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Issue 56, Volume 64
Special Edition, Page 4
Royal Gazette

22 November 2490

for a period not over seven days, upon expiry of which shall they be ordered to be released or committed to inquiry officials to be proceeded with in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code;

(2)to seize from any persons firearms, ammunition, explosives, warring devices, military and police uniforms, and other things which may be utilised to obstruct the implementation of the present Constitution, when there are reasonable grounds to suspect that they would obstruct the implementation of the present Constitution;

(3)to inspect and search any buildings and places for implementing subsection 1 and subsection 2 and for investigating about or seeking out the evidence relating to acts of obstructing the implementation of the present Constitution;

(4)to order the possessors of the objects specified in subsection 2 to bring those objects before and surrender them to the competent authorities who are to be appointed for this purpose, when there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the said objects would be used to obstruct the implementation of the present Constitution;