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Dated 1 January 2484
Royal Gazette
Volume 58, Page 33

has become operative since the 17th day of December 2483 Buddhist Era, which means that the State has already used the first day of January as the New Year's Day;

Therefore, [His Majesty hereby] issues with His pleasure a great royal command instructing senior and junior members of the royal household, [members of] the clergy, and all of [His] subjects to favour and observe the first day of January as the New Year's Day so that it become national customary practice from this time onwards. And may the new year which [shall] begin on this 1st day of January 2484 Buddhist Era be the dawn of [all] lives, [may it] bring the Thai Nation to prosperity and [enable Her to] advance to enormous success, [and may it] lead all [His Majesty's] subjects to general comfort and content, in very deed!

Announced on the 24th day of December 2483 Buddhist Era [1940], being the 7th year of the present reign.

Prime Minister
  1. The signature of Field Marshal Plaek Phibunsongkhram (1897–1964 CE).