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Volume 123, Number 95A
Page 17
Royal Gazette

20 September 2549

Order of the Council for Democratic Reform
No 3/2549
Re: Delegating the power to maintain order within the territories of the Army Areas

In order for the overseeing and maintenance of order within the territories of the Army Areas to proceed in a smooth manner, [the Council for Democratic Reform] hereby appoints the Commanders of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Army Areas as the directors of the maintenance of order within the territories of their respective Army Areas, having the power of repression, suppression, or maintenance of order within the territories of their respective Army Areas; and orders the civil officials to follow instructions given by the Commander of their Army Area, the avoidance or violation of which by anyone will be punished severely; and orders the governors of all provinces, the chiefs of the state enterprise agencies and other state agencies, as well as the presidents of state universities and higher education institutions in each Army Area, to report themselves to the Commander of their Army Area at the Headquarters of each Army Area on the 20th day of September 2549 Buddhist Era, at 09:00 hours, except in the territories of Bangkok and its vicinity, in which [the relevant persons] shall report themselves to the Chief of the Council for Democratic Reform as previously instructed.

Ordered on the the 20th day of September 2549 Buddhist Era
General Sonthi Boonyaratglin
Chief of the Council for Democratic Reform