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Volume 88, Issue 127
Special Edition, Page 14
Royal Gazette

21 November 2514

causes the victim to undergo physical or mental harm, the offender shall be punished with life imprisonment.

If the commission of such offence causes the person taken away, restrained, or confined to die, the offender shall be punished with death."

Article12.The stipulations of section 317, section 318, and section 319 of the Penal Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following stipulations:

"Section317.Whoever, without appropriate cause, separates a child aged not over thirteen years still from the father, mother, guardian, or carer, shall be punished with imprisonment from one year to fifteen years and a fine from two thousand baht to twenty thousand baht.

Whoever dishonestly buys, disposes of, or receives a child separated in accordance with the stipulations of paragraph 1, shall be punished in the same manner as the separator.

If [either] offence under this section is committed for seeking profit or for an indecent purpose, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment from two years to twelve years and a fine from four thousand baht to twenty-four thousand baht.

Section318.Whoever separates a minor aged above thirteen years but still not over eighteen years from the father, mother, guardian, or carer