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Volume 76, Number 17
Special Edition, Page 4
Royal Gazette

28 January 2502

Section7.The Constitution Drafting Assembly is composed of two hundred and forty Members who are appointed by the Monarch.

In the event that a membership becomes vacant, [the Monarch] will appoint a replacement for such vacancy.

Section8.The Monarch appoints [from amongst] the Members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly one as President of the Assembly [and] one or several as Vice Presidents of the Assembly, according to a resolution of the Assembly.

Section9.Subject to sections 10 and 11, the Constitution Drafting Assembly has the power to enact its rules of meetings and deliberations, which relate to the introduction of bills, the introduction of motions, the conduct of meetings, the conduct of discussions, and other affairs in the implementation of its powers and duties.

Section10.Once the Constitution Drafting Assembly has finished drafting a constitution, the Constitution Drafting Assembly shall meet as a National Assembly to consider whether or not such draft constitution should be presented to the Monarch for His signature promulgating it. At the said deliberative meetings, the Assembly cannot amend the draft constitution in any manner.