Page:ประกาศ คปค.djvu/13

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Volume 123, Number 98A
Page 2
Royal Gazette

24 September 2549

Announcement of the Council for Democratic Reform
No 13
Re: Some organic act to be retained in force

In order to enable the proceedings concerning elections of local councillors and local administrators to be held in a fair and just manner and to go on without interruption, the Council for Democratic Reform hereby announces as follows:

Article1.The Organic Act on Election Commission, 2541 BE shall continue to be in force.

Article2.The Election Commission shall have the power and duty to control and organise elections of local councillors and local executives in a fair and just manner.

Article3.The Election Commission shall have the power and duty to announce reduction or extension of time periods or designate procedures concerning elections as provided by the Elections of Local Councillors or Local Administrators Act, 2545 BE, in order to suit them to the elections which are pending proceedings or are required to be proceeded with until finished.

Article4.The Election Commission shall be composed of—

(1) Nai Apichart Sukhagganond President;
(2) Nai Praphan Naikowit Member;
(3) Nang Sodsri Sattayatham Member;
(4) Nai Somchai Juengprasert Member;
(5) Nai Sumet Uppanisakorn Member.

This Announcement shall take effect until otherwise announced.

Announced on the 20th day of September 2549 Buddhist Era
General Sonthi Boonyaratglin
Chief of the Council for Democratic Reform