Page:กม ร ๘ - ๒๔๗๘ fixed.pdf/1300

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Section1550.A child who has attained majority shall be able to confirm the administration of his or her own property only upon having accepted the delivery of the property, inventory, and documents according to the provisions of section 1549.

Section1551.An action between a child and the person exercising the parental power which relates to the administration of property shall not be instituted upon the passage of one year from the time of the end of the parental power.

If the parental power ends when the child is still a minor, the limitation under the provision of the previous paragraph shall start to be counted from the time the child attains majority or has a new legal representative.

Section1552.If the person exercising the parental power becomes incompetent or quasi-incompetent because of a court order, or wrongfully exercises the parental power in relation to the person of the child, or commits serious misconduct, a court may, either on its own motion or at the request of a relative of the minor or a public prosecutor, deprives him or her of the parental power in part or in whole.

If the person exercising the parental power becomes bankrupt or administers property of the child in a wrongful manner to the extent likely to cause harm, the court may give an order according to the procedure under paragraph 1 for depriving him or her of the power to administer property.