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Volume 93, Issue 134
Special Edition, Page 48
Royal Gazette

21 October 2519

Section134.Whoever defames, insults, or expresses ill will towards a representative of a foreign state accredited to the royal court shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to five years, or a fine from one thousand baht to ten thousand baht, or both the imprisonment and the fine.

Section135.Whoever commits any act against a flag or any other symbol that signifies a foreign state which has friendly relations [with Thailand], in order to desecrate such state, shall be punished with imprisonment not over two years, or a fine not over four thousand baht, or both the imprisonment and the fine.

Section136.Whoever insults an officer who is executing a duty or because he has executed a duty shall be punished with imprisonment not over one year, or a fine not over two thousand baht, or both the imprisonment and the fine."

Article4.The stipulations of section 138 of the Penal Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following stipulations:

"Section138.Whoever resists or obstructs an officer or person required by the law to help an officer in the performance of a duty, shall be punished with imprisonment not over one year, or a fine not over two thousand baht, or both the imprisonment and the fine.