading the portion "Command" and the Priestly Blessing, this Mishnah is read: These are the things which have no limit: The Corner, and the First Fruits, and the Seeing, and Acts of Kindness, and Study of Torah. These are the things that a man eats their fruits in This World and the Principal remains for him for the World to Come: Respect of father and mother, and Acts of Kindness, and Examination of Prayer, and Visiting the Ill, and Arising of the House of Study, and Bringing in Guests, and Bringing Peace between Man and his Fellow, and Study of Torah corresponds to all of them. Said Rabbi Zeira: The daughters of Israel, they were sringent upon themselves, that even if they see a drop of blood like a mustard seed, they sit upon it seven clean days. It was learned at the house of Elijah: Everyone who studies Halakhoth every day, it is assured to him that he is a man of the World to Come, as it says: His ways are everlasting. Do not read ways, but halakhoth. Said Rabbi Eleazar: Said Rabbi Hanina: Talmidei Chachamim multiply Peace in the world, as it says: And all your children taught by God, etc. A song to David, God, who shall live in Your tent? Who shall rest on Your holy mountain? He who walks uprightly and works righteousness. A man should always be fearful of Heaven in the concealed, and admit to the truth, and speak truth in his heart, and should arise and say: Master of the Worlds, not because of our righteousnesses do we set forth our supplications before You, but because of Your many compassions. What are we? What is our life? What is our kindness? What is our righteousness? What is our power? And what is our might? What shall we say before You, God, our God, Aren't all the mighty men like nothing before You? And the men of renown, like they weren't? And wise, like without knowledge? And understanding, like without wisdom? For all of our acts are unformed and void, and the days of our life are vanity before You, like it is written in Your holy Words: and the preeminence of man, etc. But we, Your nation, the sons of Your covenant, the sons of Abraham Your lover, that You swore to him on Mount Moriah, the seed of Isaac Your only one, who was tied unto Your altar, the congregation of Jacob Your son, Your firstborn, that from Your love that You loved him, and from Your joy that You rejoiced in him, You named him Israel and Jeshurun. Therefore, we are obligated to thank You, and to praise You, and to glorify You, and to give praise and thanks to Your Name, and we are obligated to recite before You every day; evening and morning: Hear Israel, God our God, God Is One. Fortunate we are; how good is our portion; how sweet is our lot; how nice is our inheritance. Fortunate we are that we arise early and stay up late every day constantly evening and morning and say: Hear Israel, God our God, God Is One. You Are He before the world was created; You Are He after the world was created. You Are He in This World; and You Are He in the World to Come. You Are First; and You Are Last. Sanctify Your Big and Holy Name in Your world; and with Your Help our horn should be raised and lifted. Blessed is He Who Sanctifies His Name in public. You Are God, our God, in the heavens above and on the earth below and in the upper heavens of the heavens. You Are First and You Are Last; and there is no god other than You. Gather those who hope for You from the four corners of the earth. Let all who come in the world recognize and know that You Alone Are The God for all kingdoms of the earth. You Made the heavens and the earth. And who in all the work of Your Hands, in the higher ones or in the lower ones, who should tell You what You Should Do. Our Father In the Heavens, Do with us like You Promised us through the hands of Your seer: At that time I Will Bring you and at the time I Gather you, for I Will Make you to be a name and a praise among all nations of the earth, when I Return your captivities before your eyes, Said God. And it says: You Are He, God, You Alone; You Made the heavens, the heavens of the heavens, and all their army, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them; and You Preserve them all; and the army of the heavens bow to You. You Are He, God, The Lord, Who Chose Abram; and You Brought him out of Ur of the Chaldees; and You Gave him the name Abraham. You Are He; and Your Years will have no end. God Reigns. God Reigned. God Shall Reign forever and ever. God Reigns etc., until: Blessed Is God forever; Amen and Amen. The first blessing that is recited before the verses of the songs, this is its text: Blessed Is He Who Said, and the world was. Blessed Is He. Blessed Is He Who Says and Does. Blessed Is He Who Decrees and Fulfils. Blessed Is He Who Is Compassionate on the earth. Blessed Is He Who Is Compassionate on the creatures. Blessed Is He Who Takes away darkness and brings light. Blessed Is He Who Pays a good reward to them that fear Him. Blessed Are You that no evil, no forgetfulness, and no falsehood, and no deception, no partiality-showing, and no bribe-taking exist before You. Blessed Is God Who Lives forever and Exists for eternity. Blessed Are You, God, our God, King of the world, The God Who Is praised by the mouth of His nation, lauded and glorified by the tongue of all His pious ones and His servants and by the songs of David, Your servant, Your anointed, we shall praise You, God, our God, with praises and with songs, we shall thank You and laud You and glorify You and mention Your Name, our King, our God, Only One, Life of the worlds, His Name is lauded and glorified until forever. Blessed Are You, God, King Who Is lauded with praises. And the following verses are read: The Glory of God Shall Be forever; God Shall Rejoice in His works, etc. Praised, etc., until the end of Psalms. And afterwards, the following verses are read: Blessed Is God forever; Amen and Amen. God Shall Reign forever; Amen and Amen. And David blessed God before the eyes of all the congregation and David said: Blessed Are You, God, the God of Israel, etc. The final blessing of after the verses of the songs, this is its text: Your Name Shall Be praised forever, our King, The God, The Big and Holy King, in the heavens and on the earth; because for You it is nice, God, our God and the God of our fathers, etc., and the Song is read until its end according to the custom of the place. On Sabbath, it is the custom of the whole nation to add before this blessing, this text: The soul of all living shall bless Your Name, God, our God, and the spirit of all flesh shall glorify and exalt Your Remembrance, our King, constantly, from generation to generation, and from always, and until always, You Are God; and there is no god other than You, and we have no king, deliverer and helper, redeemer and rescuer in every time of tragedy and distress only You Provider and Compassionate one; God of all creatures; Master of the children; Who Is lauded with praises; Who Leads His world with Benevolence and his creatures with much Compassion; True God; will not nap and will not sleep; Who Rouses the sleeping and Awakens the slumbering; Upholds the fallen and Heals the sick and Unbinds the prisoned ; and to You we thank. And if our mouth would be full of singing as the sea, and our tongues with joy as its crowd of waves, and our lips with praise as the spaces of heaven, and our eyes would light up as the sun and as the moon, and our hands would be stretched out as the vultures of the sky, and our legs would be light as hinds, we would not suffice to thank You, God, our God and the God of our fathers, and to bless Your Name on one of thousand thousands of thousands