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Volume 118, Issue 104A
Page 4
Royal Gazette

12 November 2544

Section16.A fellow is an associate fellow appointed as a fellow in any field of knowledge which is subject to the duties of the Royal Institute by His Gracious Majesty upon the submission made to Him by the Prime Minister in accordance with the advice of the Council of the Royal Institute.

Section17.Designation of the number of the fellows that can be in each academy, establishment of new fellowships, filling of vacant fellowships, as well as selection of associate fellows for new or vacant fellowships, shall be in accordance with the criteria and procedure designated in the rules of the Council of the Royal Institute.

Section18.An honorary fellow is a distinguished person with recognised reputation and credit in any field of knowledge which is subject to the duties of the Royal Institute and having cooperated in academic works which are beneficial to the activities of the Royal Institute, who is appointed as an honorary fellow by His Gracious Majesty upon the submission made to Him by the Prime Minister in accordance with the advice of the Council of the Royal Institute.

Section19.Members of the Royal Institute shall have the following rights and benefits:

(1)associate fellows

(a)receiving financial supports according to the regulations of the Royal Institute;

(b)wearing badges according to the regulations of the Council of the Royal Institute;

(c)attending, and expressing opinions or engaging in debates at, meetings of academies or meetings of the Council of the Royal Institute, but having no right to vote;


(a)receiving financial supports according to the regulations of the Royal Institute;

(b)wearing badges according to the regulations of the Council of the Royal Institute;

(c)being honoured at royal ceremonies or ceremonies or social gatherings of the public sector as equal to public officials holding director general offices;

(3)honorary fellows

(a)wearing badges according to the regulations of the Council of the Royal Institute;

(b)being honoured at royal ceremonies or ceremonies or social gatherings of the public sector as equal to public officials holding director general offices;

(c)attending meetings of the Council of the Royal Institute as advisors.