Page:ประกาศของคณะปฏิวัติ ๑๑ (๒๕๑๔-๑๑-๒๑).pdf/11

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Volume 88, Issue 127
Special Edition, Page 11
Royal Gazette

21 November 2514

imprisonment from two years to seven years and a fine from four thousand baht to fourteen thousand baht.

If the offence under paragraph 2 is committed against a girl aged not over thirteen years still, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment from two years to ten years and a fine from four thousand baht to twenty thousand baht.

Whoever, in order to fulfil the desire of another person, receives the girl or woman who has been procured, lured away, or led away according to paragraph 1, paragraph 2, or paragraph 3, or aids in the commission of the said offence, shall be punished as prescribed in paragraph 1, paragraph 2, or paragraph 3, as the case may be.

Section284.Whoever carries a woman away for an indecent purpose by exercising a deceitful trick, threat, forcible violence, undue influence, or any other means of coercion, shall be punished with imprisonment from one year to seven years and a fine from two thousand baht to fourteen thousand baht.

Whoever hides the woman carried away according to paragraph 1 shall be punished in the same manner as the carrier.

The offences under this section are compoundable.