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Page:שולחן ערוך אורח חיים חלק שני.pdf/7

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Orach Chaim 243 Laws of Sabbath

243: The Law of One Who Rents a Field and Bathhouse to a Heathen.

1 A person shouldn't rent out his bath house to a heathen because it is known to be his and this heathen does work with it on Shabbat; for the average bath house isn't rented out according to a percentage [meaning the worker takes a percentage of the profits of his employer], and they will say that all of the profit goes to the Jew and daily wages go to the heathen, and as a result the heathen is doing work as an agent of the Jew. But regarding a field, it is allowed, since it's common to rent out a field according to a percentage, and even though they know that it belongs to the Jew, they say the heathen is working according to a percentage