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Volume 124, Number 6A
Page 4
Royal Gazette

19 January 2550

The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply to committee members who are Members of the National Legislative Assembly or Constitution Drafting Assembly.

Section9.The President and Vice Presidents of the National Legislative Assembly, President and Vice Presidents of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, holders of positions in the Council for National Security, Members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, Members of the Constitution Drafting Committee, members of the committees of the National Legislative Assembly, members of the committees of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, and holders of positions in the Constitutional Tribunal shall receive reimbursement of the expenses incurred in travelling to perform their duties and the royal decrees on official travel expenses shall apply mutatis mutandis, in respect of which they shall receive reimbursement at the same rate as that for public servants holding 11th level positions.

As for official travels to foreign countries, the President of the National Legislative Assembly, President of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, President of the Council for National Security, and President of the Constitutional Tribunal shall have the right to receive reimbursement of expenses at the same rate as that for the Prime Minister; the Vice President of the National Legislative Assembly, Vice President of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, Vice President of the Council for National Security, and Vice President of the Constitutional Tribunal shall have the right to receive reimbursement of expenses at the same rate as that for a Deputy Prime Minister; whilst Members of the National Legislative Assembly, Members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, Members of the Council for National Security, Members of the Constitution Drafting Committee, members of the committees of the National Legislative Assembly, members of the committees of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, and Members of the Constitutional Tribunal shall have the right to receive reimbursement of expenses at the same rate as that for public servants holding 11th level positions.

Section10.The Secretariat General of the Senate shall furnish the President, Vice Presidents, and Members of the National Legislative Assembly with railroad, bus, and airplane passes for them to use in travelling to perform their duties outside the province where the National Legislative Assembly meets.

The Secretariat General of the House of People’s Representatives shall furnish the President, Vice Presidents, and Members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly and Members of the Constitution Drafting Committee with railroad, bus, and airplane passes for them to use in travelling to perform their duties outside the province where the Constitution Drafting Assembly or Committee meets.

Upon having been furnished with a pass according to this section, the President and Vice Presidents of the National Legislative Assembly, President and Vice Presidents of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, Members of the National Legislative Assembly, Members of the Constitution Drafting