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Phrabat Somdet Phra Paramin Maha Prajadhipok Phra Pokklao Chaoyuhua gives a great royal command by which He declares to all an order as follows:

Whereas He has considered and found it appropriate to compile and amend the laws on protection of literary works and to extend the protection to artistic works also;

Therefore, He grants with His gracious pleasure the enactment of an Act containing the following provisions:

Section1.This Act shall be called the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works Act, 2474 Buddhist Era.

Section2.Subject to section 31 of this Act, this Act shall come into force from the day of its publication in the Royal Gazette onwards.

Section3.The Author’s Rights Act, 120 RE and the Act Amending the Author’s Rights Act, 2457 BE shall be repealed.