Page:ประชุมพงศาวดาร (ภาค ๔๕.๒) - ๒๔๗๐.pdf/29

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replied that Queen Victoria would be pleased to send a man-of-war to fetch the Siamese envoys and would receive them in a manner in every way fitting to the dignity of the King of Siam. Therefore in 1857, P'ya Montri Suriyawong was appointed chief envoy, with Cha Mün Sanp'et P'akdi and Cha Mün Mont'ien P'it'ak as second and third envoys, and was sent to England with a royal letter and gifts to arrange a treaty. As regards France, at that time Napoleon III was at war, and it was necessary to wait three years more, till 1860, before a Siamese embassy was sent, which comprised P'ya Sri P'ip'at, Chao Mün Vaivaranat, and P'ra Narong Vijit.