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Volume 88, Issue 127
Special Edition, Page 7
Royal Gazette

21 November 2514

If the offence under paragraph 1 is committed against the girl through a joint action characteristic of gang rape and without the consent of the girl, or is committed whilst having or by using a firearm or explosive, it shall be punished with life imprisonment or imprisonment from fifteen years to twenty years."

Article8.The following stipulations shall be inserted in the Penal Code as section 227bis and section 277ter:

"Section277bis.If the commission of the offence under section 276, paragraph 1, or section 277, paragraph 1, causes the victim—

(1)to undergo serious harm, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment from ten years to twenty years and a fine from twenty thousand baht to forty thousand baht;

(2)to die, the offender shall be punished with death or life imprisonment.

Section277ter.If the commission of the offence under section 276, paragraph 2, or section 277, paragraph 2, causes the victim—

(1)to undergo serious harm, the offender shall be punished with life imprisonment;