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Issue 56, Volume 64
Special Edition, Page 2
Royal Gazette

22 November 2490

Whereas a party of military officers has successfully carried out a coup d'état and has now enacted the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim) dated 9 November 2490 Buddhist Era; and whereas there might be some groups or bands of persons offering obstruction to the implementation of such Constitution, thus making it appropriate to have a law for the protection of peace in order to enable the implementation of the Constitution;

And whereas it is an event of emergency in which it is urgently necessary to maintain public safety and it is unable to convene the National Assembly timely;

Therefore, by virtue of the power under the stipulations of section 80 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim) dated 9 November 2490 Buddhist Era, the Monarch gives a great royal command that the following Emergency Decree be enacted:

Section1.This Emergency Decree is called the "Emergency Decree for the Protection of Peace in Order to Enable the Implementation of the (Interim) Constitution