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Volume 79, Special Issue
Special Edition, Page 6
Royal Gazette

23 November 2505

Section1.This Act is called the "Personal Names Act, 2505 BE".

Section2.This Act shall come into force from the day following the day of its publication in the Royal Gazette onwards.

Section3.Repealed shall be—

(1)Designation of Family Names Act, 2456 Buddhist Era;

(2)Additional Royal Ordinance on Designation of Family Names, 2465 Buddhist Era;

(3)Designation of Family Names Act (No. 2), 2481 Buddhist Era;

(4)Personal Names Act, 2484 Buddhist Era.

All provisions of other laws, statutes, and rules which have already been incorporated into this Act or which are contrary or repugnant to the provisions of this Act shall be repealed by this Act.

Section4.In this Act—

"given name" means the name which identifies a person;

"secondary name" means a supplementary name next to the given name;

"family name" means the name which identifies a family;