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Volume 124, Number 6A
Page 2
Royal Gazette

19 January 2550

Section1.This Royal Decree is called the Royal Decree on Positional Allowances and Other Remunerative Benefits for the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the National Legislative Assembly and Constitution Drafting Assembly, Holders of Positions in the Council for National Security, Members of the National Legislative Assembly, Members of the Constitution Drafting Committee, Members of Legislative Committees, and Holders of Positions in the Constitutional Tribunal, 2550 BE.

Section2.This Royal Decree shall come into force from the 1st day of October 2549 BE[1] onwards.

Section3.The President and Vice Presidents of the National Legislative Assembly, Members of the National Legislative Assembly, President and Vice Presidents of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, and Members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly shall receive positional allowances and extra allowances on a monthly basis according to the Schedule of the Rate of Positional Allowances and Extra Allowances at the end of this Royal Decree from the day of issuance of the royal command appointing them to their positions.

The President and Vice Presidents of the Council for National Security, Members of the Council for National Security, President and Vice Presidents of the Constitutional Tribunal, and Members of the Constitutional Tribunal shall receive positional allowances and extra allowances on a monthly basis according to the Schedule of the Rate of Positional Allowances and Extra Allowances at the end of this Royal Decree from the day of taking office.

Upon receipt of the said positional allowances and extra allowances for their positions, the President and Vice Presidents of the National Legislative Assembly, President and Vice Presidents of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, and President and Vice Presidents of the Council for National Security can no longer receive the positional allowances and extra allowances for the positions of Members of the National Legislative Assembly, Members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, Members of the Council for National Security, or Members of the Constitutional Tribunal, as the case may be.

Section4.Members of the Constitution Drafting Committee who do not hold any position under section 3 shall receive remuneration for their service on a monthly basis at the rate equivalent to the positional allowance plus the extra allowance of a Member of the Constitution Drafting Assembly.

Section5.Members of the Constitution Drafting Committee, members of the committees of the National Legislative Assembly, and members of the committees of the Constitution Drafting Assembly shall receive meeting allowance at the rate of one thousand baht per attendance only for the meetings they attend.

  1. 2006 CE. (Wikisource contributor note)